Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 1393: Die with eyes wide open and indecisiveness

Looking at the crazy-looking deacon in black, Han Long sneered, but his tone was innocent:

"Isn't that what you said? Whoever has more people will be justified."

The black-clothed deacon's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily. He stared at Han Long in front of him. He pulled out the long sword he carried with him and urged his mount to rush over.

Logically speaking, master and apprentice Han Long must have something to rely on if they dare to block the road here.

But the deacon in black, who was hit one after another, has long lost his former calmness.

Seeing Han Long blocking the road, he was in desperate need of an outlet. Naturally, he couldn't control himself and focused his anger on Han Long.

I just didn't expect that the world's number one assassin, the deputy leader of the Wulin Alliance, would be so insidious and unruly.

All the deaths of the wolf slaves were like the last straw, completely crushing the black-clad deacon.

At this time, he had completely lost his mind. He just wanted to kill Han Long in front of him on his horse. Even if he died together, he didn't care.

The distance between the two is not too far, but it is not very close either, just enough to increase the horse's speed.

Han Long did not move, but just watched quietly as the black-clothed deacon continued to approach.

"Go to hell!"

The tip of the sword is extended, and the force of the horse can easily pierce the person without using any force.

The vicious blade was right in front of him, but Han Long remained motionless, as if he had forgotten how to avoid it.

He held out a horse spear diagonally and blocked the sword.

The horse's girdle is long and the sword is short.

The horse is hard, the sword is soft.

Using long blows and short blows, using hard force to block soft ones, Ma Hao not only blocked the incoming sword, but also the sharp and sharp Hao blade ran up the sword body and directly pierced the black-clothed deacon's shoulder socket.

The deacon in black was in pain and could not hold the sword hilt firmly, and the sword fell off his horse.

The master of the long sword did not show mercy because of this. Instead, he increased his strength and directly knocked the black-clothed deacon off his horse, and then pulled out the sword from his shoulder socket.

With a "chi" sound, the nearly one meter long blade passed directly through the black-clothed deacon's thigh, pinning him to the ground.

In fact, the black-clothed deacon's martial arts skills are not bad.

However, one after another, one's mind and spirit were hit hard, which made one lose all hope.

In this rush, he mostly wanted to die and turned a blind eye to Changsha, which he could usually avoid, so Liu Hun succeeded easily.

Lying in the ice and snow, the cold from the ground slightly relieved the pain of the wound.

But at the same time, the black-clothed deacon felt that the body temperature was constantly being lost.

He knew this was because the wound was bleeding.

Seeing Han Long get off the horse, the black-clothed deacon laughed nervously:

"Ho, ho, do you think that by killing me, you can settle the grudges between our two clans? Stop dreaming!"

Han Long squatted down, looked at the wound on the black-clothed deacon's shoulder, and then stretched out his hand to nail the black-clothed deacon, a look of satisfaction on his face.

In the current popular storybooks of Dahan, the villain who has already won the game often talks too much in front of the injured or captured protagonist, so he is overturned by the protagonist.

Now he was in a good position to win, and he also happened to have a lot to say to his own race, so he wanted to make sure that he could kill the opponent at any time and that the opponent was unable to resist.

After confirming, he said:

"I know, you North Koreans have long taken root in the grasslands, and you have people in countless tribes."

"I'll kill you today, but maybe another one will pop up tomorrow. Oh, it's so annoying."

The black-clothed deacon showed a sarcastic smile:

"It's good that you know."

Han Long didn't care, since he had been doing this for hundreds of years anyway.

He simply sat on the snow, lowered his head to the black-clothed deacon, and said with some emotion:

"We in South Korea have never been as dense as you in North Korea. Coupled with so many years of fighting, I am actually a little tired of it."

"Actually, I have thought before that it might not be a relief to find the leader of the largest tribe on the grassland to die together one day."

The deacon in black was lying on the ground and could only look up at Han Long, but at this time, the power in his body was constantly draining, and he was pinned by the long spear, unable to move. He could only glare at Han Long and hissed:

"Then go ahead!"

Why don't you go?

What are you doing to stop me?

"It wasn't until I met Feng Junhou that I discovered that people can still live like this and do things like this."

Han Long clicked his tongue, no matter his expression or tone, he looked exactly like the biggest villain in the storybook near the finale.

The black-clothed deacon stared at Han Long. If his eyes could spit fire, he would have burned him to the point where no ashes were left.

"Did you know? This time I followed the army from Pingcheng. Pingcheng has been digging charcoal from the ground in the past few years. Even the people can use charcoal to keep warm in the winter."

"This charcoal is really a good thing. After it is used up, there will be charcoal residue. The charcoal residue is used to pave roads, which is a good material. And some special charcoal dug out can also be used as artificial stone."

"Do you know what artificial stone is? Artificial stone usually looks like powder, but when exposed to water, it becomes as hard as solid stone. Whether it is used for paving roads or building houses, it is indeed the best."

Han Long rambled on, like an old woman, rambling here and there without knowing what he wanted to express.

"There are many roads paved with charcoal slag in Pingcheng, and now they have extended to the outer fortress built by the Former Han Dynasty in the desert."

"Then they will build forts with artificial stones on the ruins of the Fortress of the Former Han Dynasty. I have seen such fortresses in Liangzhou. From Juyan County to the Fortress, along the Fortress of the Former Han Dynasty, there are such fortresses all the way."

"The fortress is built in a strange shape and can accommodate about 500 soldiers. With the fortress as the center, it can control at least 500 miles around."

"The Han Dynasty's grasslands outside the Fortress are basically divided around such fortresses."

Han Long said, and with a flip of his wrist, a shining dagger was in his hand.

He raised the dagger, and the tip of the dagger touched the forehead of the black-clothed deacon, and then touched several joints on his body.

"These forts are like nails, and those grasslands are ropes. What will the desert look like if all the forts can be built along the outer fortresses in the future? It's really exciting!"


The black-clad butler could no longer speak, and could only make a "hehe" sound from his throat.

"By that time, the whole desert will be nailed to the ground. The wool on the grassland alone is enough to attract people. Not to mention furs, various meats, and medicinal herbs..."

"Oh, by the way, do you know that there is an agricultural expert in the Han Dynasty, a wonderful woman. She once said that grinding bones into powder and fermenting them with feces, and applying them to the land, can greatly increase the fertility of the land."

"I heard that this method alone can increase grain production by more than 30%. Now in the desert, even cattle and sheep bones are valuable things, wow!"

"Unlike the previous Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty is unlikely to give up the desert this time. You say, in addition to herding horses and sheep for the Han Dynasty, will the Han Dynasty let them have a chance to turn over?"

Han Long's tone became leisurely, "The desert Hu people are destined not to turn over, I wonder what you North Koreans will do?"

The black-clothed butler's eyes were already wide open, he used up his last strength, but could only move his lips.

Seeing his look, Han Long smiled slightly:

"Do you feel unwilling and die with your eyes wide open?"


"It's right to die with your eyes wide open. I want you to die with your eyes wide open! If I really let you die so easily, who can I complain to for my hard work in this life?"

Han Long said so much, and he felt extremely relieved.

The dagger in his hand pierced the heart of the black-clothed butler mercilessly.

Then he slashed it fiercely!

After making sure that the other party was dead, Han Long cut off the other party's head again.

The head that was lifted up was wide open with anger, and it really died with its eyes wide open.

Hanging on the horse, Han Long said hello, and the people who had brought back the war horses from afar followed, raising a cloud of snow and returning to the west.

A song came from afar:

The Zhao guest has a Hu tassel, and the Wu hook is bright in frost and snow.

The silver saddle shines on the white horse, and it is as swift as a meteor.

Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles.

When the work is done, leave with a brush of clothes, hiding your body and name.

"Hahaha, how wonderful! How wonderful!"


The snow in the desert is about to melt, and the cold air, which is gradually weakening, is blocked by the Yinshan Mountains and the Yanshan Mountains, and cannot invade the interior of the Great Wall in large quantities.

The snow in Taiyuan has basically melted away, and spring is quietly approaching.

The Battle of Hebei, which started in the winter of the ninth year of Yanxi, first started in Luoyang. Jiang Wei led his troops across the river in winter and approached the city of Wen County, Sima Yi's hometown.

Although he could not conquer it, it shocked Henei several times a day, and even Jiang Ji had to lead his troops to rescue it.

After harassing for a while, Jiang Wei drove thousands of people back to Luoyang in the south.

As soon as spring came, the entire Taihang Mountain front immediately became restless.

Wang Han of Hedong and Shi Bao of Shangdang could not wait to send out small troops to constantly test the Chenguan Pass, Taihang Pass, Baixing Pass, Fukou Pass, etc., looking for loopholes in the defense of the Wei thieves.

The snow on the mountain always melts slower.

Compared with the flat land of Hedong in Taiyuan, where there is no trace of ice and snow, the Taihang Mountains can still see residual snow from time to time.

However, the scouts, sentinels, and even small groups of soldiers of both the Han and Wei sides have already started a life-and-death war on various passes.

On the contrary, Jingxing, the main attack direction in the plan, has become abnormally quiet since the beginning of spring.

Throughout the winter, Sima Feng had inspected the Jingxing Pass several times. Who would have thought that the weather had just turned warmer, but he was staying in Jinyang City with nothing to do.

However, the news from the frontier a few days ago still broke the peaceful life of Feng Da Sima:

General Zhendong, who had been lurking outside the frontier for more than a month, finally decided to attack Tuoba Xianbei.

At this time, Zhang Yuan, the chief of the Xianbei Guard Commandery in Pingcheng, north of Taiyuan, was organizing manpower to rush to transport supplies to the Molu Hui tribe.

Because General Zhendong not only took away the young and strong men of the Molu Hui tribe, but also only gave the people who stayed behind a month's rations.

In other words, Zhang Yuan must deliver enough rations to the Molu Hui tribe within a month - there is still plenty of time.

But after the beginning of spring, it is destined to be a busy season.

Pingcheng is still nervously transporting food out of the frontier, and General Guan sent someone to deliver a letter.

"Shanzhang, Shanzhang, great victory, great victory outside the frontier!"

"General Zhendong defeated Tuoba Xianbei, Hu chief Tuoba Liwei died, and his son Tuoba Shamo Khan conquered all tribes and expressed his willingness to submit to the Han Dynasty!"

"In this battle, nearly 500,000 Hu people were subdued, more than 50,000 were captured, and countless cattle, sheep and horses were captured!"

"Oh?" Even though Feng Da Sima was mentally prepared after knowing that General Guan decided to attack, he was still shocked and even a little bit unbelieving after hearing this battle report, "Really?"

As he asked, he couldn't wait to take the translated battle report from the staff.

"Shanzhang, I have verified the data three times, and it must be accurate!"

Feng Da Sima read the battle report carefully without missing a word, and then couldn't help but slap the table:

"Good! Good! My family, well, General Guan's battle can really be said to be a battle of strategy, diplomacy and soldiers!"

According to the deduction of the staff department, the best result of this time's crossing the border is to make 200,000 Hu people surrender and capture 100,000 prisoners of war, which is about the same.

As for the worst result, 30,000 to 50,000 people can be captured back.

But unexpectedly, the result of the battle was unexpectedly perfect.

The Meiluhui tribe surrendered successfully. Except for a few tribes that fled, most of the Tuoba Xianbei surrendered, and the rest were all prisoners of war.

However, when he saw the end, Feng Da Sima's expression froze: "Huh?"

Originally, General Guan mentioned one thing at the end of the battle report:

Half of the elite cavalry of Tuoba Xianbei had already gone south in advance to support Sima Yi in Hebei, asking Feng Da Sima to be careful.

The troops left behind were not strong enough, which was also an important reason for the smooth war outside the Great Wall.

But leaving tens of thousands of elite cavalry going south alone is a hidden danger after all.

At the same time, he also asked whether he needed to lead the army to follow south.

Even if he couldn't wait for an opportunity to completely eliminate the last living force of Tuoba Xianbei, he could hold them back and reduce the pressure on Sima in Hebei.

A bit risky.

This was Feng Da Sima's first reaction.

Of course, he understood the principle of not leaving any spare strength if he could kill the snake with one stick.

This is indeed a matter of killing two birds with one stone.

But the snow in the desert is about to melt, no, it should have already started to melt. After the snow melts completely, the entire grassland will become muddy.

For the cavalry, this is the most undesirable situation.

Losing the advantage of cavalry, although there are still advantages in weapons and armor, relying on the soldiers and horses in General Guan's hands to fight against tens of thousands of Tuoba warriors...

After all, it is still a bit risky.

Not to mention that it is impossible for all those soldiers and horses to be deployed, and a considerable part of them must be divided to watch over hundreds of thousands of Hu people who have surrendered.

Feng Da Sima raised his head and looked at the battle map hanging on the wall.

After a moment of silence, holding the battle report in his hand, he slowly walked to the map.

On the map, it is impossible to know where General Guan is now.

The Yanshan Mountains, a natural barrier in the north of Hebei, are clearly marked.

Also marked are various important passes.

Feng Da Sima looked back and forth on the map for a long time, and finally fixed his eyes on Juyong Pass.

The Xianbei elite cavalry wanted to enter Hebei to support Sima Yi, and the fastest and most convenient pass was none other than Juyong Pass.

Sima Feng bent his fingers and tapped the wall gently, obviously hesitating - General Guan must also be hesitating because he was not sure.

If he was sure enough, General Guan would not have such a tone.

But in order to make Feng more relaxed in Hebei, she was willing to take the risk.

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