Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 397 Vulgar! Really vulgar!

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work!"

Seeing the soft thing in the bowl, Feng Yong poked it with his hand, and finally grunted.

Although it is reasonable to say that the things made can only be formed after drying in the shade, but judging by the current appearance, Feng Yong has no hope for it.

Although he was extremely bored, he thought about trying to use tung oil to do this, but he still had hope in his heart. Now that hope was shattered, Feng Yong was extremely disappointed.

Putting the contents of the bowl aside, he lowered his head to look carefully at the separated waste liquid, and finally heaved a long sigh and cursed: "Damn it, I would have gone to study chemical industry!"

"Brother, what is the use of this thing?"

Zhao Guang's whole body was trembling uncontrollably, especially his hands were trembling so badly, he looked like a Parkinson's syndrome patient.

It's a pity that he looked at what he made after a busy day, but he couldn't understand anything.

Feng Yong glanced at this brave guy, and said lightly, "It's useless, it's a failure."

"What...doesn't work at all?"

Zhao Guang's pupils widened suddenly, and his expression was excited: "How can it be useless? How is it possible? Brother... this is useless after a busy day!?"

"It was done when I was bored."

Feng Yong saw that this guy had the urge to run away, and immediately comforted him, "It's also useful. After it dries, you can use it to try washing clothes!"

"Is it only for washing clothes?"

"This works."

Feng Yong quickly pointed to the waste liquid and said.

"What is the use?"

Zhao Guang had doubts in his eyes. It seemed that Feng Yong's credit was temporarily overdrawn with him.

"Apply it to hands, feet and face in winter to prevent freezing."

Glycerin is a by-product of making soap, and it's the good stuff.

All skin care products of later generations will contain this kind of thing.

Because it can moisturize the skin, the most important thing is to prevent the skin from cracking.

Especially in the age of the Little Ice Age, when the north is getting colder and colder, the role of glycerin will become more prominent.

For the soldiers of the Northern Expedition a few years later, this was too good a thing.

However, the matter of the Northern Expedition cannot be talked about at present, so Feng Yong can only vaguely say that it can prevent freezing.

Moreover, the current soap making experiment has been regarded as a semi-failure. Feng Yong does not give much hope whether the waste liquid can filter out glycerin.

But who told Zhao Guang to be chemically illiterate?

If I say yes, it’s fine. If you don’t agree, you can use your chemistry knowledge to argue with me!

Of course Zhao Guang has never studied chemistry, but he has eyes.

Looking at this liquid whose color is unclear, if he really believes that applying it on his face can prevent freezing, then it is really a test of his IQ.

So the suspicion in his eyes deepened.

"Of course you can't apply it directly, you have to filter it out."

Feng Yong believed that Zhao Guang's IQ was not that low, "We need to put some filtered lime water in it to make it."

Plant ash water and lime water are mixed together to obtain potassium hydroxide.

Only with this can the saponification reaction precipitate glycerin.

Although Feng Yong does not have any lime in his hand at present, he has a lime mine in Hanzhong, and it is a large-scale mine of hundreds of millions of tons of first-grade products. Even if he can't produce ideal soap by then, he can produce glycerin, which is still profitable. .

So Feng Yong continued to fool Zhao Guangdao, "When I get back to Hanzhong, I will show you again."

If glycerin is really made, in addition to selling it to the old demon Zhuge to go to the Northern Expedition, try to add some floral fragrance to it, and make some cosmetics and skin care products, so as to bring delicate skin to the women of the big man, that would be great.

At that time, I will make a slogan: If you want to have good skin, use Dabao sooner or later, see you tomorrow, see you every day...

Isn't it flattering?

"Come on, bring up that armor."

Feng Yong fooled Zhao Guang temporarily, and then ordered his servants.

A pair of shiny armor was quickly brought over.

"How is it? Does it work?"

Looking at the armor in Old Soldier Lu's hand, Feng Yong asked.

Lu Laozu had a happy expression on his face, "Going back to the master's house, it will be useful. A few days ago, according to what Langjun said, the villain painted tung oil on it, and then poured water on it. After a few days, I didn't find any There are signs of rust. It's not the same as it used to be."

"In the past, the armor made of iron, not to mention that it was wet, even if it was not used for a long time, it had to be taken out and wiped from time to time to avoid rust. Not to mention that it was accidentally wet, so you must be careful Just wipe it dry."

"Otherwise, if it gets rusty, it will go bad quickly. Now that the tung oil is applied, it is not easy to rust. Even if it is wet with water, there is no rust after a few days. It is really a good thing."

Of course it is a good thing. Even in the World War II era when the industry has developed rapidly, tung oil is still a must-have for maintaining weapons.

It was regarded as a rare strategic reserve material in China at that time.

Even in the 1950s, China still controlled 90% of the world's tung oil exports. No matter how disgusting Meirenxi was, she still had to hold her nose and pay high prices for tung oil in Hong Kong.

"See? It's very useful."

Feng Yong activated the special skill "Smart Speech", and said to Zhao Guang, "What you did just now is just a trivial matter. The main purpose of this tung oil is to maintain this armor and weapon."

"Look at this weapon and armor. It goes without saying that it will never rust. As long as it can easily prevent it from rusting, then the benefits will be considered great. This is a big deal."

Most of the armor used by soldiers now is leather armor, and iron armor can be used, at least to say that it is a general trend.

It's a blessing for the little soldiers below to have a pair of tattered leather armor.

Iron armor has high protection, relying on it, the probability of survival on the battlefield is much higher than others.

But iron is rare, and iron armor is even rarer.

And its maintenance is also a big problem.

The quality of iron in this day and age is generally not high, not to mention iron armor, even the weapons in the hands of soldiers, it is common for them to break after being hacked on the battlefield.

Once rusted, it is more likely to be damaged.

With tung oil produced in large quantities, not to mention iron armor, it is a weapon, and it is much easier to maintain.

Zhao Guang may often make mistakes in other places, but when it comes to marching and fighting, it is like a different person.

Immediately, I realized, "No wonder my brother asked someone to send this tung oil, so it was for this purpose?"

"It's hot and humid here in South China, and armor and weapons are more likely to be damaged than other places. If it's true what my brother said, this tung oil can make the iron not easy to rust, then it will be a big deal!"

As he said that, he snatched the armor from Lu Laobao's hand, observed it carefully for a while, then raised his head, with a dazed expression on his face, "It turns out that my brother went to the mountain a few days ago, not to relax, but to relax." Are you looking for this tung tree that produces tung oil?"

"That's right."

As Feng Yong said, he took out another ticket from his pocket, flicked it, and there was a crisp "click" sound, and asked, "What is this?"


"Do you know the difference between the ink on this note and the ink that other people usually use?"

"Naturally, there is oil in this ink."

"That's right, there is oil in this ink. In the future, Nanxiang will not only print tickets, but also print more books, so more and more ink will be used. Looking at the whole man, where is the most oil?"

In terms of breaking the family's monopoly on knowledge, Feng Yong not only used a lot of paper, but also used a lot of ink for printing.

To use so much spicy oil, you can't use lard again, right?

Where is the amount of oil?

The output of tung oil counts in Nanzhong.

As long as they can lead the people of Nanzhong to make a fortune, who would be willing to rebel?

As long as no one is willing to rebel, isn't the political mission entrusted by Old Demon Zhuge completed?

Do you care if I made money during this period or poached the corner of the family?

Obviously, the notes exuding the fragrance of ink can attract Zhao Guang's attention more, his eyes lit up, "This tung oil has so many benefits, and this tung tree is everywhere in Nanzhong, so don't we Want to make money?"

"Vulgar! Really vulgar!"

Feng Yong took a look at Zhao Guang, and criticized his unrefined words, "We came to Nanzhong for the peace of the people of Nanzhong, not for our own money!"

"Look at this Nanzhong, how it has been ruined by the rebels? The people just want to be peaceful, let alone have any food and clothing. So we asked the people to go to the mountains to pick some tung seeds to exchange for food. It's for their own good, understand?"

"The people are pitiful," Feng Yong sighed, and he was very compassionate, "Even after Nanzhong was pacified, it didn't mean that crops would grow in the fields immediately, and the useless tung seeds were exchanged for food to tide over the difficulties. , who dares to say that this is not saving lives?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zhao Guang nodded again and again, "That's right, that's it. The elder brother is still kind-hearted, the younger brother knows his mistake."

Then he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Brother, can we ask those people in Jincheng to prepare food?"

"What's the rush?" Feng Yong said angrily, "Although grain prices have not risen as much as the year before last, they have risen after all. Isn't it a big loss to buy grain now?"

"Tung seeds can only be picked in autumn, which happens to be the time when Jincheng is harvesting grain. I reckon that by then, the prime minister will have almost put down the rebellion. As soon as the news gets back to Jincheng, the price of grain will definitely drop to the lowest level." , it is more cost-effective to buy food in this way.”

"The people in Nanzhong haven't planted much food this year, so it's just a matter of time for Jincheng to transport food for them to survive the winter, and at the same time, it will be a peace of mind."

"It counts in one fell swoop! It's still my brother who is amazing."

Feng Yong's careful calculation made Zhao Guang give his thumbs up in admiration.

Wang Xun was expressionless, his three views had long since become numb.

On the other hand, Yang Wanwan heard it, and his heart was like a thousand beasts running past: Is this the young hero Feng Langjun who was praised by the prime minister?

The number one young man of the Han who was praised by the Empress of the Han looks like this?

Sure makes sense!

If his father had had this scheming back then, why would he have been driven homeless? It might be possible to swallow the enemy and strengthen his own tribe.

The Han people are really too cunning, or we Hu people are upright.

Yang Wanwan had many thoughts in his heart, and then secretly made up his mind, I must learn from my brother!

Feng Tubie didn't know that this source of pollution polluted a young man with great ambitions.

"Pour this out." Feng Yong pointed to the waste liquid, and then to the soap, "Put this in a dark place, and see what it looks like after it dries."

"I come!"

When Yang Wanwan heard this, he said quickly.

He didn't let the servants do it, and he did it himself.

Feng Yong washed his hands, walked into the house, took out a wooden box, found a notebook and a charcoal pencil from inside, turned to the page with the catalog of "tung oil", and began to record:

The failure to make soap proves that tung oil is not a good raw material for making soap.

Maintenance of weapons and armor is temporarily available.

The production of glycerin is unknown.

He thought for a while, and then added two sentences: Potassium hydroxide is more active, you can try to make glycerin with potassium hydroxide. Potassium hydroxide can be made from potassium carbonate and calcium hydroxide.

After finishing writing, put the last two sentences in brackets to show supplementary content.

Finally he put the book away again, and put it carefully in the box.

In this box, no matter where he goes, he must take it with him. It is full of past life knowledge that he inadvertently remembers on weekdays. Whether it is useful or not, as long as he can remember a little, he will write a little.

There is another box like this in Feng Zhuang in Jincheng.

The only difference from the one beside me is that Feng Zhuang's box is already full of things he wrote.

The reason why Feng Yong took the trouble to write down everything he could think of was because he was afraid that after he had been in this era for too long, he would gradually forget everything from the past.

He patted the box and sighed. The loneliness in the deepest part of his heart has never disappeared, because the things in the box have been reminding himself that he is different from others.

When Feng Yong was writing, Zhao Guang and the others consciously guarded the door so that no one would disturb him.

The box is full of the master's knowledge, this is what the elder brother told them.

And my brother has never shy away from writing this thing in front of them, and even if they want to, they can read it - it's a pity that none of them can understand it.

For most of the learning, they can understand the words, but they can't understand the meaning between the lines.

It is said that there are no words in the heavenly scriptures. Although my elder brother's master's knowledge does not reach this level, but there are words but people can't understand them, that is very powerful.

Of course, there is also a small part that they can understand.

Seeing that Feng Yong had finally finished writing, Zhao Guang walked in, took a peeping look, and then said, "Brother, are you finished?"

"Well, it's finished."

"So fast?"

Zhao Guang was delighted when he heard this, and hurried over to look through the box, and then took out a notebook, only to see four large characters written on the cover of the notebook: "Fights Break the Sphere".

After a while, Zhao Guang said disappointedly, "Why hasn't my brother updated?"

Feng Yong glanced at the urging guy, and said slowly, "What's the rush, let me think about it slowly."

"Well, brother, can you talk to my little brother first, did the little doctor help Xiao Yan heal?"

Zhao Guang sat next to Feng Yong and asked flatteringly.

"what is the benefit?"

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