Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 431: A Good Place


Feng Yong was taken aback.

"Yes. The lower official and General Wang are from Basil County. The lower official won the post of Sima, and he was recommended by General Wang."

Feng Yong fixedly looked at the thirty-year-old man in front of him. He had a kind of simple and honest smile on his face. Maybe he was not used to flattering, so the accompanying smile on his face was a bit unnatural.

Although Feng Yong didn't have any expression on his face, there was a turmoil in his heart: this sentence, could it be that sentence?

It is said that after the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Han, only Wei Yan and Jiang Wei are considered famous generals-in fact, this is wrong.

Except for Guan Xing and Zhang Bao who died early in the original history, there are still many people who were covered by the dazzling light of the five tiger generals, so the eyes of the world rarely fall on them.

Wu Yi, Chen Dao, Wang Ping, Ju Fu, Zhang Yi, Deng Zhi, Ma Zhong, Zhang Yi, Zong Yu, Luo Xian, Liu Yin, etc., which one of these people is not a loyal and brave person, which one is not a good leader ?

Of these people, only two have not appeared in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", so they are less known.

One is Liu Yin, who guards the Golden City of Hanzhong.

Fortunately, the name of the city he was guarding was very eye-catching, so when Feng Tubie heard Zhang Ji say "golden", he immediately thought of the name Liu Yin.

As for Ju Fu, it was entirely because of Wang Ping.

In later generations, there are good people on the Internet who ranked Shu Han as the late five tigers. Although there are various versions, the names of Wang Ping and Jufu often appear in the list of the last five tigers.

Ju Fu's status is only slightly lower than Wang Ping's, and what's more, he and Wang Ping are fellow villagers.

So Feng Yong knew Wang Ping, so naturally he also knew Ju Fu.

Since the man in front of him said that he is from Wang Ping's hometown, then this Jufu must be that Jufu.

Seeing Feng Yong staring at him suddenly, Ju Fu didn't speak, and felt a little nervous, thinking that he had said something wrong. Unexpectedly, Feng Yong suddenly smiled and said something unexpected, "It turns out that he is Sima, who has long admired his name."

Immediately, Ju Fu was flattered.

Zhang Biao on the top is even more thoughtful. Could it be that Feng Langjun is so enthusiastic about Jufu because he is a fellow of General Wang?

I heard that Wang Langjun of General Wang's family called Feng Langjun his elder brother.

Thinking of this, he seemed to see the hope of achieving his goal.

"So Feng Langjun knew Ju Sima?"

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard of it."

Feng Yong shook his head, "Ju Sima is loyal, courageous and generous, and has a good reputation for a long time, so he will always be famous for a long time."

Hearing this sentence, some dark faces turned a little red on the spot.

All the subordinates gasped even more. This sentence of support means that he followed the commandment of the county to flatter Feng Langjun, and he won such praise from Feng Langjun. It seems that his official position will be promoted at least in the future. Level one.

Who doesn't know that besides turning stones into gold, Feng Langjun also has the skill of matching people?

Don't talk about Zhao Guang, Li Yi, Wang Xun, Li Qiu, Huang Chong and others, just talk about South China. Far away, there is Wang Ping who won the post of general of the bandits, and near there is Liu Yin who made great contributions with Li Dudu in the Southern Expedition.

Although Feng Yong has never admitted any kind of matchmaking, many people still feel that there is some truth to this rumor.

Of course Ju Fu also knew about this rumor, so he was a little at a loss at the moment, and could only say to Feng Yong repeatedly, "Feng Langjun is too praised, and I can't afford this kind of praise."

Ju Fu knew that the Wang family had a close relationship with Feng Yong, and he was recommended by Wang Ping, so he became the Sima of Zhuti County, so he had a natural liking for Feng Yong, and it was only natural that he flattered Feng Yong. .

It's just that he didn't expect Feng Langjun to give him such a big face, and he was a little excited.

Feng Yong smiled and raised his bowl, "Just now Sima said that I am self-effacing. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, you would become self-deprecating and replace wine with soup, and punish you with a bowl."

"That's right, Ju Sima's move should indeed be punished with a bowl."

Zhang Biao slapped the desk beside him and laughed, "Gu Sima, drink up this bowl of soup soon."

After listening to the sentence, he nodded again and again, without refusing, he immediately raised the bowl, and it was cleaned up in a flash.


With this scene, the atmosphere in the banquet immediately became heated.

There were even many people who wanted to learn a few words of flattery to Feng Langjun, but Feng Langjun just smiled and didn't even make a comment.

This made many people secretly regret it. If they had known this before, what shame would they have?

After the banquet, Zhang Biao personally took Feng Yong and others to the arranged residence to settle down, and then left.

"That watch has little reputation, and it has always had a reputation of being noble. Now when I look at it, it doesn't match the reputation. I'm afraid there are plots, brother, you should be more careful."

After a while, Guan Ji walked into Feng Yong's room and said worriedly.

"Don't be afraid of him."

Feng Yong huddled in the reclining chair, not caring about his own image at all, "The world is prosperous, it's all for profit; the world is hustle and bustle, it's all for profit."

"What the world seeks is nothing more than fame, wealth, power and beauty. If he wants something, he will naturally let go of his aloof appearance. I just wait for him to make a price, and then make a counter-offer."

As he said that, he patted the armrest of the chair, "I can even find out how I like to sit in the chair. I think it must have taken a lot of thought. It seems that what he asked for was not small."

After hearing such blunt and vulgar words, Guan Ji immediately looked at his tired look with annoyance and amused, thinking that there was really a reason why the second brother always said that A Lang was like a slut.

"Brother's tone is really big. What about brother? What does brother want?"

Feng Tubie looked at Guan Ji who was dressed as a man, and then saw that there was no one outside the door. He got up and approached Guan Ji with a salivating face, and said with a smile, "Don't you know what I'm looking for? It's Sanniang, of course." you."

When Guan Ji heard this, her heart immediately felt a little numb, and seeing Feng Lang's burning eyes made her panic again.

After exchanging a lot of saliva with Feng Tubie, she naturally understood what his eyes represented.

Sure enough, Feng Yong took Guan Ji's hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said, "Sanniang..."

As he spoke, he glanced outside again, um, no one was there.

Looking at Guan Ji's plump lips, I think it is really attractive.


Guan Ji's mouth was quickly silenced, and then Feng Tubie began to be dishonest.

The left hand was around Guan Ji's waist, and the right hand touched it upwards, feeling unsatisfactory, and then heard Feng Tubie say in a vague voice, "Sanniang, your corset is too tight, it is not good for the development of the chest, let me help you." You figured it out."

Guan Ji panted softly, her face was red, she opened her eyes when she heard this, glanced outside, and held her chest tightly, "Ah Lang, the door is still open, don't do that."

"Okay, just wait, I'll close the door."

"Someone is coming."

"Ha, you can't lie to me this time. You said the same thing last time. Who knows that you took the opportunity to run away. This time I..."

"My lord, a man named Jufu is visiting."

Feng Tubie closed the door halfway, only to see Amei suddenly appearing from the side, and said with a low eyebrow.

Feng Yong: ...

There was only a "puchi" sound from Guan Ji behind her, and then another sullen smile.

Feng Yong's movements paused for a long time, and then he said resentfully, "Please come in."

Ju Fu's visit didn't surprise Feng Yong, what surprised him was that Ju Fu would come so soon, he thought it would be at least until tomorrow.

"Fu met Feng Langjun, and Guan Langjun."

Gou Fu came into the house and saluted first.

"You don't need to be too polite, Sima, please sit down. What's the matter here?"

Hearing this, Ju Fu raised his head and glanced at Feng Yong, and then his eyes caught sight of the unparalleled handsome Guan Saburo beside him, his expression suddenly froze.

This Guan Saburo, what's his expression... something seems wrong?

The blush on Guan Ji's face hadn't faded, Feng Tubie drool a lot just now, but the affection in her eyes was still there.

Seeing Guan Jiasanlang's appearance, Ju Fu couldn't help feeling a little drummed in his heart: Feng Langjun and Guan Langjun...can't be that kind of people, right?

"Gu Sima, please sit down, why do you look like this?"

Feng Yong felt a little strange seeing Ju Fu's distraught look with erratic eyes.

"Oh, oh, thank you Feng Langjun."

Gou Fu looked around, picked the farthest place, and sat down cautiously.

"I don't know if Sima is here, what advice do you have?"

"Don't dare, I just came here to ask Feng Langjun what else he needs. Zhang Juncheng said, if there is something wrong, please do not hesitate to order it. Zhuti County will try its best to help."

Ju Fu felt his face was a little hot, these words were too blatant, but this was Jun Cheng's order, so he had to grit his teeth to say it.

"It's nothing right now, so don't bother Zhang Juncheng. I'm just taking people around to look around."

Anyway, it's not that I want something from others. If you don't say it clearly, I will take it as if I don't know.

"Feng Langjun, do you want to see the whole Zhuti County?"

After hearing the sentence, Fu asked a question in a low voice.


Feng Yong glanced at Jufu, what does this mean?

After thinking for a while, he replied, "Not necessarily. After all, the farming in Nanzhong will not be improved in a short while. I just go to various counties and counties at random to understand the situation first."

"I see."

Sentence nods.

The captain of Yizhou Diannong School supervises Yizhou's farming affairs and inspects the farming conditions in various places. This is his job and it is normal.

"I heard that Feng Langjun wants to grow sugarcane in Nanzhong, and he wants to come to inspect Nanzhong's farming, is it related to this?"

Jufu asked again.

"Yes, Nanzhong has suffered from rebellion for a long time these years. Reclaiming the manor and trying to recruit some bureaucrats for help will not only allow them to produce with peace of mind and reduce rebellion, but also cultivate some land in Nanzhong."

"I have heard for a long time that Feng Langjun is good at farming, but I didn't expect to be able to farm in a mountainous place like Nanzhong?"

Ju Fu praised, "If Mr. Feng Lang wants to open a manor in Zhuti County, the official knows a good place."

"Oh, where is it?"

"Tanglang County."

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