As soon as Zhang Ji said this, Liu Liang choked and couldn't speak.

"'s the queen..."

Liu Liang couldn't speak, his face was flushed, he looked at Feng Yong, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything in the end.

Feng Tubie was furious, but he refused to let him go easily, and sneered, "Does Liu Langjun think I need to say it again?"

After these words, Liu Liang's blood rushed to his head, his face was hot, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes suddenly became a little blurred, and he almost couldn't see that person's hateful face clearly.

So...the rumors are all true?

Did the queen really want Si Niang to marry Feng Yong?

Thinking of this, Liu Liang felt all hope was lost, and said shyly, "I'm sorry, I was reckless."

After finishing speaking, he didn't have the face to stay any longer, and didn't even bother to hand over, so he turned around and fled in a panic.

Feng Yong looked at the back of Liu Liang who was staggering away, then looked at Zhang Ji, and asked with a smile, "You also called him Liu's elder brother anyway, is it not good to say that about him?"

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Ji said with a smile, "I just can't understand how he always pretends to be Uncle Liu, which is the most annoying thing. Today, I happened to tell him about this, so that he can restrain himself in the future."

"It sounds like his family is very powerful, who is it?"

When Feng Yong heard the words Uncle Liu, he was puzzled and asked.

"Uncle Liu is Uncle Liu!"

Zhang Ji looked around to see if no one was approaching, then she waved her hand, signaled Feng Yong to lower his head, and whispered, "Brother, come here, I'll listen to you."

Feng Yong lowered his head according to his words, only to hear Zhang Ji whisper softly in his ear, "Uncle Liu is called Liu Yan and Liu Weishuo, and he has followed the late emperor from the very beginning, he is considered a veteran minister of the founding of the country."

The girl's slightly sweet hot air hovered around her ears, making Feng Yong's ears itchy.

"Liu Yan?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong subconsciously stood up straight, "So it was him?"

"Yes, it's him." Zhang Jijiao said with a smile, "Brother, do you know this time?"

"Understood." Feng Yong nodded, chuckling in his heart, seeing that Liu Langjun's air, I thought his father was some kind of boss.

Liu Yan can indeed be regarded as a veteran, and his status is worthy of the word "noble".

But among the important ministers of foreign forces who hold the real power of the great man, he can be regarded as a rare and special figure.

Because he can only be regarded as a casual chatterer, and he has no rights at all - his main job on weekdays is to chat with the late emperor.

The first emperor probably also knew that he could only talk, not practice, and had no talent, so he gave him a lot of noble status, but he didn't give him any real power.

The reason why Feng Yong knew him was because of Adou.

Because he was the only minister who was sentenced to death by Adou.

In the year of Zhuge Liang's last Northern Expedition, Liu Yan's wife Liu Hushi entered the palace in the first month to congratulate the Queen Mother on the New Year, and the Queen Mother specially kept Liu Hushi in the palace with her for a month.

Liu Yan didn't see his wife for a month, so he suspected that she had an affair with Adou.

After Mrs. Liu Hu returned to the mansion, he not only ordered his servants to beat Mrs. Liu, but even smacked his wife's face with a shoe. Then he abandoned Mrs. Liu and kicked him out of the house.

Liu Hu and the Empress Dowager can be regarded as good friends in the boudoir, how could they swallow this breath and go directly to the law enforcement department to sue Liu Yan.

So things got serious, and finally Liu Yan was sentenced to death and dumped on the street.

Although this is a matter between husband and wife, its cause is unusual. Not only does it involve the empress dowager, it is also suspected of slandering the emperor, and even the prime minister of the Han Dynasty who is on the northern expedition is also affected.

After all, the words "all in the palace and the mansion are one" were written by Zhuge Liang himself, and the person in charge of the palace is Dong Yun, whom he personally named.

Anyway, in Feng Yong's view, Liu Yan's actions at that time could no longer be called death, but that he was impatient to live.

Not to mention that Mrs. Liu and Hu can be regarded as Adou's elders, but the empress dowager of the majestic Han Dynasty, would she still so blatantly pimp herself?

The most important thing is that at that time Zhuge Liang, the emperor's father-in-law, hadn't died yet, and Dong Yun was still in charge of everything in the palace.

A Dou usually wanted to choose a few beauties to enrich the harem, but Dong Yun would always spit on his face. In the end, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only bow his head and be obedient.

How could it be possible that all of a sudden, Ah Dou had a severe personality split, and boldly committed such a scandal, and he continued to do it for a month?

During this month, Dong Yun was selectively blind and deaf, and knew nothing.

Isn't that ridiculous?

If Liu Yan did this, he would offend the empress dowager, the emperor, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty who was on the northern expedition, and the important ministers who stayed behind in Jincheng.

Even at the critical juncture of the Northern Expedition, his making such a fuss directly shook the stability of the people in the rear. Therefore, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty and the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty were surprisingly unanimous in their attitudes towards the severe punishment for him.

Isn't he impatient to live?

A Dou can be regarded as an honest boy, Zhuge Liang said that he is "talented, benevolent, corporal amity", whether it is flattering or not, let alone other things, but a "benevolence" can still be occupied.

At least the ministers will not be killed indiscriminately.

Liu Yan's ability to force Adou to the death penalty can be regarded as an extraordinary talent.

Even a human-shaped husky like Zhao Guang is not at the same level as this guy.

"Brother offended Liu Langjun, aren't you afraid?"

Seeing Feng Yong's disapproving expression after knowing Liu Liang's identity, Zhang Ji asked curiously.

"What am I afraid of?"

Feng Yong thought to himself, if I had no roots or roots the year before last, of course I would have concerns.

Now, I'm still a ground turtle that can jump around, he's just a salted fish that can't move, I'm afraid of him?

In her daily interactions with others, Zhang Ji saw a lot of children of powerful and powerful people who gave in because they were frightened by the reputation of the son of the prince of the capital.

Seeing Feng Yong's indifferent face at this time, I felt that he was different from ordinary people.

Thinking like this, two shallow dimples could not help showing on his face, and he was full of smiles.

Feng Yong naturally didn't know what Zhang Ji was thinking in his heart, he was still thinking about who the person guarding Le City was, but unfortunately that flash of inspiration was interrupted by someone, but now he can't find it anymore.

However, when he thought that under Zhang Ji's reminder, he had already remembered other people in a good way, and he felt happy again.

What's more, this little girl actually brought Liu Yin's news to her, which was really a surprise.

Sure enough, a woman with the Queen's order is different, she is really a great blessing.

Feng Yongyue felt happier seeing Zhang Ji, if he hadn't considered etiquette, he might have hugged her fiercely and kissed her a few times to show his congratulations.

"That Liu Yin, if he really has the ambition to join the army, I can help a little bit. But the prime minister has always been strict with the law. He went to the army, so he might have to start from scratch. It is possible to be a general or something. .”

Suppressing his joy, Feng Yong continued to pick up the topic interrupted by Liu Liang, "Si Niang, go ask him, would you like it?"

If it were someone else, Feng Yong would not dare to guarantee it, but that would be Liu Yin!

This is a good minister and fierce general who has been verified by history and is loyal to the great man.

And I still have ambitions to join the army, good, good!

This kind of person must be used to death, otherwise how can he continue the life of the big man?

If the big man doesn't continue his life, how can he arrange a peaceful old age for himself?

You can't wait for yourself to become an old man and be in the midst of war, can you?

Anyway, I am now inextricably linked with the Sichuan family.

Not to mention Li Yi and Li Qiu, even Huang Chong, didn't he become the county captain of Nanxiang County under his own recommendation?

Needless to say, Li Muli and the two siblings of the sixth room of the Li family, one helped him take care of the textile workshop, and the other helped him grow vegetables.

He Wang who is far away in Ju County—that is also my ally.

Plus Liu Yin, what are you afraid of?

Of course Zhang Ji didn't know what was going on in Feng Tubie's mind.

In her opinion, it must be difficult for her own brother, who is a prince, to be unwilling to help.

For Feng Langjun, the difficulty may be even greater.

But what I didn't expect was that Feng Langjun would agree so simply.

So Zhang Ji felt that, nine out of ten, it was because he brought up the matter himself, and he was unwilling to reject him.

Thinking like this makes my heart sweeter.

"Brother, if you find this difficult, you don't have to embarrass yourself. I just said it casually."

At this time, Zhang Ji persuaded Feng Yonglai softly.

"No embarrassment."

Feng Tubie was so arrogant once in a while, he patted his chest and assured, "Si Niang, you just go and tell him. And after all, you proposed this matter. Since I can do it, how can I refuse?"


When Zhang Ji heard this, she only felt that her body and mind were crisp.

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