Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 151 It's Earning Money by Working White Jobs

As for the saying that they did this kind of thing in private... they are still bullying Zhuge Qiao.

It is not good for anyone in Hanzhong to do such a thing, except Zhuge Qiao, the son of Zhuge old demon.

Whether it is Wei Yan or Ma Dai, they are all people who hold military power. If they really got wool from Hu people and exchanged wool for military resources, not to mention the old monster Zhuge, I am afraid that even Liu Chan would mutter twice in his heart. You have soldiers in your hands, and you still have a way to get military resources. Isn’t your ability a bit too strong?

Then A Dou will go to the old demon Zhuge, father, look, this so-and-so has led troops outside for too long, should he go back to Jincheng to enjoy his happiness?

The old demon Zhuge would touch A Dou's head and exclaim, "My child, you have grown up."

Zhuge Qiao was different. He was originally the food and grass officer in Hanzhong, and military resources were also his job.

Although the right to collect military resources on his own is mostly useless, but as far as he is concerned, if he uses it occasionally, there will be no major problems, since he has no military power anyway.

Besides, didn't Zhuge Qiao himself say it, he wrote a letter to the old demon Zhuge crying and said that Hanzhong was too poor, and it was justifiable to get an imperial edict.

"Then this matter is settled like this, as a brother, I will be bold." Zhuge Qiao gritted his teeth.

"Okay! Happy brother!" Feng Yong laughed, and picked up the bowl, "Little brother will replace the wine with water, and offer a bowl to brother."


The three raised their bowls and drank in one go.

"Mingwen, it's just this matter, I have to draw up a charter. What should we do if Huang Niangzi has paid for it?"

Putting down the bowl, Zhuge Qiao wiped the water stains from his lips, and asked.

"The regulations have been drawn up a long time ago." Feng Yong had a plan in his mind. "A hundred and sixty miles to the west of Yang'an Guanxi, there is a small town called Ju County. The terrain is extremely steep. It is the throat from Hanzhong to Qishan. My brother can Let's open a mutual market there, so that we won't be afraid of Cao's bandits sneaking in there to spy on the military situation, and it will also make it easier for the Qiang and Hu people to come and go."

The place of Ju County was at the junction of Cao Wei and Shu Han at this time.

But now there are not many Cao soldiers in the real sense even in Yinping and Wudu, let alone a small county so close to Yang'an Pass. People used it as a pen for cattle and sheep.

Of course, this is what Feng Yong learned through Ma Dai.

As a border guard, Ma Dai still has a good understanding of the surrounding situation.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, as if he remembered something, but when he thought about it seriously, he found that he didn't remember anything.

"What about after the wool is harvested?"

"Leave the rest to my younger brother."

Feng Yong patted his chest. I am good at raw material processing and so on. I just gave it to those Qiang girls to practice their hands.

"When the cloth is sold, the Hanzhong Mansion will take 50%, and the remaining 50% will be divided privately by the younger brother. Do you think this will work?"

"Mingwen is really a kind person!" Although Zhuge Qiao wanted to not want so much, but this was not for himself, but for the Hanzhong Mansion, so he had the cheek to agree, "I am ashamed of my brother."

"Think of it as the little brothers helping the Hanzhong defenders, so don't worry too much, brother." Feng Yong laughed and dispelled Zhuge Qiao's worries.

Without the skin of Zhuge Qiao and Hanzhong Mansion, how could Feng Yong and the others have the guts to do this?

Of course, if you really want to do it, you probably won’t die, but you just need to take off a layer of skin——trading with the enemy country privately, what do you want to do? The Qianghu in the enemy's territory are not the enemy anymore? What's more, food can be regarded as the most important material nowadays, and you actually trade it, a typical enemy!

But if it is covered with a layer of skin, then it can be changed to another way of saying that this is entirely for the imperial court to make preparations for exploring the road next year to win over the Qiang Hu's heart, and to be loyal to the country.

The same thing is done by different people, so there are different sayings.

As for the 50% for Hanzhong Mansion, it is not much at all.

Wool, it’s not just one stubble, experience and skilled workers are the most important.

From Feng Yong's point of view, even if he is completely doing free work for Hanzhong Mansion this time, there is no problem at all, and it should be regarded as practice.

When those Qiang girls are proficient, it will be much more efficient to start over with the old ones than to start over with pure beginners.

As for the old demon Zhuge, after collecting the wool next year, he wants to weave cloth, right? But where will I find so many people in a short while?

So at that time, either pay the processing fee and ask yourself to process it, or directly transfer the wool to yourself and sell it to yourself.

With Zhuge Qiao's first wave of acquisitions, when the Dahan officially trades next year, all Qianghu who can rush over will definitely come over, and the wool harvested by then will not be a small amount.

The processing fee is negotiable. As long as the benefits are in place, it will definitely be processed properly. After all, Feng Yong has the first batch of skilled wool processing workers in his hands!

However, with such a large amount of wool, I don't know if it will be possible to squeeze out such a processing fee, depending on Zhuge's search and search.

At that time, if there is really no way to squeeze out the money, then the Zhuge old demon may add more money and sell it to himself.

Even if the price is doubled, not only Feng Yong, but also a few of his friends who sell their underwear will desperately try to find a way to spend the money.

If you want to raise the price, mention it!

Take it as a contribution to the big man.

This is just one aspect, another aspect, Feng Yong encouraged Zhu Qiao to buy a batch of wool before this winter, just to build a reputation.

Made large quantities of woolen cloth half a year in advance, and gave half of it to Hanzhong House. As long as the quality passed the standard, then I would be considered the first time-honored brand.

Next year, the imperial court will collect a large amount of wool. Whether it is resold or paid for processing, the cloth produced will definitely be recycled, if not all, a considerable part will be recycled.

The Northern Expedition, the climate in the north is much colder than that in the south, the imperial court always has to make plans in advance, right? The brands of Feng Yonghe and his friends have already been sold in Hanzhong. It is a big advantage to be half a year earlier than others, a time-honored brand!

When it comes to important issues closely related to the soldiers of the Northern Expedition, should the imperial court consider the time-honored brands that already have a good reputation, or toss about them?

Doing business with the imperial court, as long as the relationship is in place, money is the best to earn! From ancient times to the present, without exception.

"After talking about the official business, the younger brother will talk about private matters with the elder brother."

Feng Yong felt extremely relieved, and looked at Zhuge Qiao, as if it was a small money that could move.

"What I want to say in plain text, but the straw thing?"

Only then did Zhuge Qiao remember the purpose of coming here today.

"Exactly. Brother, this wool weaving is made by my younger brother. But my younger brother also knows that this matter is determined by the imperial court, and no one else can touch it. But if my younger brother also learns from that Qianghu man, raise some sheep by himself." Shearing is always okay, right?"

"Of course it is possible. Listen to what Wenxuan said. There is a way to store green material, which is suitable for feeding cattle and sheep after winter, but is it true?"

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