Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 301: The Beginning of Rumors

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiahou didn't want her daughter to talk about Feng Langjun's literary talent, so she asked, "Then, what did they say after they finished talking about the poems?"

Zhang Xiahou's family would do well if they didn't ask, but Zhang Xingyi's little face flushed with anger when he asked, "They dare not compare with Feng Langjun's literary talent, so they use his character to ruin him, saying that Feng Langjun's literary talent is fair, but his temperament is not good. It’s hard to call good.”

As soon as Zhang Xiahou heard it, he probably knew what his daughter had heard, and thought to himself, what is Feng Langjun's temperament, even the prime minister may not dare to say that he fully understands it, so when it was the turn of those sons and gentlemen to make a conclusion?

"Also, they also said that Feng Langjun Xiduo...he...other people's wife..."

Zhang Xingyi's face turned even redder, and he said these words hesitantly.

"Hmph!" Zhang Xiahou finally snorted angrily when he heard this, "You don't want to go to the Xu family in the future, I didn't expect that after Xu Taifu left, the family style of the Xu family would fall so badly that everyone would be allowed in! These people are really, for……"

Having said this, he glanced at his daughter, but stopped talking.

"for what?"

Zhang Xingyi asked curiously.

"It's nothing. Aren't you going to find your aunt? Go quickly, and don't hinder me from spinning."

Mrs. Zhang Xiahou waved her hand and drove her daughter out.

Zhang Xingyi saw that Aunt's expression was different, and he understood it in his heart. It seemed that there must be something inside that he didn't know, so he didn't ask anymore.

It's just that she said secretly in her heart, if my mother doesn't tell me, I won't say anything, I will ask my aunt.

Thinking of this, she quit.

But she didn't know that when she walked out of the room, Mrs. Zhang Xiahou looked at her back, thoughtful, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"In the future, if someone asks about Feng Langjun's hook-up rumors, you just say you don't know, otherwise I won't be able to keep you."

Zhang Xingyi came out, pulled the maid to a corner where no one was around, and said threateningly.

"My mother only heard what I said about Feng Langjun's vicious thoughts, and she became furious. If she listened to the words of collusion, she might kill someone."

"If the maid doesn't say anything, the maid doesn't know anything."

How could the personal maid not know what kind of person her mistress was, she immediately believed it in her heart, her face turned pale, and said repeatedly.

At the beginning, she only overheard these rumors when she was out of the house to run errands, and she was so angry that she came back to tell the little lady. At that time, she didn't expect this matter to be so serious.

Seeing that the little maid was completely frightened, Zhang Xingyi nodded in satisfaction, then went out of the mansion and got on the bullock cart, and let the servants drive all the way to the prime minister's mansion.

When Zhang Xingyi arrived at the prime minister's mansion, he didn't need to report to anyone. He walked all the way to Huang Yueying's usual place. Before he could enter the door, he called out, "Auntie, Si Niang is here to see you."

When she walked in, she saw something in front of Huang Yueying, she couldn't help being a little surprised and said, "Hey, why is this thing so familiar, it's so similar to Auna's spinning wheel."

Huang Yueying heard this, looked up at her, and said with a smile, "It's more than similar. The spinning wheel in your grandmother's hand was given by me. It should be said to be exactly the same as this spinning wheel."

"How can this spinning wheel be so weird? It is very different from what my niece has seen in the past."

Zhang Xingyi asked curiously.

"This kind of spinning wheel has been improved, and the thread spun in a day is several times more than the previous spinning wheel."

Huang Yueying explained.

"Wow, that's amazing! Auntie is amazing!"

Zhang Xingyi let out a small cry.

"I don't have such skills." Huang Yueying shook her head, and then looked at Zhang Xingyi, "The woolen clothes you wear in winter are woven with threads spun by this kind of spinning wheel."

"So, this spinning wheel is Feng Langjun..."

Zhang Xingyi reacted quickly, and immediately thought of the root cause.

Huang Yueying nodded and said, "That's right, it was made by Mr. Feng Lang."

"Feng Langjun is amazing!"

Zhang Xingyi admired it sincerely this time, and carefully looked at the spinning wheel from side to side, "You can even make things that women use, it seems that it is true that Feng Langjun is a close friend of my daughter's family."

Huang Yueying grew up watching Zhang Xingyi, how could Zhang Xingyi's little thought be hidden from her, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

"Feng Langjun is not powerful, do you know now? Besides, I'm afraid there is no one in the world who knows better than you whether he is a close friend of his daughter's family?"

Zhang Xingyi blushed, and stomped her feet in disbelief, "Auntie, you're making fun of me again!"

After a pause, he continued, "Besides, there are already enough gossips and rumors outside. If my aunt's words are really heard, I don't know what troubles will be caused."

Huang Yueying just smiled and didn't answer the words, she just sighed in her heart, looking at Yi Niang, she was really in love, and the queen always wanted her to marry Feng Mingwen, I just hoped that the boy would not let her down Screen girl is good.

"What disturbances could there be?" Thinking of this, Huang Yueying said indifferently, "The rumors in the market are true and false, who can tell the difference?"

"However, Feng Langjun has done so much for the country. Does uncle just let others slander Feng Langjun all the time? If his reputation is ruined, what should we do in the future?"

Zhang Xingyi asked anxiously.

Huang Yueying laughed and said, "Jincheng is a bit famous, which one has not been arranged by others? Among other things, it is the emperor. Some people say that he was abducted to Hanzhong when he was young, and he was separated from the late emperor for many years. Do you believe it?"

Last year, when Liu Chan had just ascended the throne, there was a rumor from somewhere in Sichuan that the late emperor was defeated by Cao Cao when he was stationed in Xiaopei, his family was separated, and His Majesty was sold to Hanzhong, where he was adopted as an adopted son.

The first emperor was wandering around, not only his wives and concubines were captured, but even his own daughter was captured by the Cao bandits, and her whereabouts are still unknown.

Therefore, many people believe in the current rumor of His Majesty, not only has it spread widely, some even say that His Majesty was not born by the late emperor.

That is to say, after the big man stabilized under the efforts of the prime minister, the rumors gradually disappeared.

Of course Zhang Xingyi knew about this.

It is helpless to think that even the emperor's brother-in-law is arranged like this, let alone Feng Langjun?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help feeling a little sullen.

Seeing Zhang Xingyi's appearance, Huang Yueying couldn't help laughing, "That kid has been spreading rumors from the beginning, when did he justify himself from the beginning to the end? When you first met him, didn't you say that he was eloquent? "

"But if you look at it now, someone mentions the name of Feng Langjun, who is being ridiculed by others? Isn't it Liao Li? So why do you worry about him for nothing?"

"Niece is not worried about him."

Zhang Xingyi jumped up as if being poked into a sore spot, blushing and defended, "My niece is just because... because someone also arranges my niece with him, and I can't get enough of it."

Huang Yueying didn't point out Zhang Xingyi's intention to cover up, and said, "The rumors about Feng Langjun suddenly appeared in Jincheng this time, part of the roots are still on you. If you don't want to be arranged by others, it's easy."

"What can Auntie do?"

Zhang Xingyi was overjoyed and said, thinking that as soon as there is a problem, it is really correct to come to see his aunt.

"The solution is very simple. As long as you make a marriage agreement earlier, the rumors will dissipate."


Zhang Xingyi didn't expect his aunt to say these words, so he was stunned for a while, and then he said in a panic, "Aunt... don't make fun of Si Niang, why is this matter related to my marriage?" Does it matter?"

"I'm not joking," Huang Yueying looked at Zhang Xingyi with a serious look and said, "Actually, the prime minister cares a lot about Feng Langjun. So the prime minister has also investigated such rumors suddenly in Jincheng."

"Prime Minister... what did you find out?"

"The rumors about Feng Langjun this time are mainly related to three people. One is you, the other is Ping Niang, and the third is Li Mu, the daughter of the Li family."

"Let's talk about Li Mu first. The rumors about this woman were actually spread by the Li family themselves. Li Mu was originally from the sixth house of the Li family, but some time ago, because of some things, the sixth house of the Li family had a relationship with the people of this sect. There was an unpleasant scene."

"The big clans in the middle of Sichuan already have prejudices against that kid. The people of the Li family arranged the matter between that kid and Li Mu. They can not only discredit the sixth family of the Li family, but also disgust the kid. This is killing two birds with one stone."

"But that kid deserves what he deserves. Who told him to pass the talk on to others?"

"But how can this have something to do with the niece's marriage?"

Zhang Xingyi didn't care about Li Mu's affairs, she knew what kind of person Feng Langjun was, so she cared more about such things, how could it have anything to do with her marriage.

"Our Yi Niang, she is the most desirable lady in Jincheng!"

Huang Yueying patted Zhang Xingyi's head, sighed, "There is an elder brother who is a lord, and an elder sister who is a queen, whoever really wants to marry Yi Niang, it is not an exaggeration to say that he will reach the sky in one step."

"But although Yi Niang has already chosen a name, it has not yet been decided who will pick up the name in this boudoir, so of course some people are anxious. However, Feng Langjun has a lot of ties to Yi Niang, so naturally some people think I want to get rid of Feng Langjun first."

"That's why they want to spread such rumors?" Zhang Xingyi is not a fool, she understood immediately.

A woman and a man have rumors, how can they get rid of them?

It is naturally the fastest and best way to make a marriage with someone else.

Those sons and gentlemen who want to marry her naturally know what this rumor is about, so they don't care.

As for those Guizhou people who don't know the truth, who cares what they are thinking?

Thinking of this, she finally understood the meaning of the half of what her mother didn't say when she was in her own mansion.

Although he knew it was a poor strategy, but this rumor really hit Grandma's weakness. With Grandmother's temper, if she could not be serious, she should make a marriage earlier.

Zhang Xingyi, who understood what was going on, gasped for breath all of a sudden, and his face became red again, "Those people are really shameless!"

Thinking of what those people in the Xu Mansion said, I felt even more disgusted.

"It's not their original intention that things have spread like this."

Huang Yueying shook her head, and said, "They were just fascinated for a while. The rumors spread more and more widely, and the more they spread, the more absurd they became, but there are still others behind the scenes fanning the flames."

Think about the matter of Ping Niang and Li Yi, how would ordinary people know about it? But at this time, it has been spread all over the city. If there is nothing wrong with it, who will believe it?

It is definitely impossible to find out who first spread the rumors this time.

However, not many people knew about the matter of Ping Niang and Li Yi at that time, but they could be investigated.

"Besides, who made that kid famous!"

Thinking of the absurdity of this matter, Huang Yueying felt annoyed and amused, and glanced at Zhang Xingyi again.

"Who in Jincheng doesn't know that he likes to give you things the most? The first young man in the big man, this is what the queen said personally, and the queen is your sister, so whoever wants to marry you, who is not afraid that he will snatch you away?" gone?"


The blush on Zhang Xingyi's face never faded away, "What grab? It's so ugly!"

Thinking about this matter, the root cause is so absurd, Zhang Xingyi finally couldn't help but "puchi" smile.

It turned out that without knowing it, that Feng Langjun had inexplicably become the enemy of the princes and gentlemen of Jincheng, and it was because of himself. I don't know what he would think when he knew about it?

"Idea? I have a shit idea!"

Wearing a helmet made of wicker, Feng Yong stood on the side of the road, watching the servants in front of him mix the powdered coal gangue, lime and gypsum in a certain proportion, and then pour water and mix well. It has become a special brand of cement for bean curd residue engineering.

"The road is not easy to walk. What else can you think of if you fix the road better?"

These days, the roads are all dirt roads, and when it rains, they become dirt roads. If you step into a deep mud pit, if you don’t hold something on the side of the road, you might not be able to pull your foot out.

Sunny days may not be easy. When the wind blows, the yellow mist is full of sand.

The road is not easy to walk, how to transport?

A large banner hangs on both sides of the construction site. The banner is made of thread spun from wool scraps in the textile workshop.

There are six big characters written on one of them: To get rich, build roads first.

The other one is: Everyone has safety awareness, and a happy life can be enjoyed.

The font is iron and silver hook, which is very powerful.

Well, Feng Yong begged Guan Ji for a long time before letting her write it.

It doesn't matter whether others understand or not, what is needed is the atmosphere.

What kind of cement grade, what kind of roadbed, what kind of strength of the road surface, all don't want it!

First use cinders or waste bricks from brick kilns to pave, then pour fake bean curd slag concrete, and finally flatten slightly, meaning that it is complete.

Regardless, no matter how trashy the concrete road is, it looks much better than the dirt road, and of course, it's also much easier to use.

The cement produced by this method, in the eyes of Feng Tubie, is nothing more than rubbish. Whoever dares to use this thing to build buildings in future generations will be rebellious and hanged as a matter of course.

But in the eyes of the natives at the end of the Han Dynasty, it was an artifact.

Not only Zhao Guang, Wang Xun, Li Qiu, Huang Chong and others, but also Guan Ji and Huang Ji, who had daily routine battles, put aside their hobbies and all ran over to watch Feng Tubie activate the infrastructure madness mode.

Seeing the sand and stones mixed together to pave a flat and straight road, several eyes were straightened.

"Brother, is the road ahead paved like this?"

Li Qiu pointed to the front, swaying all over his body, and asked excitedly.

There is a short section of the road that has been built, about tens of meters. It was tossed and tossed on the first day.

It was indeed a toss, and Feng Tubie had to teach him hand in hand.

But fortunately, this way of paving the road is extremely simple and rude, without any technical content, as long as the hands and feet are sound, it doesn't matter whether the mind is simple or not.

So after the first day of training, the slave servant who was drawn out as an engineering team became more proficient the next day.

For highway engineering, segmental construction is the basic operation.

But now Feng Tubie doesn't have skilled workers on hand, so he can only wait for this batch to get started, and then let them bring another batch. If this cycle continues, it won't take long, and naturally there will be the world's first engineering team on hand.

"Of course it is." Feng Yong glared at Zhao Guang again as he spoke. This Erha saw this magical short section of cement road this morning. Without further ado, he jumped on it and took a few steps before talking... …

As you can imagine, there was an extra line of footprints on it, which made Feng Yong have to rework.

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