Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 188 Talent

Unexpectedly, her grandmother couldn't bear the life of the barbarians, and died within a few years, and her status fell to the bottom all at once. Several times, she almost starved to death.

When Mu Wuzhe took over the position of patriarch, life became a little easier. After all, she was just not liked by the old patriarch, and had nothing to do with Mu Wuzhe.

Later, when all the clan members took refuge in Feng Langjun, she lived a little more humanly. That is to say, in these days, her life suddenly becomes easier, and she can even be called the patriarch, oh, now she can't be called the patriarch, but can only be called the captain, which is comparable.

The reason is simple, because she learns to weave faster than others.

As for those clansmen who looked down on her before, they could only watch with envy and drooling at her being able to eat a white flour steamed bun every day.

What Feng Yong said is that if you can't even learn how to spin and weave, you deserve to starve to death!

"Mei Sizi, sit down on this loom."

Feng Yong instructed Mei Sizi to sit on a loom in the open space of the camp, and there were many spindles beside the loom.

This is a loom that is slightly different from the past. Inspired by the improvement of the spinning wheel, Feng Yong also made some improvements to the loom, and the effect is not bad, at least from the effect that Wei's wife used before leaving. Look, it's pretty good.

Mei Sizi sat on the loom as instructed, feeling a little nervous.

Because she knows that whether she can live a good life in the future depends on her performance today.

In the days before, in her opinion now, life is simply worse than death. If she is really allowed to go back to the past, it is better to kill her directly.

Behind her, there were ten spinning wheels, and some wool was placed beside each spinning wheel.

"You guys, sit down too."

Ten selected Qiang women also sat in front of the spinning wheel as instructed.

Spinning thread is much simpler than weaving cloth. In Feng Yong's view, even Zhao Guang can learn to spin thread.

It's a pity that only farming peoples have pointed out this talent.

In the view of Qiang women, spinning thread is far more difficult than herding sheep.

There is only one shuttle hanging on the spinning wheel, there is no way, at present they can only spin one spindle at a time, and only a skilled hand like Wei Jianiang can use three at a time, as for Amei, she can barely use two.

"Have you learned it a few days ago?" Feng Yong clapped his hands to attract their attention, "Look! See if there is a house over there, whoever can do this job well can live in it and eat steamed buns every day. Otherwise, you go back to sleep with the cattle and sheep, and eat millet."

This time, not only the Hu girls, but also Zhao Guang and others who were watching the hot spots were taken aback.

The house built there is a house built with earthen walls. To put it bluntly, it is better than the thatched cottage where Feng Yong and others live today.

Regardless of the surprised expressions of Zhao Guang and others, Feng Yong said directly: "Okay, let's start."

As a result, the spinning wheels and looms began to hum, and the Qiang girls stepped on the pedals nervously, and began to move their hands according to the usual practice.

This is the first batch of setting equipment after the improvement of the loom and spinning wheel. Today is the first large-scale formal demonstration.

In order to let everyone see clearly, Feng Yong decided to let these Qiang women operate in the open space of the camp.

"Brother, do you really let them live in such a good house?"

While waiting for their final results, Zhao Guang couldn't help but approached them and asked a question.

"Okay? Why don't I think it's so good?"

Feng Yong said casually.

"It didn't look so good in the past, but brother, I still live in these houses at this time, but let them live better than us, isn't it over?"

Zhao Guang pointed to the thatched cottage.

"What's the matter? We haven't lived in it all the time."

Remembering that his elder brother said that he would move to the city this winter, Zhao Guang asked with a bitter face: "These days are getting colder and colder, and my brother feels that the air leakage in this thatched cottage is getting worse, elder brother, when will we move?" In the city?"

"Not going to the city anymore." Feng Yong said without looking back.

After Wei Yan's incident, how could Feng Yong have the mood to go to the city? Looking at that old man's face every day?

"Where do I wait to live in winter?"

Zhao Guang seemed to have expected Feng Yong's words, and pointed to the hustle and bustle outside the camp, with a look of joy on his face.

There were people constantly moving out bricks and tiles from the kiln, some people were building walls, and there were Chinese craftsmen pointing and pointing.

A few days after General Wei sent hundreds of people over, he rushed back from Yang'an Pass with his craftsmen, and his elder brother began to be very busy, instructing the craftsmen to do their work every day.

Later, my elder brother ordered people to dig a ditch outside the camp, and the brick kiln also changed from the usual intermittent fire, to smoke every day.

Later, some houses gradually appeared there, and Zhao Guang knew what his brother wanted to do.

It's just that my brother has been busy, and sometimes he's not in a good mood, so he didn't have a chance to ask for clarification. Now, taking this opportunity, he can finally ask for clarification.

"That's right," Feng Yong nodded, "Make a big courtyard and let everyone live in it together, so we can get close."

Anyway, they are all his own brothers, that is, Li Yi, after the incident of standing behind him under the pressure of Wei Yan, Feng Yong also regarded him as one of his own.

As for Guan Ji, ahem, it's a big deal, and it's no big deal to separate a small courtyard in it alone.

"That's a rare and good house!" Zhao Guang's eyes lit up, "It's all made of bricks and tiles? It's a big job. Isn't it like a city wall?"

Feng Yong glanced at Zhao Guang, but said nothing.

This soil turtle has never seen the world!

What kind of big job is it to build a large yard with a dozen rooms?

Hundreds of barbarian prisoners of war, do they all eat rice?

Originally, when Feng Yong first came, he had already asked people to build several kilns, except for one that was fired lime, and the rest were all fired bricks and tiles, and a lot of bricks and tiles were kept intermittently.

The original plan was to build a house after the spring, but suddenly there were so many people, consuming food every day, Feng Yong also felt distressed, and he didn't want to get too close to that old man Wei, so he just asked someone to dig the foundation and build the house.

Anyway, there are craftsmen brought back by Zhao Guang, who can be regarded as senior technicians of this era, so everything is logical.

At this time, it is not uncommon to build houses with bricks and tiles, but the mainstream is still wood.

Although bricks and tiles have a long history, building a house with bricks and tiles is a big deal.

But how many people can't stand Feng Yong's subordinates!

Although there is not much work at this time, people have to eat if there is no work to do, right? It really hurt Feng Yong's heart.

Why was killing prisoners so common in ancient times? Isn't it because the surrender of prisoners not only requires people to watch, but also consumes food in vain?

When these Di people first started, they still had some special thoughts, but after a few days, they found that as long as they worked hard, they could eat every day, which was better than when they were not captured!

Why do they like to go out and grab a few before winter hits? Isn't it just to get something to celebrate the New Year?

If you don't prepare enough supplies, winter is like passing through the gates of hell, freezing to death a group of people, and then starving to death a group of people.

But here, it's completely different, although what I eat every day is millet, sometimes mixed with some bran, but it can fill my stomach anyway, and there is still a place to sleep.

The only shortcoming is that there is no freedom and being forced to work every day.

But for being able to eat without being frozen to death, the shortcomings are tolerable.

Of course, not everyone thinks that way, and those noble heads certainly don't think so, so they died, either being whipped to death or hacked to death.

It doesn't matter if they are dead, if they are all dead, no one will make them go against the will of the Han people.

Naturally, Feng Tubie didn't understand the minds of these barbarians, all he wanted was for these barbarians to be obedient.

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