
Xu Mansion.

Just as Xu Xun walked into the gate of the mansion from the outside, a servant came to report, saying that the old lord wanted him to come back as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Xu Xun didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly followed his servants to see his lord.

"The child has seen the grown-up."

Xu Xun arrived at the lobby, and saluted Xu Ci who was sitting on top.

"My son is here, come and sit down."

After Xu Ci saw Xu Xun, he said with a smile on his face.


Xu Xun walked to the bottom and sat down, then asked, "I don't know what the adults are teaching the children to come here?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I've been busy revising the ancient books in the court these days, and I haven't cared about Dalang for a long time. Today's duty is a bit early, so I want to talk to Dalang."

Xu Ci was promoted recently, and more importantly, he was able to participate in the grand event of revising the classics. He has been in a good mood recently.

"Adults work hard for the country, how can they abolish national affairs because of children?"

Xu Xun respectfully flattered his lord.

"Okay, my son has finally grown up."

Xu Ci said comfortingly, "These days, is the monthly sales enough?"

Xu Xun was startled, and wondered if his trip to Yuyao Pavilion was discovered?

He boldly raised his head and glanced at Xu Xun, only to see that the adult was looking at him with a smile on his face, and there was no sign of dissatisfaction, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Returning to the adults, my son's expenses this month are a bit higher, because I have a lot of contacts with my close friends and friends this month, my son will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

Yuyao Pavilion is a newly opened women's house in the past two months. Among the many women in it, the most handsome one is Yun Yirong. He can speak and sing, is good at poetry and prose, and knows the past and the present.

Being able to talk about the present and the past with Yun Yirong is now a great joy for many princes and lords in Jincheng.

That is the Yuyao Pavilion, which is a gold-selling cave. Without a certain amount of money, you can't enter it.

His expenses in the past two months have basically been filled in it.

It's just that today the lord suddenly mentioned his expenses when he was free, maybe he was secretly reminding him not to indulge in women, and it seems that he will have to go there less in the future.

In Xu Xun's heart, he was quite reluctant to let go of Miss Yunyirong.

"It's good to have more contacts, it's good to have more!"

Unexpectedly, Xu Ci had to smile, "If the expenses are not enough, you can withdraw some more from the backyard, and have more contacts with your close friends. This is a good thing, how can you be stingy?"

My lord, are you...encouraging him to go to Yuyao Pavilion?

Xu Xun looked at the lord in disbelief, and finally couldn't hold back the beating of his heart, "My lord...you don't blame the child?"

"How can I blame you?"

Xu Ci looked at the son lovingly, and asked softly, "Didn't I say it these days, it's a good thing. By the way, how much did you spend?"

"Boy, I've almost spent all my expenses for this month."

Although the adults don't blame him, Xu Xun is still a little ashamed that he took all the money to talk to the woman.

"Oh, good! Good, how many beans did you buy?"

The smile on Xu Ci's face became wider, Da Lang, he really grew up!


Xu Xun finally felt that something was wrong. He raised his head and saw the adult smiling, and suddenly panicked.

"What? Did you buy less?"

Xu Ci didn't blame Xu Xun when he saw Xu Xun's appearance. He looked clear, "That's right, the price of these Lu beans has risen so much that you can't afford much with this little expense. Alas, this is It's my fault that I didn't instruct the backyard to give you more expenses in time."

Xu Xun moved his lips, his face was a little pale.

"What's wrong?"

As Xu Xun's lord, Xu Ci finally felt something was wrong when he saw him like this, and asked, "You still haven't said that Xinghan will forget your share of the beans?"

The sweat on Xu Xun's forehead finally started to drip, and his throat felt a little dry, "Boy...baby, I didn't join the Xinghan Club..."

"What?!" Xu Ci's expression froze when he heard this, "You didn't join the Xinghan Club? Why?"

"Then...then Xinghan will not let the baby join."

Xu Xun said in a low voice.

"Why don't you let me join?"

Xu Ci asked in disbelief, "Why did Zi An (Xu You) join?"

How could Feng Langjun repent when he accepted a girl from his clan?

It's not right, I have to revise the position of the classics, no matter whether Feng Langjun helped in it or not, he certainly didn't get in the way.

In addition, Xu You once told himself that he had already joined the Xinghan Club when it was established.

At the time, he thought it was two people joining together.

Now my Dalang tells himself that he is not a member of Xinghanhui?

These days, people from the Xinghan Society bought Lu beans to support the Southern Expedition, and there was a lot of trouble in Jincheng.

In the Dongfeng Express warehouse outside Jincheng, ships go south every day, and most of the goods in it are Lu beans.

I heard that this lotus bean can remove heat and detoxify, which is what the army of the Southern Expedition urgently needs.

Therefore, in addition to accepting the grain and grass transported by the imperial court, the army of the Southern Expedition will also accept the beans sent by the Xinghan Society.

Nowadays, the whole Dahan is also able to produce a large amount of Lu beans from Xinghanhui. If others don’t say they can’t, even if they can, there is no chance to catch up with the military supplies of the Southern Expedition Army!

Not everyone has connections like the Xinghan Club.

As long as you are not a fool, you can figure it out. It is unimaginable how much benefit this Xinghan will reap when the prime minister returns from the Southern Expedition!

Don't talk about meddling in the military supplies of the Han Dynasty, and how much money you can earn in the future, even if it is the meritorious service, it is something that cannot be harder. One more qualification than peers.

However, his own son actually told himself that he did not join the Xinghan Society?

Did not join Xinghan Club!

No, yes, enter!

"Why didn't you come in? Then Feng..." Xu Ci said the word Feng, then paused for a moment before continuing, "Feng, why would Mr. Feng Lang not let you in? Don't you have an explanation?"

"I went to ask a few days ago. Now the Xinghan Association in Jincheng is in charge of the Mi family and the Deng family. They said that the leader of the meeting is not in Jincheng. There is no nod from the leader of the Xinghan meeting. , no one can join."

"I'm your mother!"

When Xu Ci heard this, he immediately became angry and threw a bowl over.

He has a hot temper, even when he disagrees with his colleagues, he may fight violently, let alone his own son.

Immediately pointing at Xu Xun, he shouted, "Who doesn't know that Xinghuihan is a delicious chicken pancake! I'm asking why you didn't join in at the very beginning!"

No one is an idiot, once it came out that Xinghan would use Ludou to support Nanzheng, whoever didn't know that this was a great thing, wanted to join.

But at this time, the Xinghan Association has already achieved its momentum. Is it just a matter of entering it?

A nod without a leader, let everyone can only sigh.

Xu Ci even knew that his son had a pimple about the leader of the Xinghan Society, so when he heard what Xu Xun said, and remembered that Xu You had long been a member of the Xinghan Society, how could he fail to guess the cause of this matter?

This is not at all not allowed to join, but that my son didn't think about joining in the first place.

Now that you see someone doing something good, you want to join? How can there be such a good thing?

It's just that no matter how Xu Ci got into Xu Xun's mother, that was the most normal thing, otherwise where would Xu Xun come from?

Xu Xun didn't dare to hide from the bowl that was thrown at him. He saw the bowl hit his forehead directly with a "boom", and then fell to the ground with a "crash", breaking a large piece.

Xu Xun knelt down with a "plop", "My lord, my child is wrong!"

How could Xu Ci listen to this? The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he couldn't help but fly over, "Get out! Get out! Go pack your luggage right away and go to Nanzhong."

"My lord? Are you going to drive me out of the house?"

Xu Xun crawled over in horror and hugged Xu Ci's leg, "My lord, I won't dare again."

The more Xu Ci looked at the son below, the more stupid he felt, and immediately he kicked over again, "I told you to go to Nanzhong to apologize to Feng Langjun! If you can't join the Xinghan Club, don't come back!"

Now it is no longer a matter of gaining credit for joining Xinghan, but the possibility that his son will be maimed by someone who wants to curry favor with Feng Yong.

The definition of disability is not only physical, but also spiritual.

Now who doesn't know that the third wife of the Guan family belongs to Feng Yong?

Then isn't she the wife of the leader?

But his own son, because of his quick talk, offended the third lady of the Guan family, and at the same time accidentally injured Feng Yong.

It can be imagined that after the Southern Expedition, the Xinghan Society had already taken the shape of a behemoth.

Don't talk about the future, even now, how many people want to join the Xinghan Association, but Xu Xun is the only person who has been clearly offended by Feng Yong, in the eyes of those who want to join the Xinghan Association, even in the Xinghan Association In the sky, it is as eye-catching as the bright moon in the sky.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he may become the target of public criticism, at least it is the most normal for someone to use it as a stepping stone to enter the Xinghan Association.

You, Xu Xun, can tarnish Huishou Feng and Huishou's wife's reputation because of your quick talk, so why don't you allow others to accidentally reveal some of your dark history?

At that time, as long as Xinghan will make use of its huge network to promote it a little bit, Xu Xun will be thrown a lot of shit even if he goes out.

That's right, Feng Yong accepted the girl he sent over, but this is not a glorious thing, so few people know it at all.

At that time, I can't go around explaining that Feng Huishou is in Nanxiang, and there is still a lady sent by the Xu family, right?

If Xu Ci is really like that, maybe Feng Yong even dared to do it.

Now in Jincheng, who dares to underestimate this Feng?

Therefore, the misunderstanding can only be resolved by getting Feng Yong to personally agree to Xu Xun's joining the Xinghanhui.

As soon as Xu Xun heard this, a certain leg that had been broken immediately began to ache.

Anyone who is acquainted with Xu Xun knows that in front of him, there is a person who cannot mention his name.

Although this person is not in Jincheng now, even though he has gone to Nanzhong, but now the gentlemen of various noble houses in Jincheng are talking about him.

Mr. Lang, who joined the Xinghan Club, opened his mouth and was his elder brother. Shutting up his mouth was also his elder brother.

Those who didn't join at the beginning could only hide in the corner until their intestines turned green with regret.

It was said to go to Hanzhong to collect wind, but later it became wool.

It was said that it was to plant sugarcane in Nanzhong, but now it has become a transportation of beans for the army of the Southern Expedition.

Feng Langjun, you are doing too much showmanship, right?

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