Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1379 Miracle

On the horizon, the first ray of morning light penetrated the night like a thin thread, and the horizon glowed with a faint golden color.

However, in this dim light, the torches in the military camp burned more vigorously, and the firelight danced, reflecting the resolute faces of the soldiers.

Their faces looked dark and tough under the firelight, and their eyes revealed a firm light, like the Big Dipper in the dark night.

There were even many people with uncontrollable excitement on their faces.

They set off from Pingcheng in thirty-nine days and waited outside the Great Wall for such a long time. Finally, it was time for the horn to sound.


The trumpet sounded, followed by the thud of the war drums.

On the temporary school ground where the snow had not yet completely melted, the soldiers had already finished lining up like a still forest when the drum beat fell.

Although they were not wearing armor, the weapons they held - swords, battle axes, and spears - each exuded a unique luster.

There is a faint light flowing on the blade, as if it is alive;

The blade of the halberd is so sharp that it seems to be able to tear through any obstacle;

The tip of the spear shone with cold light, as if it was ready to pierce the enemy's defense line at any time.

This is Hanyang Made 3.0 standard in the Han Dynasty. It was ordered by the imperial court and the iron smelting workshops in Jiuyuan and Pingcheng were responsible for the forging.

On the high platform in the center of the school grounds, General Zhendong stood tall and straight, like a pine in the snow.

The shirt is embroidered with exquisite patterns, and the blood-red color representing the Yan Han is even more vivid under the firelight.

His extremely handsome face looked resolute and determined, and there was an unquestionable majesty between his brows.

His eyes were as sharp as a falcon, scanning the soldiers below, as if he could see everything. Every soldier swept by General Zhendong's eyes involuntarily straightened up.

Every moment when eyes meet, there seems to be an invisible force conveyed.

General Zhendong's voice was clear but extremely penetrating. With the blessing of the iron trumpet, it echoed in the empty school field:


His call was like morning bells and evening drums, shaking everyone present.

"Today, we are standing here not for our own selfishness, but to eliminate thieves and bring peace to the world. We are here to protect the peace of the people, so that our wives, children, and even our descendants will not suffer from war. We are here for three reasons. Revitalize the Han Dynasty and restore the prestige of the Han family."

The words were like fire, igniting the passion in the hearts of the soldiers.

The grassroots political education that has been implemented for many years has allowed these Liangjiazi soldiers with Ji Han characteristics to understand why they are fighting.

"Soldiers, hold on to your weapons and tell those rogues who are the real masters of the grasslands!"


General Zhendong drew his sword and pointed it diagonally at the sky. The light of the sword flashed like a meteor across the sky.








The soldiers waved their weapons and shouted, and the sound of metal collision suddenly sounded on the school field.

As the soldiers' emotions were ignited, their eyes shone with determination.

They clenched their weapons, their knuckles turning white from exertion, as if they were concentrating all their strength into this moment.

They shouted in unison, their voices rolling in like thunder, making the earth tremble.

The early sun shone down, and the forest of weapons reflected the dazzling light, like lightning streaking across the sky.

The cold light and the eyes of the soldiers complement each other, forming a shocking picture.

"The military spirit is available!"

Dou Pin could only stand in the corner and watch all this. Even though he had an ulterior motive for his trip, he was also unable to stabilize his mood, and even his breathing became a little quick:

"How many years, how many years have I not seen such a majestic army..."

"The big man, the big man who has all his concubines as far as the sun and the moon touches, is finally back..."

And Dou Bin and his son, who had arrived early to wait for orders and stood beside Dou Pin, had already turned pale.

Especially Dou Huiti, when he remembered that he originally wanted to show off his clan's warriors in front of the Han army, his legs started to tremble uncontrollably.

On the handsome platform, the voice of General Zhendong was still echoing:

"This time, we have only one goal - victory! No matter how many thieves there are in front of us, we have nothing to fear, because we have the sharpest weapons in the world in our hands. No one can stop the Han soldiers, no one!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind! Strong wind!"

Loud shouts erupted on the school grounds, and the soldiers' blood boiled with enthusiasm. They shouted in unison, and their voices surged like ocean waves, echoing between heaven and earth.

"Set off!"

It was already dawn, and the bonfires in the camp were still burning, and the firelight reflected the resolute faces of the cavalry.

They quickly checked the equipment and arranged the saddles of the horses, and every movement seemed so skillful and neat.

The air was filled with tension and excitement. As the generals gave orders one after another, the soldiers of each battalion jumped on their horses and held the reins tightly.

The sound of the horse's hooves was like thunder, causing the snow to fly continuously, and the whole earth seemed to be shaking.

The figures of the soldiers of the forward battalion were looming in the morning fog, like giant dragons galloping away into the distance.

"Their horses are so majestic, even after a whole winter, they are still so majestic!"

Dou Bin looked at the cavalry that kept coming out of the camp. To be precise, it was the cavalry's horses. There was disbelief on his face, but more of a shock.

As if thinking of something, Dou Bin lowered his head, as if praying, and murmured:

"God, did you really send a messenger?"

Some people say that Feng was a messenger sent by the God of Plague, bringing endless disasters to the grassland.

Some people say that he is a messenger sent by God, who can not only turn useless wool into clothing to resist the cold in winter.

Moreover, since ancient times, the possessed evil spirits that have been tormenting the grasslands for generations have been driven away by the tea introduced to the grasslands from the Han Dynasty.

And Feng, I heard, was the first person to introduce tea to the grassland.

Before I saw it with my own eyes, I could only tell you that it was a rumor.

After seeing it with my own eyes, I was shocked to realize that the rumors were not necessarily lies.

It can go out on the grassland in the cold winter, and the war horse can still fight immediately after passing through the whole winter.

People who are not on the grassland have no idea what this means.

"Destiny really lies with Han..."

Dou Bin sighed inwardly and ordered his son Dou Huiti:

"After we leave, you lead the tribe to stay here and let them wait for the news with peace of mind. Don't worry and be afraid. In a month, sufficient food will be delivered."

"I understand, kid." Dou replied respectfully, then glanced at the surging and oppressive Han army, and asked with a somewhat uneasy expression:

"Sir, in a few days, all the snow will melt, and then there will be mud and water everywhere on the grassland. Can the Han people really transport food here on time?"

When Dou Bin heard this, his eyes were a little worried, but he still shook his head gently:

"We have no retreat now and can only believe in General Guan's promise."



Not to mention that all the warriors in the clan were taken away, even if they were not taken away, as long as he dared to show a little regret, Dou Bin believed that the Han cavalry in front of him would be able to crush this place to the ground.

No, even without the dispatch of Han cavalry, those Hu cavalry followers were enough to kill the warriors of the clan until they were unable to fight back.

At this time, Dou Pin next to him smiled and added:

"Why should Li Yan be so worried? Did you know that there is a saying in the Han Dynasty, called Dongfeng Express, the mission will be fulfilled?"

"Dongfeng Express must fulfill its mission?" Dou Bin repeated with some confusion, and then asked, "What does this mean?"

"This sentence refers to a warehouse under the Xinghan Association that moves materials. Its name is Dongfeng Express."

Dou Pin explained, "This Dongfeng Express, as long as it accepts the transfer request, will be able to deliver the items no matter when and where."

"Therefore, in many cases, even the imperial court would entrust them to transport grain and grass. If my guess is correct, the person who sent food and clothing this time must be Dongfeng Express."

"So that's it." Dou Bin's eyes also fell on the Han troops who were constantly leaving the camp. "With such elite soldiers and no worries about food and supplies, no wonder no one dared to block the Han army in these years."

The last trace of worry in his heart was finally put down. Dou Bin said to his other son Dou Suhou:

"Let's go, we should go back and get ready and set off with General Guan."

"Yes, sir."


No one expected that the two largest tribes in Monan, ranked first and second, would make such a tacit and uncharacteristic move when the cold had not subsided and spring appeared.

Tuoba Xianbei sent the main force southward, and Wuluhui tribe... Oh, no, the Kaigui tribe, which had been renamed, even sent their entire army to the east, aiming directly at Tuoba Xianbei.

Tuoba Liwei, who was completely unaware of the impending disaster, called his fourth son Tuoba Luguan over after seeing off the warriors from the Southern Expedition:

"I heard from your mother that my father-in-law has been sick and is getting worse and worse."

"Now that the weather is about to get warmer and the snow is about to melt, it is the most difficult time for the tribes in the grasslands. I need you to bring gifts and go to the Wuluhui tribe to visit your grandfather for me."

"When we get there, I want you to help me take a look at how the Luhui tribe is doing now, and then ask your grandfather if he needs our help."

Having said this, Tuoba Liwei paused for a moment. Just as Tuoba Luguan was about to agree, he heard Tuoba Liwei continue to say another sentence, and at the same time his voice became deeper:

"Look for an opportunity and ask your grandfather how he thought about what I proposed to him."

When Tuoba Luguan heard this, he couldn't help but said:

"Sir, my grandfather is not in good health. Now there is no Luhui Department. It is all decided by my two uncles. They have never been happy with us."

"If I mention this matter, I will be insulted by them..."

"It's precisely because your grandfather is in poor health, and it's precisely because your two uncles don't like us that I asked you to rush there before the snow melted."

When Tuoba Liwei heard his son mention his two Kun brothers, his face darkened:

"While your grandfather is still alive, settle this matter as soon as possible. Otherwise, if your grandfather is gone one day, it would be good if your two uncles don't fall out with us. We can still hope that they will join us. Tuoba clan?"

Although it is not as powerful as the Luhui tribe or Suotou, it is still a large tribe with nearly 100,000 people.

If he can be merged into Tuoba Xianbei, then he will be the real great khan on the grassland, and no one will dare to disobey his orders.

But if this matter is not settled before his father-in-law's death, and the brothers Kun, who have always been at odds with him, become the adults of the Moluhui tribe, there will be no hope for this matter.

Tuoba Luguan remembered that his elder brother (i.e. Tuoba Shamo Khan) had mentioned the encounter with his uncle in Pingcheng, and he sighed in his heart and had to nod:

"Your elder brother is right, the child will go to prepare it now."

Seeing his son's appearance, Tuoba Liwei knew what he was thinking, and he only heard him slow down his tone and comfort him:

"Don't worry, I have prepared five catties of tea, twenty jars of strong liquor, and a hundred pieces of wool for you to take over."

"Your two uncles have always been greedy for money and like things from Nanxia. When they see such a generous gift, they will definitely not deliberately embarrass you."

Thinking of these things, but the gifts that Nanxia specially gave to him, they are all very rare good things on the grassland.

I heard that even in Hebei, they are considered rare.

Even though Tuoba Liwei has always been known for his extraordinary manners on the grassland, he was still distressed to give away so many good things at once.

Tuoba Luguan naturally knew the generosity of these gifts. He dared not neglect them anymore and said quickly:

"Don't worry, sir. With these things, I will definitely try my best to persuade my grandfather to make a decision as soon as possible, so that our tribes can be united and you can become the great Khan of the grassland as soon as possible."

Tuoba Liwei nodded with satisfaction:

"You are the smartest among all my sons. I believe you will not let me down this time."

Last year, I heard that my father-in-law was already somewhat tempted by my proposal.

I think after considering this winter, he should have made a decision.

And as the Han army began to attack Hebei, Tuoba Liwei also felt a sense of urgency.

This matter can no longer be delayed.

I must integrate all my forces as soon as possible and resist the Han army with all my strength.

Tuoba Luguan bowed and retreated.

Soon, he led the gifts prepared by Tuoba Liwei and the hundred warriors he selected, and set off in the direction of the Moluhui tribe...


The grassland in late winter and early spring is like a quiet ink painting.

The land covered with snow flickered with a cold and mysterious light.

As the snow began to melt gradually, mottled grasslands were exposed in some places, as if Mother Earth had gently lifted her veil.

The sun shone through the clouds and fell on the grassland, covering the land with a layer of golden light.

Tuoba Luguan, who was on his way, welcomed the cold wind and took a deep breath.

The cold air went straight into his lungs, but he didn't feel cold.

Because at such a time of year, he felt that the wind on the grassland had brought some warmth and moisture.

The animals on the grassland began to become active wherever the naked eye could see.

A few lambs were playing on the snow, and their hoof sounds broke the silence of winter.

He could even see a faint shadow swaying in the distance. He knew that it was a pack of wolves roaming around, preparing for the upcoming hunting season.

However, for his group, these wolves were not worth being afraid of.

It's just...

Tuoba Luguan frowned a little:

As far as I remember, there were not many wolves in this area, so how could there be so many shadows?

And why are the hoof sounds of the sheep getting louder and louder?

"This is... No, it's the sound of horses' hooves!"

"Where are the horses coming from?"

Then, he saw the shadows on the horizon gradually getting bigger, and the hoof sounds were like thunder.

The surging cavalry began to fill his field of vision.

How could there be so many cavalry in this season?

Tuoba Luguan, whose common sense was overturned, reined in his horse in astonishment, and the cold wind poured into his mouth again without knowing it:

"God, are you sending down a miracle..."

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