Just what kind of character is Jiang Wan?

He followed Liu Bei into Shu and became a county magistrate. Later, because he offended Liu Bei, he was almost executed. Because of Zhuge Liang's intercession, he escaped to death, but he was dismissed from office because of this.

Later, when Liu Bei became the king of Hanzhong, he suddenly thought of him and made him Shang Shulang.

Last year, Zhuge Liang opened the mansion to manage affairs, and he was transferred to the prime minister's mansion as the host of Cao Cao. This year, he moved to join the army again.

Which of the little actions of the officials below has he never seen?

And how could he be confused by Feng Yong's cover-up words?

It's already the hottest time, and the sackcloth hasn't been released yet?

Is it true that there is no hair at all?

But it's not a big deal if it's hot and you don't have clothes to wear. Like the little baby in front of you, no matter how hot it is in summer, it's a big deal if you don't wear clothes. Anyway, it won't kill you from the heat.

Cangtou and Guishou have no clothes everywhere, let alone Hu people's servants?

The most important thing is that in winter, people can freeze to death.

But looking at the baby in front of him, he can still have woolen clothes, which is beyond Jiang Wan's expectation.

This Feng Mingwen was so cruel to the Hu people, but he didn't expect that he was so kind to his Hu people's servants, and even gave out woolen cloth in winter?

Looking at the timid face of the girl in front of him, her whole body trembling slightly, and her eyes constantly looking at Feng Yong, it seemed that this Feng Mingwen had gained a lot of prestige among the slaves of the barbarians.

"May I have your name?"

Jiang Wan asked warmly, and then thought that this is a barbarian child, how can he understand Chinese?

At that moment, she smiled at herself and shook her head. Just as she was about to be let go of her and let her go, she never thought that the girl would take another look at Feng Yong, and then she replied in a low voice: "Your Honor, my name is Sheep eggs."

Jiang Wan was taken aback!

Looking down again in disbelief, he lost his voice, "What did you say was your name just now?"

Yangdan'er took two steps back in fright, and then glanced at Feng Yong again.

Feng Yong had no choice but to comfort him, "It's okay, you can answer whatever this nobleman asks. If you answer well, I will reward you with a meat pie later."

Meat cakes, Roujiamo is also.

There is mutton in it, which is the most precious food in the eyes of Hu people.

In the end, Feng Tubie could not resist the will of the people, and the name of Roujiamo was not preserved in the end, and the meat pancake became a habitual name.

Yangdan'er's eyes lit up, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and immediately said crisply: "Return to your nobleman, my name is Yangdan'er."

Jiang Wan heard clearly this time, this girl can not only understand Chinese, but can even speak Chinese.

Although the words are a bit blunt and make people feel a little nondescript, they can still be understood after all.

"Can you speak Chinese? Why can you speak Chinese?"

Jiang Wan was extremely surprised, and turned to look at Feng Yong.

How the hell do I know?

Feng Tubie coughed twice, and asked Yang Dan'er, "Who taught you to speak Chinese?"

"My lord, on weekdays I often play with Brother Han, and my mother often takes me to Brother Han's home to learn weaving. Brother Han taught me."

Yangdan'er seemed afraid of losing the meat pie that Feng Yong had promised, and quickly explained, "Yangdan'er was also named by the brother of the Han family. He said that my father often lived with cattle and sheep." Together, so I am a sheep egg..."

You brother of the Han family... Hehe!

If you don't say anything later, I can give you two meatloaf!

Feng Yong looked at Jiang Wan with a polite yet awkward smile, "Angel Jiang, here I live with a mixed mix of Han and Hu people, and there are not so many rules, so this kid often plays together and learned a few words of Chinese. That's normal too."

Anyway, they all work in Feng Tubie's hands. Not only do they work together every day, they even eat together every day. Even if there is a gap between the Han people and the barbarians at the beginning, in the end, it gradually becomes blurred.

Instead, there is a difference between having a household registration and not having a household registration.

One of the ideas that Feng Tubie often instills in his subordinates is that, once they register their household registration, they are all Han Chinese.

Therefore, those Hu people and Liao people who have registered household registration often talk about us Han people in front of their fellow villagers, which not only makes the villagers envious, but even thinks of ways to build relationships.

Jiang Wan didn't understand these things, but he knew that letting barbarians speak Chinese and learn Chinese customs was edification and should be encouraged.

So he took a deep look at Feng Yong and didn't speak.

"Inside, where is it?"

Jiang Wan pointed to the door in front of him and asked.

The place surrounded by the group of children just now turned out to be a gate, which was closed tightly so that people could not see what was inside.

It seemed that the group of children were peeping at the things inside the gate, and the sheep climbed up a tree in order to see into the yard, Jiang Wan couldn't help being a little curious.

On both sides of the gate, there are four big characters engraved on each side, which are as red as blood: Education is the foundation of a century-old plan.


Feng Yong replied.


Jiang Wan asked in confusion, "What school?"

"The household registration servants in the workshop and the ranch have many children, so I built such a school."

"What did you learn?"

"That is to learn some Chinese characters, so that they can understand the characters when they grow up, and the rest is gone."

Feng Yong was not afraid, he stepped forward to pat the door, and shouted, "Open the door."

The door quickly revealed a crack, and a head poked out from inside. Seeing the people outside, his expression changed immediately, and the door opened wide.

"How did the master get here?"

The guard at the gate was an old soldier who had retired from the battlefield. When he saw Feng Yong bringing the most important figures of Nanxiang County over, he thought something serious had happened, and his hands were already on the handle of the knife at his waist. , good vigilance.

"It's okay, don't be nervous."

Feng Yong comforted, "I just brought someone over to take a look. You are busy with your work. By the way, this girl, take her to the cafeteria and give her a meatloaf, and it will be on my head."

Meat pancakes are a precious thing for servants, but they can only be eaten once in a few days by old pawns, so without Feng Yong's first name, old pawns can't get them.

"Yes, the villain understands."

The old soldier didn't ask any more questions, and immediately stepped aside, letting Feng Yong and others enter the school.

The school was noisy and quiet.

What is noisy is that the sound of reading is endless, and what is quiet is that there is no other sound except the sound of reading.

Immediately there is a feeling of awe.

"You wait and wait outside."

Jiang Wan said to his entourage that he didn't want anyone to lead the way right now, so he hurried towards the sound of reading.

The classrooms of the school were arranged by Feng Yong according to the posterity.

Anyway, there is a lot of wood these days, and there are trees all over the mountains and fields, you can cut them down as you like, and Feng Yong has a lot of people, so there are complete tables and chairs.

Because there are gypsum mines and lime mines on hand, chalk is also used at will.

It’s just that the pen and paper are too precious, so each student has either a wooden board or a slate board in front of them, and they have to bring this by themselves.

A few lines of words were written on the blackboard, which were exactly a few lines from Feng Zhuang's specialty Mengxue book "Thousand Character Essay".

The gentleman on the podium was shaking his head and reading a sentence, and the students below followed in unison.

What made Jiang Wan feel strange was that there were some strange characters written on top of those words, and he didn't know what they were.

What surprised him even more was that the students sitting inside were male and female, both Hu and Han.

But all of them sat upright, with their hands folded on the table, their eyes fixed on it, and the child sitting by the window, even if he felt someone standing outside the window, he didn't turn his head to look at it. glance.

Jiang Wan listened to the immature reading sound, his eyes were in a trance, and he didn't know how long it took before he turned around, waved lightly to the people behind him, and then left lightly, as if his footsteps were getting heavier. It's like it will affect the children inside.

After walking far away, Fang was about to speak, but he heard a voice from a room next to him. He was curious and looked carefully. He could also see children sitting inside from the window, but there was no sound of reading. So go over again.

This classroom is teaching mathematics at this time, and the teacher is Amei.

Since Ah Mei doesn't have to be by Feng Yong's side to serve at any time, she has more time for herself.

So Feng Yong asked her to come to the school to teach two math classes every day.

There is no shortage of literate Mr. Feng Yong, because he has done business with the He family, and the He family sent him some unscrupulous literati.

The so-called unscrupulous literati, as long as you give them money and food, they will teach whatever you want these literati to teach-even let them brainwash students into saying that Feng Tubie is the kind of unscrupulous man who can go down to earth.

When Liu Bei entered Shu, not everyone supported it, there were always some who opposed it.

Later, history proved that Liu Bei was the winner. If those opponents were famous and talented, it would be fine to talk about it, and they would be appeased if they said less.

Even people from aristocratic families have nothing to do, the most they can do is close the door and be happy by themselves.

The worst thing is that those small landlords or "underappreciated" literati who followed behind and cheered, wanted to get some soup to drink, but they didn't expect that the pot had changed owners, so they had to find a place to hide in the end.

As long as the big man is still there, it is impossible for these people to have a bright future.

The He family is also a big family anyway, so for the sake of fame, they took in some of them.

Later, He Wang made a PY transaction with a certain wood beetle, and after knowing the needs of the wood beetle, he packaged and sent these people over.

There is no way to go to heaven, and no way to go to earth. If anyone still wants to be moral, Feng Tubie dares to let him pick up soap—of course, there is no soap at this time, but there are so many things to pick up, right?

Therefore, as far as the current students are concerned, there are enough teachers who can teach literacy, but there is a shortage of people who can teach mathematics.

In addition to Amei, Feng Yong himself often comes to teach mathematics in person. In fact, he is also the head of the school.

"That lady, what are you teaching?"

Unable to understand the characters on the blackboard, Jiang Wan asked shamelessly, and lowered his voice as much as possible.


Feng Yong replied.

In Feng Tubie's view, literacy alone is far from enough. At least one must learn elementary mathematics to be considered a qualified labor force.

Otherwise, just look at the looms in the textile workshops. Each one looks similar, but in fact each one has a different scale.

As long as a part inside is broken, the loom has to be completely dismantled, the size of the parts inside is remeasured, and then a new part is polished and installed.

How can a part standardization system be established without a unified standard for numbers and units?

Although ancient Chinese civilization was very advanced, others also had their strengths.

For example, the Arabic numerals produced by body poison, how can such a good thing be discarded? Use it for me, and it is also possible to let future unfilial children and grandchildren have one more achievement that they can be proud of.

So Arabic numerals became Feng Tubie's invention, or something in his master's school.

Because this kind of number is currently only circulated in the textile workshop, it is normal for Jiang Wan not to understand the numbers on the blackboard.

At this moment, only a few bells of "Dangdangdang" were heard in the classroom, and Amei in the classroom said something, so the students stood upright, bowed and bowed together, and shouted together, "Thank you, Mr. .”

After getting Amei's permission, the students rushed out from the front and back doors in a "hula-lah" manner.

Only when they saw the head of the mountain standing outside, they bowed their heads consciously and saluted before running away.

The expression in Jiang Wan's eyes became even more solemn, and he grabbed a child casually, and asked immediately, "A rope is folded in three, and it is two feet long. How long is this rope?"

The student was a little panicked, just staring at the old man, but couldn't speak.

"Don't be afraid, you can answer it after thinking about it."

Amei came out and saw her student's frightened face, so she comforted her softly.

So the student started to wring his fingers, and after a long calculation, he stammered, "Eight...ah, no, it's Liuzhang."

Jiang Wan nodded and let go of his hand.

The student glanced at Feng Yong, Feng Yong nodded, indicating that he could leave, and he ran away quickly.

"I have seen the lord."

Ah Mei bowed to Feng Yong.

"You don't need to be too polite, this is Angel Jiang from Jincheng."

"The servant girl has seen an angel."

Amei hastily bowed her knees again.


Jiang Wan's eyes widened, and he looked at Feng Yong in horror, "Is she a maid?"

"Oh, she is my maid. I also teach her some things on weekdays. She is quite talented, so I asked her to teach arithmetic as well."

Seeing Feng Tubie's nonchalant expression, Jiang Wan almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Although he has a high self-cultivation, he almost couldn't help but yell.

A servant girl who can learn arithmetic, even if she can be a master of arithmetic, are you so inconsiderate?

What are you wearing?

"Today, there are people who buy things together. Each person pays eight qian, and there is a surplus of three qian; each person pays seven qian, which is less than four qian. Ask the number of people and the price of the goods? Do you know how to solve it?"

Jiang Wan looked at Amei and asked suddenly.

This is a very simple quadratic equation problem, which can be regarded as the top math problem in the world today.

It's a pity that he met Ah Mui, a rare genius.

After thinking for a while, Amelia replied, "Seven people, fifty-three dollars."

At this time, Feng Tubie was still calculating silently in his heart, and Jiang Wan suddenly turned around, held his hand tightly, and stared at him, "Is she really your maid?"

rng actually lost? ! lost? ! What the hell! It made me almost not in the mood to type...what the heck! ! ! Pooh!

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