The understanding of sericulture in this era is that brocade silk is a precious thing, and silkworm eggs are naturally delicate, so God deliberately let silkworms survive only half.

However, the silk produced by the surviving silkworms is mostly of poor quality, "only half of them can weave silk", so this can show the preciousness of silk brocade.

Put all this down to fate and the luck of the silkworm house.

Feng Yong smiled, looked at the river in front of him, and said in a distant voice, "Last year, Madam also asked me why the land on my farm can produce more grain than other places. Does Sanniang know how I answered?"

"Naturally, my brother once said to his wife that growing good food depends on the right time and place. The right time cannot be achieved by manpower, but the right place can be changed by manpower. My brother also said that all things need to find their roots in order to get success. what you need."

It seemed that Guan Ji paid close attention to her. She remembered that when she said this, she was not by Huang Yueying's side. She should have heard this from Huang Yueying.

Feng Yong thought so in his heart, and said in his mouth, "Actually, the weather...forget it, this silkworm raising is also the same as growing food."

Changing the weather is actually something that later generations do. If you want it to rain, you shoot at the sky. If you want the sky to clear, you still shoot at the sky. You never ask if it will hurt.

"As long as we find the root cause of why some silkworms die and some survive, and why some of the silk spit out can be made into silk while others cannot, then we will grow silkworms like grain, and we can do better than others .”

Although the Han nationality knew how to raise silkworms and weave cloth very early, the understanding of silkworm raising has always been in the state of breeding according to each person's experience, and there are very few unified narratives.

Even if there are peasant women and farmers summing up their experience, no one will listen to them, because their status is too low.

And the leisurely scholars concluded that it was used to pretend to show off, and when the show was over, it was locked up and thrown in the room to eat ashes.

And there will be one scholar who has summed it up sincerely two hundred years later.

This agricultural druid named Jia Sixie wrote "Qimin Yaoshu", which is the first wonderful book on agriculture, and this book has reference value even more than a thousand years later.

But so what? For more than a thousand years after he wrote this book, apart from being used by the ruling class as a pretense, the book was thrown back into the library and continued to eat ashes after it was finished.

Then in later generations, the descendants will point to this book and say, look, our ancestors are very old, and they are XXX years earlier than you.

Still to no avail...

Those who should pay patent fees to others still have to pay the same, not only that, they pay more than other people who also pay patents-who told your ancestors to be so powerful? Then pay more!

So when Feng Yong said that he knew about silkworm farming, Guan Ji's eyes widened again, "Brother, do you even know this?"

"Slightly understand, slightly understand."

Feng Tubie looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, with a slightly smug expression, and wanted to fan the feather fan like Zhuge the old demon in "Red Cliff", but he had nothing in his hand, so he had to give up.

Silkworm eggs die a lot, basically because of diseases or pests.

As long as the silkworm room pays attention to disinfection and pest removal before starting to raise silkworms, at least the survival rate of silkworms can be greatly improved.

As for the quality of silk, it is even simpler.

The type of silkworm is one thing, and the type of mulberry leaves is another.

There are requirements for the types of mulberry trees for silkworm rearing in later generations.

Coincidentally, there are many silkworms raised in the south, and Feng Tubie happened to be a southerner in his previous life.

When I was young, some classmates’ families even relied on silkworm farming to sell money for their education.

There is no other way for Feng Yong to choose the type of silkworm. He is not a druid, so he can come to a silkworm hybrid and choose the best, but he can choose the mulberry tree.

As for the mulberries that can only be used after a few years...that is too old a practice, I have my own Scientology, otherwise where did Feng Zhuang's tea seedlings come from?

What a cutting!

The leaves grow in the first year, and the fruit bears in the second year. Why wait a few years?

Thinking of this, Feng Tubie couldn't help laughing lewdly a few times.

"Brother can say what he wants, he laughs so ridiculously!"

Guan Ji pushed Feng Yong dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll tell you what I'm going to tell you. Usually, silkworms can't survive half of the time because they get sick or suffer from pests. As long as you find a way to get rid of the source of the disease, except for the pests, the silkworms will naturally survive."

"Silkworms eat mulberry leaves, but there are different types of mulberry leaves. If you feed the silkworms the big and thick mulberry leaves, the cocoons you get are not only thick but also tough, much better than ordinary cocoons."

Feng Yong thought about the mulberry leaves used by later generations to raise silkworms, and made a gesture.

In this era, mulberry trees are planted behind almost every house, and Feng Yong has seen many people, but the leaves are rarely compared with those used by later generations to raise silkworms.

Large and thick mulberry leaves are the basic standard for raising silkworms, and Feng Yong knows it.

Some of the mulberry trees in later generations may be artificially cultivated, but even so, they must have the original species, right?

You can’t cultivate it by yourself, but you can choose some good-looking mulberry trees as mother plants carefully.

Guan Ji thought for a moment, frowned slightly, and then her eyes lit up again, she clapped her hands with a loud "beep", and her voice was a little hurried, as if she remembered something.

"Little sister has seen a kind of mulberry tree. Its leaves are mostly white, as big as a palm, thick and juicy." I saw her staring at Feng Yong, but her eyes were out of focus, as if she was telling Feng Yong, but also It seems to be mumbling.

"It's no wonder that the silk obtained from that place is not only more than other places, but also much better. It seems that it is really as what my brother said, and the reason is here."

There is such a good thing?

Feng Tubie was overjoyed, and quickly asked, "Where do people have this kind of mulberry tree?"

After hearing this, Guan Ji came back to her senses and smiled slightly, "The elder brother of this family is no stranger, he is the prime minister's farm."

Feng Yong's face froze.

"Prime Minister's Mansion?"

Guan Ji shook her head, "It's not the prime minister's mansion, but the farm that the late emperor rewarded the prime minister. There is a mulberry forest planted there. Madam will live there for a period of time every time the sericulture season comes, just to raise silkworms and weave cloth."

Zhuge Laoyao's family property Feng Yong is naturally clear, "There are eight hundred mulberry plants and fifteen hectares of Susukida."

I remember "Three Kingdoms" very clearly.

Some people say that 15 hectares is a lot, 1500 mu of land!

But accounts are not calculated in this way, and ancient fields cannot be measured with the eyes of future generations.

The information on the Shu Han is too incomplete, but compare it with the Western Jin Dynasty, which is the closest to the Three Kingdoms.

"Book of Jin Shihuo Zhi" records that in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, there was a clear regulation on the amount of land occupied by officials: "The first rank occupies 50 hectares, the second rank occupies 45 hectares, and the third rank occupies 40 hectares...". The following analogy follows, "The eighth grade has fifteen hectares, and the ninth grade has ten hectares."

It can be seen from this that although the old demon Zhuge is an extremely powerful minister, his land property is only equivalent to the number of fields occupied by low-level officials.

But Huang Yueying is amazing, she can grow 800 mulberry plants better than others.

I heard Guan Ji say again, "At that time, the first emperor heard people say that the farm was an auspicious house, so he awarded it to the prime minister. Later, the silkworms raised in that farm every year not only produced more silk than other houses, but most of them were able to make silk." Brocade."

"That's when everyone feels that the rumors are true, and the prime minister often uses this matter to say that he has won the kindness of the late emperor..."

After Feng Yong heard this, he really felt worthless for Huang Yueying. He worked so hard to plant 800 mulberry trees, raise silkworms and weave cloth, but in the end it was Liu Bei's credit...

Where does this make sense?

Thinking of Huang Yueying's appearance again, Feng Tubie couldn't help sighing again, if in the next generation, Zhuge Lao Yao married a woman like Huang Yueying, how many people would die of envy?

There is a living room at home and a kitchen, a research room can make inventions, a company can be the president...

The key figure is still so good, the genes are perfect!

However, Feng Yong only dared to mutter a few words in his heart, but he had to agree in his mouth, "The auspicious house is naturally the auspicious house, not the auspicious house, how can such a good mulberry tree be planted?"

Regardless, Scientology is too weak at this time, so it has to bow to feudal superstition first.

"It's just that there is also the credit of my wife. There is a way, the sky is healthy, and a gentleman is self-improvement. If it is replaced by a slut, it will be the best auspicious house, and I am afraid that even the mulberry trees will not be able to grow."

Although Hanzhong is far away from Jincheng, as long as there is cutting technology, it is not difficult to bring some branches over.

Even if the branches couldn't be transported, if the cuttings survived in Jincheng, it would be easy to transport them again.

The most difficult thing is to ask the old demon Zhuge for the mother plant...

Thinking of Zhuge Old Demon's temperament of wanting to scrape oil off the rocks, Feng Tubie had already imagined that bloody mouth.

But seeing Guan Ji in front of him, Feng Yong still opened his mouth and said, "So I still want to trouble Sanniang to go back to Jincheng. Tell the Zhang family that I want to grow mulberry and see if they are willing."

If you are willing, you must be willing. How can you get money faster than growing mulberry? How much money do you get?

This can be regarded as a compensation to Zhang Xingyi for the matter of exchanging the cheese for the credit of Zhao Guang and others.

Although this compensation is a bit big, since the target is Zhang Xingyi, it's no big deal.

At present, the old demon Zhuge is in power, and he cannot please A Dou and Zhang Xingcai openly, but please Zhang Xingyi is also a roundabout way.

How can there be long-term investment results from cramming temporarily?

Guan Ji nodded, "I just listen to my brother. I just don't know when to leave?"

"I wanted to wait for the paper to be made, but I'm afraid it's too late. Sanniang will see when these days are convenient, and she can leave at any time."

Feng Yong felt slightly regretful.

Take the paper and go to Zhuge Old Demon to ask for mulberry branches, and I think I will succeed.

Therefore, now I can only hope that my family will not let me down, and really can make good paper.

But even if paper cannot be made, mulberry must continue to be planted.

If you can't plant the kind of mulberry tree in Zhuge Old Demon's farm, you can also find other mulberry trees.

At most, it just takes a little more time.

The most important thing about this matter is the attitude of the Zhang family.

After a while, if you really want to make paper, then ask someone to send the paper back to Jincheng.

So when Guan Ji returns to Jincheng at this time, she won't miss anything.

"I understand."

After Guan Ji said this, her expression suddenly became concentrated, she listened for a while, then stood up abruptly, and looked somewhere.

Feng Yong was startled, thinking that something had happened, he quickly stood up and looked where Guan Ji was looking, only to see a few people carrying baskets not far away, bending down from time to time to look for something.

"Eh? That's not..."

Feng Yong squinted his eyes and said, "Amei? How did she come here?"

"It's Amei, and the medical worker from the Fan family."

Guan Ji's eyesight is better than Feng Yong's, so she said affirmatively.

The two emerged from the grass, and a few people not far away also saw it. Amei stretched out her arm and waved it. Her voice came from the wind, "Master——"

Ah Mui said something to the people next to her, and they all walked over together.

As he got closer, Feng Yong finally saw clearly that it was Fan A and his three disciples and grandchildren, followed by two old soldiers with weapons on their bodies.

"I have seen the Lord and Lady Guan."

Amei saluted.

"There's no need to be so polite."

Feng Yong stopped the people behind who wanted to salute, "The salute is for outsiders to see, I don't need so many salutes here."

As he said that, he looked curiously at the pannier behind Amei, "What are you looking for?"

"Back to the lord, the servant girl is learning to identify herbs with Elder Fan."

Amy replied.

"Why are you interested in studying medicine again?"

Feng Yong asked.

Amei lowered her head in embarrassment, "My lord left those two medical books, and I want to learn from them to see if I can learn them."

Feng Yong was speechless.

Can geniuses really do whatever they want?

"Medical Worker Fan, I, this maidservant, have caused you trouble."

Feng Yong had no choice but to speak to Fan A behind him.

When Fan Ah heard this, he hurriedly said with a little panic, "You can't take Feng Langjun's words, Mrs. Amei is so talented, even the disciples of the villain's sect can't compare."

As he said that, he glanced at Amei again with some regret, "It's just a pity that Mrs. Amei is a daughter..."

Oh, I was wrong just now, geniuses can indeed do whatever they want.

But what if Amei is a daughter? With me, she can do whatever she wants.

"Besides, the precious book handed down by Mrs. Amei is a rare treasure in the eyes of medical workers like me. It is a great honor for the villain to get a glimpse of it. It is a great honor to be able to teach Mrs. Amei something. What?"

It turned out that Amei took those two books to make a deal.

Feng Yong glanced at Amei appreciatively, this girl has done a good job in this matter.

Ever since he knew that Fan Ah had opinions about him, Feng Yong had no other way to do it. He could only wait for the passage of time, let him experience the difference between the textile workshop and other places, and change his original thinking naturally.

However, since he came to Hanzhong to repay the kindness of the Li family, he would devote himself to his duties on weekdays.

But when Feng Yongyi asked to open a medical school and ask him to bring some disciples from the workshop, he was flatly rejected, with no room for rejection.

This made Feng Yong very depressed.

These days, things like medical skills are not something worth cherishing.

How many medical workers want to pass on their medical skills, but they can't find successors, after all, they are cheap.

Lao Tzu specially found someone to learn it, but you still don’t want to pass it on, what’s the point?

How did Feng Tubie know that the longer Fan Ah stayed in Nanxiang, the more frightened he felt.

This Feng Mingwen monopolizes the territory of a county, organizes his own trilogy, trains the army privately, and even the county magistrate listens to him. Isn't this not evil?

Here, even slaves are forbidden.

One whistle, and the whole workshop will become silent.

Another whistle sounded, and suddenly there was no one in silence and everyone was working.

Back then in the Cao bandit barracks, I could only see such appearances from the elite barracks. How could the general army be so strict in advancing and retreating?

In addition to so many servants, how many people are grateful to him?

Isn't this just buying people's hearts?

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty is known as a rare wise and capable minister in the world, and he would have misled Feng Mingwen before. I'm afraid he was wrong when he said that he was a young hero. He should be a young hero.

It's just that I entered the wolf's den by mistake, and I don't know if I will be implicated in the future?

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