Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 330 Paper

"Yiwen and Zishi needless to say, since they are trustworthy and thoughtful, they will probably have to guard Nanxiang County for the past two years."

Feng Yong looked at Li Qiu and Huang Chong, "This is the foundation of our brothers, so we have to be optimistic."

Li Qiu and Huang Chong looked at each other and said in unison, "Follow brother's order."

"You don't have to look at Yiwen and Zishi for honesty and sincerity. I once said that this Nanxiang County can make credit even if it is lying down. Seeing that Nanxiang is now the second largest county in Hanzhong, as far as I know , the performance appraisal of the two of you must be the first this year."

The assessment system of the Han Dynasty, the most important is the system of the above calculation, also known as performance appraisal.

The chief executive of the local area regularly submits a document to the superior to report on the status of local governance. At the end of the year, the county magistrate compiles the county's household registration, land reclamation, money grain, prison conditions, etc. into a accounting book, which is reported to the imperial court through various channels.

Based on this, the imperial court judged the achievements of local administrators.

"Next year, Nanxiang will only grow bigger and bigger. At that time, even Nanzheng will be at a disadvantage. So what you have to worry about is how to manage Nanxiang well."

Li Qiu nodded and said, "Brother's words are very true. I remember that when I first came to Nanxiang, there were not many people, and nothing happened for a month. But now, the county government has more and more government affairs. If it continues like this, I am afraid that next year, Nanxiang It has become a county with a population of tens of thousands.”

The pastures are gradually moving from Nanzheng to Nanxiang. Coupled with the development of wool cloth for grain, the number of businessmen from Jincheng has also begun to increase.

Nanxiang has begun to have simple restaurants, as well as houses for people to stay, that is, inns.

The workshop plus the ranch, as well as the Zhang family and the Li family who came to Nanxiang to reclaim wasteland, plus some people arranged by the Hanzhong government, now the population of Nanxiang has exceeded 10,000, and the number of people coming and going will double next year It is not difficult.

"That's what the two of you have to worry about. If you do it well, it will definitely be another great achievement next year, so just stay in Nanxiang with peace of mind."

Before the year of the weak crown, he was in charge of a county, and it may be the most important county in Hanzhong in the future, even in the big Han. Who dares to say that Li Qiu and Huang Chong are not promising young men talented?

"The rest are Wenxuan, Wei Ran and me," Feng Yong smiled, "The prime minister moved me to the post of Lieutenant of Yizhou Diannong. Let me go and see the meaning of Nanzhong farming."

I took the blueprint of the spinning wheel and loom early on, and asked if it could be improved to weave linen. In the eyes of others, maybe the prime minister of the Han Dynasty just wanted to use it around Jincheng.

But Feng Yong knew that the old monster Zhuge used troops in Nanzhong, which was prestige; after the peace, he would teach the Yi people in Nanzhong to farm and weave, this is kindness.

Therefore, Feng Yong's improved loom and spinning wheel may not have the intention of being used in Nanzhong.

Moved to Yizhou Diannong school lieutenant, not only rewarded Feng Yong's contribution, but also had an excuse for Feng Yong to go to Nanzhong, caught a toad and soaked it in the urine, but it was nothing more than that.

There is no need to say the following words, Li Yi naturally understands.

If you follow your brother, there will always be credit.

"So I don't have much time to wait for the three of us to stay in Nanxiang!"

Feng Yong sighed, "Sanniang has already sent a letter, saying that Zhang Junhou's family is willing to plant all the land they opened up into mulberry. This is the last major event in Nanxiang this year. Let's work together to make this matter come true." It's all done."

Everyone didn't understand what was going on, but Li Yi's eyes lit up, "Brother, what you mean is that the paper has already been made?"

Feng Yongyong planned to use mulberry hemp to make paper, and Li Yi and others naturally knew about it. It's just that paper was still a precious thing at this time, and they only knew that Caihou paper was made from bark and other things, so they didn't know anything about how to make it.

Therefore, they were not sure about the papermaking method proposed by Feng Yong.

"I made it a few days ago. But Angel Jiang hasn't left, so it's hard for me to take it out."

Jiang Wan also asked what the thatched huts by the river were used for, and when he learned that they were for papermaking, he just praised Feng Yong for his good intentions for teaching, but he didn't know that a new papermaking process was being tested there.

Because in his mind, since Feng Yong opened such a school, it will definitely cost a lot of paper and ink, so it is only natural to open a small paper workshop.

After all, after Cai Hou improved the papermaking process, the imperial court also vigorously promoted this method throughout the world, so it is not surprising that Feng Yong can find a craftsman who can make paper.

As he said that, Feng Yong laughed again, "However, after listening to the words of Master Feng, the paper produced is unexpectedly good. Today I sent Angel Jiang away, so I happened to go over to see what the produced paper looked like." .”

"That's great."

When Feng Yong talked about the Southern Expedition, both inside and outside the words indicated that after Zhao Guang and Wang Xun left, the rest of them would be separated in a few months, and the atmosphere couldn't help but become a little dull.

Now when I heard this news, the heavy atmosphere of the two points was washed away.

"Let's go."

Feng Yong reined in the horse's head and gave a light "drive", only to see the handsome horse hiss, raise its front hooves, and sprint forward.

"Master Feng, what's the matter?"

Feng Yong led the horse to the papermaking workshop, and asked this question as soon as he got off the horse.

The people in the paper workshop saw a group of people coming on horseback from a distance, so they reported to Craftsman Feng early on, and he hurried out to meet him who had been busy inside.

Hearing Feng Yong's question, he hurriedly bowed and said, "I've met Feng Langjun."

"You don't need to be so polite, tell me, what about the paper?"

"Back to Feng Langjun, some paper has been baked out, just waiting for Feng Langjun to see it."

As he said that, Carpenter Feng couldn't hide the joy on his face, "According to Feng Langjun's method, using the mulberry bark and hemp silk, the resulting paper is indeed much tougher than before, and it looks durable."

"Durable is good, durable is good!"

Feng Yong laughed again and again, "Take it out and let me see."

The new paper-making method Feng Yong still wanted to exchange something with the old monster Zhuge, so when Jiang Wan was around, he had never seen the newly-made paper, and he was afraid that Jiang Wan would ask the bottom line after seeing it.


Carpenter Feng turned around and entered the workshop, and soon came out again, holding a stack of papers in his hand.

"Let me see."

Feng Yong took a piece of paper, and saw that the paper was slightly yellow, and some plant fibers could be seen on it, he pinched it with two fingers and touched it, it was a bit thick, then shook it again, and it was as expected. That said, the toughness of paper is much better than before.

It is thick, soft and tough, and even because of the craftsmanship, the plant fibers on it make the paper a bit uneven, which is similar to the toilet paper specially used for going to the toilet in later generations. It is really a treasure of the toilet!

Feng Tubie moaned excitedly, tears almost filled his eyes, and he will never hit a stone with an egg again!

There seemed to be a noise in my ear, and someone was calling me at the same time.

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Feng Yong came to his senses, suppressed his excitement, looked up, and saw Li Yi was standing beside him, the hand holding the paper was visibly shaking.

"Brother, this paper... is really a rare and good thing! I have never seen such a fine paper before!"

Li Qiu and Huang Chong also looked at themselves with fiery eyes.

Yang Wanwan's expression was quite different from the three of them. He had a sacred look on his face, holding the paper in his hand as if he was holding a peerless treasure, and muttering to himself, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

This is someone who really worships knowledge, Feng Yong sighed in his heart.

It's just that his last movement almost made Feng Tubie's eyes pop out.

He suddenly tore off a corner of the paper and chewed it in his mouth...

I rely on!

"That can't be eaten!"

Feng Yong said quickly.


Yang Wanwan looked at Feng Yong blankly, with the wreckage of paper still remaining at the corner of his mouth, "It smells..."

Of course it has a smell, you can smell it without eating it, it's the smell of mulberry trees, but it's also good, it can prevent insects.

Maybe it was Feng Yong's shout that woke him up, and he scratched his head honestly, "I'm sorry, brother, I have admired Han Li for a long time, and know that this paper is a precious thing, I can't help it for a while..."

"Oh, it's all right. Just look at the paper, don't put it in your mouth at the end. Wei Ran wants to learn Han rituals in the future, there are many opportunities. This paper-making is afraid that switching is difficult. Once it is made, it will be much easier later. gone."

Yang Wanwan has always admired Han culture, and Feng Yong also knows it. Otherwise, after arriving in Hanzhong, it would not be possible to imitate the Han people and let people help to take the word "Wei Ran".

Carpenter Feng watched Yang Wanwan tear up the paper and put it in his mouth, with a distressed look on his face and resentment in his eyes, this was done with so much painstaking effort by himself, and it was just ruined like this.

I saw him wanting to open his mouth to say something several times, but he didn't dare to speak out.

Li Yu didn't care about this little thing, he turned around and yelled at the trilogy who followed, "Everyone disperse, protect this place, don't let anyone get close!"


The trilogy thought that something had happened, they hurriedly dispersed nervously, and surrounded the place as if facing a formidable enemy.

Feeling a little fussy, Feng Yong said, "Wenxuan doesn't need to do this, right? It's just paper."

"It's because of the paper! Paper, brother!"

Li Yi shook the paper in his hand, lowered his voice, blushed, and almost roared, "It's the Zuo Bo paper, I'm afraid it can't compare to this paper."

"Isn't it?" Feng Yong asked doubtfully, "I have heard from Guan Ji that Zuo Bo's paper is uniform in thickness and fine in texture, which is the best in the world."

"I don't think this paper is smooth. How can it compare to Zuo Bo's paper?"

As Feng Yong said, he also followed Li Yi's example and shook the paper. His voice was not crisp, but rather dull, which showed that the paper was indeed thick.

"So what if the thickness of Zuo Bo paper is uniform? My little brother is lucky to have seen the best Zuo Bo paper in the world. It is indeed fine and dense, and the paper surface is smoother than this paper."

"However, it is too rare. It is said that its craftsmanship is difficult and complicated. The selection of materials is extremely picky. It cannot be made two or three times a year. Even if it was only supplied to Luoyang in the past, it could not be supplied. Therefore, it seems that Uncle Zuo Paper is precious."

"But the paper made by my brother is quite different. Although it is a little rough, it is thick and flexible, not easy to damage, and mulberry is available everywhere. It can be made in less than two months. These are better than that Zuobo paper. too much."

As Li Yi said, he fondled the paper in his hand again, and even pulled it vigorously, "Look, how good is the paper? It won't break even if you pull it. Just based on this, Zuo Bo's paper can't be compared. !"

"Brother, post it, let's post it!"

Seeing that Feng Yong was still indifferent, Li Yi felt that his breath was stuck in his chest, and he said angrily, "This is a great achievement, a great contribution from heaven!"

Um? Um!

Feng Tubie didn't care about other things, but when he heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, "This can it be a great contribution? I still want to sell it for money."

Originally, she wanted to exchange it with the old demon Zhuge, but Guan Ji was more capable, and had already obtained mulberry branches from Huang Yueying, and even started cuttings in Fengzhuang, so she could use this papermaking technique by herself.

How precious is paper, and if you sell it for money, it is also a considerable income.

"How much can this paper sell for?"

Li Yi had just finished saying this, and then gave another "bah", feeling that he had been misled by the elder brother in front of him.

"Of course this paper can be sold for a lot of money, but brother, first of all it is a great contribution. As long as the imperial court obtains this paper, isn't it afraid that the world's scholars will return their hearts?"

Li Yi swallowed his saliva, and continued, "Now that the big man is in danger, if he gets the treasure of this scholar, doesn't it mean that the big man is still destined to return?"

"Let me think, let me think."

Feng Yong felt a little unable to keep up with Li Yi's thinking.

Improved papermaking, of course, had an impact on the dissemination of knowledge.

But in Feng Yong's view, this is a long-term, silent, rather than a sudden and obvious manifestation.

It's just why Li Yi thinks that by taking out this piece of paper, he can buy people's hearts wantonly?

Could it be that I underestimated the influence of this era paper on scholars?

"What does Wenxuan mean, we present this paper?"

Feng Yong asked tentatively.

"Dedicate it," Li Yi nodded affirmatively, "it will definitely not be able to keep it, and the imperial court will not allow this method to remain in our hands. It is better to offer it on our own initiative. Whether the imperial court makes it or not, it will be with us." Nothing to do, but we can make paper with peace of mind."

"Then give it."

Feng Yong nodded. He was not stingy with this, but subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

Hearing what Li Yi said and this expression, this thing is obviously something like a nuclear bomb, and if it is put in the hands of the old monster Zhuge, is it possible that it will blow up the middle of Shu?

When the time comes...Feng Langjun is charming with his clever words, and Xiao Wenhe is cruel and merciless, he is afraid that he will be ganged up by the aristocratic family in Sichuan again.

"Brother is really decisive!"

Li Yi said in admiration.

If this kind of craftsmanship is only in his hands, how much money can he bring him? Mountains of gold and silver are not exaggerated.

If it is regarded as a handed down craftsmanship, the generations to come will have no worries about food and clothing.

But the elder brother only listened to his own words, and believed in his own words so much, which made him both moved and admired.

But he didn't know, when Feng Tubie took the paper in his hands, his first thought was that it was not something precious, not a treasure handed down from generation to generation, but to use it to wipe his ass!

If this idea was known by Li Yi and others, most of the people present would vomit blood and die.

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