Feng Yong had been to Jincheng several times in his previous life, one time in January.

When I got off the train, it was still drizzling, and everyone was wearing military coats, feeling a bit cold and gloomy.

During the Little Ice Age, Jincheng in December always seemed to be snowing, and it felt colder than in previous lives.

In other words, the snow has already fallen and just melted in mid-air.

Some biting cold wind blew by, Feng Yong tightened the down jacket on his body, and asked Li Yi, "Wenxuan, have you arranged everything up front?"

Although the down jacket is not as good-looking as the later generations, it can finally keep warm.

Wearing a sweater inside and a sheepskin hat on the head is very warm.

More than enough to deal with this kind of weather.

It's just that Shu brocade is used in the down jacket, which is extremely expensive, and most people really can't afford it.

"Don't worry, brother, Mi Hongliang and Deng Weizhe have already settled down according to brother's wishes."

Li Yi quickly replied.

Among the seven counties in Nanzhong, only Yuejun is not flat.

It is not suitable to use soldiers in winter, besides, the soldiers have been fighting for almost a year, and they are homesick, so Feng Yong, the prefect of Yuejun, who was appointed by default, followed him back to Jincheng. Juan.

Although they went south in the name of checking the farming situation in Nanzhong, they helped the army a lot later and made some contributions, so Feng Yong and others could be mixed in the team returning from victory.

The front team soon met the officials sent by Liu Chan to greet them.

"Liu Yan was ordered by His Majesty to come to meet the prime minister."

Among the ministers staying in Jincheng, Liu Yan had the highest official position in name, so Liu Yan was naturally the head of the hundred officials who greeted him.

To be honest, it is really a hard job to come out to meet the prime minister of the Han Dynasty in this cold winter.

Many people had snot from their noses.

But no matter how hard it is, there is always a smile on everyone's face.

The big man has lost a lot in the past few years, and finally ushered in a victory, which finally gave everyone a reassurance.

After Zhuge Liang got out of the car and greeted everyone one by one, Fei Yi, an attendant in the inner palace, announced the emperor's will again.

After Zhuge Liang received the imperial decree, he said to Fei Yi, "How about Wen Wei driving with me?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked sideways.

Among the hundreds of officials who came to greet him, Fei Yi's official position can only be regarded as middle-level, and many people present are higher than him. The only special thing is that he came with the emperor's imperial edict.

But the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty is His Majesty's father. To put it bluntly, even Your Majesty has to listen to the Prime Minister now. When does the Prime Minister need to please His Majesty?

So everyone was thinking in their hearts: this Fei Yi, is he so important?

Seeing that Fei Yi was honored suddenly, but his expression was calm, "The Prime Minister has an order, how dare you not obey?"

After all, board the car with the prime minister and move forward.

Che Phosphorus, Ma Xiaoxiao, armored soldiers with swords and swords at their waists, and tiger and ben guards at their sides.

There were curtains on three sides of the car, and if they hadn't stood in front of them, the people on both sides could only see the prime minister and Fei Yi sitting opposite each other.

In addition, when the army returned victorious, everyone was talking and laughing at Yan Yan, and there were armored tigers guarding the surrounding area, so even if many people wanted to know what the prime minister and Fei Yi said, they couldn't hear them clearly.

"The Prime Minister has something to arrange for the next official?"

Fei Yi sat peacefully and asked calmly.

"Wen Wei knows me."

Zhuge Liang chuckled, "I don't know if Wen Wei can guess what I'm thinking?"

"How does Yi know what the prime minister is thinking?"

Fei Yi shook his head.

"What I think about is nothing more than being able to restore the Han Dynasty."

Zhuge Liang sighed, and pointed to the noisy crowd outside, "Everyone is happy to put down the chaos in Nanzhong. But in my opinion, the chaos in Nanzhong is nothing more than an itch."

"According to the prime minister's wishes, this big worry is Cao thief? Or Eastern Wu?"

Fei Yi asked.

"Thieves Cao accounted for two of the three parts of the world, and the combination of Han and Wu accounted for one." Zhuge Liang showed a rare look of anxiety on his face, "The longer the delay, the stronger the thief Cao will be."

"That's why Bandit Cao is naturally a big worry, but if you let the big man fight against Bandit Cao alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

After hearing this, Fei Yi understood: "Prime Minister, is this going to let Yi go to befriend Soochow?"

"That's right." Zhuge nodded approvingly, "Soochow had a hand in the chaos in Nanzhong at the beginning. At that time, Sun Quan also asked Liu Zhang's son Liu Chan to stay in Jiaozhou so that he could take over Nanzhong at any time."

"Although Han and Wu have formed an alliance for the first time, they still have their own concerns. After the pacification of Nanzhong this time, Soochow's calculations have come to nothing, so I want to send more goodwill envoys, so as not to cause Han and Wu to regenerate suspicions, so that in the future I can do my best to hunt down thieves."

"So this is the prime minister's intention to confer honor on Yi, isn't it?"

Fei Yi said clearly.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, "Masters from Eastern Wu, if the big man sent someone who is not well-known, they would think that our intentions are not sincere. You are talented, but your reputation is not obvious. Now I am like this, it is just a matter of convenience. I don’t know if you are willing to go to Soochow in person?”

"Serving the country, do you say that you are willing or not?"

Fei Yi said solemnly.

A Dou in the rear heard the report that the prime minister let Fei Yi drive with him, and he was sitting in a makeshift tent warming up by the fire.

A brazier was placed in the middle of the tent, and the charcoal was burnt inside, with very little smoke.

This is the latest fine charcoal purchased by the Inner Government this year, and it was unaffordable before.

After hearing what happened in front of him, Adou was stunned for a moment, his eyes were a little dazed, and he didn't know what he was thinking, after a while, he asked quietly, "This Fei Yi is from Jingzhou, right? "

Standing in the corner of the tent, Huang Hu, who had never had a sense of presence, immediately replied: "Return to Your Majesty, Fei Yi is indeed from Jingzhou, and his ancestral home is Jiangxia."

"Well, I see."

A Dou nodded, thought for a while, and then asked, "How is he?"

"His nature is modest and generous. I heard that the family has no money left. His wife and children are all vegetarians, and they can't go in and out by car."

A Dou nodded again, and sighed softly, "No matter what Xiangfu's intention is, it is because of Xiangfu's leadership that the big Han officials can behave like this."

Thinking of those veterans who followed the late emperor, there are only two people who are more prominent now, one is Zhao Yun and the other is Liu Yan.

It's just that Zhao Yun is old, and Liu Yan is empty talk.

Although there are many local people in Yizhou, there are not many who can reuse the big job.

On the contrary, people from Jingzhou who followed the late emperor to Shu were constantly employed.

Liu Chan was thoughtful, thinking that outsiders do not have such complicated relationships as Yizhou people, so it is naturally simple to use.

But one day, Jingzhou people will continue to age and pass away like the elders who first followed the late emperor. At that time, what will happen?

"Huang Hu, since the loss of Jingzhou, the late emperor and Xiangfu didn't trust the Yizhou people very much, but after all, we take Yizhou as the foundation, and this is not the way to go. What do you think I can do to make them work for me? ?”

When Huang Hu heard this, cold sweat poured down his back.

"Your Majesty, how do slaves know about the affairs of the court?"

Whether it is the first emperor or the prime minister, they all said that it was because the eunuchs taught the emperor to corrupt the emperor that the world became what it is today.

Although Huang Hu himself didn't understand why eunuchs were so capable, he still knew that both the late emperor and the prime minister had strictly ordered the courtiers not to talk about court affairs at will.

Not to mention giving any advice to His Majesty.

If the prime minister finds out, whether his life can be saved is another matter.

"If you tell me what to say, just say it, there are only you and me here."

Liu Chan understood Huang Hu's worry, and immediately said with some dissatisfaction, "Could it be that I am an emperor who can't tell good from bad?"

"Yes, yes." Huang Hu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, his heart skipped a beat, thinking about how he should answer in order to pass the test safely, after thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered someone.

"Your Majesty, why don't you call Feng Langjun to ask about it? The slave girl is watching Feng Langjun, and there are many lords from his Xinghan Society. Their fathers, whether they are in Jingzhou, Yizhou, or even Liangzhou, are willing to call Feng Langjun a brother." I think Feng Langjun should have a deep understanding of this."

"Huh? You eunuch, you have two senses."

Liu Chan glanced at Huang Hu in surprise, thinking how could I have forgotten him?

This Feng Yong, not to mention his exquisite appearance, is also deeply loved by the second generation of nobles, everyone calls him elder brother, isn't it the best example?

Then he thought of Zhao Guang and Li Yi waiting beside Feng Yong, he couldn't help touching his chin, thinking that in another ten or twenty years, Feng Yong might not be the leader of all the ministers again?

I remembered that the queen often said that she was about the same age as Feng Yong, and then there would be another good story about the relationship between the monarch and his ministers...

Thinking of this, Liu Chan's eyes couldn't help flashing an unknown light.

It's not impossible for the monarch and his ministers to get along, but you have listened to the Queen's arrangement anyway, and let's talk about marrying Si Niang. After marrying Si Niang, we are a family, and it doesn't matter how we get along.

Marrying a daughter from the Guan family... is always a layer away, isn't it?

However, how should he marry Si Niang and make him a family?

A Dou couldn't help thinking about this question.

I don't know how long it took, but Huang Hu whispered in Adou's ear, "Your Majesty, the prime minister's car is coming soon."

A Dou suddenly came to his senses, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go to greet him."

As he said that, he asked Huang Hu to take his big and thick down jacket and put it on, wrapped himself up like a roll, patted the down jacket on his body, and said, "Good stuff."

Only then did he walk out of the tent.

In fact, if it wasn't for maintaining his manners, A Dou would even want to wear a sheepskin hat.

Of course, fur coats made of mink or fox fur are definitely better.

But still the same sentence, the big man is poor!

The Neifu has some spare money on hand, which has only happened in the past year.

There were a lot of things that were missing in the palace before, and now they have to make up for it. How can there be time and manpower to buy luxury things like furs?

Moreover, the prime minister must take the lead in frugality. As the emperor who is an example for all people, naturally he should not be too extravagant.

So, isn't it thrifty to make clothes out of poultry down?

Although there is a layer of Sichuan brocade covering the outside, it is easier to obtain than the fur coat, isn't it?

So it is still as the queen said, this son can always turn decay into magic, and turn those things that the world considers useless into useful things, he is really a capable minister.

He has to find a way to make him marry Si Niang...

A Dou was still thinking about it, and he finally understood why the queen kept thinking about it.

At this time, seeing the prime minister's car finally appearing in front of him, A Dou quickly restrained his mind and greeted him.

"Father Xiang went to the south and worked hard for the country. It's hard work."

Before Zhuge Liang got out of the car, Adou wanted to reach out to help him up.

Zhuge Liang was startled, and stepped down hastily, "The old minister has not paid back after a long campaign, how dare he act like your majesty? It's a big mistake!"

A Dou laughed, "In the barren land of Nanzhong, Xiangfu can not only calm down, but also convince the people of Nanyi, how can he not be able to be? Come!"

Huang Hu quickly brought over a long and thick down jacket.

A Dou took it, put it on Zhuge Liang himself, and said with a smile, "Father Xiang, this dress was sewn by the empress herself, and it can be regarded as a little bit of Zen."

"Too precious!"

Zhuge Liang felt more and more uneasy.

"Hey, father-in-law, don't worry, the fabrics used in this clothes are all from the inner palace, and not a cent has been spent in the treasury."

Then, he said to Zhuge Liang in a low voice, "The stuff inside is just poultry fluff, which is not considered valuable."

Zhuge Liang was startled, and subconsciously pinched it with his hands, "Poultry fluff?"

"Yes." A Dou nodded, "This garment is called a down jacket, except that the fabric is more expensive, and the stuff inside is not something rare."

So that kid collected those chicken feathers and duck feathers for this purpose?

"Father, how about boarding the car with Zen and going back to the city?"

Adou invited.

"I'm afraid it's a shameful old minister."

Zhuge Liang said.

"How about thanking Xiangfu for fighting for the country as Zen? Please, Xiangfu!"

As he said, he personally helped Zhuge Liang get into the car.

Seeing this, all the ministers praised the emperor's virtuous corporal loudly, and were deeply moved by it.

Seeing that Zhao Guang, Li Yi and others looked so touched that they were about to shed tears, Feng Yong gave a "tsk", thinking that the ancients were innocent and would not lie.

Liu Chan, an honest baby, would definitely not think of such a move by himself. The one who could make him do this kind of thing is either the queen, or Zhuge Liang himself.

If it is a queen, then this Zhang Xingcai can really be regarded as a good queen.

If it was Zhuge Liang himself...

Thinking of this, Feng Yong was taken aback. Is Zhuge old demon paving the way for Adou?

"Brother, what are you thinking?"

A voice suddenly interrupted Feng Yong's thinking. Feng Yong followed the prestige and saw Li Yi looking at him with red eyes. He didn't know how true or false he was.

"Oh, nothing."

Feng Yong shook his head and looked at Yu Jia again.

I saw that the young master is respectful to the old ministers, and the old ministers are humble to the young master. It is really a rare harmony between the monarch and his ministers.

Driving to the gate of Jincheng, I saw a row of noble children standing on both sides of the gate, they were all members of Xinghanhui.

Everyone was wearing down jackets and stood tall.

Seeing the emperor and the prime minister coming by car, the right side took a deep breath first, and then roared loudly: "The black clouds are overwhelming the city and the city is about to be destroyed, and the armor light is opening to the golden scales of Japan!"

Immediately, A Dou who was sitting on top was taken aback, and even Zhuge Liang looked over in surprise.

Then the Xungui disciple on the left followed closely with blue veins on his neck, and then read the next sentence: "In the autumn scenery full of the sound of horns, stuffed with Yan Zhi Ning Ye Zi!"

"The half-rolled red flag is facing Yishui, and the frost is heavy and the cold can't be heard!"

"Report your intentions on the golden stage, and lead Yulong to die for you!"



Not only the people who didn't know it, but also Li Yi and others who had known this article for a long time couldn't help applauding loudly.

This kind of majestic prose really needs to be sung out loud to be interesting!

All the honorable children at the gate of the city heard everyone's applause, their faces were full of red light, and they pulled out the long swords from their waists in unison!


I saw a piece of snow shining brightly in mid-air, like dancing snowflakes.


A palace guard shouted.

"What's the matter! I didn't see that these are all meritorious deeds, but I am a big man, a hot-blooded man!"

A Dou stood on the car, panting heavily, holding on to the railing of the car, listening to the waves of cheers below, he felt a surge of breath in his chest, and felt that his whole body was about to float.

"Report your intentions on the golden stage, and lead Yulong to die for you!"

"Report your intentions on the golden stage, and lead Yulong to die for you!"


All the ministers and officials who came to greet him were very excited, and some people couldn't help but imitate those honorable children, drew their swords, and started singing and drinking.

Then shouts came and went like waves.

Even though he was as calm as Zhuge Liang, he trembled slightly.

This is a big man, a big man man!

With such a good man of a big man, why are you afraid that the Han Dynasty will not be prosperous?

Zhuge Liang saw that Adou wanted to open his mouth several times but didn't know how to do it, so he bent down and asked someone to take a long sword and hand it to Adou.

A Dou took it, and seeing Xiangfu's encouraging eyes, he was impulsive, pulled out his long sword, and shouted: "Big man!"

"Big man!"

"Big man!"


Not only the ministers and officials, but also the common people standing on the outermost perimeter cheered.

Originally, they were curiously looking at the southern barbarians driving in front of them. Seeing the Han people applaud loudly, and then start shouting wildly again, everyone turned pale.

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