Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 332 Tickets

The style of writing in Wudi is soft, and Zhang Wen prefers "Long Gan Xing" to the majesty of "The Difficult Road to Shu".

Changgan is Jianye in Wudi, Changfengsha is Queweizhu in Wudi, that is Yanyudui in Qutang, and it is also the junction of Wu and Han—under Baidi City.

Obviously, the article "Changgan Journey" was written from east to west, using the dangerous places of the river to set off the pain of lovesickness between the two.

Zhang Wen had suspected more than once that this Feng Langjun was probably from Wu?

Otherwise, why would he be so familiar with this land of Dajiang and Wu?

It's just that when I think that such a talented young man from Wu has gone to Shu, I can't help feeling extremely regretful.

Deng Zhi smiled brightly, "Even if Huishu can send me to Changfengsha, but there is still Qutang Gorge and Yanyudui, so why not send me to Dahan?"

"It's my attitude to be a daughter."

Zhang Wen nodded and smiled.

"However, as an envoy, I'm afraid that I will have the opportunity to come to Wu in the future. It's just that Huishu is now like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to have the opportunity to go to Dahan again."

Deng Zhi sighed,

Zhang Wen is silent.

"However, if you can't meet each other, you can also make friends with each other. Since Huishu admires Feng Langjun so much, even if you can't go to Shu to see him again, you can still write a letter."

Deng Zhi suggested.

"May I?"

When Zhang Wen heard this, he was overjoyed, and then a little worried, "Although Feng Langjun is young, he is a man of great talent. I have never met him before. I'm afraid it would be too abrupt to be so presumptuous."

"Although I have never met Mr. Feng Langjun, I have heard that he is generous and values ​​righteousness over wealth." Deng Zhi coughed and said, "Hui Shu likes his articles so much, I want to come to him I will definitely not be surprised."

As he spoke, he added fuel to the fire, "I heard that the prime minister regards him as a disciple. If this letter is forwarded through the prime minister, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Wen said in surprise, then nodded, and suddenly said, "It is inevitable that such an outstanding young man will be recognized by the prime minister."

Thinking about when I was in Jincheng, the rumors about this son in Jincheng were also raging, but the Prime Minister was not only unmoved, but even appointed him.

Look at Jiyan again, she was also attacked by the crowd, but she ended up committing suicide.

Both the Han and the Wu are judged by superiors and inferiors.

Zhang Wen's letter has not yet reached Feng Yong's hands, but Feng Yong's letter has already reached the hands of Adou and Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

"This stick!"

After reading Feng Mingwen's letter, Zhuge Liang dropped the letter on the spot, but immediately picked it up again the next moment.

The content of the letter made him both happy and disgusted.

He was so happy that he almost couldn't help himself, and he was so disgusted that he almost tore up all the things he sent.

But after thinking about it, Zhuge Liang finally closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, because he was reluctant.

Because what was sent to Zhuge Liang was not only the letter, but also a few pieces of paper.

The quality of the paper is very good. This is the final sample that Feng Yong worked on for two months.

Compared with the first time that the plant fibers can be seen on the paper, the paper delivered to Zhuge Liang this time has a much smoother surface, which is very suitable for writing.

Although it is not as white as snow, it still has a hint of yellow, but the original advantages of thick and flexible have been retained, which is considered a rare good paper.

The key is that this paper can be produced in large quantities, and the cost is very low.

So in Zhuge Liang's eyes, this paper is really like the dragon's liver and phoenix gall, one bite will make you immortal, and two bites will make you become immortal...

But Feng Tubie's letter made Zhuge Liang feel that the appearance of this dragon's liver and Phoenix's gallbladder—it is coated with a layer of shit!

What he brought Li Yi and other brothers, what all the hardships, what sleepless nights and food, what many hardships, and then made this paper and other nonsense.

If people who don't know the character of this son read this letter, they really think how loyal and patriotic he is!

But who is Zhuge Liang?

He is the prime minister of the big man!

Cao A didn't know about it?

When I brought hundreds of thousands of troops to the south, didn't I insist on helping the late emperor take Jingzhou from him?

Sun Zhongmou knew?

Back then, I was chatting and laughing with him, but I forced him to make up his mind to fight Cao Aman to the death!

Last year, when the first emperor passed away and the Five Route Army threatened Shuzhong, I could level them all by just sitting in the mansion and fishing!

What is it that I haven't seen?

Who are we two with whom?

As for your temperament that you have to eat only meat for every meal, and when others are busy in the field when harvesting grain, but you are fishing and even sleeping under the shade of the trees, how can you forget to eat and sleep?

Do you really think that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty is not a high-ranking official of the court?

You said that you are young, so you can die if you take the right path?

I gave you "Six Secret Secrets" to let you learn the art of scheming. It is for you to use it on thieves, not for you to learn it and use it on me!

The fair and strict Hancheng, who has always acted according to the law, really can't understand Feng Tubie's appearance of falsely claiming credit.

More importantly, there was another thing that displeased the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, that is, it was stated in the letter that there was no place to grow food in Nanxiang, and he hoped that Chenggu could supply food to Nanxiang.

The prime minister of the Han Dynasty who likes to keep everything in his hands hates Feng Tubie the most, and he always acts out of common sense.

Although the prime minister of the Han Dynasty has never seen such a freak as Nanxiang, it does not prevent him from using his keen political insight to see that if Nanxiang's food is all supplied from other places, then this freak will become easier to control .

As long as it can be controlled, everything can be discussed.

So even if the big Han prime minister feels emotionally awkward, his political instinct will still agree - it just feels disgusting like eating shit.

In the end, the big Han Cheng related to the study door and scolded for a long time, but he still had to admit the matter while pinching his nose.

After scolding people, when the big man opened the door, the prime minister held the paper tightly in his hand and refused to let it go, and he looked refreshed - scolding people is one thing, but getting this treasure is another.

The harder you work, the greater your credit—the greater the greater, the greater it will be.

No way, paper is so important.

"Come here," Zhuge Liang called his servants and ordered, "Get ready, I want to enter the palace."

Unlike Xiangfu's disgusted and happy look, A Dou was excited when he received Feng Tubie's letter.

There is no other way, besides the letter, Feng Tubie also sent a stack of papers to A Dou.

The paper is not the kind of paper in the hands of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty.

The paper in A Dou's hand was bigger than the palm of his hand, and the paper was of excellent quality. On the front was written "Hundreds of high-quality wool cloth, we will exchange them as soon as we meet."

There is a strange symbol of "9527" written on the back corner, but I don't know what it means.

Not only is the quality of the paper unique, but the font on it is also unique, square and upright, which is different from the usual fonts.

The characters on each piece of paper are exactly the same, there is no slight difference at all, and I don't know how the writers wrote them.

Even the ink used for writing is very special, the fonts faintly glow with oil, and oil stains can be seen around the words.

I put it up to my nose and smell it, the ink is fragrant, and I don't know how to make the ink.

After admiring the rare paper, A Dou walked back and forth a few steps, with a look of thirst on his face, and looked outside the door, as if he was waiting for something.

Zhang Xingcai was also holding a piece of paper in his hand and looking at it carefully, with a radiant face, he said to A Dou, "Ah Lang, this paper is really beautiful."

Of course this paper is good, and it is very good!

A Dou nodded approvingly, "Of course this paper is very good, but this little yellow gate has been out for so long, why hasn't it come back?" After thinking for a while, he said with some worry, "Queen, tell me, it can't be Was it stopped by that Dong Yun?"

"Ah Lang, don't worry, wait a little longer. The hundred pieces of cloth belong to my concubine, and they didn't take something from the treasury, so why would Dong Yun stop it?"

Zhang Xingcai comforted her.

The first couple of the big man should be rich all over the world, but now they are like farmers who have dug up gold, nervously and excitedly waiting for news from outside the palace.

No way, Feng Tubie's first dividend distribution method in Hanzhong was slightly different from the impression of ordinary people.

As early as more than a month ago, he sent a letter to Jincheng, asking Zhao Guang, Wang Xun and others to find a spacious place in Jincheng for storing woolen cloth, and then shipped it from Hanzhong to Jincheng for storage. stand up.

Until today, this has not officially started to pay dividends.

What was distributed to everyone was the unique paper in A Dou's hand.

With this paper, you can go to the place designated by Jincheng to change the felt.

Not only Zhao Guang, but even Li Yi felt that this method was somewhat troublesome.

Not to mention wasting manpower and material resources by transporting woolen cloth to Jincheng by ourselves, what if people don't want to transport grain to Nanxiang?

But Feng Yong dismissed their concerns.

Just say it, and you will understand later.

As long as there are profits, how can no one transport food?

And Feng Yong also figured it out later, exchanging grain for woolen cloth can only be regarded as a temporary expedient strategy.

Because the old monster Zhuge will also engage in wool spinning next year, anyway, no matter where it is, it will inevitably have an impact on the textile workshops in Nanxiang.

Therefore, only our own food production base can make people feel at ease.

Besides, how could there be no grain and agricultural and sideline product production bases in the earliest industrial bases of later generations?

That is to say, later, because of the rapid development of the transportation industry, there was the capital to open green channels for vegetables.

Anyway, Nanxiang County was separated from Chenggu County, and the two counties are so close to each other. I used this paper to make a deal with the Prime Minister, and asked Chenggu to be the grain production base. What's wrong?

Because the land in Nanxiang is not used to grow mulberry, or it is used to grow vegetables!

Why plant so many mulberry? Is it because of making paper?

Well, very logical, nothing wrong.

As for why the woolen cloth is shipped to Jincheng... I will tell others that the logistics industry is very profitable?

As Hanzhong becomes more prosperous, coupled with the subsequent Northern Expedition, the communication with Jincheng will become closer, and the logistics transactions between the two places will become more frequent.

In addition, I have a ranch in my hands, and there will be no lack of animal power for transportation such as cattle and horses in a few years. A profitable industry such as logistics is simply tailor-made for me!

It's unreasonable not to engage in logistics!

In the future, we will come up with a slogan and call it Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved!

So now it is necessary to prepare in advance. It is still necessary to train the transportation team first.

It's just that the little Jiujiu in Feng Tubie's heart can't explain it to his brothers for the time being.

Fortunately, Feng Tubie brought his brothers all the way here and never made any mistakes, so after he said it, he would understand. They only thought that they might be ignorant and couldn't understand the layout of their brother for the time being.

In the eyes of the brothers, Feng Tubie has already blinded people to the point of terror.

The most important point is that Feng Tubie bullied the ancients who did not understand currency knowledge, and has already quietly started to cultivate his own credit system.

The wool cloth is its credit guarantee, and its unique papermaking technology and printing technology are its anti-counterfeiting guarantee.

Since it was a credit guarantee, A Dou got the first dividend certificate, and tried to get Xiao Huangmen to take one to pick up the goods, and quickly picked it up.

Seeing a hundred pieces of high-quality wool piled up in his palace, A Dou was very excited, just as excited as when he took a bamboo horse for the first time when he was a child and ran to play house with Zhang Xingcai.

At this time, wool cloth can be circulated as hard currency, that is, a kind of currency. Why don't you tell Ah Dou, who has never had any spare money, not to be excited?

Then he looked at the stack of woolen bills in his hand, and he was sure, one piece was worth a hundred woolen bills.

This feeling is really... cool!

Even Zhang Xingcai, who has always been quite strategic, couldn't hold back, and touched the wool cloth in disbelief. The touch on his hands was excellent, and told her it was true.

This kind of material, even if she is as expensive as a queen, she has only seen it from her sister.

Because Zhang Xingyi's winter clothes are made of this material.

The emperor and the empress looked at each other, and both saw the light of joy in each other's eyes.

What A Dou thinks is that with this ticket, if the palace wants to add something in the future, it will no longer have to look at people's faces.

What Zhang Xingcai thought was, with this money, who in the future palace would have as strong a waist as hers? Whoever refuses to accept it, take this ticket and smash it until she accepts it!

Just when the most honorable couple of the big man were immersed in the joy of getting rich overnight, the palace man came to report that the prime minister wanted to see His Majesty when he entered the palace.

Immediately, A Dou was frightened into a cold sweat, and his first reaction was to glance at Maobu, and at the same time he said, "Why is Xiangfu so well-informed?! Queen, what should I do?"

This guy thought Xiangfu was coming to steal his things.

Zhang Xingcai was much calmer.

"Father Xiang didn't necessarily come here for this matter. Besides, these things are my concubine's private property. Father Xiang would not even want to rob my concubine's private property. It doesn't make sense."


When A Dou heard this, he agreed again and again, "The queen is right, this is the queen's private property, how can I give it up to others?"

As he spoke, he stuffed the banknotes into Zhang Xingcai's hands, and at the same time thought to himself, Feng Mingwen was really very prescient to distribute this share to the queen's name.

"Even...Even Xiangfu, you can't steal the Queen's things, right?"

It's just that the more A Dou talked, his tone became more and more guilty.

Zhang Xingcai held the ticket tightly in his hand, and when he turned it over, he didn't know where to hide it.

"Your Majesty, don't be nervous. The imperial court now has a lot of income and has a lot of money. The father is not like this. Your Majesty just relax and go see him."

"Okay, then I'll go see my father-in-law first, queen, please be optimistic about this ticket."

With the Queen's encouragement, Adou ordered his clothes to be straightened and went out.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say, please listen to it."

Although A Dou felt that Xiangfu would not come to snatch the Queen's things, but when he heard Xiangfu say this, he was frightened immediately, and subconsciously wanted to say, I... I won't listen, can I?

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