Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 312 Zhao Guang Wants a Debt

Everything that Zhao Guang has now is inseparable from Feng Yong's support.

If Feng Yong is gone, then all of Zhao Guang's possessions will also be gone, at least his share of the Ranch and Textile Workshop, although also surnamed Zhao, will no longer be his.

Without Feng Tubie's support, Zhao Guang would lose all his current resource support. Even if he is not reconciled, at most he will go to the army and mix with other generals. If he wants to go further, it will not be so easy.

Because his father's resources were used on Zhao Tong, who called Zhao Tong the eldest son?

Another point is that Zhao Yun doesn't necessarily want Zhao Guang to marry Huang Wudie. If Zhao Guang doesn't have enough capital, how can he have the confidence to mention his marriage to his father?

So based on these, it is impossible for Zhao Guang to leave Feng Yong.

As for Li Yi Li Qiu, it is different from them. At least there is a governor behind them to endorse, and it is not Feng Tubie's turn to dictate.

There is also Huang Chong, which is actually somewhat similar to the cooperative relationship required by mutual acquisition, but the situation is different, so Feng Yong took the initiative, and the Huang family represented by Huang Chong can only be regarded as passive acceptance.

If it was really a matter of life and death, Feng Yong did not believe that the Huang family would live and die with him.

Therefore, the old demon Zhuge gave himself the right to take it for himself. It is very likely that he recognized the people around him and gave him the opportunity to tie them closer.

Just being promoted to his official position, but not mentioning a word to Zhao Guang and Wang Xun, Feng Tubie had to have deep doubts in his heart.

This inconsistent approach made Feng Yong feel a little irritable. After thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out, so he got up and went out, preparing to go to the construction site.

As soon as he left the door, he saw a figure flashing not far in front of him. Feng Yong quickly walked up two steps and found that it was Li Mu.

"Why is Miss Mu here?"

Now that you see someone, you naturally have to say hello.

Li Mu turned around and saw that it was Feng Yong. He smiled and said, "Is this the third time I've seen my brother today?"

"That's what I said..." Feng Yong was bored thinking about things by himself, seeing Li Mu's bright and moving color, he couldn't help but lighten up a little.

Well, it seems that beautiful women do help men's physical and mental health.

"But I remember that Miss Mu told me not long ago that she was going to work in the workshop, why did she come here again at this time?"

After Li Mu heard this, he glanced at Feng Yong with his big charming eyes, and brushed his temple hair, "It seems that there is a reason for my brother to build such a large foundation in a short period of time. The younger sister just came out to get a letter." , will be caught and tortured. Working under my brother, I really can't be lazy."

Feng Yong choked for a moment, chuckled, and waved his hands, "I'm just joking, you are the chief manager in the workshop, you are usually fine, you can do whatever you need, no one cares about you."

Although Li Mu has only been here for a short time, he is a man of skill. At least he has straightened out the personnel affairs of the weavers in his hands very quickly. From this point of view, at least Feng Yong has seen the right person.

"It's just here, how can there be your letter?"

Feng Yong asked a little strangely.

Li Mu smiled and shook the letter in his hand, "Brother, don't forget, my cousin is the wishful man of my close friend. She entrusted her cousin to deliver the letter to my younger sister, so what's the matter?" strangeness?"

"Oh, I forgot." Feng Yong patted his head.

At that time, the reason why Li Yi was able to know Mrs. He's family was because he surprised the lady of He's family who was going to visit friends in Li Zhuang by riding a horse.

It is the most normal thing for Mrs. He to know Li Mu.

Speaking of close friends, Feng Yong glanced at Li Mu, his heart moved, and he asked, "Since Mrs. Mu is talking about close friends, I have something about close friends. I want to ask Mrs. Mu to make a decision."

Li Mu's eyes widened slightly, they were extremely bright, and then he smiled, "I never thought that my little sister would be so honored, please tell me, brother."

"It's like this..." Feng Yong pondered for a moment, then said after deliberation, "If your close friend becomes the steward of this workshop with you..."

"My sister from the He family will definitely not be in charge of the workshop."

Feng Yong just started talking when Li Mu interrupted him.

"I didn't say it was the lady of the He family. I meant that if, if you still have a close friend who becomes the steward of this workshop like you, you will be the leader and she will be the deputy. One day, you will all make contributions, and I will promote you Your position makes you a chief steward..."

"Little sister is already in charge."

Li Mu said again.

"Maybe I didn't speak clearly enough."

Feng Yong glanced at the woman unhappily, not knowing whether she was doing it on purpose or not, "I'm talking about if you were just in charge, not the big one."

Li Mu nodded, expressing his understanding, and asked again, "And then?"

"Then I made you the chief steward, and I asked you to nominate one person to be your deputy, and then recommend a few people to be the stewards of the workshop. But I didn't say a word to your close friend, what would you do?"

Li Mu blinked, "What else can I do, little sister? You can be the chief manager with peace of mind, and then according to what my brother said, just recommend someone to go up."

"What about your close friend? Don't you care? Don't you mention that she will continue to be your deputy? "

Li Mu smiled, stared at Feng Yong for a long time, and then said, "Brother is definitely the kind of person who doesn't know rewards and punishments. Since he doesn't mention the word "little sister's close friend," he naturally has some calculations in his heart."

After a pause, he continued, "Maybe, my brother already has other arrangements with my close friend, so why should my younger sister be so troublesome and only annoy my brother?"

"The reward and punishment are unknown?"

Feng Yong was stunned when he heard Li Mu's words, and couldn't help but stare at the woman in front of him, making her feel a little nervous. After a while, he slapped his thigh and said, "Yeah, why didn't I Think about it."

After saying this, he couldn't help looking at Li Mu with admiration, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mrs. Mu, for unraveling the confusion in Yong's heart."

Saying that, regardless of Li Mu's confusion, he walked away briskly.

On the contrary, Li Mu looked at Feng Yong's back with doubts in his eyes, and repeated in his mouth, "A close friend?"

Then he glanced at Li Yi's room in the distance, his eyes rolled, his expression was cloudy and clear.

Although I tried my best to prevent myself from thinking of other places, but I couldn't restrain my thoughts: This Feng Langjun said these words to me inexplicably, really there is no other meaning? The rumor that Jincheng is easy to take other people's wives...should...not be true, right?

Feng Tubie, who had solved her doubts, did not expect that because she unintentionally forced Li Mu to take over her distress, it caused her to become confused all of a sudden.

At this moment, his mind is clear.

I always wondered if the old demon Zhuge had any other intentions, but I forgot the old demon Zhuge's temperament - fair and strict.

Those who are loyal and beneficial to the time will be rewarded even if they have hatred, and those who break the law and neglect will be punished even if they are relatives.

This is the evaluation of his rewards and punishments by later generations.

So...why do I have to worry about whether the Zhuge old demon should reward Zhao Guang and Wang Xun?

What I should think about is how the old monster Zhuge wants to reward Zhao Guang and Wang Xun.

As Li Mu said, this is not a question of whether to reward or not, but a question of whether it will be used in other ways.

Giving himself the right to "take it for himself" shows that Zhuge Laoyao still respects his own opinion.

If you want Zhao Guang and Wang Xun to continue to follow you, then Yizhou Diannong Xiaowei Left and Right Sima Bao their names.

But Zhuge Old Demon obviously wanted to use these two people, so he deliberately didn't mention their names.

Feng Yong frowned, wondering where Zhuge Old Demon wanted to put Zhao Guang and Wang Xun?

Besides, there is nothing serious about the big man now, even the rebels in Nanzhong are now burned by the militia, so how can they bother with the big man...

Um? Um!

Thinking of this, Feng Yong shuddered, Nanzhong?

Isn't Zhuge the old demon going to Ping Nanzhong next year?

The loss of Jingzhou, the defeat of Yiling, how many talented generals have been lost? How many elite soldiers have been lost?

In addition, with the passage of time, the veteran elite soldiers who followed Liu Bei to fight the world, even if they were guarding Shuzhong, gradually aged and died.

Therefore, the big man is in urgent need of fresh blood.

Nanzhong is a place for military training, and Zhao Guang and Wang Xun proved their ability to lead troops in Hanzhong—although they went to survey farming land in name, it is an indisputable fact that they fought many battles.

Therefore, in all likelihood, Old Demon Zhuge wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of pacifying Nanzhong to transfer Zhao Guang and Wang Xun to practice their skills. If they are used together, maybe they will be directly transferred to the army to serve.

It's just that Zhao Guang and Wang Xun brought them out with their own hands. If they just took them away, I'm afraid I'd feel bad for myself, so I gave myself the right to "take it myself" as compensation.

Also, at this time, he was promoted to Lieutenant of Yizhou Diannong, I am afraid it was also a pavement for transferring himself to the south.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong suddenly realized.

Credit? Fuck you!

Toil is about the same.

Faintly touched the mind of the old monster Zhuge, Feng Tubie had mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know whether he should be happy or what...

"Ha chirp!"

Zhao Guang sneezed, rubbed his nose, and said strangely, "How can you catch a cold in this hot day?"

"It must be the magistrate who is scolding you!"

Huang Wudie sat without any image, her feet were stretched on the footstool in front of her, and she laughed, "Who told you to do something immoral?"

Zhao Guang argued, "Sister, how can you say that? It's only natural to pay the debt. I went to ask the prefect Ma, but he pushed back and forth, saying that the court was too tight to pay back the money."

"If he doesn't pay, I'll just sell him. How can it be considered wicked?"

Huo Yi was still sitting next to the two of them. Hearing Zhao Guang say this so confidently, his face was numb and he didn't say a word. Anyway, the words and deeds of the second son of the Zhao family have been refreshed more than once these days. His three views.

Zhao Guang murmured, "My brother asked me to collect the debt. If I can't finish this matter, when can I go back? When the court's expenses are tight, when will our ranch and textile workshop ask the big man for money and food?" ?”

"It was at this time that the imperial court took a breather and brought up this matter. Unexpectedly, the prefect Ma just let it go. If this continues, some people in the imperial court may still think that this pasture has become the imperial court. Take whatever you want."

The corners of Huo Yi's mouth twitched, and he thought to himself, isn't the Zhuye prison also from the inner palace? What is the difference between now and becoming a foreign dynasty?

Several people are now staying in Feng Yongjian's big house in Nanzheng Yingzhai. There is a big bowl of ice cream on the table, and the cold air is oppressive.

In this scorching summer, it is really good that such wonderful things can cool down the heat and relieve the heat.

It's just that Zhao Guang and Huo Yi were obviously tired of eating, and they didn't even look at the table, but Huang Wudie seemed to never get enough to eat, and sent spoonful after spoonful to his mouth.

At this time, there was a bang on the door, and someone opened it from the outside, and a person came in angrily, "Zhao Erlang, how can you say that the cheese is gone?"

As if he had expected the arrival, Zhao Guang's expression remained the same, he said "Hey" in a very hypocritical way, got up and said haha, "Mr. Ma is here, why didn't you tell me in advance and let me go to meet him? "

Ma Di must have been in a hurry, sweat dripped on his forehead, and he didn't know whether it was from the sun or anger, his face was flushed, and he sneered, "I'll let you know I'm here, I'm afraid I won't even be able to enter the ranch." bring it on?"

"What are you talking about, Eunuch Ma? You have entered and exited the ranch countless times. How can you say that you can't come in if you can't come in?"

Zhao Guang giggled, pretending that he didn't understand Ma Di's words.

Looking at Zhao Guang's tired look, Ma Di was really angry, so he found a place to sit down, and his eyes fell on the big bowl of ice cream on the table.

Before he could speak, Huang Wudie gave him a vigilant look, hesitated for a moment, and called out, "Come here, serve Ma Taishou a bowl of ice cream."

When the servant came in with the bowl and spoon, Huang Wudie grabbed the bowl, first scooped up half of the bowl, with distressed eyes, then carefully scooped up a spoonful, and then handed it to the servant.

Before it reached his mouth, the coolness rushed towards his face, and Ma Di sighed, "The big man has just improved a little bit, and I really shouldn't be so extravagant in waiting."

As he spoke, he picked up a spoonful in his hand and ate it.

Zhao Guang curled his lips, thinking that if you have the ability, don't eat it.

After Ma Su finished eating, he put down his bowl and said to Zhao Guang solemnly, "I don't know how much cheese it costs to make it for eating. You have cheese to make this ice cream, why don't you want to sell the cheese to the court?"

When Zhao Guang heard this, he immediately rolled his eyes, and said in a strange way, "Sell it? Why not sell it? But Ma Taishou, the cheese produced by this ranch is only seen going out, but no money and food come in. Is this also called selling?"

"Don't make such gestures!"

Ma Su pointed at Zhao Guang angrily, "The old man didn't say he wouldn't pay you money, but he just put it off for a while. After you become a loyal and good man, can't you think about the court?"

"Mr. Ma, this ranch was built by me and my brothers, raising money and food, and then working hard. Only then did I get some output, and you have to take it all away. That's all. Why don't you even Are you unwilling to pay money and food?"

"Do you know how much food and food will be spent on the cattle, sheep, and servants working in this pasture in a day? Without the support of money and food, what will the cattle, sheep and servants in this pasture eat and drink?"

"If Prefect Ma just thinks about taking it and not giving it back, once the hard-earned money and food that my brothers and I have raised are exhausted, this pasture will probably disappear. Therefore, the cheese produced during this period of time must be taken away first. Find someone else to exchange some money and food for support."

After saying that, Zhao Guang looked at Ma Su again, and smiled, "How about selling it to Ma Taishou when the ranch has enough money and food?"

Anyway, it's always okay to do what your brother wants.

Among other things, before leaving, my elder brother made a calculation for himself. He took cheese from his ranch to make military rations, and then resold it. At least it was ten times more expensive.

I almost jumped up in shock.

Therefore, the court will definitely not lose money and food for this little cheese.

The reason why they procrastinate is that they are used to taking money for nothing, and some people are unwilling to charge money all at once.

When the court is in trouble, it is impossible to keep silent, but when the court is rich, there are still people who want to take advantage of it, that is not possible.

As for who was unwilling, Zhao Guang didn't think too much about it, and he didn't want to think about it either.

This kind of matter is right for the elder brother to consider.

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