Two days later, Zhao Guang and Li Yi led a team back to Wei County.

It turned out that when Zhuge Liang learned that Lu Kai had been kidnapped, he quickly sent Zhao Guang and Li Yu to bring people back to see if there was any way to rescue Lu Gongcao. Unexpectedly, when he returned to Wei County, he found that Lu Kai was safe and sound.

However, Zhao Guang and Li Yi did not make the trip in vain. After they came back, Wei County finally had enough manpower.

Lu Kai wanted to go back to Jincheng Mianjun, he had already delayed his trip for many days.

Guan Xing also wanted to go back to Jincheng to recuperate. After all, the climate in Nanzhong was not friendly to him, and Guan Ji was worried that he would stay here all the time.

Moreover, after the process of malaria and malaria treatment this time, it is estimated that Guan Xing also has a certain psychological shadow on Nanzhong.

So on the second day after Zhao Guang and Li Yi brought their people back, they directly sent out a part of the troops to escort them back.

As for the southwest of Dianchi Lake, Zhuge Liang and Li Hui's army surged after joining forces, and they soon captured and released Meng Huo twice, like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Wow, brother, this Meng Huo is too thick-skinned. This is the third time, and every time he says that the next time he is caught, he will vote with his clan. Barbarians are just rude, don't they even understand the most basic of keeping promises? "

Soon after, he was arrested for the third time. Zhao Guang held the official document with a look of indignation on his face.

"It's good if he doesn't surrender. If he really surrenders, who will help the Prime Minister find those Liao people hiding in the mountains?"

Feng Yongcai didn't care about Meng Huo, his end was already doomed, so there was no need to care about it.

What we need to care about now is to quickly inspect the farming situation in Nanzhong while there are enough people around us and there is still time.

But before going out to investigate, there is one more person to deal with.

"Go, follow me to see that Eshun."

In fact, Eshun woke up the next day, could sit up on the same day, and could go to the ground on the third day. His life is indeed hard enough, and his physical fitness is also very good.

It's just that since he woke up and knew that he was arrested, he never said a word.

He drank when he was thirsty, ate when he was hungry, fell asleep when he was sleepy, and was in a daze when he couldn't sleep. When he was in a daze for a whole day, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Eshun is a strong man, anyone who can use Fang Tianji is considered a master. An ordinary general might not be able to use this thing, let alone make it well.

In the later period of the Han Dynasty when the talents were withering, if you can make the Han Dynasty have one more strong general, then you will have more strength.

So Feng Yong thought about trying to persuade Eshun.

Of course, if you can't persuade Feng Yong, you won't force him, but at least you have to find a way to dispel his desire for revenge.

If it can't be eliminated, then I'm sorry, Feng Yong doesn't like to leave troubles behind.

If it can save you, it can also kill you.

At worst, let Fan Ah move a little bit, and you can die without anyone noticing.

Feng Yong took Zhao Guang and Li Yi with him, not Guan Ji and Huang Ji, so as not to irritate him, the patient.

Walking into the room where Eshun was recuperating, he saw him sitting on the couch in a daze, and found a place far away from him to sit down, and asked, "How do you feel these days?"

Eshun didn't even look at Feng Yong.

"That day I heard from you at the top of the city that you wanted to avenge Gao Ding? That's why you tried your best to find Guan Junhou, right?"

Probably because he heard the sensitive words Gao Ding and Guan Junhou, Eshun finally took a look at him, then turned his head away and continued to be in a daze.

"Actually, I admire you quite a bit. If it weren't for the fact that you have too few troops, you might have caused us a lot of trouble."

Feng Yong didn't care about Eshun's appearance, he just kept on talking, and when he finished speaking, if Eshun still looked like this, then let him go to the underworld in a daze.

"And I thank you for not killing Lu Gongcao at that time."

Lu Kai is a hero of the Han Dynasty, and has a high prestige in Yongchang. With him, the southernmost part of the Han Dynasty can maintain stability. It would be a pity if he died.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you who I am. My name is Feng Yong, you may not have heard my name..."

"I've heard that you are the reincarnation of the ghost king. You have countless ghost generals and ghost soldiers. You can attract thunder and lightning. You usually drink human blood and eat human flesh. You sleep with a hundred women every night."

Unexpectedly, before Feng Yong's self-introduction was finished, Eshun looked over again, and even opened his mouth for the first time in these days.

Feng Yong: ...

I was still thinking about how to get you to communicate, but I didn't expect you to speak directly when you heard my name. It seems that the title of Ghost King is a bit powerful?

Feng Tubie was smug in his heart, and then said "Bah", no matter how powerful he is! How embarrassing!

"But seeing you like this today, you are not as powerful as in the legend. Normally, I can beat you ten times one by one."

Eshun continued.

Feng Yong: ...

When Zhao Guang heard this, he couldn't hold back, and quickly scolded, "Shut up! If your brother didn't insist on saving you, who would care about your life as a barbarian? You would have been thrown into the valley to feed wolves! A barbarian is a barbarian. I don’t know any etiquette at all.”

"That's all misinformation, I'm not that vicious..."

Feng Yonghun waved his hand indifferently, stopping Zhao Guang.

"No, you are very vicious. I don't know how many people in Nanzhong cried because of your viciousness, and how many people died because of your viciousness."

Eshun shook his head, "I heard that you Han people think you are a very vicious person."

"That's all misinformation, do you know the misinformation?"

Feng Yong let out a "tsk" and repeated the emphasis.

Eshun turned his head away from him again, and didn't speak again.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic. I came here to ask, how can you let go of your hatred and stop seeking revenge from Guan Junhou?"

Eshun looked over with a sneer in his eyes.

"Look, Gao Ding is already dead. People cannot be resurrected after death. What can you do if you avenge yourself? And I will save your life now, and everyone will be even, can't you?"

The sneer in Eshun's eyes was even stronger.

"It seems impossible." Feng Yong shrugged, "Can you tell me why you must avenge Gao Ding?"

"King Gao is my great benefactor. If I don't repay King Gao's kindness in this life, how can I, Eshun, live in the world?"

It seems that as long as it is a topic related to haute couture, there is a high probability for him to speak.

Feng Yong continued this topic.

"Oh, that's it. But Gao Ding is dead, and if you want to repay your kindness, is this the only way you can think of?"

"It's because King Gao is dead that I must kill Guan Xing."

Eshun lowered his gaze, and his voice was flat but undeniable.

"For example, you will not hesitate to implicate Gao Ding's wife and children because of it?"

"What did you say?!"

When Eshun heard Feng Yong's words, he suddenly raised his head, and for the first time experienced emotional fluctuations.

"Gao Ding's wife and children." Feng Yong looked at Gao Ding with an innocent look, "Gao Ding fought in Beishui, and his wife and children fell into the hands of the prime minister. At that time, the prime minister even used his wife and children to persuade Gao Ding to surrender, It's a pity that Gao Ding would rather die than surrender."

"So what if you can get revenge in the end, do you think Gao Ding's wife and children will still be able to live by then?"

"King Gao's wife and children are really still there?"

Regardless of his injuries, Eshun got off the couch and was about to come over excitedly.

Zhao Guang pulled out his sword loudly and shouted, "Sit back, I didn't let you come over."

After hearing this, Eshun sat back obediently, but stretched his neck and asked, "Is Feng Langjun serious?"

"Why am I lying to you? Guan Junhou just returned to Jincheng, and he told me this himself."

"Can I see them?"

Eshun showed a look of longing.


Seeing Eshun like this, Feng Tubie finally trembled.

Damn it made you look indifferent just now.

"You are a defeated general. To be precise, you are still a prisoner and you even owe me your life. Why should you ask me?"

E Shun was taken aback, thought for a while, and then said seriously, "I am willing not to seek revenge from Guan Xing from now on."

Feng Yong asked amusedly, "You still didn't understand what I meant, did you? You are now a prisoner. Whether you live or die is a matter of my words. What chance do you have to find Guan Junhou?"

Eshun's originally dark and ugly face could actually see a slight redness, and he said in a bit of humiliation, "I'm sorry Feng Langjun..."

After a long silence, he asked, "I don't know how I can see Gao Dawang's wife and children?"

"What's there to see? Even if you see them, so what? They are the wives and children of the bandit chiefs. Even if they don't die, life will definitely be difficult. Even if you see them, what can you do for them?"

Feng Yong is merciless.

When Eshun heard this, his face was angry at first, and then became sad again.

He lowered his head, his body trembling slightly, as if trying to control his emotions.

After a while, he looked up at Feng Yong, with a pleading look on his face, "Feng Langjun, Eshun is a barbarian with ignorance by nature. If there was an unintentional collision before, I hope you can forgive me."

"I just ask you to give the villain a chance to meet King Gao's wife and children. As long as he knows that they are safe and sound, the villain is willing to die as an apology."

He has already started calling himself a villain, it seems that he really cares about Gao Ding's wife and children.

"You keep saying that you want to repay Gao Ding, why is it that you want to die now?"

Feng Yong asked.

Eshun let out a long sigh, closed his eyes and remained silent, looking very lonely.

At this time, even Zhao Guang felt that he was a little pitiful.

He had seen Eshun all the time under the city of Wei County and on the bank of the Panjiang River. No matter what, he could be regarded as a fierce general. It is a pity that she begged so much now.

"I have a way. You don't have to die, but you can also make Gao Ding's wife and children live better. Do you want to hear it?"

E Shun opened his eyes, a light flashed in his eyes, and then he remembered the vicious name of this person, and the look in his eyes quickly darkened.

Although the gentleman in front of me looks kind, but the name of the ghost king was actually built with the flesh and blood of countless people in Nanzhong, how can he be easy to get along with?

If I really listen to his idea, I'm afraid he will swallow me to the bone.

However, remembering that King Gao's wife and children were still in the hands of the Han army, and he didn't know how much suffering he would suffer, Eshun gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Feng Lang only wants to do it. As long as a villain can do it, he will go through fire and water. Even if he dies, he will die." Resign!"

"Not that serious."

Feng Yong showed a smile that he thought was pretty, but in Eshun's eyes, it was a smile like a ghost.

"Hey, I can show you a clear way, but you have to promise me a few conditions."

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