Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 260 Blood for an Alliance

"I believe you didn't do it on purpose," Feng Yong nodded, "Well, I don't care about the frightening of the cattle and sheep, and I don't want you to compensate for the interruption of the mutual market."

"But you must be punished for breaking the rules."

"Your Excellency, you must make things difficult for us?"

The Xianbei man's face finally sank uncontrollably.

Feng Yong shook his head and said, "This is not a problem. As I said, I am the most fair person, and you have also said that I am the most respectful person. Rules are rules and should not be broken at will."

Having said so much, Feng Yong also lost his patience. He pointed to the peripheral Qiang people who had just been driven away and gradually surrounded.

"Look, among those people, which one dares to cross the line?"

He also pointed to the Qiang headman who was standing quietly watching from the side, who was qualified to enter the open space.

"Look again, which one of them dares to come up and disturb us when we are talking about things?"

As he said that, his face sank, "I don't care about it, and I don't want compensation, don't I even want the rules? If so, how do you tell me to gain a foothold in Ju County in the future? How can I ask others to abide by the rules in the future?"

"How do you pay for it, my lord? How do you punish me?"

The Xianbei people glanced at the Qiang people who were watching silently, and then at the Han soldiers who were eagerly facing them, and finally took a step back. This is the territory of the Han people, and it is on flat ground. They are unable to compete with the Han people.

"Those who break the rules of the Juxian mutual market will be fined one horse per person, two cows, or six sheep, or other equivalent items in exchange."

Feng Yong heard that the Xianbei people had softened, and said with a smile that the lion opened his mouth.

I am the master of my territory, and I will fight against it.

I thought this remark would anger the Xianbei people, but I didn't expect the leader on the opposite side to be able to bear it again and again. He took a step back, nodded and asked, "Dare to ask my lord, will the rules of Juxian County continue to be like this? No exception?"


Feng Yong nodded.

"Your Excellency said just now that buying and selling is fair, and no forced buying or selling is allowed. What if the Han people broke these rules?"

The Xianbei people stared at Feng Yong and asked this question.

Feng Yong was taken aback for a moment, and finally his expression became serious. He looked around without too much hesitation, "Naturally the same."

If Juxian wants to grow, a good trading environment is essential.

As the maker of the rules, the big man has already obtained the greatest benefits, so the appearance of eating on the surface should not be too ugly.

Moreover, this Ju County is related to the Northern Expedition plan of Zhuge Old Demon. If Feng Yong is about to ruin something because of his temporary remarks, he will be hanged and beaten.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, the Qiang people around couldn't help showing a hint of joy.


The Xianbei man got the answer he wanted most, and immediately said loudly, "The villain has one last thing to say, just to ask the adults, what if you are not around in the future?"

Feng Yong smiled, pointed to the cloth behind him, and said, "I am the only one who can make this kind of cloth in the world. Even if I am not around in the future, you can go to me if you think it is unfair. I promise to treat you fairly forever." You trade with each other."

"Adults are broad-minded, but villains are convinced."

The Xianbei leader finally admired.

He turned around and went back, drew out the knife on his body, patted his mount, and then stabbed the horse's neck suddenly.

The horse only had time to neigh before it crashed to the ground.

The Xianbei smeared the spurted horse blood on his mouth and face, and then made a please gesture to Feng Yong.

The rest of the Xianbei retreated in unison, making way for a wide road, lowering their heads and looking solemn.

"What does it mean?"

Feng Tubie was a little dazed by the sudden situation.

"Brother, this is an alliance made of blood," Guan Ji heard Feng Yong's muttering, she came over and explained in a low voice, "Back then Gaozu and the ministers agreed that neither Liu nor king, nor meritorious service, was to kill a white horse as an alliance. , he wants to make a covenant with his brother."

Isn't the White Horse Alliance something that Li Er of the Tang Dynasty did? It turns out that Liu Bang also has a white horse alliance?

Feng Tubie always thought that killing horses for alliance was something done by barbarians, but he didn't expect it to be the custom of Han people.

"Then how do I do it?"

"Just like him, just smear the blood on your mouth and face. Don't be afraid, brother, the younger sister will always follow him forward."

No, shouldn't you ask my opinion, should you agree to him?

Hearing Guan Ji's words, Feng Yong just muttered a bit, and after a little thought, he already understood what she meant.

The ancients made great promises, if they regretted what they said in public, what face would they have to stand in the world?

Swallowing blood to form an alliance can only be regarded as a ceremony.

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie had no choice but to take two steps, glanced at the Xianbei people on both sides, and saw that everyone was standing still, and no one looked up at him, so he became more courageous.

When he walked up to the fallen horse safely, he finally believed in his heart that the Xianbei people really wanted to form an alliance with him.

He stretched out his hand, dipped it in horse blood, and applied it on his face just like the Xianbei man.

The horse blood was still warm and had a strong fishy smell, which made him uncomfortable.

"I baldly stand here and swear that if Feng Langjun can keep this promise forever, Xianbei Baldy will always regard Feng Langjun as his best friend and will not violate the fair rules he set."

The bald man stood up and beat his chest.

Damn, it seems that this Xianbei Hu'er is not simple!

Feng Tubie pondered for a while, and finally said, "I, Feng Yong, swear here that no matter who comes to the cloth market, I will treat everyone equally and fairly."

The ceremony is very simple, without too many links.

After the two finished speaking, the Xianbei people cheered, not only that, even the Qiang people were all smiling.

"Feng Langjun, the villain said before that we Xianbei people respect fairness the most. Since we have violated the rules set by Feng Langjun, then according to the rules, each person will be punished by a horse."

As the bald man spoke, he said another sentence to the Xianbei people in Xianbei language.

Seeing that those Xianbei Hu people walked towards their horses one after another, untied their horses, and then drove the horses to Feng Yong's side.

Zhao Guang was so happy that his nose almost came out, he quickly called his servants to gather the horses together.

This is a good war horse!

The bald man stood facing Feng Yongfu's chest and said, "The Xianbei people didn't know the seriousness, and they offended the adults, so they should be punished. Now that the punishment is over, the villain should retreat first, and how about coming back after the adults and the Qiang people have finished trading? "


What else could Feng Yong say besides nodding?

With Feng Yong's permission, the Xianbei people each pulled the remaining horses, withdrew from the open space, and stood outside.

"Brother, brother, it's over!"

Zhao Guang leaned over, with uncontrollable excitement in his voice, "This is a rare good horse, even northern war horses are rarely so tall. These horses are all carefully selected."

As he said that, he couldn't help but raised his thumbs up, "It's still my elder brother who is amazing, just say a few words casually, and that Xianbeier will willingly offer the horse with both hands."

That is, clever words... Cough cough, is the name of the young hero Feng Langjun a waste of fame?

Feng Yong was not dazzled by the benefits in front of him, because the Xianbei man's performance was really a little abnormal.

Although his face was indifferent, his eyes could not hide the doubts, and he glanced thoughtfully at those Xianbei barbarians.

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