Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 296: Tiger of the Meng Family

As the governor of Nanzhong, Li Hui still has the necessary guards.

In addition, the identity of the other party has not yet been determined, so the people around Li Hui were cautious. When they heard Li Hui shouting, the surrounding officials and guards outside the door all rushed forward, and the five people were arrested on the spot. It's solid.

Compared to their nervousness, those five people seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and they didn't resist at all. Instead, they were captured by the guards very cooperatively.

"Is this how Li Dudu treats guests?"

Although the leader couldn't move, his face was indifferent, he raised his head hard and asked a question.

Li Hui was a little surprised at the cooperation of the visitor, then he chuckled again, and asked with his beard, "When did a rebel become a guest of my Dudu's Mansion?"

The visitor showed a wry smile, "If you don't come in like this, I'm afraid you will be chopped into meat sauce before you see Dudu Li, so you have to make such a bad plan. The villain came here with no malice, so I ask Dudu Li to check it out." .”

As he said that, he realized that he was crushed to death and could not move at all, "Dudu Li, can you let Meng take a breath?"

"You have to be careful when capturing the tiger of the Meng family."

Li Hui said with a smile.

"The tiger of the Meng family?"

Wang Ping frowned, and lost his voice, "It's actually the Meng family?"

The Meng family, a wealthy family in Nanzhong, is one of the leading families in this rebellion.

And Meng Huo, the head of the Meng family, is one of the leaders of the rebel army.

"That's right, this person is none other than Meng Huo, Meng Yan who is known as the tiger of the Meng family in Nanzhong."

Li Hui nodded, then smiled and said to Meng Yan, "I haven't seen you for many years, how did Brother Ang Xiong come here?"

Seeing Li Hui's playful smile, Meng Yan sighed, "I only came here so that my people can survive in the future."

Li Hui sat down again, pointed to Meng Yan, and said, "Leave this person, and all the rest will be tied up."

"Thank you Dudu Li for not killing me."

Upon hearing this, Meng Yan said quickly.

"Thank you in advance. If you don't tell me a reason not to kill you, if you don't kill you now, you will still kill them later."

Li Hui said calmly.

Seeing that the guards were still pressing down on Meng Yan, with worry in his eyes, Li Hui waved his hand and said, "General Wang stays, and the rest, all go down."

"But Dudu, if this person has evil intentions, wouldn't the Dudu be in danger?"

The head of the personal guard said with some hesitation.

"Don't worry. The old man is also the leader of the army. There is also General Wang, who has extraordinary martial arts skills. In addition, you are guarding outside the door. This person is unarmed, and there is no way he can hurt me."

After hearing what Li Hui said, the guard let go of Meng Yan and retreated.

"Doctor Li is so grand!"

After Meng Yan got up, she stood far away and cupped her hands, not approaching, to show that she had no malice.

"Tell me, you, Meng Angxiong, are Meng Ni's most valued person, why don't you follow Meng Ni to rebel, what are you doing here? Do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

Li Hui had a murderous look on his face.

"Yan came here this time with the intention of dying. Whether Li Dudu kills Yan or not, he doesn't care about Yan. It's just that before he died, Yan wanted to say something, if Li Dudu could listen to him Even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

There was no fear on Meng Yan's face.

"What a joke! I am the governor of Nanzhong, and you are rebels in Nanzhong. There are already incompatible forces. How can I listen to your words?"

Li Hui shouted sharply, "Quickly tell us why you are here, the governor has always been impatient with you."

Meng Yan sighed, "Don't say it's the governor, it's the Han officials. How can you be patient with the Southern Zhongyi people? The reason why Nanzhong is in today's situation, has the governor ever thought about it?"

"Naturally, it's because some people harbor evil intentions and intend to stand on their own."

"Why did the governor only talk about one, but not the other?"

Meng Yan stood with his head held high, talking eloquently, "Nanzhong was originally a land of barbarians, and our people have grown up here for generations. When the Han people came, they occupied the flat land, opened forests and burned wasteland for farming, and that's all."

"But why do you look down on our people on weekdays, deceive our people to be ignorant, use treacherous schemes, take plunder, and such things, are there still few such things? Is it possible that we are not allowed to resist after being oppressed by the Han people?"

Li Hui sneered, "I'm afraid it's you who said the treacherous words?"

Li Hui pointed to Meng Yan, and continued, "At the beginning of the rebellion, there were barbarians who refused to accept the rebel Yong Kai. If you, the Meng family, hadn't spread rumors that the big Han would impose heavy taxes on the barbarians, how could the barbarians in Nanzhong be like this? Resenting the big man, everyone is against it?"

Meng Yan felt ashamed when he heard this, "My brother was confused about this matter. But Dudu Li, if there were no Han people who robbed me of barbarian people in the past, how could barbarian people believe this so easily?"

"Under the whole world, is it the king's land, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers."

Li Hui snorted, "This world belongs to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Can you barbarians stay out of it? The emperor of the Han Dynasty is benevolent, and the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is strict. As long as you can obey the discipline, you will not be subject to it." Wronged."

"But you don't obey discipline, how can you ask the big man to protect you? Being oppressed is done by a wealthy family, but it turned against the big man. What's the reason?"

"But Li Dudu, we barbarians have lived in Nanzhong for generations. You Han people, whether you are a wealthy family or ordinary Han people, if it weren't for the emperor of the Han people who asked someone to bring in an army, how would they dare to enter Nanzhong so easily? "

Meng Yan said unconvinced.

"Han has prestige and prestige, and he leads all nations. Where the sun and moon shine, they are all ministers and concubines. Wherever the sun and moon shine, and where rivers and rivers go, they are all Han soil. Why don't you accept it?"

Li Hui said lightly.

Meng Yan's face froze immediately.

Have you ever seen a fist the size of a sandbag?

After a long time, Meng Yan sighed again, "The world regards Han as the most respected, how dare a villain refuse to accept it?"

"It's just Dudu Li, Han people are all born of parents, each has children, and there is no difference between us barbarian people. Everyone has compassion, can't the big man let us barbarian people live a good life?"

Meng Yan knew that his fist was stronger than others, so he had no choice but to reason.

"If you want to reason, I will reason with you."

Li Hui said slowly, "The Yi people want to live a good life, and the Han people also want to live a good life, but the rebellion will make it difficult for anyone to live a good life."

"Go back and tell Meng Huo that Yong Kai and others rebelled for their own wealth and power, not for your barbarian people. If you want barbarian people to live a good life, only a big man can give it to you."

Li Hui tapped on the case and emphasized his tone, "In the past, the Han people bullied the barbarians. Didn't the barbarians themselves bully the barbarians? After all, isn't it all done by the wealthy families in Nanzhong? It's just that most of the wealthy families are Han people." , so it is said that the Han people bully the barbarians."

"Although you, Meng Yan, are not Han, you are still a member of the wealthy family in Nanzhong. I don't need to say more about the reason. If you really want the barbarians to live a good life, you can take Shuzhong as an example."

"In the past, when the first emperor did not enter Shu, the rich and aristocratic families did things recklessly, occupying the mountains and invading the marshes, and the people in Shu were also oppressed by them."

"But now if you look at the middle of Sichuan, which wealthy family dares to do this? The Prime Minister strictly enforces the law. If you barbarians are willing to return to the big Han, the Prime Minister will definitely not let you be wronged again."

As a political figure, Li Hui naturally understood who the barbarians Meng Yan was talking about were.

To put it bluntly, they are all local leaders and the like.

In Nanzhong at this time, apart from the places close to the Han county, there were also many tribal villages that were still in a primitive society.

The headman has all the rights, and many of the population is even considered property assigned to the headman.

So it is not without reason that Nanzhong is called the land of barbarians.

It's a pity that the headman dominates his tribe's village, and when he meets a more advanced form of Han people, he can only shrink his head and be a bastard.

Still the same sentence, a fist the size of a sandbag, just ask if you are afraid?

If you can't handle others, if you don't behave like a turtle, you can only be a dead person.

"The villain's clan brother..." Meng Yan was puzzled, "The villain is really not sure that he can persuade him. But the villain has some prestige among the tribe, and there are still many people who are willing to listen to the villain's restraint."

"That's why the villain came here this time because he wanted Dudu Li to say something. As long as we can no longer be oppressed by the Han people, the villain is willing to take the tribe to join the big man."

"Hehe," Li Huiqiang restrained his excitement, and pretended to be calm, "The rule of Han and Barbarians in South China is a national policy set by the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty. How can I promise you this matter?"

"Li Dudu controls Nanzhong, and the villain dare not intercede for all the barbarians in Nanzhong. I only hope that the governor can take care of the villain's tribe and protect the tribe of the villain."

There are tens of thousands of tribes and villages in the southern Zhongyi people, and Meng Yan's own tribe is one of the larger ones.

He said so much before, but in the end he just wanted to find a way out for his tribe.

As for the others, how could he manage so much?

"Meng Angxiong, since you've reached this point, I also want to ask a question. Those rebels in the south are making trouble now, and you are the most important person of the Meng thief. Why did you suddenly wake up?" Woolen cloth?"

Li Hui asked slowly.

This matter is of great importance, Li Hui had to ask clearly.

Meng Yan shook his head with a wry smile and said, "The rebellion in Nanzhong first took advantage of the danger of the great Han, and then tricked the barbarians into rebellion. Soochow sends out troops, and those who succeed, do they place their hopes on others?"

"Nowadays, Soochow has a good relationship with the big Han. On the other hand, Yong Kai can't even fight the land of Yongchang, which hangs alone outside the big Han. The armies in the south..."

"Well, it's the rebels from all walks of life, and they are fighting on their own. They are not convinced, and they have their own selfishness. From this point of view, nothing will happen."

"The villain followed them, thinking that they were really thinking about the barbarians, but now it seems that, as the governor said, everyone is for their own power and wealth, and the villain is ashamed of them, so they don't want to be with them. "

Having said that, Meng Yan showed some horror on his face again, as if he remembered something.

"In these days, even though the master of the Han Dynasty has not yet arrived, the countless militias alone have caused the barbarians to panic. I thought that the barbarians were already fearless of death, but I didn't expect that the people in the militias were even more so. More than one win."

"They are hard to guard against. They attack every village and stockade day and night. If the rebels don't have an army of hundreds of people, they wouldn't dare to walk alone. The rumors about them in Nanzhong have reached the point where children can stop crying .”

"The power of the big man has come so far! If one day the big man finishes reorganizing his army, I'm afraid that the rebels in Nanzhong, which are in chaos now, will be smashed like a powder. How can the villain let the clansmen waste it in vain? life?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Li Hui, but even the silent Wang Ping looked strange.

When did such a strange thing as the militia become the prestige of a big man?

Especially Li Hui, his face twitched even more.

Who is the first militia in Nanzhong?

It seems to belong to your own home, right?

There is no way, the Li family also wants to reclaim wasteland in Hanzhong!

A son and a nephew of my own family have been to Hanzhong for so long, and they know that they are fooling around with a certain soil turtle all day long, and they have to worry about their own fields in Hanzhong from such a distance.

Unfilial ah, big unfilial wow!

To be honest, although militia groups are said to be formed by private individuals, in fact, each or several militia groups formed together must be registered with the imperial court.

As many people as there are in the militia, they will sell you as much military dry food as you want, and you won’t sell more than half a dollar, so if you want to hide the number of people, then unless you can really send troops like the imperial court, someone specially escorts the food and grass to follow south.

If you really want to do this, what's the point of hiding the number of people?

Besides, even if someone wanted to do this, would he dare? Do you really think you are a regular army of the imperial court? It's okay to be suppressed by bandits on the way. If a treasonous charge comes down and the whole family dies, it would be fun.

So this leads to a problem, that is, the number of people in each family will be recorded in a small book by the court.

If you are open-minded in your heart, you are naturally not afraid. After reporting directly, you will immediately buy dry food according to the number of people, and then hurriedly go south to find labor, um, looking for labor.

But those who have ghosts in their hearts, or those whose parts exceed the number of people, have to carefully consider how many people to report.

If there are too many reports, it will definitely not work, it will be settled by the prime minister, if there are too few reports, and there is not enough manpower, you will let Buqu go south to give the heads of the barbarians?

It’s okay to report only a part, but if you suddenly publish some more parts that have not been filed in the court, how can you explain it?

So, this move of the militia seems to be for the benefit of the rich and powerful, so that they can find their own labor, um, labor.

But as one of the three great governors of the Han Dynasty, how could Li Hui fail to see what was hidden in it?

The prime minister's move is so high!

However, Li Hui sighed occasionally. Anyway, as a die-hard loyalist to the prime minister, all the songs he raised at home were within the scope allowed by the court.

As for other people breaking the rules, it's not up to me to worry about it.

Li Hui also understood what the militia did in Nanzhong.

There is a shortage of manpower in Hanzhong, and every family with land in Hanzhong is going crazy.

Naturally, what crazy people do can't be figured out with ordinary people's psychology.

A labor of one hundred coins!

Therefore, the fearless attack day and night is due to the raging enthusiasm in the hearts of the members of the militia!

These days, death is the most normal thing, either in battle or starvation, who can lie in bed and die of old age after eating such a meal with a knife?

I went south a few times, not to mention the rewards I got, even if I found enough labor for the master's family, and once the land in Hanzhong was reclaimed, the master's family rose up. Do I still have to worry about the rest of my life for these melodies that are attached to the master's family? ?

Therefore, most of the militia groups going south are lunatics.

And this kind of crazy situation, in the final analysis, still has to be counted on the local turtle who suggested "moving the people from South China to make Hanzhong real".

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