Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 267 The first time something good happens

In the final analysis, it is still the gentry politics that is extremely selfish. For their own sake, they care about the world and even block all the channels of advancement, just to prevent even a little bit of power from being distributed.

They even take it for granted that they are born with privilege.

As for the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, in order to fight for power and profit, they even took the initiative to arm the Hu people. Isn't this selfish?

How can there be a good end to eating alone?

That's why Feng Yong regards the aristocratic family as a thorn in his side - Nima, you hide so many people, and you try your best to hide the land, where do you tell me to find labor? How to expand domestic demand?

Domestic demand can't keep up, where do you ask me to get the production power?

And the idea of ​​Zhuge Old Demon is, Nima, you have hidden so many people, and you have tried your best to conceal the land, where do you tell me to find people? How to collect taxes?

With no population and no taxes, how to restore the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital?

So the two guys, one old and one young, although the ultimate goal is not the same, but the process is the same, that is to kill the family.

After hearing Feng Yong's words, Ma Su squinted his eyes, thinking that if I hadn't known about Jincheng's affairs, I'm afraid I would really be fooled by you.

"There are only you and me here, and you are still pretending to be confused like this? Once Ba Niuli was born, how many tenants and tenants did you lose their livelihoods? Do you have no idea?"

"Huh? Prefect Ma, what do you mean by that, is it proper to let those tenants and tenants depend on the big household?"

Feng Yong asked bluntly.

Eight ox plows, easy to cut?

The aristocratic family is selfish, and it also has the advantage of being selfish, that is, they will abandon it without hesitation if it is of no use to them.

People need to eat food, but cattle only need to eat grass!

With eight ox plows, what tenants and tenants are needed?

So last year in Jincheng, in addition to the refugees from Nanzhong, there were also many landless refugees who suddenly appeared, all of whom were "following the imperial court's call" and driving out the people who were attached to them.

Fortunately, the old demon Zhuge asked people to renovate Dujiangyan last year, and got a lot of land. It happened to register these refugees as household registration and settle them there.

Hearing what Feng Yong said, Ma Di was choked up immediately, and said after a while, "But no one thought that the eight ox plows would be so powerful, and the land obtained from the repair of Dujiangyan had already been distributed last year. Seeing that this year's spring plowing has just passed, there are suddenly many more refugees in Shu."

Speaking of this, Ma Di looked at Feng Yong suspiciously, "Did you really not expect this day to come when you made this eight ox plow?"


Feng Tubie wanted to clap his hands and laugh on the spot.

The aristocratic family had just used the eight-ox plow last year, so they probably had no idea, and only some of them got the eight-ox plow, so only some of them were released.

Then, during the spring plowing this year, I saw that this thing worked better than I imagined. In addition, after a winter rush to work in Zhuyejian, it is estimated that Ba Niu plow sold a lot, so the remaining surplus population was released. part out.

After all, you have to help those poor ghosts in your own family when you are out of service, right?

I used to think about using this debt to tie them up, but now that I have eight ox plows, if I donate money, isn't that a waste of food? So drive it away and pull it down.

This kind of thing, of course, I have thought of it a long time ago!

Production tools are a form of productivity. The improvement of productivity will free some farmers from the shackles of the land.

Even if I tell you about Ma Dabeard's theory, you won't understand it.

Besides, even if you understand, I can't tell you.

Feng Tubie gave a "tsk" and said, "Mr. Ma, I'm just a seventeen-year-old young man. It was my wife who asked me about the farming method, and I didn't want to say it myself, and I was forced to... I will go to Zhuye prison to be on duty..."

"Okay, don't say any more."

Ma Di interrupted Feng Yong's words, feeling a little headache, this kid is really slippery, I wanted to touch his bottom, but I didn't expect to be so slippery.

How can I comment on Madam's affairs at will?

At the moment, he had no choice but to explain his reason for coming: "What I said just now means that some farmers have nowhere to go now. If they don't make proper arrangements early, they will cause trouble sooner or later. Therefore, the imperial court wants them to move to Hanzhong. .”

Feng Yong curled his lips and said, "Prefect Ma, isn't this a good thing? With so much land reclaimed in Hanzhong, there is a shortage of manpower."

It doesn't matter to me anyway.

"Of course it's a good thing. But as I said just now, there are too many barbarians in Nanxiang, so we need to let some Han people there."

"You should tell the people in the Xixiang Hou Mansion about this matter."

Feng Yong looked at Ma Su strangely, "Most of the land that can be reclaimed in Nanxiang belongs to the Marquis of Xixiang."

Although there is still 10,000 mu owned by Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation, it is apparently the private land of Adou and the Queen, and Feng Yong can't say much about it.

Even if in the end he was still the one who planted alfalfa.

"Are you really not understanding or pretending not to understand?"

Ma Di said impatiently, "The Han people can also be put in your textile workshop."

Feng Tubie was really stunned.

Ever since he crossed over, he has always been the only one who benefits people, and I haven't heard of anyone else benefiting him.

Especially the Zhuge old demon, the guy who would piss out a toad if he caught a toad, and there will be a day when he will benefit himself?

So at this time, Feng Tubie couldn't believe it. He looked at Ma Su suspiciously, and asked cautiously, "What does Prefect Ma mean by sending a group of Han people to the textile workshop in Nanxiang?"

"That's right."

"What conditions?"

"This is the Prime Minister's love for you, you kid, you really don't know how to flatter you!"

Ma Di scolded with staring eyes and raised beard.

"Oh! What Ma Taishou said is that the boy really doesn't know how to flatter." After confirming the news, Feng Tubie immediately made a 180-degree turn and said enthusiastically, "How can Yonghede ? To make the prime minister care so much?"

Ma Di looked at the speed of this face-changing speechlessly, and couldn't help asking, "Apart from this farming technique, have you really not learned anything else?"

Feng Yong pondered, why do you always like to ask me this question? Huang Yueying seemed to have asked similar questions before?

"Always be ready to fight for the revival of the big man, does that count?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Seeing that Ma Di was about to take a picture, Feng Yong hurriedly explained, "Prefect Ma, I am not talking nonsense, I promised Guan Ji, if you don't believe me, you can ask her."

During the Yang'an Pass, Feng Tubie once led a hell-level main task, which was to revive the great man, and the task reward was Guan Ji's kowtow.

Although Guan Ji no longer mentions this now, Feng Yong always remembers it in his heart.

So why did he tell Guan Ji that he would go to Guan Mansion to propose marriage next year?

If even the Nanzhong Rebellion is not resolved, how can you call Feng Tubie the shame to marry Guan Ji?

As for things like kowtowing, it doesn't hurt to wait a little longer, at least Guan Ji must be settled first, and she cannot be allowed to run away.

"Don't talk about these irrelevant things, talk about business. I went back to see the textile workshop, but I know that you have registered household registration for those barbarians and Weaver Girls, right?"

"There is such a thing."

Ma Su nodded and said, "Since all Hu women can register for household registration, it makes no sense for the Han people to be inferior to the Hu people. Therefore, when these people come here, you must also register for household registration, and you cannot be treated as a slave."

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