Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1347 Secret Talk

Mi Shiyilang's words were like opening the door to the devil.

Lu Yi suddenly remembered something:

I seem to have a good relationship with Pan Guiren...?

It can even be said that Pan Guiren also accepted a lot of his love.

Not only was Pan Guiren sent to the palace personally, but her sister was also taken care of by him.

Lu Yi knew the two sisters very well.

There are no clansmen to rely on outside.

As a newcomer, Mrs. Pan does not have a deep foundation in the palace - the only thing she relies on is His Majesty's favor.

Under such circumstances, if the seventh prince can really inherit the throne, he will truly be an orphan.

Then the person who helped them from the beginning is naturally the person they trust most.

The only thing to worry about is whether Mrs. Pan is unlucky or not?

With this thought in his mind, a look of fear appeared on his face, and he said:

"Mi Langjun said it simply. I just want to protect myself. How dare I try anything else? How dare I do such a big thing?"

Mi Shiyilang smiled slightly, said nothing, and just raised his cup to drink tea.

He said that it is harmless to humans and animals. I don’t know, but I really thought that your school office was so clean before.

Even the Prime Minister of Wu State was framed by your school affairs office. Do you really think I don't know?

Seeing Mi Shiyilang's appearance, Lu Yi also smiled awkwardly, raised his glass and took a sip of tea to cover up.

Thinking about Mr. Ma who had returned to the Han Kingdom, and then looking at Mi Shiyilang now, Lu Yi couldn't help but sigh:

Young people today are incredible!

Getting along with Mr. Ma feels like spring breeze.

Not only can he help me exchange news with the Han Dynasty, but when giving me advice, he is also gentle and gentle, truly like a gentleman.

This Mr. Mi is different now.

The means of doing things are indeed great, but his actions and words are a bit aggressive.

With this thought in his mind, the smile on Lu Yi's face was as natural as possible and not artificial.

Haha, this young man is very angry, it is understandable, it is understandable...

Unlike Mr. Ma, who had a close relationship with the Xinghan Society, Mi Shiyilang was the serious and serious eleventh brother of the Xinghan Society.

He was even someone personally sent to Dawu by Feng.

The school affairs office and the Xinghan Association seemed to be cooperating, but in fact the Xinghan Association held a dominant position.

The school administration cannot lose the supply channel of Xinghan Hui.

Compared with what Mi Shiyilang said, the reality is actually more cruel.

Even now, His Majesty is still in office, as long as Xinghan will reveal that he wants to re-select partners in Dawu.

Lu Yi believed that someone would jump out impatiently and kneel down to lick the Han Hui.

Even the conditions offered to the other party are probably more generous than the other.

It was precisely because he had mastered the goods channels of Han that Lu Yi understood more how profitable it was.

Based on Lu Yi's understanding of those aristocratic families, for that little personal gain, I'm afraid even Jingzhou can be packaged and sold!

It is precisely because he knows the urine properties of these aristocratic families that Lu Zhongshu can confidently believe:

Rather than hand over the supply channels of Xinghanhui, it is better to let the school affairs office take control. In this case, it can at least enrich the inner government.

If the channels for the Xinghan Hui really fall into the hands of others, in addition to lining his own pockets, His Majesty may not be able to collect even a tiny bit of tax.

How can those people be as loyal to His Majesty as the Colonel's Office?

Therefore, this channel for promoting the Han Dynasty must not fall into the hands of others.

Otherwise, it would be great disloyalty to His Majesty.

With such thoughts of justice, Lu Yi bid farewell to Mi Shiyilang and returned to the hall of the school affairs office, where he just sat there and pondered.

Taking a unique approach and trying to make the seventh prince the crown prince?

It must be said that for Lu Yi, the suggestion put forward by Mi Shiyilang was extremely tempting.

This is not only a good opportunity for the school government to regain power and control the life and death of the officials.

It is also a good opportunity to protect yourself in the future.

It's just that this idea looks beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Not to mention that the school affairs office is weak, but that in the court today, there are either princelings or King Lu's party.

It is difficult for the school affairs office to make another move!

"Unless you can find someone who can speak to you in court..."

After thinking about it, I thought about the important people in the court, but I couldn't think of anyone who I could win over.

After all, the school affairs office was very bad at what it did back then.

Almost everyone has been offended.

Nowadays, the only person in the inner palace and outer court, and the school affairs office, who can get along well with each other, is Mrs. Pan.


Thinking of this, Lu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

It’s not easy to be His Majesty’s loyal minister!

The idea of ​​just starting up a new trend, supporting the Seventh Prince, regaining power, and seeking to escape unscathed, once it arose, began to grow crazily and could no longer be contained.

As a vicious dog raised by His Majesty, especially after Mi Shiyilang revealed the future that he had never dared to think deeply about.

Lu Yi had to admit that if preparations were not made in advance and the new emperor ascended the throne in the future, the school affairs office would inevitably end up in a state of ruin.

It's just that the two palaces are currently fighting, and the two princes are already surrounded by guests.

And even if the school affairs office is willing to join the school, I am afraid that for the sake of reputation, the two of them will not dare to openly accept the school affairs office easily.

Lu Zhongshu sat there for a long time with a frown on his face, like a sculpture.

Everyone could tell that Lu Zhongshu was probably not in a good mood.

Therefore, most people dare not approach it.

Only Qin Bo, as the most trusted and wise person around Lu Zhongshu, after learning about Lu Zhongshu’s situation, he quickly stepped forward and asked quietly:

"Zhongshu, are you worried?"

Seeing that it was Qin Bo, his confidant, Lu Yi thought for a while, then led him to his duty room and stood back.

He would not rashly bring up the matter of wanting another heir apparent - even if Qin Bo was a close confidant, he would not dare to bring up such a major matter easily that would bring down the Yi clan.

In a half-truth and half-deception, what Lu Yi told Qin Bo was his worries about the future of the school affairs office.

Unexpectedly, when Qin Bo heard this, he raised his palm and looked happy.

Although there was no one around, he still looked around subconsciously, then approached Lu Yi, lowered his voice and said:

"I really dare not hide it from Zhongshu. Ever since His Majesty was seriously ill and bedridden, I was worried about this matter when I left. I didn't expect that Zhongshu would see anything."

Hearing what Qin Bo said, Lu Yi's heart moved and he couldn't help but look at him:

"Do you also think that my concerns are justified?"

"Not only does it make sense, it makes so much sense!"

Qin Bo slapped his thigh and said, "Lu Zhongshu, our school affairs office was established by His Majesty himself, and his job is to offend everyone."

"Your Majesty has seen thousands of miles away, so how can others easily figure out what he is thinking? Especially the ministers in the court, all of them just want to kill us alive."

"As Zhongshu sees it, if one day His Majesty controls Long Bintian, the school affairs office will neither be accepted by those who come after him, nor can it be accommodated by courtiers. In this great Wu, where can we have a foothold? "

Lu Yi asked calmly:

"Then based on what you see, what should we do?"

Qin Bo swallowed a mouthful of saliva and replied in a somewhat hesitant way:

"According to my opinion, Zhongshu's information is extremely accurate. Whether it is the Crown Prince or King Lu, I am afraid that neither of them can accommodate the people in the school..."

If it were normal times, Lu Yi would not think otherwise.

But at this moment, when he heard Qin Bo's words, he suddenly felt something vaguely expected.

Forcibly stabilizing his emotions and trying not to show any strangeness on his face, Lu Yi clicked his tongue and deliberately blamed:

"I'm just asking you if there is anything you can do. I'm not asking you to repeat what I said here."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Qin Bo nodded quickly, "I can't speak clearly when I leave. It's just..."

When he said this, he looked at Lu Yi hesitantly and hesitated to speak.

Lu Yiyi frowned: "Just what? There is no one else here. It comes from your mouth and into my ears. It doesn't matter if you just say it."

Qin Bo whispered:

"What I want to say is a bit bold. I'm afraid I might shock Zhongshu."

Lu Yi sneered and deliberately provoked him with words:

"When Prince Xuan (i.e. Sun Deng) was there, I wanted to change him, and the prime minister (i.e. Gu Yong) who was in charge of the government was not forced by me to be imprisoned?"

"If I didn't have some scruples and didn't want Pan Jun to return to the court to oppose me, I'm afraid Gu Yong wouldn't even be able to secure his position as prime minister."

At this point, he paused for a moment before continuing:

"The school affairs office was established by His Majesty himself, so it only obeys His Majesty's orders. Why should we care about others?"

When Qin Bo heard this, he immediately beamed:

"With Zhongshu's words, I'm going to talk about it freely."

"Didn't I say it? There are only you and me here. What comes out of your mouth and into my ears is whatever you say."

Qin Bo coughed lightly:

"Zhongshu, since no matter who can take the position in the second palace, our school affairs office cannot be accommodated, then let them fight for it."

"Why should we worry about them? As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one of them will be injured. Why don't we take this opportunity to find another way?"

"Don't look for other ways?" Lu Yi repeated Qin Bo's words and glanced at him thoughtfully, "What do you mean..."

Qin Bo came closer and said in a lowered voice:

"Zhongshu also said that our school office is only loyal to His Majesty. However, Your Majesty has more than two sons, the Crown Prince and King Lu..."

"Bold!" Lu Yi slammed the table and shouted angrily, "School Qin, do you know what you are talking about!"


Qin Bo slid down from his seat very smoothly, walked to Lu Yi on his knees, raised his head, with a look of worry on his face:

"Zhongshu, it is precisely because Xiazang knows what he is talking about that I only dare to mention these words in front of Zhongshu!"

"The lives of many school officials, including those in the school affairs office, are all tied to Zhongshu. The current situation has reached a point where Zhongshu has to make a decision."

"The school affairs office will exist or die in the future, right now!"

Qin Boyue said, the more excited he became, he actually shed tears and grabbed Lu Yi's lapel, trying to persuade him.

Lu Yi's expression was still stern, and he seemed not to be moved at all.

After working together for so many years, how could he not know what his subordinates are like?

I heard him ask in a cold voice:

"You can never imagine such things! Who told you these words?"

It's not that he looks down on people like him, but he knows that in terms of planning and vision, the school affairs office is truly unparalleled.

Qin Bo may be a little clever, but he never has such a vision.

Unexpectedly, Qin Bo didn't panic at all when he heard Lu Yi suddenly asked this question. Instead, he suppressed his sorrow and whispered:

"I don't dare to hide it from Zhongshu. In fact, Feng Da Sima mentioned this to me when I met Feng Da Sima when I went to Han Dynasty."

"Feng Da Sima?"

Lu Yi was slightly startled, then relieved.

This answer was both unexpected and expected.

He even suspected that what Mi Shiyilang said to him was also inspired by Feng Dasima.

Just think about it, how long ago was it when Qin Bo went to Han?

At that time, someone Feng could actually tell that Da Wu had the current situation of palace strife?

When Lu Yi thought about this, he felt a slight chill in his heart subconsciously.

Feng is indeed known as a man of foresight.


"Da Sima Feng, why do you say this to you?"

Although Lu Yi's voice was still cold, Qin Bo had followed him for a long time, and he could naturally feel that the person on the seat had loosened up a bit.

He perked up and quickly replied:

"Da Sima You said that the Xinghan Association has a deep cooperation with the school affairs office. If he is implicated because of the dispute between the Great Wu Chaotang and the palace, this is not what he wants to see."

"Furthermore, this matter is not a good thing for both parties, so he specifically mentioned this to Xiabang, just to let him remind Zhongshu to prepare in time."

When Lu Yi heard this, he immediately became angry:

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? You had to hide it until today!"

Qin Bo smiled bitterly:

"Zhongshu, at that time, the crown prince had just been established and King Lu had not moved out of the palace. The palace was peaceful and peaceful. Who would have thought that in just over a year, the situation would become like this?"

"At that time, if the person who said such words had not been Da Sima, I would have only listened to it. If it had been someone else, I would have thought that this person was hysterical and was talking nonsense!"

Lu Yi couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, at that time, who could have imagined that in a short period of time, the palace dispute would become such a life-and-death situation?

Even if he was in it, if Mi Shiyilang hadn't broken through this layer, Lu Yi would have been unable to react at this time.

Seeing that Qin Bo had said everything, Lu Yi pretended to ponder for a while, and then sighed:

"Da Sima Feng has always been known as a man of foresight, and his vision is indeed unique."

In addition, what Mi Shiyilang said today, although it can be said to be a bit aggressive.

But now that I think about it, the cooperation between the School Affairs Office and the Xinghan Association has been very pleasant for so many years. It can even be said that they have great trust and know each other well.

If they had no other choice, why would the Xinghan Association just look for trouble and find another collaborator?

Mi Shiyilang's words, regardless of whether Feng Dasima was behind him or not, showed that Xinghanhui had already prepared for a rainy day.

"Time waits for us!" Lu Yi sighed again, "It's just that the school affairs office and the ministers in the court are at odds with each other, and it's hard to support him alone. How easy is it to support another prince?"

When Qin Bo heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked quickly:

"Could it be that Cheng Zhongshu also has this intention?"

Lu Yi didn't answer and asked:

"In your opinion, if our school office does not support Prince Lu, who should we support?"

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