Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 342 Return

Because of Zhang Ji's intrusion, Feng Yong and his group stopped on the official road.

In order not to hinder the passage of the official way, Feng Yong turned around and said to Yang Wanwan behind, "Wei Ran, let them form a team and let the official way out."

Yang Wanwan nodded, turned his horse's head around, raised his arms, and shouted to the follower: "Let's line up, line up, get out of the official way."

I saw a dozen or so cavalrymen get off their horses in unison in the back, and there was a slight fluctuation in the next step. In a few breaths, they had already lined up in two columns, standing neatly in the official position. on the side of the road.

Looking at it with the naked eye, not only is the distance between each person exactly the same, but even the standing posture is exactly the same.

Standing there, it is as if roots have taken root under the feet, straight and upright.

All of a sudden, the official road was empty.

During the change of queue, apart from the occasional clash of weapons, no one made a sound.

Just such an order, just such a wave of fluctuations, shocked everyone not far away.

The neat and silent steps suddenly gave them a sense of oppression.

Liu Liang returned to the crowd a little frustrated, turned his head, and saw exactly such a scene.

"Is that Feng... Feng Mingwen's part?"

The sons and gentlemen who had some inexplicable hostility towards Feng Yong originally wanted to say Feng Zhizi, but when the words came to their lips, somehow they became Feng Mingwen.

"It should be... isn't it? Then where did Feng Mingwen get such a skill?"

Someone whispered something in an unsure voice.

Although they were far away, they were not afraid that people on the official road would hear them, but their voices involuntarily lowered.

As if they had found a basis, someone immediately said, "Didn't you see that the young master who surrendered to the governor is also in there? Maybe he came out of the army of Governor Li."

This statement was agreed by most people.

They were subconsciously unwilling to admit that epilepsy Feng had such abilities.

Before they could calm down, the window of the first of several carriages guarded by Bu Qu was suddenly lifted, revealing a beautiful face.

The woman glanced outside curiously, then lowered the window again.

Although it was just a glimpse, the gentle and beautiful appearance made people want to take a closer look.

"Who is this?"

All those sons and lords had such a question in their hearts at the same time.

"Feng Langjun, who is she?"

Zhang Ji naturally saw it too, her expression changed slightly, she pointed to the carriage and asked a question.

"Oh, that's my maid."

Feng Yong didn't hear the unnaturalness in Zhang Ji's voice, so he explained casually.

"This Epilepsy Feng is truly abominable!"

It's rare to have Guan Ji by my side, but I didn't expect that there was such an outstanding woman hidden in the car, and now I want to rob Zhang Ji from them, I'm not a son of man!

Some could barely contain their curses.

"Is that Amei?"

Zhang Ji had a good eye, and when she saw that woman she seemed to have known each other, she immediately remembered it.


"Oh, she has become so beautiful?"

Zhang Ji pouted, and thought to herself, isn't she dark and ugly?

"How can you become prettier?"

Feng Yong wanted to touch her head, but remembered that she was no longer a loli, so he turned his hand in the air and scratched his nose.

Zhang Ji smiled with satisfaction, looked at Guan Ji behind Feng Yong, rolled her eyes, and said softly, "In a few days, I will go to your Zhuangzi, Feng Lang-jun, don't forget what you promised me in your letter .”

Feng Yong was taken aback when he heard this, thinking what did I promise you?

Before he could figure it out, Zhang Ji smiled slyly, waved her hand, bid farewell to everyone, and walked briskly down the official road.

Feng Yong was still thinking in his heart that this little girl wrote so many letters to Lao Tzu and made so many demands, which one has not been fulfilled for her?

Suddenly feeling a bit cold around her, she turned her head, only to see Guan Ji casting her gaze elsewhere.

"Ahem, Sanniang, let's go."

For some reason, Feng Tubie suddenly felt a little guilty.

When he got on the horse, he explained a little redundantly, "That fourth mother is still a child at heart. At that time, the letter insisted that I make up some weed dogs for her, haha..."

Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong again, said "um", and said softly, "Little sister has just grown up after all, brother should take care of it."

"Yes, I have always regarded her as a younger sister..."

Feng Tubie said repeatedly.

Li Yi behind him stroked his forehead and sighed.

Brother, you might as well not say what you said—don’t you know what Guan Ji called you?

After this episode, the people on the outing watched Feng Yong's team drift away, as if their interest in outing had also gone a lot.

Fortunately, all the girls hugged Zhang Ji aside excitedly, chattering about their concerns.

But those young gentlemen seemed to have been hit by Qiqi, and they were a little frustrated.

"This son is called the prime minister and called a young hero, and there is a reason for it. These people, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are elite soldiers? Don't you think so?"

The momentum on the official road naturally attracted the attention of the Taolin owner. The three men who had talked with Zhang Ji walked out from the other side of the Taolin slowly, and the man named Wen Ran said something.

The man called Xiu Ran looked at the people and horses going away, and smiled lightly, "It's just a form, but I don't understand the meaning."

"Oh, what do you mean by that?"

"Although the order and prohibition are enforced, there is a bloody smell missing. However, if Feng Langjun has trained these parts by himself, then he can be regarded as a person who is good at training soldiers. Once such soldiers go through the battlefield, they will die. You can quickly become a real elite soldier."

"Xue Ran means that they have never been on the battlefield?"

"It's not like there are none. Among them, I think there are a few who look like Qu Chang, who should be veterans in the battlefield. As for the others, maybe not."

The three of them were talking, only to hear someone say not far away, "This son is just taking advantage of Li Langjun, the son of Li Dudu, what's so special?"

It turned out that some of those sons and lords were very unconvinced, and only attributed those parts to Li Yi's name.

The man called Xiu Ran raised his brows, glanced at the young gentlemen not far away, and sneered "heh", with contempt in his eyes.

He suddenly said loudly, "Warriors and minions are surrounded by guards, and a peerless beauty is standing by the side. Isn't this a husband?"

The friends around him knew what he meant, so they said loudly, "That's true."

"On the 16th, he presented national policy, and at the 17th, he prospered in Hanzhong. He was able to compose good literature, and to train elite soldiers. Isn't this a hero?"

"Young heroes are too! The prime minister's comment is not an exaggeration!"

"Manufacturing Quyuan plows and eight ox plows will benefit the people of Yizhou. Under the weak crown of a big man, is there anyone who can compare with them?"

"No one can be worthy of the first young man of the Han Dynasty, the words of the Queen of the Han Dynasty, good words!"

The three of them sang in unison, their voices getting louder and louder, almost attracting the attention of everyone present, and the faces of those young men who talked behind their backs flushed with embarrassment.

Even if someone insisted on being unconvinced, what the three of them said was solid, and no one could find anything wrong with it.

"Liu Yin is in her thirties and forties. She is no more than an official, but has no merit in her body. Compared with such a young gentleman, she is really ashamed."

The man who was called Xiu Ran said impassionedly, "The Prime Minister will go to the south soon, and I will learn from that class Dingyuan, and join the army with a pen, so as to live up to this life!"

"Hou Ran's ambition is really admirable!"

The two friends knew that Liu Yin was skilled in both literature and martial arts, and had always had the ambition to make contributions, unlike himself who was ignorant of fists and feet, so they clasped their fists together and praised.

Zhang Ji over there heard Liu Yin's words, her eyes brightened, her affection for Liu Yin increased greatly in her heart, and she was dissatisfied with him because of the previous incident, but now it has disappeared.

She moved over, bowed her knees and bowed, "Mr. Liu's compliments to Feng Langjun are great! My concubine thanked him in advance."

Liu Yin originally had the intention of admiring Zhang Ji, but seeing her behavior now, she felt that she was polite and sensible, so she laughed and said, "It's just telling the truth. This little lady is quite like everyone. Rare, rare!"

The friends around Liu Yin also laughed and said, "My little lady, I am the owner of Taolin, so is Du Zhen. I heard from you earlier that I wanted to enter this Taolin? If you can find another one that catches my eye Man, I allow you to enter."

Du Zhen saw that her side was full of women. According to the rules, she would bring one more person in at most. It would be inconvenient for two women to enter the depths of the peach forest.

If one more person is found, then four people can enter, so that there will be no bad rumors.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ji blinked and asked, "But Mr. Du, I want to ask a question."

"Excuse me."

"This Fu, but do you have to write it yourself?"

"That's not true. If you can find a good article that I haven't read, it's fine."

Zhang Ji clapped her hands and said with a charming smile, "Then it's settled, I may find someone who can catch the eyes of the gentleman, or find a good article, but Mr. Shi, don't forget today's promise."

"I will never forget."

Zhang Ji looked at the third person again, and asked politely, "Dare to ask this gentleman's name?"

"I don't have a big name, but I just happen to be friends with these two people." The man nodded slightly, "My surname is also Liu, and my first name is Shen, with elegant and thick characters."

"It turned out to be another Mr. Liu."

The three of them burst out laughing after hearing Zhang Ji's innocent words.

Feng Yong and others handed over the warrant at the gate of Jincheng, and sent someone to report to the prime minister's mansion, and then went to live in the post house, waiting for the prime minister to send someone over to deliver the order.

Because Feng Yong was nominally returning to Jincheng to report on his work, according to the rules, he could not go anywhere when he returned to Jincheng, but could only stay in the post house, waiting for the next order.

And the trilogy he brought back this time, in addition to his own, there are also those of Li Yi and Yang Wanwan. There are nearly a hundred people in total, but in fact they are all carefully selected from the guard team of the ranch workshop in Nanxiang, so they are all subject to supervision. uniform training.

Along with him back to Jincheng were Fan A and his two disciples who served him.

It would be inconvenient for so many people in Jincheng to enter. Zhao Guang and Wang Xun took most of them to Fengzhuang to live first, and Amei and the rest of the dozen or so people lived in the post house.

The reason why Feng Yong has so many plays is because the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty was worried about his safety.

The big man is full of blood, and he pays attention to happiness and hatred. During the Han Dynasty, there were many civil vendettas, and even officials had a record of being assassinated in the street.

This situation has also led to the phenomenon of a lot of rangers, who specialize in killing and assassinating.

Until the world is in chaos, even beggars will be dragged to the battlefield to die in the future, let alone those rangers with killing skills.

Although the rangers are almost extinct at this time, this trend has not been cut off.

In the past two years, Feng Tubie has been making troubles, and I don't know how many people hate him.

If he died, of course some people would be mad with anger, but there would also be people thinking of him dancing on his grave.

There were many reasons why Huang Yueying wanted Guan Ji to stay by his side, but it was not necessarily that she didn't mean to protect him - it's just that there was a "story I have to tell the female bodyguard and I have to tell" because it was purely pure love. Accident.

Now that the news of the Southern Expedition spread, Feng Tubie's hatred has reached a new level. If someone takes the risk, find a knight-errant from some corner, and stab him to death. The prime minister will not even have time to cry .

In addition, he was barely qualified to form trilogy, so in order to avoid tragedy, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty allowed him the quota of fifty trilogy.

The prime minister's mansion soon issued an order to let Feng Yong go home to rest first, and then send someone to call him to the mansion again.

Although it felt a bit weird, Feng Tubie, who hadn't warmed up the chair in the post house, happily left the post house door, and followed Zhao Guang and others to Feng Zhuang.

Butler Zhao had already got the news, and he has been busy these few days, waiting for the master to come home.

Today, Mr. Zhao Lang sent someone to pass the word, saying that the Lord is going to Jincheng today.

So Butler Zhao wandered around Zhuangzi early in the morning to see if there was anything wrong.

Seeing a little boy peeing on the wall, he immediately rushed over, first tore the person off, slapped his buttocks, and then grabbed the chick and flicked it a few times.

At the same time, he cursed, "Where's your lord? Didn't he tell you not to dirty the ground these few days? You smell the smell, and if you dare to do this, you will be interrupted!"

The little baby had tears in his eyes, but he didn't dare to cry out.

After Steward Zhao let go of his dick, he ran away quickly, wiping away his tears and crying loudly.

Seeing a large piece of cow dung that had just been pulled out on the road, he put his hips on his hips and cursed, "Whose family is this? Why don't you leave this dung at your door and cook it for dinner at night? Where is it? Where did it go?" Won't you shovel it away quickly?"

The Lord is a person who loves cleanliness very much. He has been away for more than a year. If he sees the road so dirty when he comes back, he might think that he is not doing his best to guard the village!

A house made of mud not far away "Zhi Ya" opened the door, revealing a baby's head, and glanced timidly at the housekeeper, "Uncle Zhao, my lord has gone to the house to help."

The lord is coming back soon, and there is not much work in the field, so all the people in the village were called to the mansion to help.

"Your lord is not here, you are not sensible?" Zhao steward glared, "Isn't cleaning up cow dung your daily work? What are you doing in a daze?"


Wa'er hurried over with the dustpan in hand, and squatted down to clean it up.

Just like that, he was slapped on the back of the head by the steward, so that the baby who was squatting to pick up the cow dung almost fell his head into the dung.

"Lazy boy, I don't know how valuable this thing is when it is used in the field. I don't have any work in my eyes. Go and call other idle children to see if there are any other places. If I see that it is not cleaned up again Yes, let's see if the family will let you eat today!"

So the baby ran away quickly with the dustpan in hand.

I heard that today is a big day for the Lord's family to come back. Everyone in the village has delicious food, so it can't be a bad thing.

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