Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 445 I Have an Idea

Guan Ji now calls Feng Yong A Lang, and everyone around Feng Yong knows this.

So Feng Yong's trilogy all know that in the future, his mistress will most likely be the third wife of the Guan family.

Coupled with the fact that the lord was injured, no matter what the situation was at the time, there were negligence in the trilogy, so everyone could only bow their heads, and Guan Ji scolded her head.

In the next few days, I don't know what method Guan Ji used to teach those parts. Everyone who saw Guan Ji was like a mouse meeting a cat, and they were more respectful than seeing Feng Yong, the real lord.

With the arrival of Guan Ji, she also took over the command of the camp very forcefully.

It seems that nothing has changed in the camp, but even a layman like Feng Yong feels that there is an extra chill.

"Can you do this?"

Seeing Guan Ji majesticly patrolling the camp below, Feng Yong, who was hiding on the high platform to enjoy the shade, asked Ah Mei in a low voice.

Amei was trying her best to massage Feng Yong's shoulders, when she heard this, she glanced at Guan Ji with envy and admiration in her eyes, and then shook her head.

"Yeah, you can't, and I don't have the ability."

Feng Yong sighed, thinking that this is the real general and tiger girl.

If the rioters come again at this time, Feng Yong believes that it will no longer be like leading the army, but only self-protection.

Guan Ji will definitely lead someone to kill them all.

As expected, he is a supporting life, maybe even the girl behind him can't compare.

This girl is also a ruthless character, don't look at her cowering in front of him, she is really in a hurry, and she dares to kill someone.

With Guan Ji as the backbone in the camp, Feng Yong can finally try to clean up the blocked valley.

From the words that came out of Naigu's mouth, Feng Yong can be sure that what he said about someone who once mined copper mines here is very likely to be true.

As long as you can find the mines of the year, you might be able to find copper mines.

With copper mines, there will be copper, and with copper, there will be copper coins.

Although I don't have too much hope for the level of copper smelting in this era, and copper is always in short supply, but the big man can have more copper coins in his hands, and he can have more confidence in doing things, right?

Currency is an equivalent exchange, and the government needs to pay attention to maintaining its stability and not allowing it to fluctuate too much in a short period of time.

The most common is inflation due to currency depreciation.

If the purchasing power of currency depreciates too quickly in a short period of time, although it will benefit the national treasury for a while, it will cause people's distrust of the government, and it will also drive up prices, causing inflation, and people's living standards will gradually decline.

If it is serious, the people will not be able to survive, give up production one after another, and go into exile, causing huge damage to the national economy.

Therefore, Liu Bei promoted Zhibaiqian in the Han Dynasty, which caused a considerable number of big families in Shu and Jingzhou to renounce.

It is a common practice in times of war to plunder private wealth by issuing new currencies to enrich the treasury.

As far as Feng Yong knows, not only Liu Bei did this, but Sun Quan would also do it, even bigger than Liu Bei, and he directly paid "five hundred yuan", and later even made "one thousand yuan".

Cao Wei occupied most of the world, and the domestic economy was much better than that of Shu and Wu, so there was no need to do this, but Cao Pi did a more stupid thing-abolished currency and directly bartered with grain and silk.

Simply speechless.

And now it is the time of war, and the war will definitely hurt the domestic economy, this is certain.

How to minimize the damage is a test of the level of those in power.

The more copper coins in your hand, the more confidence and room for maneuver.

Feng Yong believed that if the copper mine could really be found, the old monster Zhuge would definitely guard it, not to mention the south of Tanglang, even the entire Tanglang County, and there would be no rioters in it.

Appear one to kill one!

At that time, are you afraid that there will be problems with the manor in the west of Tanglang County?

Huang Chong became the county magistrate, so what if he didn't lie down and take credit for it?

But before Feng Yong cleared the valley, Zhao Guang and Li Yi brought people over, and at the same time brought the latest news from the prime minister of the Han Dynasty: Meng Huoju’s family came to vote, Yizhou County has been completely pacified, let Feng Yong Yiying and others rushed to Wei County to join the prime minister's army.

Feng Yong had no choice but to put the matter aside temporarily and lead his army back to Wei County.

Tanglang County in Zhuti County is connected to Wei County in the south, so Feng Yong and others returned to Wei County not too slowly.

Now inside and outside Wei County, soldiers are stationed.

The Han army was stationed in the center, and the barbarians surrounded the periphery.

The battle flag cracked, people's voices were roaring, and war horses neighed.

The camps of the Han army were neat and tidy, while the camps of the barbarians were somewhat chaotic, but generally they followed certain rules.

The arrival of Feng Yong's army was like a small stone thrown into the water, which only caused a small wave. After stationing in the place planned by the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, he merged with the army.

Before the whole army settled down, Wang Xun and Yang Wanwan came hand in hand.


"Zishi, Wei Ran!"

Although the brothers parted not long ago, they were naturally very happy to see each other again.

"Brother, the prime minister has an order, saying that after you arrive, please enter the city immediately."

"The prime minister wants to see me? Okay, I'll go right away."

Feng Yong nodded, he was not too surprised that Zhuge Liang wanted to see him.

Although Nanzhong has been pacified, Zhuge Liang, as a workaholic, still has to deal with a lot of military and government affairs every day.

When Feng Yong entered the Weixian government office, which was regarded as a temporary commander-in-chief, what he saw was the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, whose temples had obviously turned gray, sitting by the desk, looking at something carefully.

"Yizhou Diannong School Lieutenant Feng Yong met the Prime Minister."

Feng Yong saluted.

Zhuge Liang finally raised his head, saw Feng Yong below, smiled, and waved his hands, "There is no need to be so formal, and there are no outsiders here."

Then he pointed to the chair next to him, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Prime Minister."

"I heard that you were injured while patrolling Tanglang County?"

Zhuge Liang finally put down the blueprint in his hand and asked.

Feng Yong was a little surprised. He didn't expect Zhuge Liang to ask this question as soon as they met, so he smiled embarrassedly, "Prime Minister Lao is concerned, it's just a small injury."

"Why are you so careless?"

Zhuge Liang frowned, "Your current status is not ordinary, white dragon fish clothes, see trouble and trouble. In the future, it is better to do less when you are in danger."

"Yes, I always know I was wrong."

Feng Yong could only bow his head and admit his mistake.

It was rare for Zhuge Liang to see him admitting his mistakes so seriously, and now that he is considered the head of a house, it is hard to say anything more.

"I came to you this time because I want to ask you something."

Zhuge Liang got to the point, "Last time you wrote a letter saying, 'Wu Wang allied with the feudal lords, Duke Huan governed the world in the Central Plains', what exactly do you mean, can you explain in detail?"

Feng Yong looked up and saw that Zhuge Liang was looking at him with burning eyes, with admiration in his eyes, and he knew in his heart that it seemed that this was an affirmation of himself.

"Back to the prime minister, I always think this way. People in the south believe in ghosts and gods, and they promise again. As long as they find a way to make them swear an alliance to ghosts and gods, they will no longer oppose the big man. At the same time, the big man will give them some constraints and benefits. In my opinion, Nanzhong should be able to maintain peace for ten to twenty years."

The legend of a ghost king can be passed down like that, and the theory of ghosts and gods is deeply rooted in the hearts of Yi people, which can be seen.

Now Zhuge Liang has subdued most of the barbarian kings in Nanzhong, as long as they take advantage of their power and make them swear to ghosts and gods, and then try to spread the matter to Nanzhong.

It doesn't matter whether the Yi kings believe in ghosts or gods, the key is that ordinary barbarians believe in them!

At least in this generation, even if some people want to rebel again, I am afraid that not many people will follow suit.

As for the barbarians hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, they can only be regarded as small troubles, and they must not cause any big waves.

Feng Tubie proposed this plan for the sake of the big man and the stability of Nanzhong.

Definitely, it's definitely not because the legend of Lao Shizi's ghost king made him feel bad, let him brood on it!

Who doesn't know that Feng Langjun even pulls everyone to get rich? It is enough to prove that he is a broad-minded person!

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Zhuge Liang's face became more approving. It seemed that Feng Yong's proposal was in line with his ideas.

I saw Zhuge Liang smiled slightly and nodded, "That makes sense."

Then he gave Feng Yong a meaningful look, "I have another idea, and I want to hear your opinion."

When Feng Yong heard this, he was really flattered.

Alas! The prime minister of the Han Dynasty must listen to my opinion!

"Prime Minister, please speak, and I will always listen to you."

"I heard that you are known as the King of Ghosts in Nanzhong, isn't that true?"

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he forced a smile on his face, "That's all misinformation."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, "Whether it's a misrepresentation or not, it's true that you are known as the King of Ghosts in Nanzhong."

"This is what I think. Instead of letting those barbarian kings swear to the ghosts and gods when they meet in the alliance, it is better to let the ghost kings witness their oaths. This will make them remember their oaths and feel fearful. What do you think? ?”

"Prime Minister, this...Yong looks like a ghost king. If those Yi kings find out that I am a ghost king, I'm afraid they will feel that they have been fooled, and it will ruin the big event."

Feng Yongqiang put on a smile that was uglier than crying, and he knew that nothing good would happen as soon as he met the old demon Zhuge.

This old guy is always thinking of ways to trick him!

"I heard that you suggested to Zhao Jia Erlang that he wear a ghost copper mask?"

Zhuge Liang smiled again.

Feng Yong: ...

What the hell am I doing? Can Zhao Erha be able to hold the enemy down? Is it none of my business?

Sure enough, Zhuge Liang continued, "Zhao Erlang claimed to be a ghost general, and he was seen by Wanjun when he was in Wei County. Now everyone knows that the ghost king sent ghost generals to Wei County."

The smile on Zhuge Liang's face grew stronger, he got up and took two steps, then turned around and said to Feng Yong, "Even everyone saw that day that the ghost king summoned thunder and lightning, which almost knocked out the barbarian king Meng Huo. .”

"Nothing, Prime Minister, it was just an accident."

Feng Tubie shivered, "It was really just an accident...that is because he stood too high, and even took a thick and tall bamboo pole as a commander-in-chief flag, who else would be stunned?"

"Who will believe it?"

Zhuge Liang walked up to Feng Yong and looked down at Feng Yong with a playful expression, "Meng Huo has already admitted this. He said that he saw a pair of huge eyes staring at him in the sky that day, which made him afraid move."

"Also, General Huo Aji also said that he saw with his own eyes that Guan Junhou was able to drive away the evil spirits with the help of the ghost king. These things are now spread all over Nanzhong, which barbarian doesn't know? "

Meng Huo is blind?

I was also there at the time, why didn't I see a pair of huge eyes in the sky?

When did Huo Aji's IQ go offline?

How could such rumors spread?

Feng Yong glanced at Zhuge Liang, and saw that his expression was very meaningful, very meaningful...

With the endorsement of these two barbarian bosses, coupled with the acknowledgment of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, what the ghost king said is an iron-clad fact!

Feng Yong swallowed his saliva, "What does the prime minister mean, this ghost king will always be determined?"

Zhuge Liangliang nodded, "I met the barbarian kings in Nanzhong in Wei County, and made a covenant: the great Han regards the barbarians as their own people, and the barbarians will never turn against them again, and erect a monument as proof."

"This oath, the ghost king will witness, the ghost general will protect the law, the stele will not be broken, and the oath will last forever, what do you think?"

"It's...not bad."

Feng Tubie was about to cry.

"Okay, don't make such gestures."

Zhuge Liang knew that this son still knew the basics, "Besides, you don't even care about the reputation of being clever and cruel. What are you afraid of if you bear the reputation of being a ghost king?"

"As long as this matter really goes well, it will be as you said. If you don't say anything, you can keep Nanzhong in peace for 20 years. At that time, your benefits will be indispensable."

Zhuge Liang shook his head, returned to his seat and sat down, and promised again.

"What good?"

Feng Yong said dejectedly.

Damn, more than a thousand years later, the old demon Zhuge was called Grandpa Zhuge, and was passed down from generation to generation.

And what about myself? A ghost king!

He is still a ghost king who eats human flesh, drinks human blood, and sleeps with a thousand women every night...

The child was crying at night and refused to sleep, but the grandma and grandpa threatened, "Cry again, and the ghost king will send ghost generals to arrest you!"

Remembering that Zhao Guang was also lying on the gun, Feng Yong felt a little balanced.

"I heard that when you go back this time, you want to propose marriage to the Guan family?"

When Feng Yong heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly raised his head like a chicken pecking at rice, "Yes, yes."

"Prime Minister, do you have any suggestions?"

Feng Tubie salivated with a smile this time, "Guan Junhou, but you don't like me."

Although he was sure of marrying Guan Ji, Guan Xing would definitely make things difficult for him.

After all... the pain of the chrysanthemum is so painful!

When Guan Xing fell ill, he had Guan Ji backing him up.

When it came time to marry Guan Ji, she couldn't support herself...

"After all, the Guan family is a family of princes and lords. You don't even have a title now, but you want to marry a daughter of the Guan family. How can he please you?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said with a smile, "You have made a lot of achievements in front of you, and the court will help you remember it. It's just that you were young and had no reputation at that time. If you suddenly conferred a high position, it would kill you."

"Now that you want to get married, you are considered an adult, and with your growing reputation, it is justifiable to grant you a title. Is this benefit enough?"

When Feng Yong heard this, he was overjoyed.

Although this is not the main reason why Guan Xing dislikes him, but with the title, at least in the eyes of the world, he and Guan Ji are rightly matched.

Although she doesn't care about her reputation, Guan Ji doesn't care if she has a title, but if she just marries herself without a title, it will damage the Guan family's reputation.

So having a title must be a good thing.

I saw Feng Tubie asked a little shyly, "I don't know what the imperial court plans to seal me for?"

Hearing this, the smile on Zhuge Liang's face froze.

Why is this guy so straightforward?

How about shame?

However, when he remembered the first time he met him, he was not even willing to take the position he had promised to join the army.

It has only been more than two years now, but he has become this philistine, and Zhuge Liang doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"What to grant you, of course it will be decided after returning to the court. How do I know what to grant you now?"

Zhuge Liang made a serious look on the surface, and rebuked.

Feng Yong curled his lips, thinking that it is not up to you to return to court? What are you wearing?

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