Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 461: Liang Si

Lu Yi is right, Jincheng's cell is indeed cleaned very clean, except for the musty smell in the air that makes people feel a little uncomfortable, and the room is a bit shabby, everything is fine.

"Feng Langjun, do you think there is anything else that needs help?"

Standing outside the cell, Lu Yi asked with a wry smile on his face.

"It's okay."

Feng Yong nodded, pointed to the corner and said, "Put me a couch there. I don't like to sleep on the ground, I'm afraid of the cold. The cell is too cold in winter. If you don't want me to freeze to death here , better get me some woolen blankets."

"Then set up a stove for me, and the charcoal must be fine charcoal, otherwise there will be smoke poisoning, and I will be poisoned to death by you, and you won't be able to explain it."

The corners of Lu Yi's eyes twitched, "Feng Langjun, I can get you a couch, but the woolen blanket, stove and fine charcoal... are not something that a subordinate official can afford."

Feng Yong glanced at him and said contemptuously, "I know you are poor ghosts! Don't worry, as long as you go to Feng Zhuang and tell me, my house will naturally come out."

Facing the big man who is the most money-making gentleman, Lu Yi, the parent official of Jincheng, has no confidence to refute at all, and even secretly feels ashamed.

Hearing Feng Yong said that he left by himself, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded in response.

At the same time, he sighed, this Jincheng order is really not good.

If another ordinary prisoner came in, I wouldn't have my surname Lu if I didn't make him cry "My lord, I was wrong".

But thinking of the tone and demeanor of the prime minister ordering Feng Yongshi to be imprisoned, Lu Yi could only sigh again.

Seeing Lu Yi leave the cell as if fleeing, Feng Yong tried to push the door of the cell, only to hear a "squeak" and it opened...

"Hey, hello, County Magistrate Lu, your cell door is open!"

Feng Yong shouted loudly from behind.

Lu Yi turned back in frustration, with blue veins on his forehead, and growled in a low voice, "Don't shout! I don't like closing the cell door, can you?"


Feng Yong nodded subconsciously.

Only then did Lu Yi turn around and leave in satisfaction—still leaving the cell door open.

Feng Yong walked out of his cell curiously, and was really surprised to find that no one was looking after him.

He looked around and found that the cell was very deserted. Apart from himself, there was only one other prisoner, and that was in the cell opposite him.

"Hey, Jincheng's cells are well cleaned."

When Feng Yong saw that his cell was cleaned, he thought it was a special treatment for him, but he didn't expect that the cell of the prisoner opposite him was also quite clean.

The prisoner on the opposite side has been staring at Feng Yong since he came in, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard him say this, "But Feng Langjun in person?"

Feng Yong saw that the other party was neatly dressed and didn't look sloppy without washing for a long time, so he replied, "Yes, I am Feng Yong. You just came in too?"

The person opposite nodded, "One day earlier than Feng Langjun."

Then he asked back, "How can you prove that you are Feng Langjun?"

Feng Yong pointed to himself and said with a smile, "With my current situation, who would want to bear this reputation?"

"Feng Langjun's name is not only known to everyone in the big man, but even Cao Zijian marveled at his writing after it was introduced to the north, like a fairy flying in the air, overlooking the vastness. Such a reputation, I'm afraid everyone wants to replace it?"

The person opposite laughed.

"That's because you don't know why I came here."

Feng Yong sighed.


"When you make trouble in the street, you lead a group of honorable children to beat up your daughter-in-law, um, it's because of a woman."

"Wouldn't that make you a girlish boy?"

On the other side's face, there was a look of admiration, "Feng Langjun did not hesitate to destroy his reputation in order to meet me this side, it really took a lot of thought."

"I did it to meet you?"

Feng Yong looked at the self-confessed man in a daze, "Where do you start with this? Who are you?"

The opposite side arched their hands, "Liangzhou Liangsi, I met Feng Langjun."

"The Liang family in Ji County, Longyou?"

Feng Yong was startled, and subconsciously looked at the cell door, there was no one there.

Liang Si nodded, with an apologetic expression on his face, "It's inconvenient to reveal his real name for someone from the north. The villain lives at home, so Feng Langjun can call the villain Liang Si."

"People from the Liang family...why are they here?"

Feng Yong felt that it was really a surprise.

Liang Si sighed, "The villain doesn't understand either. The day before yesterday he was a guest, but yesterday he was a prisoner. Everything in the world is impermanent."

Feng Yong came to his senses, laughed, and pointed to himself, "It's the same for me, yesterday I was still meritorious for the Southern Expedition, but today I'm in jail."

At the same time, he finally felt relieved. It turned out that the old demon Zhuge locked himself up for this reason.

Liang Si on the opposite side probably understood Feng Yong's words when he heard Feng Yong's words, and the two couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

"Sir, can you represent the Liang family?"

Feng Yong sat across from Liang Si and asked through the thick railing of the cell.

Liang Si nodded, "A villain can make decisions about woolen cloth."

It seems that this person's status in the Liang family is not low, no wonder he dared to reveal his real name.

Feng Yong looked at the other party and asked a question that he had considered for a long time, "You don't use coins anymore in the north, what are you going to use to buy my woolen cloth?"

Liang Si smiled lightly, "The majesty in the north not only said that coins cannot be used, but also said that grain and silk cloth should be used for transactions on weekdays."

Feng Yong took a breath, "Food? Do you dare?"

Liang Si nodded, "When you could use coins in the past, everyone would not dare to use them, but now that there are no coins, what else can you use besides food? Thinking about it, since Feng Langjun already has wool cloth on hand, the silk cloth is also worth looking at." Don't catch your eye?"

"Also, there aren't many other things in Liangzhou, but horses are still available..."

So why is it a brain-dead operation for Cao Pi to abolish coins?

This is simply another powerful medicine for the accelerated rise of local aristocratic families.

Cao Pi contributed a lot to the local aristocratic family's daring to be so crazy.

"Of course, if Feng Langjun is willing, we can also use the coins of the big man to trade."

The Liang family seemed to have considered this issue a long time ago, and Liang Si continued to explain their plan.

"Anyway, the Great Wei doesn't have any coins now, so our Liang family can recognize the coins of the big man in private. If someone uses the coins of the big man to buy things in Liangzhou in the future, our Liang family can sell them."

Look, this is the consequence of delegating power to local aristocratic families.

The extreme selfishness of the aristocratic family is fully reflected here-of course, you can also think of it as the greed of capital that Ma Dahuzi said.

Capital that lacks control dares to do the most evil things in the world.

Therefore, this is why the state must strengthen its control over the localities, because only in this way can the centrifugal force generated by various interests in the localities be minimized.

Controlling the right to mint coins and issuing a unified currency is one of the most important means for the ruler to rule the country.

Rather than abolishing coins, Cao Pi ceded the right to mint coins to local aristocratic families.

The right to mint coins does not mean that coins must be minted. When grain becomes currency, the aristocratic family is equivalent to controlling the right to mint coins.

"I heard that the woolen notes printed by Feng Langjun are very exquisite. As long as Feng Langjun is willing to extend the time limit enough, our Liang family can also recognize it."


Feng Yong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking that if this guy is from the big man's side, I will be the first to hack him to death, and then directly lead someone to copy the Liang family to the bottom!

"You let me take it easy."

Feng Yong waved his hand and sat on the ground blankly, wanting to be quiet.

After a long while, he glanced at the smiling Liang Si and thought, do you not know the cruelty of the currency war, or are you pretending not to know?

So he asked tentatively, "Aren't you afraid of being found out about the coins of the big man in your Liang family?"

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, in Dawei's place, the Dahan's coins can't be used to buy things from other people. In the eyes of others, the Liang family just took a bunch of useless things."

As Liang Si spoke, he moved towards Feng Yong again, and looked straight at Feng Yong.

"Feng Langjun, our Liang family has taken a huge risk by doing this. If one day, you don't recognize these coins and notes, we don't even have a place to ask someone to judge them. It's enough sincerity." ?”

Well, it seems that you really don't know the cruelty of the currency war.

Feng Yong smiled.

"Why do you have to be so pitiful, sir? It's not that I haven't sold wool to those barbarians before, and I know the benefits. Even if it really comes to that time, I'm afraid you have already earned enough from the barbarians."

Liang Si laughed dryly, "But Feng Langjun has to admit that at that time, we will also have losses, right? The only ones who have no losses are the big man and Feng Langjun?"

Sure enough, it is the nature of the aristocratic family who sees small profits and forgets righteousness.

Feng Yong finally said, "Since the Liang family is so sincere, of course I don't want to be a villain. I just don't know how you plan to deal this first time?"

"Mr. Feng Lang, do you know that Di Wang Qiangduan of the second county of Wudu in Yinping has now ordered the tribes of the Hu people in the second county not to go to Ju County for business?"

"Of course I know..." Feng Yong reacted suddenly, "Could it be that this matter..."

With a reserved smile on all sides, Liang nodded slightly.

"Our Liang family has some contacts with King Di Qiangduan. Then King Qiang will send people to Ju County with wool, horses, cattle and sheep to trade..."

Liang Si lowered his voice and said, "Of course, if Feng Langjun is willing, he will also bring some grain. As long as Feng Langjun is willing to sell, then everything is easy to talk about. As for the rest, it is a matter between the Liang family and the mighty king. , don’t bother Feng Langjun and the prime minister.”

Feng Yong stared at Liang Si and said slowly, "What about the price?"

"The powerful king always wants to share some, so it stands to reason that the price should be lower, but the villain said before that the Liang family is very sincere, and everything can go on as usual."

Feng Yong keenly felt the reserved meaning in Liang Si's tone.

It seems that the so-called sincerity is just that the Liang family has no other transaction partners, so they have no choice.

If possible, they will definitely not miss this opportunity to lower the price.

It seems that this is the confidence of the Liang family.

In other words, the aristocratic families in Liangzhou are determined that the big man will rely on wool from Yinping Wudu and other places.

There is nothing wrong with this judgment.

Although silage technology can be regarded as an anti-sky technology in this era, it can increase the livestock carrying capacity per unit area of ​​the pasture several times.

But Hanzhong is not specially used to open pastures. Its main function is to grow grain.

And even if the wool production of Hanzhong Ranch can be compared with Yinping, but what about Wudu? What about Liangzhou? What about Xihai? And what about the northern prairie?

If it is only for private individuals, Hanzhong Ranch is indeed a foundation that can be passed on.

But if compared to the whole big man, it is at most a piece of fat.

If you want to eat well, you must rely on wool from the north.

"Hu people have always been rude and capricious, so you are not afraid that one day they will become popular and will bite back?"

"Feng Lang-jun, don't worry, Liangzhou is vast and sparsely populated. Our Liang family has already planned to enclose some land and use it to graze sheep. Feng Yong won't have to worry about the barbarian repeating himself."

Liang Si smiled confidently again.

Feng Yong smiled meaningfully and nodded, "Then I can rest assured."

I was very relieved that the signs of sheep cannibalism finally appeared.

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