Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 190 The First Generation Factory Girl

Damn it!

It is simply a matter of earning more or earning less?

But in Li Yi's view, if you earn less, you will lose money. This kind of thinking is very advanced.

Feng Yong thought for a while, then sighed, "There is no way out, and we have to make offerings to Hanzhong first, let's talk about this later."

"Brother, if you seriously consider this matter, there is nothing you can do."

Li Yi continued to lower his voice and said, "It's just that it's not a place to talk at this time. I will find an opportunity later, and I will talk to my brother in detail."

Mei Sizi didn't know what those adults were muttering there, she stood looking a little lonely, she glanced secretly a few times, but found that no one was looking at her at all.

I was a little worried at first, and I don't know how to behave this time?

However, seeing the happy faces of the little adults, he couldn't help being slightly happy. It didn't look like a bad thing.

At this time, some of the Qiang girls on the spinning wheel also stopped, and came forward with a gauze, speaking in half-baked Chinese, "My lord, it's ready."

"Well, not bad." Feng Yong took it, weighed it, and praised it casually.

There is no need to look at this carefully. The spinning wheel has been improved, but it has not been able to exert its full effect. The skills of the weavers need to be improved.

"This spinning wheel is really fast!" Li Yi's emotions have not yet calmed down, and he took the spindle handed over by Feng Yong and looked at it over and over again, as if it was really a rare thing, "In the past, I could get one spindle a day. , It’s so rare, I never thought that I would get one ingot in less than half a day, it’s wonderful!”

"Okay, Mei Sizi, your performance this time is very good, and the cloth is very good." Feng Yong looked at Mei Sizi who had been waiting by the side, and said kindly, "When you go back today, treat yourself well." Think of a name. Let me know when the time comes, and I will give you a household registration."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord!"

Mei Sizi finally got Feng Yong's promise, and immediately kowtowed a few times on the ground.

Once you get the household registration, you are considered a Han Chinese. You are no longer a vulgar barbarian, and you no longer have to act on the face of the leader.

Although she also understands that even if she is free, she cannot leave here, otherwise she will either starve to death or become a slave again.

But at least around here, within the jurisdiction of this lord in front of her, she is free and nobler than those previous clansmen.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing those Qiang girls have completed the operation one after another, Feng Yong is quite satisfied with this demonstration.

The first textile mill of this era, it seems, will soon be established.

And Mei Sizi and the others are the first batch of factory girls.

"Brother, register those Qiang women's household registration, don't you be afraid..."

Li Yi watched those Qiang girls disperse, and then he spoke.

"What are you afraid of? Afraid they will run away?"

Feng Yong smiled and said nonchalantly, "Don't forget, there is still a five-year contract."

Feng Yong is not abusing good people to do good deeds.

Although it is said that those female weavers are given household registration, there is still a prerequisite, that is, a five-year contract must be signed, and after five years of work, they will stay and leave freely without forcing.

"But what about five years from now?"

"Five years later?"

Feng Yong glanced at Li Yi's anxious expression, and said meaningfully, "Five years later, if they really choose to leave, I really admire their courage."

Later generations say that part-time work is hard, but why are there still so many factory girls?

Especially in Guangdong Province in the 1990s, how many people flocked there to work?

Because no matter how hard it is to work in a factory, is it as hard as being at home?

Of course, in the future, the economy of the whole country will rise, and this kind of phenomenon will be less.

But as long as there are industrial areas, the factory girls will not disappear. It is much better to get wages from the factory than from the few pieces of land at home.

In the same way, as long as Feng Yong can maintain the standard of living of the factory girls in his hands higher than that of ordinary people, then even if the Qiang girls are given freedom, they will still take the initiative to stay.

How can slaves who are forced to work work as efficiently as those who work for a better life for themselves?

Besides, slaves have a fart vitality? Both body and mind belong to the slave owner, and all he needs to do is give him a bite to eat. Although it looks beautiful, it is only good for the slave owner, and has no use for the society at all.

Freedmen are different.

Although wages are required, the wages these days are basically rice grains. Feng Yong even plans to print some food stamps himself and send them out directly as wages.

At that time, let them take the food stamps, either in the textile factory to exchange for food, or go to the cafeteria to exchange for a day's food, it's all okay.

After a long time, when you are full of food, you want to dress warmly, live well, improve your living standards, and even want a woman or a man to make your life more pleasant. This is normal. There is no need for Feng Yong to promote the development of human needs.

At that time, they will naturally be a little active, and they will think about saving some food, or food stamps, and then exchange them for what they want. This is the most elementary economic transaction.

Without economic transactions, where is the prosperity? How to improve people's motivation?

At this time, Feng Yong can make a move again. They can sell whatever they want. Anyway, they are left-handed and right-handed, and they don't lose money.

Is it true that only those who belong entirely to the slave owner are called slaves?

Without means of production, without production tools, without Feng Yong, they will become slaves of others again. Aren’t factory girls and factory boys a kind of slaves in disguise?

Of course, with the continuous efforts of the factory sisters and factory boys in the future, some people will eventually get rid of this completely dependent relationship, but when that time comes, Feng Yong will be just as happy.

What does the Shu Han lack the most?


When these people are really able to leave the textile factory and survive, they will basically be Sinicized.

At that time, that's what Zhuge Lao Yao has to worry about. What's the matter with Feng Yong?

Besides, could they still escape from the big man? Take the initiative to go back to Hudi to herd cattle and sheep? What are you kidding?

Regardless of whether the Hu people will recognize them or not, it is impossible for them to live that kind of precarious life again, and they may even look down on the life of ordinary Han people in Qianshou.

Anyway, he can be regarded as a person who has no worries about food and clothing!

People who don’t have to worry about food and clothing are still called Qianshou?

Then, the Sinicized barbarians who can only speak Chinese but can't write Chinese characters, if they want to climb up, the only way out is to go to the battlefield with the old monster Zhuge to gamble.

Anyway, being able to speak both Chinese and Hu can be regarded as a translator, right? In addition, they are familiar with the terrain and mix better, and it is estimated that they can get a low-level little boss or something.

As for those who want to be more comfortable, they can continue to hang out with Feng Yong.

Anyway, the first generation of Sinicized barbarians are regarded as the most basic industrial consumables in Feng Yong's view, and he doesn't feel bad if they are gone or dead.

Only those who can read and have a certain ability to think can be regarded as barely qualified workers.

This will start from their second generation.

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