For those who are married, it is also a dark ceremony.

As soon as the sun set to the west, Feng Yong couldn't wait to get up, "Let's go, go to meet your relatives!"

The bride must be taken out of the city before the sun sets, otherwise once the key is locked at the city gate, they will not be able to leave the city.


Everyone stood up and hugged Feng Yong to go out.

Li Yi lit a torch and rode in the front as a guide.

Feng Yong was dressed in a marquis costume, with a Juebian on his head, and got into a black lacquered car.

Zhao Guang put on the helmet and then put down the mask, a murderous aura emerged.

I saw him sitting on the driver's seat of the black lacquered cart, shook the reins, and shouted, "Let's go! Go to greet the relatives!"

The wheels began to move scales.

The black painted car was followed by a woman's car with hanging curtains.

Finally there are two side cars.

Around the car, there are all Xinghan Brothers dressed in Chinese costumes, all of them riding horses and escorting them.

These horses are all the good horses accumulated by the Nanxiang Ranch. They are tall and tall. Even the curly-haired red rabbit won from Hualan was not selected for the wedding because of its height.

In a big man where war horses are scarce, this cavalry team alone is a big deal.

What's more, in order to impress their elder brothers, the knights on horseback all dressed up like monkey arms and wolf waists, and they looked great.

But as soon as the welcoming team entered Jincheng, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Which family is this going to welcome?"

"Stupid! You don't even know that Feng Langjun is going to marry the tiger girl of the Guan family?"

"Hiss...the Feng family has done a great job!"

Zhao Guang, whose whole body was wrapped in iron sheets, heard this, and curled his lips inwardly: If you knew that your elder brother had given you 150,000 auspicious gifts, wouldn't you be scared to death?

"One hundred and fifty thousand coins! That kid has so much money!"

In Jincheng Guanfu, Zhang Bao almost jumped up when he heard Guan Xing report the number.

The Dahan now governs eleven counties, and the total tax for a year is only about one million yuan.

In other words, the boy's net worth is at least the sum of the taxes of the two counties - he can take out 150,000 yuan, so it's impossible to keep nothing on hand, right?

Zhang Bao's eyes straightened, and he murmured, "An Guo, this Sanniang's worth is probably the most expensive among big men..."

"What nonsense!"

Guan Xing gave a very dissatisfied drink.

Zhang Bao has a straight temper, but he waved his hands indifferently, with a bored expression on his face, and murmured, "I was thinking, when he arrives, I have to make things difficult for him. I didn't expect him to make a move. If you are so generous, if you ask again, wouldn't it be too greedy?"

Guan Xing was speechless: "Xingwu, Sanniang is getting married today."

"Yeah, could it be that there are others?"

Zhang Bao wondered.

"When Si Niang Xing Yi gets married, it won't be too late for you to say this."

"Hey, aren't they all our little sisters? What's the difference between the three mothers and the four mothers?"

Zhang Bao didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

"What I value is not this matter of money, but this."

Guan Xing had no choice but to change the subject and handed over a book, "Just take a look."

Zhang Bao took it, and when he saw the title of the book, he immediately raised his eyebrows and raised his head in disbelief, "This..."

"Look at what's inside."

According to Zhang Bao's words, he opened it and looked at it carefully, but he was fascinated by this look, and could no longer take his eyes off.

At this time, a servant came to report, "My lord, the people welcoming relatives have already entered the city."

"Oh, is it finally here?"

Guan Xing couldn't tell what was going on in his mind at this moment, so he immediately ordered, "Please come to the ancestral hall, San Niang."

Zhang Bao then reluctantly closed the book, somewhat unwilling to return it to Guan Xing, "An Guo, I want to discuss something with you..."


Guan Xing stared, "This book is precious, I want to take it to worship in the ancestral hall!"

Zhang Bao had no choice but to pass the book over, "You must lend me a read after you use it."

"This book is not for loan! You come to the house to read it yourself!"

Guan Xing flatly refused.

"Stingy! Thanks to me for treating you like a brother!"

Zhang Bao was dissatisfied, but he could only compromise and said, "That's okay."

In the ancestral hall of the Guan family, three animals for worshiping the ancestors have already been placed.

Guan Ji was wearing a ring and a clang, and she walked in with her black clothes, paying homage to the ancestors of the Guan family.

After the sacrifice, she stood quietly in the hall, and behind her was a maidservant dressed in black.

After a while, a servant came to report that Feng Junhou had arrived outside the gate of the mansion.

Guan Xingwenbao, who was dressed in a mysterious dress, glanced at Guan Ji who was standing with her head bowed, and saw that the little girl lowered her eyebrows and was pleasing to the eye, as if turning a deaf ear. Compared with the past, she was more demure and less aggressive. Oh, no , It should be called Yingqi.

At the same time, Feng Yong looked at the closed gate of the Guanfu, feeling a little thumping in his heart.

Adding up the two lives before and after, getting married is the first time in life, and I have no experience at all.

After a long wait, the door finally opened, Guan Xing walked out with a serious face, and when he saw Feng Yong below, he paused slightly, took a deep breath while closing his eyes, and opened his eyes again. .

Then he came down from the west steps and bowed to Feng Yong.

Feng Yong hastily followed the etiquette he had learned before, and stood to the east to pay his respects.

Guan Xing bowed again to invite Feng Yong to enter.

Go to the gate of the ancestral hall, and bow again.

Feng Yong returned the gift, took the wild goose from Li Yi, and then followed Guan Xing into the Guan family ancestral hall.

Entering the ancestral hall, Feng Yong lays a memorial ceremony for the wild goose, and pays homage to Jishou again.

The whole process was serious and dignified, without the excitement and noise of the later generations, let alone deliberately embarrassing things.

Except for the exchange of greetings between Guan Xing and Feng Yong, everyone was holding their breath, and no one made a sound, which was exactly the opposite of the lively situation in Feng Zhuang.

At this time, a peerless beauty dressed in dark clothes stepped out of the compartment of the ancestral hall, looking this way with beautiful eyes like water.

Feng Yong looked up, his eyes intertwined, and the air seemed to freeze.

Feng Tubie didn't know why, he just felt dizzy for a while, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

Guan Xing stepped forward and said to Guan Yinping, "Respect him, and never disobey his orders."

Guan Yinping paid homage to him and replied, "Remember."

Guan Xing also said, "Be respectful and respectful, and don't go against palace affairs late at night."

Guan Yinping bowed again, "Remember."

Guan Xing finally said, "Respectfully listen to good words, and there will be no faults in the night."

Guan Yinping bowed three times, "Remember."

Looking at the three questions and three answers of the brother and sister in front of him, Feng Yong suddenly felt a heavy responsibility in his heart.

Guan Xing led Guan Yinping to Feng Yong, looked straight at him, and didn't speak.

Feng Yong forced a smile, and was waiting for Guan Xing to speak, but after a long time, Guan Xing was still looking at him so firmly, which made Feng Yong feel a little murmured in his heart, thinking brother-in-law, you are talking, I'm still waiting Then take my daughter-in-law back to Zhuangzi.

It was Guan Yinping who couldn't help it first, she raised her head quietly, and saw that elder brother and A Lang were looking at each other silently, and immediately tugged Guan Xing quietly.

Guan Xing knew what it meant, so he let out a long sigh, "Sanniang...had suffered a lot in the past, I entrust her to you today, I just hope that she won't be wronged."

Feng Yong said quickly, "Yongzi should keep it in mind, and dare not violate it."

Guan Xing seemed to have made a difficult decision, closed his eyes, turned around, "You guys... go!"

Feng Yongji bowed first, and then started to walk out.

Guan Yinping bowed to Guan Xingying, and then walked out after Feng Yong.

From walking out of the ancestral hall to passing through the front yard, everyone in the Guan Mansion watched the two of them quietly.

The moment Guan Yinping stepped out of the gate, he heard a loud cry from inside the mansion, "Young lady, take care!"

Then weeping sounded one after another.

Even the butler of the Guan residence who sent the newcomer out wiped away tears.

The entire Guanfu was shrouded in sadness.

Once the lady leaves, Guan Mansion will lose a relative!

Feng Tubie's heart trembled, the heart-piercing cry made his back covered with white sweat, he almost thought that he was the leader of the bandits, going down the mountain to snatch the women from the people's family.

I thought to myself that picking up the bride is really stressful, and the ancients are not bad at playing this kind of psychological tactics.

With such a posture and such an atmosphere, it fully reflects the importance of the bride in her natal family. Even if she marries into her husband's family, anyone should carefully consider the natal family behind her before bullying her.

This is much better than later generations taking a betrothal gift to talk about the importance of things, opening their mouths and saying "my girl has been so since she was a child".

Feng Yong walked up to the woman's car, pulled up the rope made of silk, and asked Guan Yinping to get on the car.

The maid who had been following Guan Yinping refused on behalf of the lady: "Not taught, it is not enough to be polite."

Well, ok, it's another slap in the face.

I saw the maid put Guan Yinping on the scenery clothes, and then asked someone to bring a stool, and Guan Yinping boarded the stool and got into the car.

Feng Yong sat in the driver's seat and drove the car himself. After the wheels turned three times, Zhao Guang came to replace Feng Yong.

Feng Yong got off the woman's car and took his own car as the lead.

Li Yi lit the torch and shouted, "Welcome the bride back to the house!"

Everyone in the Xinghan Society shouted, "Welcome the bride back to the house!"

Everyone raised a torch in their hands and began to escort the new couple out of the city.

When passing through the city gate, the soldiers guarding the city gate shouted loudly, "Congratulations to Feng Junhou!"

Feng Yong's car has only one roof, and he can look around. He laughed and said, "Thank you very much!"

Then, from some direction in the convoy, he threw a money bag directly into the hands of the city gate guard, "Take it and distribute it to the brothers at the city gate!"

The guard only felt that the purse was a bit light, but when he opened it, taking advantage of the last twilight of the sun after sunset, he saw a stack of bills inside.

Pulling out one and looking at it, I immediately gasped, "Damn, fifty woolen cloths!"

The soldiers guarding the gate were suddenly in an uproar.

Looking at the convoy that had already left the city gate, everyone's eyes were full of admiration: I heard that Feng Langjun is very bold, and this statement is really true!

It was a bit embarrassing to get so many tickets with just one sentence, so they all shouted in the direction of the convoy, "Congratulations Feng Junhou!"

In response to them, a dazzling spark suddenly burst into the sky.

"This is……"

Seeing the vision that suddenly appeared in the sky, everyone was stunned.

After a while, another flower suddenly burst out over the convoy.

The darker the sky, the brighter the sparks in the sky.

Feng Junhou marries Guan Niangzi, and they are accompanied by falling stars all the way, as big as a bucket and as bright as a candle. Du Qiong, a Confucian in the middle of Shu, once said that the two are the work of heaven, and it will finally be fulfilled at this time.

"My lady, there are falling stars in the sky!"

The maid sitting in the same car with Guan Yinping heard the exclamation outside the car, quietly lifted the curtain to look out, but couldn't see anything.

Seeing that the people around her were all looking up at the sky, she couldn't hold back any longer, she stuck her head out and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, a bright spark suddenly burst out in the sky.

The maid opened her mouth wide and gulped down the evening wind without realizing it.

When she came back to her senses, she quickly retreated into the car, tugged at the lady, and said happily.

After hearing this, Guan Yinping thought of the fireworks she set off in Nanzhong, her heart itched unbearably, but she pretended to be calm and said, "It's not the falling stars, but the fireworks made by Feng Lang."

Upon hearing this, the maid asked in amazement, "How did my lady know?"

Guan Yinping smiled slightly, and there was a rare trace of reserve on his usually cold face, "I naturally know that when Feng Lang made this thing, I was the first one to put it in the air."

It's just that the first firework he set off was dumb, Guan Yinping wouldn't talk nonsense.

At the same time, she heard the sound of "bang bang" outside from time to time, and she felt as if a hundred claws were scratching in her heart. These fireworks are extremely rare. According to this way of displaying them, they might have been set off long ago in Zhuangzi.

At that time, if I want to put one, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth secretly. That guy knew that he liked this thing, but wasting it to others like this is really hateful!

If it gets to the ground, the fireworks will really be set off, let's see how I deal with you!

Feng Yong, who was leading the way at the front, naturally didn't know what his little gentleman was muttering behind him. The closer he was to Feng Zhuang, the more festive the atmosphere of the convoy became.

The convoy got off the official road and drove into the village.

Many fires were lit in the sun dam in Zhuangzi, which illuminated Zhuangzi as bright as day. The farmers on Zhuangzi had not dispersed yet, and there was a lot of joy and laughter.

The lord has become a lord, and now he is married again. All he needs to do is to give birth to Qilin, and then everything will come to an end. This time, the Marquis Mansion is considered to be truly stable.

So how could the dealers be unhappy?

Guan Yinping got off the car at the gate of the mansion, looked up, saw the firelight, she just felt that today's Feng Lang was really more handsome than anyone else.

Feng Yong bowed to Guan Yinping, led Guan Yinping into the gate of the mansion, walked through the front yard to the new house in the back yard, and they entered the house from the west steps.

Food and drink were set up in the southwest of the new house, Zhao Guang brought wash water for Guan Yinping, and Amei helped Feng Yong wash his hands.

After washing, Feng Yong bowed again to invite Guan Yinping to the table.

Feng Yong sat on the west side facing the east side, while Guan Yinping sat on the east side facing the west side. Zhao Guang washed the jue cup, poured hot soup for Feng Yong first, and then gave it to Guan Yinping. Do, so twice.

For the third time, Zhao Guang brought a gourd and gently opened it. The gourd that had been cut in advance was divided into two. Feng Yong and Guan Yinping each held a half, and Zhao Guang poured hot soup for them. .

The two drank it all together, which is commonly known as "hean wine" or "cross-cup wine", to show that when two people are separated, they will become two, and when they are together, they will become one.

After the two had finished eating, the maids in Feng's residence withdrew the banquet, and everyone retreated, leaving only Feng Yong and Guan Yinping in the room.

Feng Yong looked at the picturesque beauty under the candlelight, his heart was beating wildly, he stepped forward to hold Guan Yinping's hand, his throat felt a little dry, "Sanniang..."

Guan Yinping smiled softly, with reproach in his eyes, "What did you call me?"

Feng Yong was taken aback, "San Niang, what's wrong?"

Guan Yinping bit her lower lip and snorted, "What did you say? Say it again?"

Feng Yong saw the beautiful woman's light-hearted look, and half of his body was softened. He salivated and smiled, "Xijun..."

Only then did Guan Yinping smile in satisfaction.

Seeing Xijun's smile, Feng Yong was about to undress the bride, but Guan Yinping grabbed his hand, his eyes sparkled, "Ah Lang, I have something to do."

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