Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 194 Don't Panic Feng Langjun

"I forget that a few years ago, I followed my family members to Nayinping, the place where the Qiang people gathered. The leader of the Qiang people once exchanged three sheep with me for a catty of tea..."

I'm going to stab you to death, fat man!

When Feng Yong heard this, he was really shocked and angry. The secret he thought only he knew was actually revealed by this guy in front of him.

Think about it, it might not be impossible.

Tea drinking has a long history in central Shu, and Yinping is located in the land of Shu. It is not surprising that the Qiang people can get tea.

Tea can supplement the vitamins needed in daily life, and it can also relieve greasy. Although Hu people don't understand the reason, they feel comfortable after drinking tea, and they are prone to problems if they don't drink tea, so they naturally treat this tea as a treasure .

Just drink it well, but why not?

What's ridiculous is that he even agreed to give the Li family tea seedlings?

What the hell, didn't he cultivate a competitor by killing himself?

And it is an opponent that I am sure I can't compete with.

Why does the aristocratic family with the right to interpret knowledge repeatedly belittle businessmen?

Is it because they really look down on copper stink?

On the contrary, they are to better curb the bad smell.

It looks like a very noble family, shouting in their mouths that "a gentleman is a metaphor for righteousness, and a villain is a metaphor for profit", making the world despise those businessmen. In fact, which one has clean hands and feet behind their backs? Which family's income is only dug out of the ground? Which one does not have a trade name? A businessman who wasn't used by them as a white glove?

Only when the status of businessmen is lowered, will they be better controlled by them.

Therefore, the aristocratic family has a long history of doing business properly. How do you ask Feng Yong to compete with an aristocratic family? Channels alone can't handle others.

Unless, there is a country as a backer.

But for tea, Feng Yong really went to cooperate with Old Demon Zhuge, so why would he have anything to do with him later?

After all, Jicha Division has thousands of years of history!

"Feng Langjun, don't panic!"

Seeing that something was wrong with Feng Yong's eyes looking at him, He Wang hurriedly said something.

"That Qiang tribe traded with people in my tribe all the year round. The patriarch liked to learn Chinese customs, so he also learned how to drink tea from the Han people. It's just that the Qiang people's body is oily, and they never put oil in tea. When you are addicted, you can exchange tea at a high price."

"But in that clan, he is the only one who likes to drink tea, and because I know him well, he asks me to exchange tea, but others don't know about it."

Feng Yong's face looked better now.

The fat man's ability to talk about this incident shows that he did not intend to sabotage Feng Yong's plan.

"Tea tea can relieve the greasy in Hu people's body, and Feng Langjun must also know it. If you want to sell tea to Hu people in the future, forget to help a little bit."

When Feng Yong heard this, he suddenly felt that the fat man below seemed a little cute.

"I can't forget that I will go to Ju County to take office. According to my prediction, it will become the place where the big man and the Hu people trade. If Feng Langjun needs anything in the future, please let me know."

What a big favor?

Feng Yong relaxed his body, leaned back on the chair slowly, and finally said a word: "What does He Langjun want?"

Although He Wang was able to become Governor of Wu Xing, at least part of Zhuge Lao Yao's trust was obtained, but this does not mean that Feng Yong will believe that he will help him selflessly.

"Feng Langjun wrote a thousand-character essay, taught the children of farmers to read, and took out eight ox plows to offer plans to reclaim Hanzhong. You forget to know a little bit about what you want to do."


I must stab this fat man to death, Feng Yong sat up straight suddenly, this time his heart was really murderous.

This fat man is really extremely smart, he can even guess some of what he wants to do in his heart.

Why was Feng Tubie not willing to leave Shu Han when he was dug into a hole like Zhuge Laoyao at the beginning?

Not only did he not leave, but he took the initiative to show his heart with actions, and helped the old demon Zhuge a lot?

Is it just because you have a big man in your heart?

Of course, this is only part of the reason, and part of the reason is that no matter if Wei Guo or Soochow, the aristocratic family is in power, if he goes to any side, how can there be a way out?

That is to say, the old monster Zhuge of the Shu Han dared to deal a cruel blow to the family, so that he could agree with it.

More importantly, he knew that after a hundred years, those bastards from the Central Plains family would be responsible for the Wu Huan Hua—the Sima family would be responsible for the leadership.

Look at Yiguan Nandu, what did those aristocratic families do?

Putting on makeup and powder, panting after walking two steps and asking for help, taking drugs and running naked in the street...

What's more, it's not doing business!

If it weren't for the power of knowledge interpretation as the background, at least some romantic and literary talent as the shining point, I'm afraid that period of history would be dark throughout.

So, what family do you want?

But how dare the current Feng Yong bark his teeth at the aristocratic family?

He secretly created a thousand-character essay, which was completely an experiment.

The school for the children of textile factory workers is preparing to make further attempts.

That's it, he didn't even think about touching the bottom line of the aristocratic family and engaging in knowledge interpretation rights.

The problem is that even the textile factory has not been set up yet, He Wang, who is a son of an aristocratic family, ran over to him and said, I know what you want to do.

I fuck your sister!

That's not right, his sister is the young lady of the He family, and it belongs to Li Yi, so there's nothing wrong with it.

into your mother?

If the aristocratic family really knew Feng Tubie's real intention was to pry their foundations and then overthrow them, fearing that they would just jump on him and kill him?

Even if he has the protection of the Zhuge old demon, so what?

Everyone knows that Guan Yu lost Jingzhou because of the cooperation between Cao Wei and Soochow.

But it is estimated that not many people have thought about why Guan Yu's rear was lost so easily?

Lu Meng crossed the river in white clothes, unable to bring siege equipment, long weapons, and even armor, but he dared to cross the river as if to die, and then took Jiangling as if by divine help—if he didn’t Answer, there is no ghost? Who believes it?

So here comes the question, in the land of Jingzhou, who has such great energy?

Don't even think about it, of course it's the Jingzhou clan.


Because what Liu Bei did after he entered Shu has deeply hurt the hearts of the aristocratic families, and at the same time made them vigilant: if Liu Bei really wants to win the world, who knows if he will do the same to the big families in the world?

Guan Yu's loss of Jingzhou was the result of the joint efforts of the northern family and the eastern family to strangle Liu Bei's forces in order to avoid repeating the mistakes of the great families in central Shu.

Of course, this statement may be a bit serious, and you can also say it is a lesson for Liu Bei's forces.

Even a hero like Guan Yu Megatron Huaxia can't handle it. How can you call Feng Tubie have the guts to shoulder such a big event?

Why was Zhuge Old Demon's Northern Expedition so difficult to succeed?

The involvement of the big clans in central Shu also played a part.

Therefore, Feng Yong's potential purpose of making troubles and pretending to be crazy is actually to cover up his desire to kill the family.

As for those so-called grievances and submissions in the eyes of the world, in the eyes of Feng Tubie, they are nothing but farts!

I lost a piece of meat?

A group of short-sighted people who only have their own eyes! What's the point of talking about it?

Han Xin still has the humiliation of stepping down!

"Feng Langjun, don't panic."

Fatty He said this again, and wiped his face at the same time. He didn't know if he was hot from anxiety, or because he was excited, but there was an inexplicable light in his small eyes.

"Forget, I would like to conspire with Feng Lang-jun."

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