Feng Yong subconsciously rolled over, avoiding the vital point.

There was only a sound of "嗤", the short knife cut through his clothes, and a deep wound was cut on his arm, the bones were almost visible!

Although the two years of unremitting exercise did not allow him to reach the level of physical fitness he had in the army in his previous life, it at least made him sensitive enough.

Ignoring the sharp pain from his arm, he swept across his leg, directly towards Naigu's lower body.

At the same time, he shouted "Come on!"

Feng Yong didn't need to shout, as soon as Buqu saw Naigu stabbing Feng Yong, he would have already drawn his sword and rushed over.

Naigu, who was swept away by Feng Yong, was about to jump over to stab him a second time before he could stand still. With a flash of the knife, his arm was chopped off by Buqu who arrived first.

Immediately afterwards, he was kicked by the second step, which directly kicked him to the ground.

"My lord, my lord, are you alright?"

Bu Qu hurriedly helped Feng Yong up, all of them looked extremely anxious.

If something happened to the lord, it would be a trivial matter for them to lose their lives, but it would be a major event if their family members in Jincheng and Hanzhong were implicated.

Feng Yong gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words: "Fan Qi!"

Fan Qi is the right Cao of Yizhou Diannong Xiaowei, but in fact he is Feng Yong's personal doctor.

Ah Mei didn't follow this time, but Fan Qi had to follow her from time to time.

Seeing Feng Yong's pale face, and not knowing the extent of his injuries, some people went mad with hatred, and immediately kicked Naigu fiercely.

Naigu was kicked to the heart, spurted a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

"Keep alive!"

Before Feng Yong could speak, Lu Laozu let out a loud shout.

When Fan Qi applied the golden sore medicine to Feng Yong, Feng Yong almost gritted his teeth in pain.

After Fan Qi tightly bandaged the wound, Feng Yong felt the pain lessened, and ordered directly,

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw to the camp."

Things are obvious, there must be an ambush in the valley ahead.

If it weren't for Lu Laozu's instinctive experience in the battlefield, I'm afraid that this time he wouldn't be as simple as hurting an arm.

As if to confirm Feng Yong's thoughts, only a rumbling sound could be heard from a distance. Countless wood and stones suddenly fell from the valley in front of him, and billowing smoke and dust were thrown up on the ground. Feng Yong and others who were very close to the valley , I only felt the vibration under my feet.

Then there was another loud shout from the mountain ahead, as if countless people were rushing towards this side.

"Finished formation!"

This time Feng Yong didn't need to speak, Old Pawn Lu immediately yelled, turned around and ran back, he was going to notify all the song leaders to form a formation quickly.

At the same time, the trilogy embraced Feng Yong and retreated quickly.

Although Zhao Guang, Guan Ji and others were not by Feng Yong's side, and there were no barbarian rebellions in the south of Tanglang County, Feng Yong's safety was the top priority in their eyes.

Even Wang Ping, who was staying in Wei County, knew that Feng Yong was going to inspect the counties in Nanzhong, so he sent his own guards.

Therefore, although there are not many soldiers around Feng Yong, they are the most elite.

The quality of the elite soldiers at this time was quickly reflected. Although there was an unexpected enemy situation, the soldiers still began to form a defensive formation at an extremely fast speed.

Groups of barbarians emerged from the forest in front of them, most of them were holding bamboo weapons, and rushed towards this side with great momentum.

When Feng Yong thought he was preparing for a fierce battle, he saw that the enemy stopped within an arrow's distance, holding up his weapon and shouting continuously.

"My lord, they dare not rush over."

Old soldier Lu returned to Feng Yong's side and said to Feng Yong.


Feng Yong's heart was beating violently, and he even forgot the pain in his arm. This was the first time he led the army alone to face the rebellion, and it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

"On the opposite side of the Little People's Temple, there is no decent banner, let alone any formation orders, so these are scattered mobs, at most there are a few skirmishers mixed in, and it won't make a big difference."

Feng Yong nodded, feeling at ease, "Then what shall we do?"

"The front army can be ordered to break forward, and after breaking the opposite side once, they will automatically collapse."


The military order was quickly passed on, and the former soldiers began to raise their shields and moved forward, shouting loudly.

Unexpectedly, there was another whistle sound from behind those rioters. They shouted and ran backwards scrambling to be the first, and broke up by themselves.

As soon as the former army stopped, crowds appeared again from the forest ahead, and bamboo arrows were even shot at here and there.

"Master, Yi people are good at running in the mountains and forests, so they should not enter easily."

Afraid of Feng Yongnian's youthful vigor, old soldier Lu hastily reminded him.

"I know."

Feng Yong gritted his teeth.

This is a typical rogue style that if I can't beat you, I will drag you to death, and if I can't drag you to death, I will disturb your peace.

"We withdraw."

Feng Yong looked at the forest full of figures and ordered.

The retreat went smoothly, and it seemed that those people were really what Lu Laozu said, they were not a rebellious army, they could only be regarded as rebellious people at best.

Their purpose should be to drive themselves out of here.

Hurrying quickly, he finally returned to Nagu before the sun set. Feng Yong was relieved to see that the camp was still standing there safe and sound from a distance.

Unexpectedly, when they got to the camp, they discovered that the camp also had traces of being besieged.

The people in the camp found that Feng Yong had returned with his troops, and immediately cheered.

Ah Mei ran out to meet Feng Yong with tears in her eyes. Several times, she almost rushed over desperately.

On the contrary, Lu Laozu looked at her with vigilant eyes.

Feng Yong gave her a comforting look, and then asked Qu Zhang who stayed behind, "What's going on?"

"Back to Mr. Feng, not long after Mr. Lang left, someone from the village came over with something, saying it was for Mrs. Amei. Seeing that there were a lot of them, the villain asked a few more questions."

"Unexpectedly, when they saw that the incident was exposed, they wanted to seize the gate of the village on the spot. Fortunately, the villain led the soldiers to kill them back. Then the barbarians tried to besiege the camp again and failed, so they retreated."

Feng Yong listened, nodded in approval and said, "Good job, I remember that your name is Wang Han, and you are from General Wang's family?"

Wang Ping is a native of Basil County.

The Jin people are brave and sturdy, and they are also good at smelting and casting.

They often use boards as shields, so they are also called boards.

From the time of King Wu of Zhou, they helped King Wu fight the world. According to historical records, when they attacked the army of King Zhou, they would sing, dance and fight at the same time.

After Liu Bang entered Hanzhong, they helped Liu Bang conquer the world.

During the war, Xiao He and Lu Zhi, who were in charge of logistics, mobilized the Zong people to join the war. At that time, men from the Zong people from the age of sixteen to sixty took up arms and went to the front line.

Liu Bang won the world, and in order to keep the fierce army of the renren, he even changed the title of the leader of the renren again and again.

It's a pity that they were determined to go home, and finally Liu Bang had to let him go.

Back then, Wang Ping was entrusted by Feng Yong to go to the mountains to find Hu people, during which time he went back to his hometown in Brazil County.

The villagers in my hometown are very enthusiastic and want to hang out with Wang Ping.

It is a pity that Wang Ping had no ambitions at that time, and the fellow villagers failed to achieve their wishes.

Later, with Feng Yong's help, Wang Ping took the post of General Dangkou and served as Li Hui's deputy, so he recruited many fellow villagers to help.

At the same time, when Feng Yong went to Nanxiang County to look for ore, he also got the help of Wang Ping's people-the people of the Jin family were good at smelting and casting, and of course they were also very good at looking for ore.

Because Wang Han is a member of Wang Ping's clan, he is closer to Wang Ping and can be regarded as Wang Ping's personal guard.

"Yes. Fortunately, the villain was favored by General Wang and was recruited into the series."

Wang Han quickly explained.

"After I go back, I will explain your contribution to General Wang."

"My villain, thank you Feng Langjun for your support."

Wang Han was overjoyed and said loudly quickly.

In August of the third year of Jianxing in the Han Dynasty, Meng Huo's family came to vote. The five counties in Nanzhong, except Yue Junping and rebellion, the remaining four counties were completely pacified.

The Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty felt that Nanzhong was too large to manage and control, so he divided the five counties of Nanzhong into seven counties, cut some places from each of the five counties, and formed two counties of Yunnan and Xinggu.

Ma Zhong guarded Cangke County unchanged.

Zhu Ti, the prefect of Zhu Ti, who went to surrender the governor Li Hui, moved to the prefect of Jianning County, and at the same time took the position of governor of Jiaozhou.

At the same time, Lu Kai made great contributions in protecting Yongchang and moved to the prefect of Yunnan County.

The wife of the former Prime Minister of Yongchang County moved to the prefect of Yongchang County.

Cuan Xi, the surname of Nanzhong, has always been prestigious in Nanzhong, and was recommended as the prefect of Xinggu County.

Meng Yan, the surname of Nanzhong, was recommended as the prefect of Zhuti County.

Meng Huo was the most honored, and was personally recommended by the prime minister as the prime minister of the imperial censor—then he would bring his clan and family back to live in Jincheng with the prime minister.

At the same time, a large number of barbarian kings and barbarians from Nanzhong accompanied them. At the same time, they felt that the lives of the people in Nanzhong were not easy, so they moved more than ten thousand families of Yi people from Nanzhong to Shuzhong for resettlement.

He also persuaded the surnames Li (Li Hui), Meng (Meng Huo), Yong (Yong Kai), Cuan (Cuan Xi), Jiao, Lou, Liang, Mao, etc. in Nanzhong to strive to improve the living standards of the brothers in Nanzhong and build a better life together. Life.

For example, paying money and food, and asking ethnic brothers to play the part.

Five captains were also set up, each with an official position, and whichever family paid more money and food could serve in the five captains.

If there is a war, the five captains will be ordered to lead the troops to follow.

Using the relationship of the big clans in Nanzhong, they persuaded the Yi people to gradually go to the mountains and forests, live on the flat land, build cities, and do farming and mulberry.

Through various policies and measures, after imposing threats on the southern Zhongyi people, they were also gracious to them.

In this way, the control chain of the imperial court, Nanzhong's surrendered governor's mansion, Nanzhong's prefects, five captains, more than a dozen major surnames in Nanzhong, and Nanzhong Yi people was formed.

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