Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 388 All kinds of knowledge, how much have you learned?

The reason why this matter was entrusted to Huang Yueying and the queen was because the matter of the woman's birth had not yet been concluded, and the government's rash intervention would easily cause misunderstandings in the world.

After all, this kind of thing that violates the secular concept, if it is spread out before the conclusion is reached, as long as someone with a heart instigates it a little, it will easily arouse the anger of the public, and it will definitely ruin the big event.

If Zhuge Liang could entrust Huang Yueying and the queen to follow up, that would already be a great trust in Feng Yong.

So for now, this matter can be regarded as a private discussion among several people.

Huang Yueying took the paper from Guan Ji's hand, looked at it carefully, then raised her head and said, "According to what you said, there are many reasons for this woman to give birth."

"It's really a lot." Feng Yong glanced at Guan Ji who was silently guarding the door. He didn't care about being rude, and leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes to soothe his tense nerves, and said slowly, "But The most important thing is to look at the woman's physical condition."

"At least that's the case with the current situation of the big man. The physical condition of a woman determines the risk of giving birth. As for the rest, it is based on this and then find ways to reduce the risk."

"As for the current situation of the big man?"

Huang Yueying keenly sensed the meaning behind Feng Yong's words, "You mean, there are other circumstances?"

"Yes." Feng Yong did not shy away from this point, nodded and admitted, "If you can reach the level of my teacher, ninety-nine out of ten women will no longer have to worry about the danger of having a child."

"Then you're talking for nothing!" Huang Yueying gave Feng Yong a blank look, and then sighed leisurely, her expression seemed to be fascinated.

"If the big man can really do what you said, ninety-nine out of ten women don't have to worry about the danger of giving birth. What a blessing it will be? At that time, people and couples all over the world will be extremely grateful, right?"

Hearing these words, Feng Yong, who closed his eyes, smiled and did not speak.

Huang Yueying looked at Feng Yongguli's weird expression, and frowned, "What weirdness are you thinking?"


Seeing that Feng Yong didn't want to say anything, Huang Yueying didn't ask, "If that's the case, then we'll wait for half a year. As long as what you said is true, the half year of waiting will be worth it."

After speaking, she looked at the paper again, raised her head and asked in doubt, "It's just here, the data to be collected, uh, is it called this?"

"Yes, it's called collecting data."

"There are too many types of data, isn't it? It's so cumbersome, how can you guarantee to collect them all? Even if you collect them, how long will it take to calculate them? It's half a year after a woman gives birth. Don't you want to calculate time?"

After hearing this, Feng Yong finally opened his eyes and smiled confidently, "Madam, when I was in Nanxiang's workshop, I ran a school. The children in the school, no matter what they want to do in the future, there are two things that must be learned first. One One is literacy, and the other is arithmetic."

"The reason why I call these things data is because these things can be calculated, and the results can be used as a basis for our actions."

Huang Yueying was refreshed when she heard this.

Isn't this the core knowledge of this kid's sect?

In Huang Yueying's view, the collection, statistics, and use of this kind of big data are really a very powerful knowledge.

Therefore, the birth of these babies in Nanxiang is very likely to affect the future marriage policy of the Han Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Huang Yueying turned her head and winked at Guan Ji.

Guan Ji understood, listened carefully, and shook her head lightly, indicating that there was no one outside.

Only then did Huang Yueying ask Feng Yong, "So you have a purpose in making the children in the school learn to count?"

"Yes." Feng Yong nodded, "My teacher believes that if you want to understand everything in the world, you must collect enough data, sort it out, and finally calculate the results."

"And in this process, arithmetic is needed at every step, so in my school, literacy and arithmetic are the most important foundations for learning."

"I remember you said before that your teacher focused on finding the root of all things in the world. Could it be that you used this method to get it?"

Huang Yueying stared at Feng Yong with burning eyes and asked.

"Well, it's one of them."

"So you said that your master likes to go against the sky, but you are not telling the truth at all."

Huang Yueying stood up, with an excited look on her face, as if she had discovered some great secret, and forced her to come over step by step, "That's because your master has grasped the fundamentals of how those things work, and knows how to change them, so it's also possible to change them." no?"

"Well, sort of."

"Is it?" Huang Yueying smiled, shaking the paper in her hand, "So, in fact, this time you are using your teacher's method, using the people who have studied mathematics in your hand to collect the data, and then add Organize and calculate. When the time comes, you will get the answer you want."

Feng Yong felt that this was a bit wrong, "What is the answer I want? What does Madam mean by this? I did not falsify the data."

"False data?" Huang Yueying looked at Feng Yong playfully, "It's very easy to say, it seems that you really understand this process very well."

When Feng Yong heard this, he said anxiously, "Madam, you can send someone over to watch over it."

Huang Yueying went back to her seat and sat down, with a clear look on her face, "The faction must be sent, after all, this matter is important. Moreover, the method used can be used as a reference for the big man's government."

"But I want to say that's not it. What I want to say is that the data collected by Nanxiang in the second half of the year will definitely prove that what you said is correct."

After speaking, Huang Yueying also followed Feng Yong's example and leaned back lazily on the chair.

"Because of your statement about women's childbirth, in fact, your division has already had statistics and calculations, so what you said is the conclusion of your division, right?"

Feng Yong was silent.

Seeing that Feng Yong didn't speak, Huang Yueying smiled, "Look, if I hit the mark, why don't you talk?"

Feng Yong remained silent.

Damn, what is this woman so smart for? Don't soil turtles lose face?

Huang Yueying casually threw the paper on the table. Judging from this action, even if this conclusion has been settled for her, the subsequent statistics are actually a process.

"Your teacher's school is really unfathomable, and even has this kind of knowledge."

Huang Yueying let out a long sigh, with great admiration in her tone.

Then he looked at Feng Yong curiously and asked, "I'm curious about something, I want to ask you, may I?"

"What does Ma'am want to ask?"

"How many layers of knowledge in the master's school have you learned before you can be released to walk in the world?"

Feng Yong: ...

Silence, continue to be silent.

"Is there any on the eighth floor?"

Huang Yueying asked tentatively.

Feng Yong's face twitched.

Eight floors?

Not only can I lead you into a society where the Blue Star nation is united, but I can also start to set off towards the starry sky.

Seeing Feng Yong's expression, Huang Yueying sighed, "It seems not, what about the fifth floor?"

fifth floor?

I can make the great Han truly realize the great wish of "wherever the sun and moon shine, and where the rivers and rivers go, are all Han soil".

Huang Yueying frowned slightly, "Third floor?"

three floors...

Probably can let the big man enter the first industrial revolution, right?

This time it was Huang Yueying's turn to twitch. She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence: "Two layers? So few?"

two floors...


Feng Yong raised his head quietly, looked at Huang Yueying's face that had become extremely ugly, and then glanced at the beautiful Guan Ji who was staring wide at the door.

With a long sigh in my heart, with a mournful face, I slowly stretched out a half-bent finger.

"Why only one floor?!"

Huang Yueying screamed.

"Half...half layer..."

Feng Yong was courageous, and said in a low voice with a cheeky face.

Looking at Huang Yueying's expression, Feng Yong felt that if he really dared to say that he didn't even learn half a level, maybe she would run away on the spot.

Huang Yueying groaned and glared at Feng Yong.

It is very similar to the furious and disappointed expressions of my parents who scored 74 points in a math test in later generations.

There was a dead silence in the room.

After a long, long time, Huang Yueying sighed a long time, and said quietly, "You made a crime..."

Ashamed, very ashamed.

Seeing Feng Yong's ashamed look, Huang Yueying sighed again, remembering that he said that his master only taught him farming and tooth-changing techniques, she felt extremely regretful: Your teacher has all kinds of knowledge, others are eager for it, but you don't know it. Turn a blind eye like this?

It's just that it's useless to be a pity at this time. Besides, this kid has already brought him a lot of surprises. Huang Yueying can only comfort herself in this way now.

Then he regained his energy and asked, "I heard that you are going to Nanzhong?"


Although he didn't understand why Huang Yueying asked this question, Feng Yong still answered honestly, "The prime minister once asked me how Nanzhong would be governed after it was pacified. So I wanted to go and see for myself what it was like there. .”

"You are capable, and you can calm down and do practical things." Huang Yueying nodded appreciatively, "Although in the bottom of my heart, I don't want you to go to such a dangerous place, but you guys have your own ambitions, so I will Don't say too much."

"However, Nanzhong is no better than Hanzhong. Although Hanzhong was a bit desolate at the beginning, it is the heartland of the big man after all."

"But Nanzhong is different. Ever since the Han Dynasty destroyed Yelang and established Nanzhong, it has never been truly pacified. The barbarians have rebelled for hundreds of years, and this rebellion almost endangered Jincheng."

"Not to mention, now your reputation is in Nanzhong..."

When Huang Yueying said this, she couldn't continue. She pondered for a while, as if she was thinking about what words to use to express it better, but she couldn't think of a suitable one after much deliberation.

I had no choice but to say, "Your reputation is very unusual in Nanzhong. If you really want to go there, you must be prepared and be careful."

Feng Yong's heart warmed up, thinking that Huang Yueying still cared about him after all.

"Don't worry, madam, I won't make fun of my own life."

"What you are saying now is just a joke!" Huang Yueying stared, "What is life? Your life is more precious than most people! Don't say such things in the future."

"Yes Yes……"

"Okay, I'll say what I have to say." Huang Yueying got up, picked up the paper on the table and put it in her arms, "I know you are busy these days, so I won't bother you."

"Forever send off madam."

"No need. You Zhuangzi, how many times have I been here? Even the farmer knows me, so you still need to be hypocritical?"

Huang Yueying was not polite at all.

"If you have time, go to the Prime Minister's Mansion to find Xiang Changshi and ask him for the map of Nanzhong. It will be helpful to you. After all, you are in charge of the farming in Yizhou. Let's see where Nanzhong is suitable for farming. , is justifiable.”

When Feng Yong heard this, he was overjoyed. Isn't this just looking at the map openly?

"Thank you ma'am for your suggestion."

This time Feng Yong sincerely thanked him.

Huang Yueying waved her hand, "I'm afraid that you won't recognize Nanzhong's way, and I don't want Sanniang to worry too much about you."

After speaking, he left without looking back.

Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong, with affection in her eyes, and then followed out slowly.

Sure enough, it is still useful to please the mother-in-law.

"What? Still don't want to leave?"

Walking out of Feng's residence, Huang Yueying turned her head and glanced at Guan Ji, and said with a smile, "That's right, seeing that he is about to go to Nanzhong, I don't know how long it will take to come back, so I should be reluctant."


Guan Ji blushed, bowed her head and said nothing.

"Okay, I'll just go back to Jincheng by myself, you can talk to him yourself."

After all, Huang Yueying is someone who has been here before, and knows that the young couple is in the middle of passion, "But I have to go back to the city before sunset, and it can't be like last time."

Guan Ji's face turned even redder, and she said "um", in a very low voice.

After sending Huang Yueying to the intersection of Zhuangzi, Guan Ji turned around and returned to Feng's residence. After asking the servants, she knew that Feng Yong had not come out of the study room, so she immediately walked towards the study room.

He knocked lightly on the door, and a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Feng Yongzheng was leaning on the back of the chair with his eyes closed. When he heard someone open the door and then close it, he thought it was Amei, so he didn't open his eyes. He asked, "Are you back? How is the lady doing?"

After waiting for a while without hearing an answer, Feng Yong was a little surprised. Just as he was about to open his eyes, he suddenly felt that someone pressed his temples on both sides. The moderate pressure made people feel very comfortable.

Then only Guan Ji's voice could be heard softly, "Who do you think brother is here?"

Feng Yong was agitated, he managed to control his almost turning his head, and said as calmly as possible, "Who else? Of course it's the girl Amei, she is the only one who can come in this study on weekdays."

The master's study is the most important place, and ordinary servants are not allowed to enter.

Feng Yong did not lie.

Guan Ji put her hands on his forehead and pressed it slowly, which made Feng Yong feel a burst of relief and almost made him groan.

Then he hit him on the neck with his hands lightly and lightly, Feng Yong only felt that his dizzy head finally woke up.

"Sanniang's skill is really amazing."

Feng Yong admired, "It's the girl Amei who is studying medicine. Compared with you, it's not even a little bit worse."

Guan Ji put her hands on his shoulders, and said softly, "That's because brother is too tired these days, that's why he is like this. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for my younger sister's meddling, my brother wouldn't be like this Tired."

Feng Yongqi said, "These days are indeed busy, but what does this have to do with Sanniang?"

"If my younger sister hadn't told my aunt about the girl's marriage age, my brother wouldn't have..."

As soon as Guan Ji said this, Feng Yong held down the hand that was massaging her shoulder with his right hand, then pulled it again, stretched his left hand behind her, wrapped it around her waist, and exerted a little force.

Hearing Guan Ji's "wow", she was immediately pulled into Feng Yong's arms.


Guan Ji just said something, and then said "uh", as if something blocked her mouth.

The beauty panted softly, her brows were shy and her eyebrows were half drawn, and her jade face was blushing with embarrassment.

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