Seeing Huang Hu accepting his gift so boldly, Feng Yong finally let go of the lump in his heart.

Judging from his appearance and statement, Adou and Zhang Xingcai in the palace were either ignorant or pretended not to be aware of their secret killing of Huang Hao.

Anyway, no matter what the situation is, Zhang Xingcai accepted his share, and the house slaves in the palace accepted his ticket. It seems that this matter will not be settled after the fall.

But knowing that Zhang Xingyi didn't come here specifically to find him, and sent Huang Hu away, Feng Yong felt a little disappointed for some reason.

How cute is the little's just a messenger?

Turning around, he looked at Fan Ah who was waiting by the door, and explained to him, "Medical Doctor Fan, I told you a few days ago that there was a lady who had a miscarriage and could no longer conceive. The servant just now, That madam sent me to inform me, tomorrow you will follow me to a place to see a doctor for that madam."


"That lady is a distinguished lady, you should prepare everything tonight, don't make any mistakes."

"Okay, the villain understands."

In fact, Feng Yong has been to the Huangzhuang outside Jincheng.

It was when he was the supervisor of Zhuye the year before last that he made the eight ox plow, and Adou took all his ministers to watch the first performance of the eight ox plow in this Zhuangzi.

But it was business at that time, and I was still wearing court clothes, so it wasn't that troublesome to enter.

This time it's different, it's a private matter.

Except for Feng Yong and Fan Ah, who was carrying a medical kit, all the parts not only had to unload their weapons, but also had to wait in a specific place and were not allowed to enter.

"It's okay, you just listen to other people's arrangements and just wait with peace of mind."

Feng Yong waved his hand at Buqu, who looked worried.

Then he turned his head and explained with a smile to Huang Hu, who had been waiting for a long time, "He came from the countryside, but he didn't know where this place is, so Guanshi Huang laughed at him."

Huang Hu accepted Feng Yong's ticket yesterday, and now his face was full of smiles, "It's good if you don't know, the less people know, the better."

"Yes. This kind of thing, Yong still distinguishes the seriousness."

Although I don't know why Zhang Xingcai came to see a doctor in this Zhuangzi outside the city, but as the empress of the Han Dynasty, she has her own reasons for doing so, and Feng Yong doesn't bother to guess.

But the itinerary of the leader, naturally, the less people know about it, the better.

So Feng Yong didn't even tell Fan Ah where he was going to come today.

Seeing that his medical kit was about to be taken away, Fan Ah was anxious, and looked at Feng Yong as if asking for help, "Feng Langjun, this..."

"This medical worker, don't worry, let them take the things down first, and someone will bring them up when they need to be used later."

Feng Yong gave Fan A a peaceful look, "Medical Fan just listens to Manager Huang, the owner here has more rules, don't offend the nobleman."

"Come here, take this medical worker down to change clothes."

Huang Hu yelled, and specially ordered, "This is the medical worker Feng Langjun specially hired to treat his wife. Be careful, and explain the rules carefully, so there must be no mistakes."

Feng Yong secretly nodded to Fan A, "Medical Engineer Fan just follow along."

Huang Hu smiled at Feng Yong again, "Madam is waiting inside. After the medical worker has changed his clothes, someone will take it there. Mr. Feng Lang, please come with your slaves. The lord is still waiting over there."

Feng Yong has an official position and doesn't need to change clothes. After hearing Huang Hu's words, he was surprised: what kind of lord? Could it be that Adou is also here?

When I first met Adou, it was in this Zhuangzi.

When I saw Adou for the second time, it was still in this Zhuangzi.

After walking with Huang Hu for a while, he turned into a garden.

The garden is quite large, and the flowers and trees are verdant. Although it is luxuriant, it has its own elegance. It seems that someone often prunes it.

There is a small path leading directly to the small lake in the center of the garden.

There is a pavilion on the small lake. From a distance, because the flowers and trees block it, only a faint figure can be seen in the pavilion.

A Dou was holding a cage to tease the birds, and the sparrows inside jumped up and down, chirping twice from time to time.

At this time, Xiao Huangmen came over and said softly, "Your Majesty, Feng Langjun has already arrived."

"Oh? Are you here?"

When A Dou heard this, his face lit up with joy, and he turned his head to look, only to see behind Feng Yong in the palace, who wasn't Feng Yong?

"Haha, Feng Langjun, you are finally here."

A Dou handed the birdcage to the person next to him, and greeted him with a smile on his face.

"My minister sees Your Majesty."

Feng Yong watched the little fat man A Dou approaching, and quickly bowed his head to salute.

But before he finished the ceremony, a chubby hand grabbed his arm, and he heard A Dou's voice next to his ear, "It's okay, this is not the palace, I'll call you Feng Langjun, you can just call me Liu Langjun."

"How dare the minister break the etiquette?"

When Feng Yong heard it, hey, why is this style of painting different from what he imagined?

This Dude is too enthusiastic about himself, right?

"If you don't dare, come and sit down."

Adou dragged Feng Yong to the table and asked him to sit down.

"Your Majesty, I'm too rude, I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

Although the host is very hospitable, the guests are a bit reluctant to let go.

What Feng Yong thought in his heart was that with so many people watching around here, if the news gets out and someone catches him, even if he is protected by the old demon Zhuge, he will probably lose his skin.

Dishonesty in front of the king is called a serious crime.

Of course, you can also say that you are a corporal of courtesy and virtuousness—but who called Feng Tubie so many enemies?

How could he give someone a handle?

"You go down first."

Only Huang Hu's sharp voice could be heard.

All the people in the pavilion agreed and left in a short while.

Only a yellow beard of the same size as Adou was left.

Huang Hu came up, poured a bowl of water lightly, and gestured to Feng Yong with a smile, "Feng Langjun, Your Majesty asked you to sit, so you can sit."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Huang Hu's eyelids twitched, and just now he said he didn't dare to be rude, this butt sat faster than anyone else.

"Oh, I said that there is no His Majesty here. If you don't like to call me Liu Langjun, you can call me Dalang, or Gongsi!"

Adou waved his hand and said.

Feng Yong tilted his head slightly, and glanced at Huang Hu, who had already lowered his head, as if he hadn't heard or seen anything.

But the unexpressed meaning is clearly expressed.

Is this Dude for real?

I rely on!

If you don't have anything to show your courtesy, you can either rape or steal!

Feng Yong's heart skipped a beat, and he thought to himself, what is this Adou trying to do to get closer to me?

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Feng Yongqian smiled, and then called out, "Liu Langjun."

"Hey! That's right!"

A Dou patted his thigh, and said with a smile, "How does Mr. Feng look at this garden?"


A Dou laughed, pointed at Feng Yong, and said, "Mr. Feng Lang is so dishonest, this place is not really beautiful, at most it is eye-catching."

Seeing that Feng Yong was about to speak, A Dou waved his hand to stop him, and continued by himself.

"Although this place is barely noticeable, I actually like it in my heart. Feng Lang-jun, you know that this garden was not like this before. In the past, because it hadn't been repaired for a long time, weeds were overgrown here. Once people came in, they couldn't stop. There are no places."

"That is, this year, the palace has a little more money, so I allocated some money and food for repairs. So speaking of it, the garden can look like this, thanks to Feng Langjun."

"Your Majesty... Uh," Feng Yong had just spoken when he saw A Dou's face stiffened, so he had to change his words, "Liu Langjun's words are serious. A little cloth is just to repay Hanzhong Metallurgical's help to the ranch and workshop That's all."

"That's right, you and I both benefit from each other, so I won't say thank you."

A Dou’s tone was very accommodating, as if he was chatting with an acquaintance, “Over there in Hanzhong, if you need anything, just say it, don’t be polite. I sent the wrong person before, which made things difficult for Feng Langjun, but fortunately, it didn’t cause any trouble in the end.”

"After that incident, my little gentleman sent someone to Hanzhong to tell him. If Mr. Feng Lang needs anything, he will do his best to cooperate and not obstruct him."

"Thank you Madam Ling forever."

"Thank you, thank you. I just said you're welcome."

When A Dou said this, he moved his body, leaned over and lowered his voice and said, "Hanzhong, it's related to our income! There can't be a problem."

"Will not."

Feng Yong understood what A Dou wanted to do, and it seemed that Zhang Xingcai came here for a purpose.

Recommend a friend's book, "Warriors of the Kingdom". If you want to see it, go and see it, if you don’t want to see it...don’t use this as an excuse to urge updates! I also want to do more, but this is not handicapped!

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