Chapter 449: About...

"The flower garland of the daughter of Meng Huo, the barbarian king?"

Feng Yong rubbed his chin, and said to himself with some doubts, "Why did she come to me?"

"I've already been here once today." Zhao Guang said first, "My brother just went to the city with his front foot, and she came over with his back foot. Looking at it, I must see my brother."

"Don't say it's her, even her adult Meng Huo, I've never seen it before."

Speaking of her father Meng Huo, Feng Yong remembered a doubt that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, "Then Meng Huo's surname is Meng, but her daughter's surname is Hua? Wenxuan, do you know the twists and turns?"

Li Yi nodded, "I know a thing or two. All the big clans in Nanzhong will marry the Yi tribes to echo each other. With a strong momentum, Meng Huozi is no exception. There are quite a lot of wives and concubines under his name."

"One of them has a wife named Mrs. Zhu Rong. According to legend, she is the descendant of Zhu Rong. The tribe she belongs to is named Zhu Rong. Mothers are respected and women are valued. Mrs. Zhu Rong is the head of the Zhu Rong tribe. Women in the tribe do not marry outsiders, only Recruit your husband and son-in-law."

Isn't that the son-in-law?

Feng Yong murmured in his heart, did not expect Meng Huo to be a door-to-door son-in-law?

Thinking of his son-in-law, Feng Yong thought of the book "Zuo-son-in-law" he had read before time travelling. Damn, I don't know if Sister Jiao has finished updating that book?

"In order to win over Zhu Rong's family, Meng Huo married Mrs. Zhu Rong. They both follow the customs. Mrs. Zhu Rong still leads Zhu Rong's family on weekdays and does not live in Meng's house. Meng Huo does not need to live in Zhu Rong's family."

"If the two want to meet each other, they will come to each other. Mrs. Zhu Rong may go to Meng's house to find Meng Huo, or Meng Huo may go to Zhu Rong's department to find Mrs. Zhu Rong. The two will not disturb each other."

It sounds very similar to the walking marriage of some ethnic groups in the Southwest of later generations?

But think about it, this is the Southwest. Could it be that this is a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years?

"Later, the two gave birth to a daughter, who was the garland, and took her mother's surname. If she becomes the head of the tribe in the future, she will be called Mrs. Zhu Rong just like her mother."

"In this way, this garland is not only the daughter of the Meng family, but also the head of the Zhu Rong family's young monarch?"


"Since that's the case, then I really can't see you." Feng Yong nodded, "Please come in."

Hualan, who was waiting impatiently outside, saw Li Yi walk out of the camp, and immediately went up to greet him, and said crisply, "Brother Li, has Mr. Feng Lang ever returned to the camp?"

At the same time, I thought in my heart, if Feng Mingwen dared to say that he was not there, then I would publicize it, saying that he dared not see me, and I would be ashamed to death.

The Li family and the Meng family are both surnames in Nanzhong, and the two families can't see each other when they look up, and in terms of family background, their identities are quite similar.

Therefore, it is appropriate for the flower garland to call Li Yi "Brother".

"Hua Niangzi, brother has returned to the camp, please come in."

Li Yi stretched out his hand to salute.

Huahuan was overjoyed, she nodded and said, "Okay, brother Li, please lead the way."

As soon as she entered the tent of the commander-in-chief of the army, there were several pairs of eyes all over the tent.

Hualan did not have any stage fright, every time those big provocative eyes flickered, the slightly upturned long eyelashes danced up and down confusingly.

She looked curiously at the man in the middle, and asked, "Is it Mr. Feng?"


Feng Yong raised his hand and saluted, "Feng Yong has seen Lady Hua."

Hualan blinked her eyes, turned her head slightly, as if she was remembering something, then scratched her hair again, then bowed down and performed a nondescript blessing.

At the same time, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry Feng Langjun, I forgot how to do your Han etiquette, and I didn't learn it well."

Hearing this, not only Feng Yong, but also several other people in the tent smiled kindly, thinking that the young master of the Zhurong clan in front of him was really straightforward and innocent.

"It's okay. Lady Hua's visit is already very rare, so why should I be so polite?"

Feng Yong replied with a smile, "The army is crude and there is no place to sit. I hope Miss Hua doesn't mind."

Huayuan waved her hand, "I don't need to sit."

Ever since she came in, her eyes had never left Feng Yong, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

At this time, she could only hear her asking again in doubt, "I'm looking for Feng Mingwen, the reincarnation of the ghost king? Are you really him?"

Feng Yong's brows twitched, and he forced a smile, "My name is indeed Feng Yong, and I am not sure about the reincarnation of the ghost king, but some people say that I am the ghost king, and I don't understand how it happened. thing."

Hualan looked around the tent again curiously, and asked, "Where's your ghost general?"

Feng Yong squinted at Zhao Guang who was next to him, and then said after turning his eyes back, "It's all rumors by fools, why is there such a ghost general?"

"Then will you recruit thunder?"


"And don't you drink human blood?"

"Don't drink."

"Don't eat human flesh?"

"Don't eat."

Hualan thought for a while, then looked at Feng Yong's small body, and felt that there was no need to ask the last question.

Then he let out a long sigh of relief, then pulled out a flying knife from his waist, held a saber flower, pointed the tip of the knife at Feng Yongjiao and shouted, "Feng Langjun, I am asking you to fight with the flower garland, how dare you accept it?" no?"

Feng Yong was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. He looked at the vicious flower garland, and couldn't turn his head around, "What does Hua Niangzi mean?"

Hualan held her head high, like a proud white swan, "I know that you are called a young hero by the prime minister, and you are also the number one young man of the Han Dynasty. Countless young men of the Han Dynasty regard you as an elder brother."

"I came here this time to meet you for a while. If I can defeat you, then I have defeated the young hero, and I have also defeated the number one young man of the big man. At that time, I will be the number one big man...the number one female son .”

Yo drink!

Little girl, your logic is a bit strange!

Who told you that Lao Tzu's name was earned by fighting?

It's really rude.

Feng Yongcai wouldn't play child's house games with her, so he waved his hand and said, "I'm not competing with you. You go back."

When Huahuan heard it, she thought he was afraid, and couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in her heart, "I didn't expect him to be a coward!"

As soon as these words came out, not only Feng Yong looked over with a downcast face, but even the people around him glared.

"Why, am I wrong?"

Huahuan was not afraid, and looked at Feng Yong provocatively, "I came to your camp alone and asked you to fight, but you didn't dare to fight, what is it if you are not a coward?"

"About me to fight?"

"Yes. Date?"


Feng Tubie couldn't help but carefully looked at the sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in front of her, who didn't know how tall she was.

She was wearing a purple kerchief on her head, a paired jacket with narrow sleeves and a large collar on her upper body, and a pleated skirt inlaid with embroidered lace on her lower body, which was shorter than her knees, exposing her white legs.

There are also delicate silver ornaments on the neck and waist, and it looks graceful and moving when walking. It seems that there are dazzling white lights all over the body shaking people's eyes.

Such a charming little lady asks me out, but I don't agree, is it a fool?

"About! But we have to wait a month later."

Feng Yong slightly raised his left arm, "My arm was injured a few days ago, but it is inconvenient to move. Although I can raise my hand everyday, I can't exercise vigorously. You fight for three hundred rounds."

Hualan didn't expect that Feng Yong's attitude would suddenly change in such a casual agitation.

Feeling overjoyed, he quickly said, "Why bother? You don't need to go on stage yourself. Aren't all your sons and brothers in this camp? You just need to pick someone from here to go on stage for you."

While talking, Hualan pointed at the crowd who were glaring at her.

Feng Yong looked disappointed, and glanced at her white and tender calves, "Are you sure?"

I thought to myself that in this camp, apart from that girl Amei, I guess I am the weakest chicken.

If he can get close to this little girl and use the technique of hand binding, then there is still a 70-80% chance of winning, but if it is a weapon, it is 9 out of 10 that he will lose.

Now you don't let me play, but let me choose someone to replace me at will. Isn't this digging a hole and jumping by yourself, and then burying yourself?

"That's natural."

"Okay. Tell me, when, where, and how?"

Hualan originally wanted to defeat Feng Yong herself, but now that Feng Yong can't play, she looked around at the people in the tent again, but she was not fully sure.

Immediately rolled his eyes, and said with a charming smile, "Tomorrow, there is an unnamed mountain in the east of the city, let's go there and compete."

Huh? This little girl seems to have premeditated it?

Feng Yong was somewhat suspicious.

"As for how to compare... How about two wins in three games? Whoever wins two games first will be the best. Then you have to bow your head and admit defeat to the opponent."

Huahuan looked at the people in the tent, but felt that she had made a good idea.

Although this elder brother of the Li family also practiced martial arts, she knew that his martial arts skills were definitely inferior to hers.

Not to mention those two handsome gentlemen, they looked so frail, but they were far behind the warriors of the clan.

There was also the short one, dark and thin, with no strength at all.

The only concern, that is, the man with the face of a barbarian, looks quite powerful.

But it doesn't matter, even if he loses one round, as long as he can win two rounds, he is still winning.

"On the mountain in the east of the city, what are you doing running so far? Isn't it troublesome?"

"This is the military camp. Grandfather Zhuge said that you are not allowed to fight privately in the military camp. If something goes wrong then, you will be reprimanded by Grandpa Zhuge."

Huahuan shook her head and said, "Go to the hill outside the city, there is no one there, it's a good place to compete."

"Okay, okay, do whatever you say."

Feng Yong was also speechless, thinking to himself, are you savages finally being frightened by Zhuge Old Demon?

Still a mouthful of Grandpa Zhuge?

Why not just call him grandpa?

"What about the lottery? Why don't you say anything about the lottery?"

"What is a lottery head?" Huawan asked, blinking her eyes.

"Bet. You have tried your best to come to me for an appointment... Well, you can't have no bets at all, can you?"

Feng Yong talked quickly, and almost changed the word "war" into the word "pao".

A look of hesitation appeared on Huahuan's face.

It seemed that she really didn't think about it.

"Hey, I have a hundred-refined sword here, it is extremely sharp, and it is easy to cut off a horse's head."

Feng Yong said, winking at Zhao Guang.

Zhao Guang has been with Feng Yong for so long, and he had a tacit understanding. He immediately walked out of the tent, took a saber from Bu Qu's hand, transferred it back to the tent, and handed it to Feng Yong.

Feng Yong weighed the knife in his hand, stepped forward and handed it to Hualan, "Look, this is a rare and precious knife."

The flower garland made a sound of "clang", and pulled out the knife, only to see the cold light shining on the blade, and the cold air was pressing, it was really a good knife.

"I will take this knife as a bet. If you win, I will give you this knife. What if you lose?"

Hualan obviously didn't expect that Feng Yong would take out such a precious sword as a bet, but she was taken aback, thinking that Feng Yong really has a lot of courage.

As the concubine daughter of the Meng family and the head of the tribe, she couldn't be underestimated by the other party, so she gritted her teeth and said, "I have a horse, which is a rare dragon colt, and I use it as a bet."

The barbarians do not lack silverware, but they lack ironware. Such precious swords are considered invaluable treasures in her tribe, and they cannot be exchanged for an ordinary BMW.

Now she was being careful, but her face was a little feverish, and she didn't dare to look at Feng Yong and the others.

Feng Yong grinned and said, "That's okay. Although I have never seen what the dragon colt you are talking about looks like, but I think the things that Zhu Rongbu Shaojun took out must not be ordinary products. Believe in you once."

Hualan breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled, "Of course, my Nanzhong disciples are the most honest."

As he spoke, he took the knife back into its sheath and reluctantly returned it to Feng Yong.

"Feng Langjun, don't forget the promise tomorrow."

Before leaving, Hualan looked at Feng Yong, to be precise, at the knife in Feng Yong's hand, and exhorted.

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

After sending the flower garland out of the tent, when he returned to the tent, he saw that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes.

Feng Yong snorted, "Why are you all looking at me?"

Li Yi coughed, "Brother, isn't it good to deceive that little lady like this?"

"Have I ever lied to her?" Feng Yongqi said, "Isn't this a precious sword?"

Seeing the weird expressions on everyone's faces, Feng Yong argued again, "This knife is common in your eyes, but in her eyes, it is a rare good knife. What's wrong with that?"

Seems like nothing is wrong?

Zhao Guang thought about it, but he was a little worried, "Brother, what if she finds out in the future?"

"What should I do? With Meng Huo like this now, I'm still afraid of him?"

Feng Yong's neck twitched, "Besides, this is just a vindictiveness among the younger generation. He is a majestic head of the Meng family, so why would he come to settle accounts with me for this matter?"

Feng Langjun is charming with clever words, and Xiao Wenhe is cruel and ruthless.

Is it because Laozi's name has not been used for a long time, so no one remembers it?

Such a little girl also wants to trouble me, so isn't it a matter of course to trick her?

Don't think that because you are good-looking, I won't destroy flowers with my hands.

After being confirmed by Feng Yong, Hualan excitedly ran back to the city, found her lord, and said, "Ada, then Feng Yong promised his daughter, and we will only wait until tomorrow, and we will see how my daughter breaks his prestige!"

These days, Ah Dalian suffered setbacks, not only the Meng family suffered heavy losses, but even the mother's tribe had to bow to the Han people.

Of course, after all, Grandpa Zhuge led the Heavenly Soldiers, so bowing your head to Grandpa Zhuge is not something to be ashamed of.

But now my family is going to live in Jincheng, in order not to be underestimated, if I can convince the young hero who is the number one young man in the Han Dynasty, then everyone in Jincheng will look at me differently and dare not bully me anymore family.

"Really? That's good." Meng Huo forced a smile, trying not to let Hualan see his strangeness on his face.

On the contrary, Mrs. Zhu Rong nodded repeatedly and encouraged, "Adaipa will show his prestige tomorrow."

Although Meng Huo was a barbarian king, in fact, within the Nanzhong big clan, all of them learned Chinese characters and Chinese, and assimilated towards the direction of the Han aristocratic clan.

Therefore, their speech and habits in many times on weekdays are no different from those of the Han people.

"My daughter understands."

Huahuan nodded, and then said coquettishly, "Ada, my daughter made a bet with him. He is willing to take out a treasured sword, and if he loses, he will give the treasured sword to his daughter. My daughter doesn't want to lose face, so she said so." To take out a BMW..."

"What BMW?"

Meng Huo suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Oh, it's Ah Da's BMW! That's a good sword! How can my daughter handle an ordinary BMW? Besides, I'm sure I'll win tomorrow anyway, so Ah Da will temporarily lend the BMW to her daughter." How about half a day?"

Meng Huo felt a pain in his heart!

" just went to compete with him, how did it become a gamble?"

Meng Huo asked unwillingly.

"He said it. He said that I asked him for a fight, but I didn't make a bet. It's against the rules."

"What kind of rule is this?"

Meng Huo almost jumped, did this bastard cheat his daughter?

"Okay, okay, if my daughter wants to use it, you can give it to her."

On the other hand, Mrs. Zhu Rong said, "The left and right are just a horse."

"What is left and right is just a horse..." Meng Huo just wanted to refute, but when he saw Mrs. Zhu Rong's eyes, he understood in his heart, so he sighed, "Forget it, you can take it tomorrow..."

Seeing his daughter go out happily, Meng Huo's face was full of guilt and remorse, "Ma'am, I dragged you down..."

Mrs. Zhu Rong shook her head, "She is the head of the tribe, and there are some things that must be borne by her."

As she said that, she glanced at Meng Huo and said, "Didn't I marry you for the sake of the tribe back then?"

"But you have never entered the door of the Meng family!"

Meng Huo muttered.

"Now you have to enter even if you don't want to enter," Mrs. Zhu Rong sighed. "After going to Jincheng, how can I be as comfortable as I am now?"

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