Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 144 Amei Literacy

"I know what Xijun wants to say." Zhuge Liang looked at Huang Yueying, leaning back on the chair with a tired expression, "I complied with His Majesty's words, whether Your Majesty understands it or not, but I have to do my best to help His Majesty." Protect this piece of the Great Han World. But the Queen is His Majesty's wife after all, if I intervene too much in the affairs of the children in the harem, I'm afraid it will only cause criticism. Besides, the women's affairs here are not my expertise."

Huang Yueying felt a little distressed when she saw the appearance of her family's A-lang. She got up and went to the back, rubbing his shoulders for him, "But you can't just ignore the matter of Feng boy? Don't say anything else, you are sitting now What about the chairs brought over by someone.”

"Don't worry. Although that kid is a little messy, he always does things properly. Besides, what kind of person is the empress? The first emperor also said it back then. It's a pity that she is a daughter." Zhuge Liang smiled, "Just look at the empress today. Even if she is pregnant, the palace is still managed in an orderly manner, so I know the methods are unusual."

"You men, you always consider the important matters of the family and the country when you do things." Huang Yueying pushed Zhuge Liang dissatisfiedly, "At that time, I only thought that the marriage between the Li and Li families was beneficial, so I strongly agreed, why didn't you say that you are not good at children? Now Knowing about the He family, I just ignore it."

"It's good for that kid to ignore it." Zhuge Liang heard the word He's, a slight smile appeared on his face, his eyes narrowed, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes, "Whether it's the Guan Li family, or that Both the boy and Miss Zhang are just wishes, they have never been announced to the public, and they are not counted. Now the Li family's intention is in the He family, and Feng Xiaozi is in love with Guan Ji, just according to their respective wishes."

"Besides, the queen, as long as I don't object, she will understand what I mean. Mrs. Zhang Junhou was a little hesitant about this matter, so she missed it, and she can't blame others. If the queen is really determined, she must let the little lady of the Zhang family If you want to marry Feng Xiaozi, then go to persuade Mrs. Zhang Junhou first. Even if the Zhang and Zhang families use their own methods in the future, whichever wins will be good."

In Zhuge Liang's eyes, he didn't care which one of the Guan and Zhang families became Feng Xiaozi's inner room.

That kid is talented, but he is also kind and righteous.

A person with love and righteousness, if you tie him with love, are you afraid that he will run to the end of the world?

Zhao Guang and Wang Xun are now considered to be the ones who tie him up with friendship and brotherhood.

In the future, whether it is Guan Ji or Zhang Ji, it doesn't matter which one he chooses in the end, anyway, it's the love he uses to tie his son and daughter.

If in the end he chooses none...

The coldness in Zhuge Liang's eyes was even worse, but that didn't matter. There are no suitable noble ladies in the royal family, but there are still some meritorious families. There are big and small ones, it depends on which one he likes.

Feng Yongzi didn't know that the Zhuge old monster in his eyes was already preparing to be a monster.

Of course, even if he knew it, he would probably say hypocritically that it is really a trouble for a man's happiness!

At this time, he was quietly standing behind his personal maid, watching her curiously squatting on the ground and scribbling here and there, and couldn't help saying: "You spelled the word cloud wrongly, and you missed a line."

Ah Mei jumped up like a frightened rabbit, and when she saw that it was her lord, her face was a little panicked, and she quickly saluted: "My lord, I know I was wrong, and I won't dare again in the future."

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Yong looked strangely at his maidservant who looked embarrassed, "It's a good thing to be diligent and studious, what's there to be ashamed of?"

Amei said in a nasty voice: "My servant learns to read and write privately..."

"Literacy is a good thing." Feng Yong still said strangely, "In the past, the servant girl in Zheng Gong's family knew Mao's poems, which is a great story in the world. Haven't you heard of it?"

Feng Tubie actually felt a little regretful, at the beginning he taught that little maid, Yaomei, to learn to read, but he never thought that she was a stupid girl, after studying for so long, she didn't learn a few words. On weekdays, she is a clever girl who is a female celebrity and does some handicrafts. She is really clumsy and flexible.

Otherwise, he could also follow Zheng Xuan's example. When there are guests at home, let Yaomei serve tea to show his face, and he can answer a few famous sentences he stole from the ages if he asks a question.

After coming and going, wouldn't the reputation of the old Feng family resound throughout the world?

"Who is Zheng Gong? The servant girl has never heard of it."

Amei's cheeks were slightly hot.

Feng Yong: ...

It seems that the daughter of a barbarian is still a barbarian, she is really ignorant.

"Can you read these words?"

Feng Yong pointed to the writing on the ground. Although it looked crooked, he could barely recognize it. It was the first few sentences of the Kaimeng article, a special product of Fengzhuang.


"Then read it and listen."

"The heavens and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric. The sun and the moon are full, and the celestial constellations..."

not bad!

Feng Yong looked at her with some surprise: "Who taught you these?"

Amei glanced at Feng Yong quietly, seeing that he really didn't mean to blame, she summoned up her courage and replied: "My lord doesn't have much to do on weekdays, so I want my maidservant to serve me, and when my maidservant is free, I go to help the dog." Niang weaving was taught by that dog, Xiao Langjun."

What a goddamn dog, Xiao Langjun, this title is really eye-catching.

But your mind is very good at business!

Feng Yongzhen became more and more interested. This maid usually seemed to have low self-esteem, and she didn't dare to talk too much. I never thought that she would have such an idea.

"How long have you studied? How much have you learned? Read them all for me."

"I studied for four or five days. I only learned a few sentences, and I learned the sentence 'the clouds make rain, and the dew turns to frost'."

Talents have no foundation. After studying for a few days, it’s not worth memorizing them, but they can even write them. Isn’t this what talent is?

"Have you been taught pinyin?"

Gouzi is the top student in Fengzhuang, Feng Yong's Chinese pinyin must be tested on him.

Amei looked at Feng Yong blankly: "My lord, I don't know what pinyin is."

Pinyin is to spell out the sounds of Chinese characters.

Come on, my brother will teach you, "soft" should be pronounced like this: Day 5...

never mind.

"Why do you want to learn to read?"

As a maid, it would be one thing for Feng Yong to ask her to learn to read and write, but Feng Yong didn't ask for it. A maid doesn't have such a need, and she doesn't have such motivation at all. Their main task is to serve a good master. If the master is good, they will be fine.

Look at Yaomei and you will understand how much you admire Feng Yong who can write? However, when Feng Yong taught her how to read, she was still interested in it at first, but as the number of courses increased, she grimaced every day, learning to write was like going to the execution ground, which was simply the greatest insult to knowledge.

"The maidservant's adult is a Han Chinese, and he can also read. I left a few books for the maidservant, saying that I want the maidservant to keep it well. The maidservant wants to know what is written on it, so I want to be able to read."

Feng Yong's words seemed to bring back Amei's sad memories, and her voice dropped.

When Amei said this, Feng Yong remembered that the housekeeper had let Amei be the first to work in the mansion because her lord was a Han Chinese.

"When you said that, I remembered it. Why is your lord a Han Chinese? How did you marry your mother?"

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