Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 352: Farewell

In February of the third year of Jianxing, the prime minister made a statement, saying that the preparation of food, grass, weapons and equipment was completed, and he asked His Majesty to order troops to go south, and set up Nanzhong early, so as to boost the prestige of the great man.

The emperor allowed it, and ordered Taishi to choose an auspicious day.

The day after Feng Yong returned to Jincheng, the imperial court passed the news that the date of the Southern Expedition was set in March.

Both Zhao Guang and Wang Xun moved to Yamen and will soon go south.

Knowing that Zhao Guang and Wang Xun were about to go south, Feng Yong finally understood why Zhuge Old Demon would let him go back to the village first.

It seems that it is to let him catch up with Zhao Guang and Wang Xun to send them off.

Fighting a war is not a child's play, let alone gathering soldiers at will, and then they can kill all the way in a mighty way.

Food, grass, weapons, etc. must be prepared first, and the front troops must also gather at the designated place first, instead of starting from Jincheng together.

Time was running out, and Jincheng was suddenly shrouded in tension.

The brothers and others ate and drank in Feng's mansion, and finally drank the ten jars of wine to the last drop.

According to Zhao Guang, once he goes there, he doesn't know when he will be able to eat such exquisite food again. This time it was my elder brother's welcome banquet, and it was also my own farewell banquet.

Jincheng at the end of February is already warm and warm.

Feng Yong took Li Yi and Yang Wanwan to bid farewell to Zhao Guang and Wang Xun on the official road, and urged Zhao Guang earnestly with some worries.

When the men of the generals go to war, the women can only see them off at home, and cannot go out to see them off, otherwise they will be laughed at.

Zhao Yun, this guy, now seems to be completely letting Zhao Guang go.

I heard that Zhao Guang himself said that when he was reluctant to part with his mother before going out, he was suddenly kicked out of the house by the adults of his family. If you dare to lose the face of the old Zhao family, you don't have to come back!"

This old guy has fought countless battles in his life. It is estimated that Zhao Guang's expedition this time may be similar to running out for a stroll in his eyes.

The terrible thing is that Zhao Guang may have been influenced by him, and he has no awareness of going to the battlefield at all, and his expression is so relaxed that he couldn't be more relaxed.

This made Feng Yong a little worried.

"It's not like the time in Yinping this time. It's under the orders of the prime minister. The prime minister enforces the law strictly. Don't act recklessly, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

Wang Xun was calm by nature, he fought with Wang Ping on the battlefield when he was twelve or thirteen years old, so don't worry.

On the contrary, it was Zhao Guang, although he had the father of the Five Tiger Generals, but the fact of Yin Ping really made Feng Yong feel lingering.

This battle of Nanzhong was the first battle commanded by the old monster Zhuge himself, and it was also the first time that the Han Dynasty launched troops after the Han Company suffered heavy losses. Its importance is self-evident.

Proud disciples like Ma Su will be killed by the old monster Zhuge because they don't obey the military orders. If Zhao Guang does something like Yinping again, his head will basically be lost.

Zhao Guang, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with two dark circles under his eyes, looked like a national treasure panda. Hearing Feng Yong's words, he nodded again and again, "I'll take my brother's words to heart, so I don't dare to mess around again."

It's obviously a sad parting, but for some reason, Zhao Guang's appearance makes people not take it seriously, and even feels a little funny-this guy, why does he always give you a situation out of the blue?

Thinking of this, Feng Yong felt even more worried, "By the way, what's going on with your face? You were fine when you left Zhuangzi yesterday morning!"

Does old man Zhao have the problem of abusing his son? Do you want to beat up Zhao Guang before you leave?

Zhao Guang listened, touched the bruise on his face, and said somewhat unnaturally, "Yesterday, my sister told me that she hadn't urged me to practice martial arts for a long time, and this time going south, the military situation is dangerous, so before leaving Give me some pointers on my martial arts."

"Which sister?"

"Sister Guan."


Feng Yong nodded, thinking that it is not wronged, because you deserve it.

Zhao Guanglue said with some regret, "After the banquet the day before yesterday, Sister Huang was in a hurry to go back to Hanzhong to supervise the farm, or else..."

Just saying this to you, if Guan Ji were here, she would beat you up again!

What are you thinking, always thinking about your sister fighting, interesting?

Feng Yong was too lazy to care about this guy who was always out of tune, so he turned to Wang Xun and said, "Zishi, this time you are going south, you must watch Yiwen carefully, and don't let him be as capricious as last time."

Wang Xun nodded and said, "Brother's words, younger brother, remember."

Feng Yong turned his head, and ordered to the following Buqu, "Come here, bring the things up."

The trilogy following Feng Yong each came up with a pair of armor and a saber.

"The battlefield is dangerous. One more good armor means one more life, and one more good weapon means one more hand. As an elder brother, I can't help you much. I can only let Hanzhong Ye’s people have built something, you can see if it can be used.”

Occupying several mines in Nanxiang County, he can't occupy the latrine without shitting. In addition, he has the identity of the supervisor of Hanzhong Metallurgy, so Feng Yong has some selfish intentions from the beginning, so that Hanzhong Metallurgical's People try to use coal to smelt iron to see the difference.

There is no hope for steelmaking for the time being. Although he knows the principle, he only knows the principle, and his actual operation ability is zero.

Even if Feng Yong explained the principle, the craftsman would definitely not be able to understand it with a confused face.

So we had to use it to smelt iron first. Anyway, there were already records of coal smelting iron in the Western Han Dynasty. There should be no threshold for this.

But the result made Feng Yong extremely disappointed.

The burning temperature of coal is higher than that of charcoal. It is true that a large amount of iron can be obtained quickly by using coal to smelt iron. However, pay attention to this. However, the quality of iron is extremely worrying!

The smelted iron is very brittle and cannot be used as a weapon at all, but can only be used as a farming tool!

Therefore, Hanzhong Metallurgical Corporation supplied eight ox plows to those manors in Hanzhong without any effort at all, and even the iron smelting room was full of unqualified iron.

Because of this, Huo Yi even ran over to thank Feng Yong.

But Feng Tubie wished he could kick over those iron smelting stoves!

What do I need this junk iron for?

According to the physics and chemistry knowledge he has learned, Feng Yong knows that this is because there are too many impurities in iron.

In addition, coal also contains a large amount of other substances, which will seep into the iron during the iron smelting process, so this caused this situation to happen.

It seems that what is said in the book is correct, no matter whether it is iron smelting or steel making, it is necessary to further smelt coal into coke to have a future.

It is also recorded in the textbook of making coke with coal, but it only talks about the formula and principle, and then draws a schematic diagram of the furnace, what is the actual thing- anyway Feng Tubie has never seen it!

How do you tell him to do it?

But even if you can't figure it out, you have to bite the bullet.

During the period, I don’t know how many people were burned to death by high-temperature smoke, or died of smoke poisoning, and there was even a flash explosion once. Who knows how those illiterate slaves came up with such difficult operations?

Anyway, the way of death is different.

Looking at the kiln emitting black smoke, Li Yi and the others once thought that Feng Yong was carrying out some cult's sacrificial activity.

If it weren't for the fact that after filling in hundreds of human lives, it finally came out with something that looked a little bit charred, Feng Yong's little heart could hardly stand the pain of the loss of manpower, and he yelled to stop.

Take the iron smelted from this thing, and then smelt it for a while to make a weapon, it is simply a magic weapon!

Anyway, in the eyes of Li Yi and others, he is definitely a magic weapon.

When the weapons used by ordinary soldiers were cut down, a big hole would be broken directly. If the quality is not good, it is not surprising that it is broken, but the magic weapon only leaves a slight gap.

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