Emperor Zhaolie's congeniality with Han Shoutinghou and Xixianghou is a lesson to be learned from heaven and earth.

This is politically correct and unshakable.

As for the emperor, what he needs most is the loyalty of his subordinates, which is also politically correct.

So a copy of "Loyalty and Virtue" really tickled Adou's itch.

"It's just this book cover, why is it painted as Guan... where is the old gentleman?"

Adou asked with some doubts.

"Your Majesty, listen to the minister."

Feng Yong said respectfully.

Then he started to use special skills, "May I ask Your Majesty, what does it mean to govern a big country like cooking a small fish?"

"Naturally know. Xiangfu once said that governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. You can use "Mao Poems" as a note: Cooking fish will shatter, and governing the people will disperse. If you know how to cook fish, you will know how to govern the people. It means that you need to be careful when governing the country. Do not disturb the people easily."

"For example, when collecting corvee, you must know in advance how much the people can bear. When the people can't bear it, you need to stop. Disturbing the people should not be excessive. If excessive, the people's hearts will be scattered. Therefore, when the king is in power, he must be thrifty and not indulge in pleasure."

Adou replied very honestly.

"Your Majesty is really sensitive and eager to learn."

Feng Yong first flattered, which made Adou feel a burst of joy.

Then he continued, "Among Yong's teachers, this statement has another meaning. I wonder if Your Majesty has heard of it?"

"Is there another meaning? Is it Feng Langjun's master's opinion? Dare I ask if there is any other explanation for this statement?"

After hearing this, A Dou quickly asked with great interest.

The opinion of the master of the mountain gate must be different.

"Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. It means that governing a country is like cooking a small fish. If you want to cook delicious food, you must not only be careful, but also pay attention to controlling the heat and carefully selecting the seasoning. Don't be careless."

After hearing this, A Dou seemed to have realized something, and said in agreement, "This statement can be regarded as another explanation."

"Your Majesty, this "Loyalty and Justice" is about the life of Guan Laojun Hou Zhongyi." Feng Yong hurriedly struck while the iron was hot, "Back then, the Marquis of Huaiyin was humiliated by his crotch, and Marquis Qu Ni (Chen Ping) had a loss of personal virtue. , are not welcomed by the world.”

"However, Emperor Gaozu abandoned his shortcomings and used his strengths. Before he used the Marquis of Huaiyin to ambush Xiang Yu in Gaixia from all sides, and became an emperor. Later, he used Marquis Qu Ni to break the siege of Baideng, and only then did the Han Dynasty prosper."

"No matter how much Emperor Gaozu hated Yong Chi, he would still confer titles on officials. If your Majesty wants to revive the Han Dynasty, you must learn from Emperor Gaozu's ability to use people and tolerate people's shortcomings."

"Cooking small delicacies requires careful selection of condiments, just like the pastures and workshops, which are delicious condiments for governing the country, and this theory of loyalty is also an indispensable top-quality condiment!"

"Yes, that's right." A Dou nodded after hearing this, "Feng Langjun's words are reasonable, and this is a kind word."

I remembered that I was quite resentful about Guan Erbo's loss of Jingzhou before, so that I didn't want to see the Guan family, but I forgot that Guan Erbo was loyal to the late emperor all his life, and even refused Cao Cao's high-ranking officials and generous salary after he was defeated and captured. Jin Hangyin, running back and forth to the late emperor.

Thinking of the decline of the Guan family a few years ago, there is probably no reason why I don't want to see it.

In the past few years, my life in the palace finally became easier. It was when Feng Guan returned to Jincheng alone from Hanzhong thousands of miles away, and brought him the news of the workshop and the share of the ranch.

This Guan family is indeed worthy of a family of loyalty.

Thinking like this, he opened the cover in his hand, and saw that the first page was written about Taoyuan's three marriages. His heart was moved, and he looked at Feng Yong, "Where did Feng Lang find this book? It seems that it is New book? Who is Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng?"

When Feng Yong heard it, his forehead was slightly sweating, "These books were first handed down from the Nanxiang market in manuscripts, and then they were collected into volumes. This Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng is a bit mysterious, I saw His book, but not his person."

A Dou nodded, but he was a little unwilling, "Can't you find out about Nanxiang?"

"Your Majesty, this is a bit difficult. Now Nanxiang is becoming more and more prosperous, but with it, there are more and more people coming and going. Among them, good and evil are mixed, and it is difficult to distinguish between good and bad."

"Last year, because of crimes committed in Nanxiang, I don't know how many rogue Qingpis were sent to the mines in the mountains to be reformed through labor. Moreover, the imperial court has been checking household registrations in the past few years, and found out many blind refugees. , and also added a lot of people.”

"Many of the newly added people were sent to Hanzhong, and Nanxiang also received a lot. Who knows what their real identities were before?"

After listening to Feng Yong's explanation, A Dou sighed, "I think it's a little simple."

He patted the book in his hand and said, "As soon as this book comes out, the reputation of Guan Laojunhou's loyalty will naturally be widely spread among the people."

"Your Majesty, isn't it a good thing to teach people loyalty?"

Feng Yong tentatively asked.

"Of course it's a good thing. But what if..." A Dou's eyes flickered, "Hey, there were three sworn brothers in Taoyuan back then, and there were also Emperor Xian and Laojun Zhang."

"Oh, yes, yes! The name of the first emperor's benevolence and righteousness is known all over the world, and Zhang Laojunhou is also a generation of unparalleled loyalty." Feng Yong said quickly, "Cough! I don't know what Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng thinks, just write Guan Lao Junhou, you are really biased."

"Then, Your Majesty, why don't we change this Loyalty Wushuang again?"

Feng Yong tried again.

"Change? How?"

A Dou couldn't hide his thoughts all of a sudden, and was tried by Feng Yong.

Feng Tubie's past and future lives add up to more than forty years old. In his previous life, he had seen a bizarre world, and in this life, he had to fight wits and courage with ancient monsters. Only then did he pass the test and gain a firm foothold.

As for Adou, although he was born in troubled times, he is a blessed one. After he was really sensible, Liu Bei had already laid a stable foundation.

He has not even experienced a palace fight, and he has successfully inherited the country that Liu Bei has worked so hard to build. Although he was frightened at the beginning, he has a father who protects him from the wind and rain.

Coupled with A Dou's generous personality, how can he be the opponent of "Feng Langjun" who has experienced an extremely complicated experience?

"Your Majesty, this "Loyalty and Virtue" is about matters related to the old monarch, but it naturally also involves the late emperor, but most of the time it is vague and skipped."

"So I always thought that Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng didn't dare to write more because it involved the late emperor, so he re-wrote Guan Laojunhou. If we annotate this book, the first emperor and Zhang Lao If Junhou also wrote it, wouldn't it be possible to make another book?"

When A Dou heard this, his heart was moved, but the shame of this era still made him feel a little embarrassed, "Isn't that good? We can't find this Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng. If you tamper with other people's works without consent, it will be very serious." It is the way of a gentleman."

When Feng Yong heard this, he quickly explained, "No, no. Your Majesty, the "Purple Electricity and Green Frost" written by Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng also had several endings at first."

"Finally, it has been circulated in Nanxiang for so long, and then I picked out a favorite ending and printed it out. Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng didn't see him jumping out and saying it was inappropriate!"

"If Your Majesty thinks it is inappropriate, then we will annotate this book and compile it into another book. Well, we will print this one as well. There is no conflict between the two books."

"Do not conflict?"

A Dou asked repeatedly, obviously wanting to confirm with Feng Yong.

"No conflict, definitely no conflict. Aren't there many annotated versions of the Book of Songs and Zuo Zhuan handed down from generation to generation?"

"That's right." A Dou nodded, with a look of embarrassment on his face again, "But who is the right person to ask for an explanation?"

"Xu Ci is suitable for the audience in the middle palace."

Feng Yong recommended.

"Why? I remember Xu Ci's son Xu Xun, it wasn't before..."

"Hey, Your Majesty, that's all happened in the past. Besides, if you don't avoid enemies with external actions, and don't avoid children with internal actions, how can you be the kind of stingy person?"

Feng Yong said without blushing, "Xu Ci has learned a lot. Although he is not known for his virtues, he believed in a bachelor for a while. If it were someone else, he might not be willing to comment on this book."

It is because he is not good at morality and has knowledge, so he is suitable for this job.

Otherwise, if a literati with integrity came over and saw that he was going to annotate this kind of book, he might have to overturn the table on the spot.

When Ah Dou heard this, he suddenly realized, "That's right! Besides, he is now the vassal of Da Changqiu's Zhonggong Yezhe Ling, and he belongs to the Zhonggong. It is more convenient to find him than to find others."

After a pause, he asked somewhat uncertainly, "It's just, will he agree?"

"Your Majesty, he will definitely agree. The Xu family also contributed to the smooth transportation of the jaggery from Jiaozhou to Dahan."

Xu Ci has a friendship with Shi Xie from Jiaozhou, and Xu Xun became Feng Yong's younger brother last year. The Zhang family of Wu County can harvest sugarcane in Jiaozhou for primary crushing of rough sugar, and can transport the rough sugar to Shu. Gained strength.

As soon as he heard Tang, Ah Dou's eyes lit up.

This brown sugar is really delicious!

"So it turns out that Xu Aiqing was also involved?"

"That's right, Your Majesty also said just now that the Zhonggong Visitor Order is an official of the Zhonggong. Now Xu Ci is participating in the compilation of the classics. When the classics are really going to be compiled, won't he also have credit for it?"

"Yes, yes, credit!" Adou said knowingly.

"If Xu Yizhe doesn't want people to know that he commented on this book, he can also imitate Lan Ling's laughter and use a name, isn't that all right?"

"Wonderful!" Adou praised, "This is a good method."

If A Dou spoke in person, it would not be regarded as slandering the late emperor, but Zhang Fei was involved in it.

So Feng Yong said hypocritically again, "In addition to the late emperor, this matter also involves Zhang Laojunhou. I just don't know how Zhang Junhou will view this matter?"

"It's such a good thing, how come..." Adou paused, and then said, "I will talk to Cai Niang about it at that time, so it shouldn't be a big problem. As for Guan Shizhong..."

While talking, he looked at Feng Yong, suddenly understood, and said with a smile, "It seems that Guan Shizhong already knew about this, right?"

"Your Majesty is wise. It is precisely because Guan Junhou knew about this matter that he felt the need to inform His Majesty."

Mmm, this Guan family is indeed loyal, Ah Dou nodded again to confirm.

"Feng Langjun, do you think you should tell Xiangfu about such an important matter?"

Good boy A Dou thought of another question.

"Your Majesty, of course, the prime minister should be informed of such things, but it's not the time yet. After Xu Ci's comment is made, let the rappers from Nanxiang try rapping in Nanxiang, and finally pick out the jokes that the people like to hear the most. , edited into a unified book."

"At that time, when everything is ready, let's talk to the prime minister and listen to it. Otherwise, with the prime minister's temper, once we agree to this matter, we will definitely worry about it. The prime minister is already very tired from worrying about state affairs. We can do well by ourselves. Don't bother him any more."

This is the best opportunity to snatch the right to speak from the aristocratic family. Once the old monster Zhuge knows about this plan, he may forcefully intervene again.

It's better to wait for the results to come out, and then tell him, and then let him lay out the specific operations later.

Let him worry less now, let him worry less. Take it as repayment for Huang Yueying and his wife's protection of themselves, how can I say they are half aunts and uncles.

A Dou hesitated for a moment, "Is this not too good?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will always take care of this matter, and the prime minister will definitely not blame me."

Look, this is the consequence of being protected in the greenhouse all the time, without any assertiveness.

Seeing that A Dou still looked undecided, Feng Yong had no choice but to say, "This matter has not yet been settled, Zhang Junhou's family still doesn't know what it is thinking, why don't your majesty tell the queen first?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think to ask..."

Before he finished speaking, A Dou stopped immediately and coughed, "Alright, this matter has not yet been settled, I'll go back to the palace and talk to Cai Niang first, and see what she thinks."

Hey, rake your ears!

Don't think that I don't know what you mean if you only say half of it.

"Your Majesty, look, this business has been finished, and it's getting late, does Your Majesty want some food? There is nothing else in the house, but this food can barely afford it."

"Fengzhuang's food is famous throughout Jincheng."

When A Dou heard this, a smile appeared on his chubby face, "I heard that this noble son is reluctant to leave when he arrives in Zhuangzi. Today, I have to taste it."

"Your Majesty, it just so happened that this maltose came out. There are several new dishes in the house. They are all made with maltose as a condiment, and the taste is not bad."

Just now, when we talked about Jiaozhou coarse sugar, the light from Adou's small eyes was so bright that Feng Yong could see it clearly. Let him try sweet and sour pork tenderloin, braised pork ribs in braised sauce, and silken Yutou...

For eating, drinking and having fun, this set of Feng Yong can naturally arrange Ah Dou properly.

"Caramel as a condiment?"

Adou swallowed a mouthful of saliva as expected, "That's good."

"Then please wait a moment, Your Majesty, and Yong will go down to make arrangements."

Going out the door, he was about to turn to the kitchen when someone grabbed him from behind.


Feng Yong turned his head.

"it's me."

I saw Guan Xing appearing from behind.

"Brother? What are you doing here?"

Feng Yong asked affectionately.

Guan Xing's eyes twitched when he shouted, "Waiting for you."

"Brother, why are you looking for me?"

Guan Xing looked left and right, like an underground worker, only to hear him whisper, "The secret method of the master's family, can you pass on one more copy?"

"Didn't San Niang have it? Why didn't you give it to brother?"

"What do you think? How dare Sanniang tell me about such things?"

Guan Xing wished he could slap Feng Yong.

Feng Yong suddenly realized, yes, the joy of the boudoir...

Before he could speak, another deep voice suddenly came from the side, "Two copies, I want too."

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