Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 390 The Love Between Two Loves


Seeing Feng Yong's frown, Li Yi thought that after hearing the news, he thought there was something wrong, so he asked tentatively.


There is no evidence, Feng Yong knows that he is a bronze rookie with a strong mouth, and the history has clearly recorded that the Southern Expedition was victorious in the end, so how could he express his worries.

His eyes fell on the self-drawn map again, and Feng Yong became even more worried. He always felt that something was wrong, but his thoughts were temporarily stuck and he couldn't figure it out.

"Wenxuan, how are you preparing for the things I ordered?"

"It's all ready."

When Li Yi heard Feng Yong's question, he quickly lifted his spirits, "Brother, are we going to Pingyi County first?"

Feng Yong nodded, "Pingyi County is not only the seat of the governor of Nanzhong, but it has never been breached by the rebels, and its geographical location is at the hub of the three counties of the rebellion. It is the best place for the first step. "

As he spoke, he clicked on the location of Pingyi County on the map.

That's it, Feng Yong finally found something wrong, made a gesture on the map, frowned slightly, and asked Li Yi, "Wenxuan, do you know how far it is from Bodao to Anshang?"

"About a hundred miles."

"Then from Bodao to Bie County?"

"I don't know, but it won't be less than eight hundred miles."

Hearing this, Feng Yong finally fully understood what was wrong.

"Don't you think there is any inconsistency between Yiwen's letter and this official document?"

As soon as these words came out, both Li Yi and Yang Wanwan stared at the map on the table.

"One hundred miles, one eight hundred miles. According to the time when the official document was issued, the prime minister should have not arrived in Anshang by then. But why are Yiwen and the others almost arriving in Bie County?"

Feng Yong picked up the pen again, and highlighted three thick inks on the paper, indicating that there are three places in Bie County on the Bodao, "Soldiers are expensive and fast, Ma Taishou has traveled at least six hundred miles, and the prime minister is even a hundred miles away." Didn't finish?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yi and Yang Wanwan couldn't help but look at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"Perhaps, when Yiwen wrote this letter, the prime minister had already arrived in Anshang. After all, the official document and Yiwen's letter were not sent from the same place, but they were only remitted halfway."

Li Yi hesitated and said, "Besides, the mountain roads in Yuexi County are too rough, so it's normal for the prime minister to walk slowly. Ma Taishou went to Zangke through the official road, and there is also a waterway, so the marching speed is naturally much faster than the prime minister. "

Although I think this explanation is a bit far-fetched, Feng Yong can only accept this explanation without having more information.

"That's all I can think of."

"Brother, when shall we leave?"

Li Yi asked eagerly.

"No rush, there is one more thing that is not ready, wait two more days."

"What is it? Elder brother, just tell me and listen to my younger brother, and my younger brother will go and prepare quickly."

"None of you can prepare this thing, only I can prepare it."

Feng Yong smiled and asked, "Wenxuan, these days, I asked everyone from Xinghanhui to help find wine. How many have you found?"

"As long as it is wine that can be found in Jincheng, it has been brought back. But now wine is considered a precious thing. Even with the help of the brothers from the Xinghan Society, there is not much to be found in a short time. Now only Twenty altars."

Although I feel sorry for the ten altars of wine that were drunk a few days ago, at that time, people delivered the wine at the door of the restaurant, and said that it was specially given to me to entertain others. If I didn't take it out at that time, it would be too stingy.

Besides, wine is too hard to find these days, and everyone in the Xinghan Club was able to help find 20 altars, probably because I said it would be of great use in Nanzhong, and it took a lot of effort.

"I borrowed thirty altars from the palace. Counting them, there are fifty altars. Let's try."

Feng Yong sighed.

"try what?"

Li Yi asked suspiciously.


"What's the meaning?"

"You'll know when you read it later."

Feng Yong smiled mysteriously.

Alcohol is a good thing, and its purification is very simple.

The difficulty is where the alcohol comes from.

In the feudal era without industrialization, the source of alcohol could only be extracted from wine, but there was not enough food in this era, so where did the wine come from?

In the end, Feng Yong had enough face. After sending a batch of wool cloth to A Dou for nothing, A Dou very readily managed to help him get thirty jars of wine—in fact, it was the last bottle hidden in the deepest part of the palace treasury. Batch of wine.

Adou has a good reputation in this regard, he is very kind and easy to talk to.

Especially in the case of sufficient sincerity, the money will definitely be done.

Ask someone to move all the wine to a yard, and then unseal it all.

For a time, the smell of wine filled the whole yard.

"Okay, you all go out."

Feng Yong said to everyone, only Li Yi, Yang Wanwan and Amei were left.

A strange stove had been set up in the yard long ago, with a steamer on it and a wooden barrel next to it, connected by a hollow bamboo.

There is also a drainage tube at the bottom of the barrel.

This sets up a simple still.

"Wenxuan and Wei Ran, you pour the wine into this pot, remember not to fill it up, just pour more than half of it."

"Amei, prepare to light the fire."

The business of brewing wine is very simple for Feng Yong.

Because his father had a nickname, "Jiu Ye".

From this nickname, we can see the extent of his alcoholism.

When I was a child in the countryside, how could I have money to buy wine?

At that time, my father would find time to get together with his good uncles and uncles in the village during the slack season every year. One family produced fields and tools, and that family produced grain and firewood. Everyone made do with it and brewed wine together.

At that time, Feng Yong helped to light the fire a lot.

Later, the quality of life improved, but there were fewer people in the village. Dad couldn't make wine by himself, so he would ask Feng Yong to go to the neighboring village to help him buy wine.

At that time, Feng Yong liked it the most, he was so crazy, so happy.

Because my dad would give him a few cents more every time, and let him buy some snacks.

Then Feng Yong only spends half of it every time, and distributes it to his younger brothers and sisters when he comes back, and the other half is quietly hidden by his bedside.

Until one day, he suddenly found that the dime he had hidden had fallen under the bed, and many of them had been eaten by mice...

He still didn't dare to say a word, he could only cry in bed in the middle of the night.

Thinking of the embarrassing things in his childhood, Feng Yong's eyes were a little hot, but there was a smile unconsciously in the corner of his mouth.

The strength of the first batch of wine has barely met Feng Yong's usage requirements.

The further you go, the lower the alcohol content, but it is also much higher than those so-called fine wines.

Carefully put away the wine, and saw that Li Yi and Yang Wanwan were sniffling continuously, staring straight at this side, leaning closer to the side of the diversion tube, almost sticking their tongues under it to catch it. .

Feng Yong had no choice but to catch some of the wine that flowed out from behind, and handed it over: "Taste it."

Li Yi quickly took it and poured it into his mouth...

Then his face became red and purple on the spot, and his eyes were so bulging that they were about to protrude.

But he just didn't want to open his mouth, as if it would be a waste to let out the smell of wine.

Li Yi only felt a ball of fire burning from his mouth down his throat to his stomach, and his whole body almost exploded.

At the end, I finally couldn't help but opened my mouth and shouted: "Good wine!"

Feng Yong took another drink, handed it to Yang Wanwan, shook his head with a smile and said, "Everyone can only drink a little, this wine is of great use to me."

Fifty altars of so-called good wine, in the end, only a little more than two altars of barely usable high-grade wine were obtained, and less than three altars.

For the rest, even if we distill it again and again, we may get some more, but Feng Yong has no time.

"Wow woof..."

"Baby, baby..."

A few days later, at the place outside Jincheng where the prime minister vowed to set off a few days ago, there was a symphony of dogs barking, horses neighing, and people shouting.

Feng Yong and others are saying goodbye to everyone who came to see them off.

"Brother has worked hard this time, but you must pay attention to your health."

"Yes, yes, Nanzhong is a barbaric place, and the barbarians don't know etiquette, brother, please take care."

"What nonsense are you talking about? My brother's reputation is well-known in Nanzhong. When that barbarian sees him, he will be scared out of his wits on the spot..."

"Extremely extreme, what kind of character is elder brother, still afraid of those barbarians?"

Everyone in the Xinghan Club flattered Feng Yong.

"I'm here to scout the way for my brothers. When I find a good place, I will send someone back to inform the brothers. At that time, the brothers will work together."

Feng Yong arched his hands and said with a smile.

"Brother, don't worry, as long as there is news, I will go and have a look."

"That's right, if it wasn't for my family's disapproval, I wish I could go with my brother right now."

Everyone agreed in a hurry.

Feng Yong looked in the direction of Jincheng, but the familiar figure still did not appear, and he couldn't help but sighed secretly.

Although going to Nanzhong this time was not considered an expedition, it was still a place of war. Guan Ji was afraid of breaking a taboo, so she only sent him to the intersection of Zhuangzi, and did not follow him outside Jincheng.

"Okay, let's go, brothers, go back first, and wait for our news."

Feng Yong cupped his hands again, and amidst the sound of farewell from the crowd, he got on a Yunnan horse and headed south.

A few days ago, two barbarians who brought dogs from Hanzhong reacted extremely badly because they were not acclimatized. They couldn't survive and died directly.

Feng Yong had no choice but to send them back to Hanzhong when he saw that there were still a few who were vomiting and diarrhea and were about to die.

There is no way, dog training is also a skill nowadays, as long as people with skills are rare talents.

For the rest, I only hope that when I arrive at Nanzhong, I can adapt as well as I did here in Jincheng.

The same goes for the dogs. Some were sick, some were injured, and even a few died. In the end, only about 20 dogs were picked out, less than half of what they were when we set off from Hanzhong.

In addition, the weather in Nanzhong was hotter and humid than Jincheng, and the war horses brought from Hanzhong were probably not suitable for the climate there, so Feng Yong finally decided to go south on a Yunnan horse.

After getting the first batch of Yunnan horses from Li Yi the year before last, he discovered that these Yunnan horses had excellent endurance.

After testing, an adult Yunnan horse can carry a load of 400 jin, can walk 60 to 70 miles a day, and can work continuously for half a month without rest.

Switching to the unit of the later generations, it is very easy to carry a weight of 100 kilograms and walk 30 kilometers a day.

If the matter is urgent, you can increase the load and distance by one-third without fear of exhausting the horse.

Moreover, the Yunnan horse grows extremely fast, and the born baby Yunnan horse can grow to 80% of the adult Yunnan horse's height in just one year.

What's more, this Yunnan horse, like the Mongolian horse, is extremely tolerant to coarse materials, and even if it eats freely, it can still survive by gnawing on the green grass in the mountains.

With such excellent animal power for transportation, coupled with the trolley, Feng Yong almost gave up the idea of ​​road construction.

If it wasn't for the fact that the dirt road would raise dust when it was sunny, and would turn muddy when it rained, which made Feng Tubie feel really sick, and the number of Yunnan horses in the Hanzhong Ranch was far from meeting the transportation requirements, so maybe he wouldn't be bothered building roads .

So in the past two years, he has been trying his best to increase the number of Yunnan horses in his hand.

But it is a pity that the Dian horses are produced in Nanzhong, and those barbarians in Nanzhong don't even know how to use cattle to plow the land, so how do they know how to breed Dian horses on a large scale?

Coupled with the influence of the rebellion, it is even more difficult to obtain Yunnan horses.

Therefore, the number of Yunnan horses in the Hanzhong Ranch is only about a hundred, and this is when the foals produced in the past two years are counted.

Now that Feng Yong was going south to use Yunnan horses, he only picked twenty male horses, and they were all castrated male horses.

The former Cao Wuming, under the command of Yizhou Diannong Xiaowei, is now called "a knife master" by people in the world. His business scope has spread from pig farms to pastures, and many cattle and horses have been brutally killed by him.

For the cattle and horses in the pasture, only the strongest bulls and stallions are selected as stud horses, and the rest are all cut off by Wu Ming and his disciples with knives - Diaosi also wants Mating rights?

Cut off the roots of right and wrong, and go to work with peace of mind!

The horse bells rang "jingle ding ding ding", interspersed with a few "barking" sounds of dogs, and everyone watched Feng Yong and his party gradually go away.

At this time, a singing voice came from nowhere, the voice was ethereal and melodious: "Beat the drums and use your troops enthusiastically. I will travel south alone..."

Feng Yong, who had gone far away, reined in his horse abruptly, turned his head to look at the source of the singing, and saw that the hillside was lush with vegetation, and he could only hear the sound, but where could he see people?

She couldn't help but follow after all.

After the line "You are so broad, you can't live without me. You are so happy, you can't believe me", the lingering sound is still lingering, lingering in the air.

"Who sang this? It sounds so good?"

Finally, someone among the people seeing off couldn't help asking curiously, "Why don't you go up and have a look?"

"Heh!" Someone who was smarter sneered, "This is obviously the woman who came to see off my brother, who do you care?"

The person who spoke first shrank his neck and laughed dryly, "I'm just talking casually."

Regardless of whether the woman above is surnamed Guan or Zhang, they are not something ordinary people can mess with.

No way, if you offend one, you offend two at the same time.

Don't you see, Xu Xun is out now, so he doesn't dare to say a word anymore?

Feng Yong on the other end stood there for a while after listening to it, and then suddenly burst out laughing.

Regardless of the inexplicable gazes of the crowd, while letting the horse under him start to hoof again, he sang a tune that no one could understand:

"With a three-foot sword of justice at his waist, with thousands of tender feelings in his chest..."


"Come and go between mountains and rivers in style..."

"Wow woof..."

"Two people are in love for thousands of miles..."

"Wow woof woof..."

"Damn it, let me take care of this silly dog! If it dares to bark again, I will stew it tonight!"

Feng Tubie was destined to be handsome for less than ten seconds, and he sang a few words when he was disturbed by the barking of a dog behind him. Messy dog.


Feng Yong turned his head again, glanced at the dog again, and sure enough, he stopped barking, then snorted and cursed contemptuously: "Single dog!"

Turning his head to look at the hillside again, although he couldn't see anyone, he knew that Guan Ji must be watching him. When he thought of this, he felt extremely proud, so he sang again:

"With a three-foot sword of justice at his waist, with thousands of tender feelings in his heart, he travels freely and freely between mountains and rivers, and the two love each other for thousands of miles..."

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