People today only know Han Yizhou, who remembers being Dalang?

Didn't Yelang Kingdom become the prefecture of the Han Dynasty step by step?

But Feng Yong also knows that Nanzhong is no better than Hanzhong.

Hanzhong is a well-cultivated land, but Nanzhong is now considered a barren land.

Based on the current appearance of the big man, not to mention the development of Nanzhong, even if it is Hanzhong, if according to the original history, there is no such a poisonous plan as "sacrificing blood and flesh to Hanzhong" by a random soil turtle who sacrificed a cross-age farming weapon. , Until the time of its demise, the Shu Han failed to reclaim land on a large scale.

Why did the Zhuge old demon bring people back after pacifying Nanzhong?

Such a large piece of land, does he really not want it?

To put it bluntly, the statement that it is not easy to keep soldiers to guard the three is because the big man is too weak to eat at all.

If you really want to swallow it forcefully, you will suffer from indigestion, and maybe you will kill yourself, so you have no choice but to withdraw your troops in the end.

Feng Yong was not so arrogant that he felt that he could develop Nanzhong only by himself and a few brothers around him, even with the addition of Adou.

Because the development of Nanzhong is a bottomless pit, which requires countless money, countless manpower, and long-term time.

But today's imperial court is a poor ghost, and can only give policies, and can't expect too much from others.

There is no other way than to recruit as many people as possible to do it.

Besides, after the Zhuge old demon pacified Nanzhong, what about the militias who enjoyed the sweetness of the slave trade?

We can't let them all swarm into Yinping and Wudu in the northwest, right?

Then Zhuge old demon's wool plan is still implemented?

If you really want to do that, it seems that you will get a temporary demographic dividend, but without the wool income, the income of the imperial court will definitely be greatly reduced, and it will do more harm than good to the Northern Expedition.

Before the big man is unable to fully control the north, it is the kingly way to win over one faction of the Hu people and suppress the other.

The Hu people supported by Cao thief are no better than those barbarians in the south who are still in the initial civilization.

Even the militia couldn't outrun the barbarians on horseback.

I really want to drive them into a hurry and accumulate hatred. During the Northern Expedition, it is also a headache to make trouble for the big man from time to time.

Therefore, in order to carry out his plan, Zhuge Old Demon cannot allow the militia to wreak havoc on Yinping and Wudu.

Then, the militia has nowhere to go, so they can only put away their swords and go to the ground to find food again.

But it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but it is even more difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Not to mention whether the members of the militia are willing or not, even the benefactors behind them are unlikely to be willing.

Feng Yong saw this, so he threw out the plan to open a manor plantation in Nanzhong.

Opening a plantation in a barren land, it is definitely impossible to be safe and sound at the beginning, not to mention the barbarians hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and the sporadic rebels who are unwilling to reconcile, even those wild beasts can cause headaches .

At this time, those militia groups can come in handy.

At the same time, it also prevents them from becoming a dynamic group that endangers the stability of the Han society after returning to Shu.

Why not do something that kills one bird?

It's just that others are not fools. They want to fool them into doing it without seeing the real benefits. The degree of difficulty is too high.

If it weren't for the golden signboard that Feng Tubie has meticulously built in the past two years, it is really strong enough. When others hear him say the words of Tunken Nanzhong, they may just turn around and leave.

"I know a little bit about the stone honey made from sugarcane juice."

The Mi family has a Mrs. Mi, so it can be regarded as a relative of the emperor. In addition, the Mi family has been engaged in farming for generations, so Mi Zhao can be regarded as having a lot of knowledge.

Hearing what Feng Yong said, Mi Zhao said, "If you say this stone honey, it is indeed a luxury and rare item. But this item is not easy to store, and it is not easy to transport. Feng Langjun wants to grow it in Nanzhong. With so much sugarcane, have you ever thought about how to solve it?"

"What I make from sugarcane juice is not stone honey. I have a method. The caramel made from sugarcane juice is somewhat similar to the military dry rations. They are all lumpy, but they will not spoil for a long time. It is as sweet as honey, better than stone honey." Much tastier."

Feng Yong had long expected that someone would ask questions, so he explained with confidence.

"Military dry food?"

Hearing these four words, the eyes of everyone present almost shone brightly.

Nothing else, just because this thing really makes them love and hate.

What I love is that with it, there is the capital to organize militia groups to go south.

What I hate is that this thing is extremely expensive, and the cost of labor is accounted for by this thing.

Hearing that the caramel that Feng Yong said was the same as the military rations, many people swallowed on the spot.

Not to mention tributes such as stone honey, even the maltose, which is also a rare luxury, even if it is an ordinary rich family, it may not be common.

What did Feng Langjun say?

Can he make caramel better than stone honey out of sugar cane juice?

And there is also a lump like military dry food, and it is not bad even for a long time?

How safe is such a treasure in the world?

If he can really make it, this shit is simply a money grab!

"Feng Langjun's words are serious?"

Mi Zhao suddenly stood up excitedly.

As he was born in a wealthy businessman's family, he understands the terrifying profits better than others.

To use the metaphor of grabbing money is simply insulting this kind of treasure, it should be said to be grabbing gold!

"Mi Langjun's lord is Huben Zhonglang General, you should know that I played against the emperor a few days ago."

Feng Yong looked at Mi Zhao, smiled slightly, and said, "I'm not going to hide anything here. At that time, the Southern Expedition was just around the corner, and the Son of Heaven was worried, so he asked me about Nanzhong. It was at that time that I Propose to the emperor the matter of reclaiming Nanzhong."

"This matter has the support of the emperor. The emperor said that he will personally ask Soochow for some sugarcane seeds. At the same time, he will also set up a Nanzhong Metallurgical Corporation in Nanzhong to set an example for reclaiming Nanzhong."

The emperor of the Han Dynasty and the two gold-lettered signboards of "Feng Tubie, attracting wealth and wealth", finally made everyone's hearts twitch.

"So today, taking advantage of the prime minister's southern expedition, I called everyone together to tell everyone about this in advance. This Nanzhong is not like Hanzhong, but a barren land. If you want to cultivate it, it will be more difficult than Hanzhong. Quite a few."

"But if this is done, the benefits will be unimaginably great."

Feng Yong smiled lightly and continued, "So I want to set up a club called the Xinghan Club. It is much better to gather the strength of everyone and let everyone work together. This is much better than doing it alone."

Hearing Feng Yong's words, the people below all gasped.

This Feng Langjun has a big appetite!

It looks as if Nanzhong must be eaten.

According to their thinking, even if what Feng Langjun said was true, it would be enough for three or five well-connected partners to open a few manors in Nanzhong together.

How dare you think about bringing them all together?

And there is the royal family backing it!

If this is the case, who will be their opponent in Nanzhong?

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