Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 434 The sixteen-year-old wasted boy

Ah Mei has a very strange habit.

Since Feng Yong gave her the status of a concubine, coupled with reading and writing, and the various knowledge Feng Yong taught her, she has become more and more confident in front of others.

Even in front of Li Mu, who was born in a family, she felt that it was unreasonable, so she still dared to raise objections.

But this is only limited to the front of others.

In front of Feng Yong, she always has a natural sense of inferiority, as long as Feng Yong frowns, she will shrink back.

It is estimated that Feng Yong put too much pressure on her - as soon as she learned a certain knowledge, before she could catch her breath, the lord immediately threw out another more advanced knowledge, which made her have to work hard to learn again.

There seems to be endless learning from the lord waiting for her to learn.

The learning ability that is proud of in front of others is not worth mentioning in front of the master's knowledge.

Anyway, the lord always scolded her for being too stupid.

At this time, she showed a guilty look again, as if she didn't taste the water of the dumb spring when she was a child, she was sorry for the lord.

However, Feng Yong just couldn't see her appearance, and waved his hand, "Okay, you go down first."

When Zhang Biao heard from Ju Fu that Feng Yong said that he agreed to consider his suggestion, he was a little flattered at first.

Unexpectedly, Feng Tubie didn't give him an answer after delaying for several days, which made Zhang Biao feel a little nervous.

When the prime minister sent someone from the south to deliver official documents to Feng Yong, Zhang Biao felt a little flustered.

I thought that since he was young and successful, he was willing to bow down to treat each other as a majestic county magistrate, so he should have done what he wanted, and with the promise of so many benefits, wouldn't it be possible to impress him?

The cultivated land in the half county is at his disposal, not to mention ordinary people, but even Zhang Biao himself, who was born in a family in the Shu region, if someone gives him such a huge benefit, he will be eager to hear it, let alone someone who is only eighteen years old. Feng Yong?

Of course and eggs!

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Who knew Er Jiulang was as stable as a dog?

Eighteen-year-old Feng Langjun thought about this for many days. When the news came that the prime minister had captured Meng Huo six times, Zhang Biao finally couldn't hold back.

Now even a fool can see that the Prime Minister is playing Meng Huo at all-to put it nicely, to convince the barbarians, or to put it badly, to convince the barbarians.

The barbarians in the entire Yizhou County and the north of Yongchang County have been rounded up over and over again. Countless barbarian commanders and barbarians hugged the prime minister's thigh and called adults.

No, it's an adult called an adult!

Because those barbarians called the prime minister Grandpa Zhuge...

If this continues, how long can Meng Huo last?

When the time comes, the prime minister has leveled Meng Huo, and looking back, huh? Yong Kai has been dead for so long, why is there still chaos in Tanglang County in Zhuti County? Where do you put your face?

Will the prime minister notice Tanglang County?

For sure.

Because Yong Kai was entrenched here at the beginning.

Why was Gong Lu killed by barbarians? Didn't the barbarians take a fancy to his eagerness to quell the chaos, so they tried to trick him into tricks?

Why is there such a rush to put down the rebellion? Isn't it because the Pingnanzhong Rebellion is the biggest thing for the Han now?

Not only the emperor of the big man is watching, but the prime minister is watching, and the whole big man is also watching.

Losing face at this time is equivalent to losing one's future and official career.

Of course, Zhang Biao is not all for the sake of future official career.

While he wants to have an official career, he still wants to do some practical things for the people.

After all, the overall atmosphere of the big man's officialdom is still vigorous.

So he wanted to cheat Feng Yong, not all for himself - but also for the people of Zhuti County and Tanglang County.

Feng Yong would not dare to swallow half of the county's cultivated land by himself, at least not in name, otherwise he would be hanged and beaten by the prime minister.

Therefore, the cultivated land in this half of the county must be eaten by the people in the Xinghan Society behind him-Feng Yong is going to take the second generation of officials and the second generation of the Xinghan Society to reclaim Nanzhong. The story of Dou has spread widely.

With the second generation of dignitaries of the Xinghan Society standing in the west, the remaining half of the county's cultivated land can be divided among the common people, so they don't have to worry about being harassed by barbarians who don't accept the king's transformation.

Of course, if I can reap some benefits from it, I will definitely not refuse it.

Unexpectedly, he didn't even want face, and Feng Yong was still so unhappy, which was really annoying, but thinking about the huge network of relationships behind Feng Yong, he had no choice but to cast a trap.

To bully Feng Yong is young and ignorant, it's okay to cheat him secretly, but if you really dare to use force... Maybe he will be the one who gets punished.

The lesson of Liao Li, the former captain of Changshui, is vivid in my memory!

Now when one mentions "Feng Langjun's clever speech", everyone will smile knowingly: Then Liao Li is really blind...

Then a sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

Moreover, Zhang Biao is now only a county magistrate with 600 shi, while Liao Li, the captain of Changshui at that time, was ranked 2,000 shi.

At this moment, a person came from Zhuti County and wanted to visit Feng Langjun and Li Langjun.

Looking at Zhang Biao, he immediately had a reason to go to see Feng Yong.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yong frowned when he saw the person brought by Zhang Biao, "It's you? What are you doing here?"

The visitor's face turned red, and he stepped forward in shame, "Xu Xun has met Feng Langjun. I have ordered you to come here to deliver a letter to Li Langjun."

"Oh," Feng Yong nodded indifferently, and turned around to order his servants, "Go and invite Li Langjun over."

Seeing Feng Yong's expression, Zhang Biao's heart skipped a beat. Looking at Feng Langjun's appearance, it seems that he doesn't like Xu Langjun very much?

On the way here, Xu Xun also told himself that Li Langjun entrusted his lord with the matter, and now he personally sent him to deliver the letter. Li Langjun and Feng Langjun are as close as brothers, but looking at Feng Langjun's appearance, how can he look like he is entrusting someone to do things?

Could it be that this person surnamed Xu has lied to Lao Tzu?

Zhang Biao was thinking wildly, only to hear Feng Yong say again, "Please sit down, both of you."

"Thank you Feng Langjun."

Xu Xun quickly saluted again, not daring to be presumptuous at all.

When Zhang Biao looked at it, his heart trembled again, and at the same time he felt a little contemptuous.

This Xu Xun, at any rate, your lord is also the Order of the Central Palace Visitor, and he is also an old minister who followed the late emperor. Can you look a little like a noble son?

"Zhang Juncheng, what teachings do you have for coming here this time?"

Feng Yong turned to Zhang Biao again and asked with a smile.

Zhang Biao, who had just sat down, listened to Feng Yong's question, quickly restrained his thoughts, and replied, "Don't dare, I'm just getting older. If you really want to talk about it, it's not as good as Feng Langjun. How dare you?" Say advice?"

Xu Xun, who was originally on pins and needles, also felt a little contempt when he heard Zhang Biao say such words.

This table, you are also a member of a family, and you are still the magistrate of a county. When facing Feng Tubie, you, an official of 600 shi, can't you have a bit of backbone? You know this is flattery? Do you want to lose face?

"Zhang Juncheng won the prize."

Feng Yong said very modestly, "But I don't know what's going on with Zhang Juncheng's visit this time?"

"Hey, Mr. Feng, these days, those barbarians in Tanglang County are not in a good place. It's really annoying! I don't know how Mr. Feng thinks about borrowing people?"

With Xu Xun present, Zhang Biao couldn't say it too clearly, but when it came to borrowing someone, both of them knew it in their hearts.

"It's not easy, Zhang Juncheng," Feng Yong said, "The brothers in the Xinghan Society are all suspicious. The west of Tanglang County is next to Yuejun County. After leaving Tanglang Mountain, wouldn’t the manor that was developed be in vain?”

Zhang Biao thumped, and forced a smile, "Mr. Feng Lang is too worried! Yue Jun's Gao Ding has been pacified by the Prime Minister, so why worry?"

Feng Yong was very unhappy when he heard this.

I've already made it so obvious, you still want to fool me? Do you really think I'm a three-year-old?

He sneered at the moment, "Zhang Juncheng doesn't know something, the more Junyi people have been dissatisfied for a long time, this is without Gao Ding, who knows if there will be a Zhang Ding or something?"

When Zhang Biao heard it, he felt disgusted as if he had eaten a fly.

What Zhang Ding? My surname is Zhang, did this bastard do it on purpose?

But he finally understood that this local turtle was going to raise the price.

"Feng Langjun, after the prime minister pacified Nanzhong, the people will be resettled. At that time, there must be some land for resettlement, right?"

Zhang Biao endured and endured, and said in a low voice.

Xu Xun, who was sitting next to him, was refreshed when he heard this. What kind of deal are these two going to make?

Just as his mind was about to come alive, he saw Feng Yong glance over intentionally or unintentionally, and he was shocked.

Thinking of being kicked out of the house by my adults, I first took Nanyi Road to Pingyi, and then ran from Pingyi to Weixian County. I didn't know that Wuchi Road had been opened when I arrived in Weixian County.

What is even more frustrating is that when I arrived in Wei County, I realized that Feng Yong had left Wei County and went north to Zhu Ti.

Then he left Wei County eagerly and followed him - if I had known it, I might as well have walked the five-foot road to pass through Zhu Tiwei County! This way you can also meet directly.

Xu Xun almost vomited blood when he remembered that he had made such a big circle in vain.

How can this dilapidated place in Nanzhong compare with the prosperous place in Jincheng? Along the way, I have suffered a lot.

But when he thought of what the adults had said to him, Xu Xun couldn't help but tremble with fear, deeply regretting that he was so talkative.

Seeing Feng Yong glance at him now, Xu Xun was startled, and quickly lowered his eyelids, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Of course the people need to be resettled."

Feng Yong nodded and sighed, "The magistrate of Tanglang County is suffering! It seems that a capable person is really needed to be the magistrate of Tanglang County. Zhang Juncheng, don't you think so?"

Zhang Biao was taken aback when he heard this. This bastard has such a big appetite that he wants to completely control Tanglang County!

Gritting his teeth, he could only nod in agreement, "That's right, the candidate for the county magistrate really needs to be carefully considered."

"Zhang Juncheng has ruled Zhu Ti for a long time, and he knows the situation of Zhu Ti County well. Can anyone recommend any good candidates?"

Feng Yong asked.

Although Zhang Biao was named Juncheng, he actually had the power of prefect, and he also had a certain say in the appointment of officials in the county.

Tanglang County is not an upper county, not even a middle county, it can only be regarded as the lower county among the lower counties. Even if it was Feng Yong himself who managed someone to be the county magistrate, there was still some room for maneuver.

With the resources in his hands, it is a breeze to make any county in Nanzhong develop faster than other counties.

As long as the candidate for county magistrate he nominates is qualified, Old Demon Zhuge will be happy to turn a blind eye.

Feng Yong is confident that he still has some face in front of the old monster Zhuge.

The key is that the chief official of the county should not be a hindrance to others.

Otherwise, he would be in the way of everything he does, so Feng Yong is so full that he can go to give someone a job?

"Hey, if I have a suitable candidate, why would the barbarians in Tanglang County cause riots?"

Zhang Biao felt a little bitter in his heart, and said insincerely.

"Oh, why didn't Zhang Juncheng say it earlier? I have a suitable candidate."

Feng Yong said with surprise on his face.

"Oh, Feng Langjun, why don't you come and listen?"

Zhang Biao yelled at a certain wood turtle for its hypocrisy, but he couldn't help smiling.

"Huang Chong, the county captain of Nanxiang County, has made great contributions to governing Nanxiang for a long time. He is a talented person. It is really a waste of time to be a county captain. I would like to recommend him to come here as the county magistrate. How does Zhang Juncheng feel?"

Feng Yong asked with a smile.

Zhang Biao was originally from Shu County, so he was no stranger to Huang Chong, who was also from a local family. After doing some calculations, he was surprised to find that Huang Chong seemed to be only sixteen, right?

Why is it a waste of time to be a county captain in a county like Nanxiang at the age of sixteen?

Thinking of this, Zhang Biao couldn't help but glanced at Xu Xun, thinking that if Huang Chongzhen was wasted, wouldn't this Xu Xun be a waste?

And how long has Huang Chongcai been the county lieutenant?

When Xu Xun saw Zhang Biao's meaningful eyes, he was furious!

Now it seems that anyone can step on their own feet?

But after thinking about it, he could only grit his teeth secretly - Zhang Biao is also a county magistrate after all, and he can't compare to him!

Zhang Biao over there sighed, no matter what Feng Mingwen's reputation was outside, but he was really too nice to the people around him.

Although Tang Lang is from the county, but from the county lieutenant to the county magistrate, it must be regarded as a promotion.

"Well, if Mr. Huang Lang can get this job, I have no objection."

"Okay, as long as you have Zhang Juncheng's words."

Feng Yong clapped his palms and said with a smile, "Don't worry Zhang Juncheng, if Mr. Huang Lang came to govern this Tanglang County, there would be no barbarians making trouble again."

"So best."

Zhang Biao forced a smile.

Xu Xun, who was next to him, listened to the conversation between the two, and was so shocked that he even turned pale.

The position of the head of Dahan County was decided by the two of them just like that?

In the past, in Jincheng, talking about poetry and fu with friends, or impassionedly expressing one's ambitions, and receiving the admiring gaze of the little lady next to her, already felt extremely gratifying.

Seeing the situation in front of me now, and thinking about it before, I feel that I am really shallow.

"Why did the elder brother ask the younger brother to come here?"

At this time, only someone said at the door, Li Yi stepped in, saw Zhang Biao sitting there, "So Zhang Juncheng is here?"

"It's not that XX wants to see Li Langjun, it's just that XX is sending someone over."

After the conversation with Feng Yong was over, Zhang Biao got up and said goodbye, "Please don't forget what you said just now, Mr. Feng Lang."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it. I'm planning to visit Tanglang County in the past two days."

Feng Yong laughed.

"That's good, that's good!"

Zhang Biao got the guarantee, said goodbye to Li Yi and Xu Xun, and went out.

Li Yi and Xu Xun met Li Yi, Xu Xun took out a letter from his bosom, and said, "Li Langjun, this is something that my lord asked Xun to bring here, saying that the matter I entrusted last year has finally been settled."

"A question?"

Li Yi was puzzled, and stretched out his hand to take the channel, "What did I entrust to Xu Ye?"

"Xun doesn't know either. My lord only said that it has already been explained in detail. Li Langjun will understand after reading it."

There is another chapter tonight.

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