Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 591: Seventy Strings

"Wuduyin has always been a place where we Di people live and gather, so we can only make decisions about this place, even if Feng Langjun comes."

Thinking of this, Qiang Duan became more and more sure that he must send troops.

Compared with a few decades ago, the Han people are weaker and weaker. This is a great opportunity for the Di people.

"It's really admirable that the mighty king has such ambition. On the day when the troops are dispatched, the villain is willing to lead his tribe to explore the way ahead for the mighty king."

Yang Pu seemed to be afraid that he would go back on his word, so he hurriedly said.

Qiang Duan didn't care about his small thoughts, this Yang servant was the Di king of Wudu at any rate in the past, he didn't expect to fall into such a situation after being attached to the Han people.

"Your clan moved to Ji County, how many people have followed you back to Wudu now?"

"There are about a hundred names, all of whom are warriors in the clan."

Hearing this, Qiang Duan thought to himself that servant Yang used to be a big tribe, and he had joined the Han people for less than ten years, and now there are only so few members of the tribe left.

He secretly warned himself that he must not be as short-sighted as this person, and go to the Han people for temporary benefits, and let the Han people annex his own people.

Qiang Duan persuaded the chiefs of the tribes, and the next day he slaughtered cattle and sheep with them in the valley, offering sacrifices to the mountain god and sheep god, and vowed to work together to drive the Han people out of Wudu Yinping.

In order to show his determination, Qiang Duan personally led the warriors of his tribe this time, and took the lead to walk along the river among the high mountains.

Going north over the mountains along the river that comes down from the high mountain in the north and joins the Qiang River, the river water gradually becomes smaller, then becomes a mountain stream, and finally becomes a mountain spring.

Two days later, the direction of the water flow changed from the initial southward flow to the northward flow, and the mountain spring gradually merged into a mountain stream, and then followed the direction of the water flow in the valley to reach the Western Han River—Xiabian is in the Western Han Dynasty north of the water.

And Qishan Road, in general, coincides with the Western Han River.

If it is said that facing Cao Wei who is walking in Chencang Road, at least Zhao Yun will be stationed in Hechi County in time to defend under the screen.

So as long as Qiang Duan leads his army to the West Han River, he will really threaten the fragile food road of the big Han.

This road is either over mountains or over water, or it is walking between valleys and valleys all day long.

For the Han army, it may be difficult to walk, but for the Di people who have been walking in the mountains all year round, it is easy.

At the same time, from time to time, large or small mountains and rivers flow down from the high mountains on both sides to meet them, and some places form flat lands that are convenient for camping.

Even if there is no flat land, it is common for Di people to camp in mountains and forests.

The difficult mountain road of three hundred miles can be covered by the Di people's army in no more than six or seven days at most.

Qiang Duan originally looked down on Yang Pu who had defected to the Han people, but after he led the army to set off, he realized that Yang Pu had not stayed with the Han people in vain all these years.

He led a hundred tribesmen to explore the way ahead, not only finding the best camping place for the army, but also helping him plan the camp.

At least it is no longer like a few days ago, dozens of tribes camped wherever they wanted in the open space.

Now, with his planning, not only has the camp been tidied up, but even intentionally or unintentionally, the ranks have been divided.

Although some people were dissatisfied, the strong side enjoyed the feeling of being at the top, so they suppressed the voice of dissatisfaction.

Five days later, Qiang Duan led his people to a place, where a river coming from the north merged with a river coming down from a high mountain in the east to form a big river, rushing northward.

The flat land where the two rivers meet is a good place to camp.

"Your Majesty, this stream is injected into the Xihan River. We only need to follow it for another day, and we will be able to reach the Xihan River."

Yang Pu, who had been waiting here early, came up and pointed to the direction of the river, "The grain road of the Han people is right next to the water of the Western Han Dynasty. Let's rest here for one night, and if we appear next to the water of the Western Han Dynasty tomorrow, the Han people will definitely be terrified." gone."

Standing on a high place, Qiang Duan watched the neighing people and horses below. Everyone rushed to the river to drink water. They were very satisfied that Yang Pu had found this good place to camp.

"Then the Han people are here, don't they have any precautions?"

Although Yang Pu did a good job these days, Qiang Duan still asked.

"Your Majesty, there are no more than 3,000 Han Chinese. Now they have to guard against the old Dao County in the north and protect the grain road. Now they are all huddled on the north bank of the Western Han River. How can they have the courage to cross to the south?"

Yang Pu quickly said, "Besides, for the Han people, it is at least one and a half days away. If they dare to garrison here, they may not know when the banner will be changed."

After hearing this, Qiang Duan nodded, "What you said really makes sense."

As he said that, he glanced at Yang Pu again, "If this battle is over, Yinping, the capital of Wu, will be our Di people's world, and I don't have people with knowledge like you around me. Would you like to stay then? help me?"

"If Your Majesty is interested, how can a villain not want to?" Yang servant was overjoyed when he heard this, and imitated the Han people's salute, "The villain sees the lord."


Qiang Duan raised his head and laughed, satisfied.

At this time, there was a sudden noise from the mouth of the northern valley where the army came out.

Qiang Duan followed the prestige, and saw that there was chaos, cattle and sheep ran wildly, and there seemed to be some people wrestling together.

"what happened?"

Qiang Duan frowned and asked.

"Little man, let's go and have a look."

Yang servant said quickly.

"I'll go myself."

Qiang Duan was still thinking about the beautiful days when he would be king in Yinping, Wudu, but his fantasies were suddenly interrupted, and annoyed, he got on his horse and ran forward.

In just a few breaths, Qiang Duan led the people to the valley entrance, and saw several people scuffling together at the valley entrance, and at the same time, more people were divided into two groups, shoving and scolding fiercely.

More importantly, the chaos at the entrance of the valley blocked the army that hadn't left the valley. There were already people shouting and scolding, and even anxiously pushing forward, making the entrance of the valley even more chaotic.

Seeing this scene, Qiang Duan was furious and shouted loudly, "What are you doing?"

Only a few people noticed the strong side, but more people focused on the other party, and their anger grew.

Hu people are aggressive by nature, and now these people are from different tribes. Once there is a conflict, it is common for them to fight and win.

In the eyes of many people, they only listen to the princes of their tribe, and Qiang Duan is not yet qualified to give them orders.

Gritting his teeth, he ordered to his followers, "Scatter them!"

After finishing speaking, he directly drove his horse forward, swung his whip, and whipped it directly to the two people closest to him who were wrestling together on the ground.

There was only a scream, and one person jumped up as if straight.

With Qiangduan as an example, his followers all rushed into the field with whips and sticks, and beat them wildly.

After a lot of tossing, the crowd was finally dispersed and normal traffic resumed at the entrance of the valley.

"Whose people are they? Call me all their princes!"

Qiang Duan said angrily.

Now that the Han army hasn't seen it yet, but their own people fought first, how can we not make Qiangduan extremely annoyed?

Everything in the valley is seen by people.

"General Gao, servant Yang is still below, and there is no news, should we wait a little longer?"

On the high mountain to the east of the valley, Yang Ju suggested to Gao Xiang in a low voice.

Gao Xiang shook his head, pointed to the mouth of the valley to the north, and said, "According to the plan, the chaos there is a signal, indicating that the barbarians have already entered halfway."

Then he pointed to the Di people in the valley, and saw that some people were camping there, and some people ran to the river to drink water with oxen and horses. Although there was a little planning, compared with the rules of the Han army's camp, it still seemed disorderly to speak of.

"There is a way to attack halfway. How is the situation of the barbarians different from halfway? It is the best time to attack."

Then he looked at Yang Ju, with an extremely indifferent expression on his face, "The barbarian's camp was arranged by servant Yang, he must have thought of how to escape, don't worry!"

I don't worry about your mother!

Hearing these words, Yang Ju trembled a bit, and at the same time he scolded someone in his heart for not doing what the Son of Man did, but he forced a smile on his face, "What General Gao said is true!"

Gao Xiang stopped looking at him, drew his bow and arrow, and shot down.

All I could hear was a loud humming in the valley.

This sound of dysprosium was a signal, and the dense forests on both sides of the mountain were shouting and killing, and at the same time, the mouth of the valley began to rumble, and countless rolling stones fell from the top of the mountain.

The Di people who were coming out of the valley were caught off guard. Before they could react, several of them were smashed and their brains burst.

Fortunately, they were hit on the body, hands and feet, bleeding from the mouth and nose, severed limbs, and so on.

"Enemy attack!"

Someone behind reacted quickly and yelled loudly.

The sudden attack caused chaos at the mouth of the valley, which had just been unobstructed.

Some people wanted to run out to the plain at the mouth of the valley, to escape from the valley, while others wanted to retreat and escape from this dangerous place. More importantly, the frightened cows and horses began to run around, not listening to people's commands at all.

The rumbling horizontal trees and rocks rolled down again, and only a handful of Hu people who wanted to run out of the valley ran to the flat ground, and the rest were buried at the mouth of the valley.

I saw many flags erected on the mountain, and countless arrow feathers shot down.

"Han people, they are Han people!"

"Back, back quickly!"

The Hu people who hadn't left the valley saw that the entrance of the valley was blocked, they panicked immediately, they didn't dare to move forward any more, they turned around and squeezed back.

But the valley is narrow, and the Hu people retreated in a panic without any order. In this chaos, they quickly developed into trampling on each other. Many people were not injured by the enemy, but were injured at the feet of their own people. .

On the flat ground of the valley, Qiang Duan was reprimanding the two princes who had caused confusion just now, but suddenly he heard a sound, and then there were shouts of killing from all directions.

He was startled, and hurried out of the tent to have a look, only to see that the mountains on both sides were full of Han flags, and countless Han troops were rushing down from the mountains, their clothes twirled like a river of blood rushing down.

Seeing this situation, Qiang Duan was so frightened that his legs went weak on the spot, "Han people... why are Han people here?"

He turned around abruptly and shouted sharply, "Pu Yang!"

Yang Pu, who had been by his side all the time, was nowhere to be seen at this moment, and he didn't know when he disappeared, let alone whether he ran away or hid.

The barbarians who had no order on the flat ground saw the Han army in all directions at this time, and many of them ran around like flies without their heads on the spot.

In the past, orders were given to the heads of the various tribes, and the heads of the respective tribes gave orders to the people below. There was no complete and unified password at all.

Now under such circumstances, which monarch still wants to come to find Qiang Duan at the first time?

Many people escaped with their own people.

Some people even felt that the people in front were blocking the way, so they directly started to forcibly open the way.

The Han people swooped down from a high position and began to encircle them in an organized way.

On the other hand, the Di people couldn't organize any decent resistance at all, they could only fight on their own, and were constantly squeezed by the Han army like slaughtering sheep and pigs, and some people were already forced to jump into the river.

Qiang Duan's face turned pale, and he stared blankly at everything in front of him, unable to believe that it was all true.

"Your Majesty, get on your horse and go!"

Qiangduan's entourage hurriedly led the horse over and urged.

"Let's go? Why go? We have more than 20,000 people! Most of the Han people are in Longyou, and Xiabian only has 3,000 people, and we have to guard the north. How many people can they have?"

The accompanying words reminded Qiang Duan, he turned around suddenly, his eyes were bloodshot.

This time he brought all the warriors of the clan here. If he escaped at this time, the clan would decline from then on, and there would be no chance to start again. How could he be willing?

Qiang Duan suddenly drew out his long knife, "Go, let the warriors of the clan gather together."

At the same time, he ran forward, chopped off the tribal leader who ran out of his tent with a knife, then pointed the knife at the other one, and shouted, "Go, organize your own tribe and move closer to me, otherwise everyone Just die here!"

It's not that he has no ability to resist, because his tribal camp is in the middle and has already been established.

As long as the warriors in the clan can defend the stronghold, there might be a chance.

Standing on a high place, Gao Xiang immediately saw the barbarians gathering in the middle of the flat ground. How could he make Qiang Duan fulfill his wish?

Immediately, he sent an order to direct the Han army to attack the strong camp.

At the same time, he cursed in a low voice, "Isn't it okay to just abandon your weapons and surrender? One seventy strings! Each person goes down like this, and I don't know how many seventy strings will be thrown away..."

Yang Ju, who was standing beside him, twitched his face when he heard this.

Now let alone the Han people, even my only son, who often hangs out with Feng Langjun, also imitates the Han people and keeps his mouth shut for seventy dollars. In your eyes, are these people all money?

"Captain, the barbarians in this village don't want to surrender! Brothers have already suffered a lot of casualties."

A team ran over and said to the captain who led the attack on the Qiangduan camp.

"What are you afraid of? Apart from here, the other barbarians have already dispersed and are waiting for us to clean up. Let everyone work harder and break open the gate of the village!"

The captain held the knife, the edge of the knife was still dripping with blood, spit out a mouthful, gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for me to rush in, see if your bones are stronger or the edge of my knife is harder."

"The lieutenant is planning not to keep his hand?" The team leader's face changed, "Are you going to slaughter the village?"

"What kind of slaughter?!" The captain yelled, "Brothers have suffered so many casualties. If you don't want to find a way to earn more labor money, what can you use to pay for it?"

According to the previous practice of the Han army, when encountering such tough and unyielding people, after breaking the stronghold, they basically raised their swords and slaughtered them.

But the Prime Minister Pingding Nanzhong set an example for everyone. Han people and barbarians are all the same. They should be treated as equals. Everyone is a family.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at today’s Nanzhong, you work hard, I pay for the food, make money together, and go to a better life together, how good is it?

Only those who are stubbornly hostile to the big man and those who try to provoke the big man are our real enemies. We must educate them well, let them work, and recognize mistakes.

In the past, it was to conquer, kill to conquer, and destroy to conquer, but now the world is different, everyone has suddenly become more kind, and at most it is just to educate them to conquer.

After all, wool is almost worth more than sheep...

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