Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 604 Why not rectify your name?

"Abandon the horse, don't go south, go up the mountain to the east, and walk over the mountain."

A few cronies were panicking with Zhang He, mixed with the rebellious army, and fled to the south, only to hear a familiar voice.

"General, are you awake?"

There was a look of shame on the face of the confidants, and some dared not go to see Zhang He.

Zhang He didn't answer. He was carried on the horse by his cronies, and he looked straight at the defeated soldiers who were scrambling for their lives, without a trace of expression.

I saw him repeating again, "Find a place to get off the horse, change your clothes, and walk over the mountains. Don't follow the crowd, or you won't be able to escape."

Hearing this, the confidant hurriedly found a forest by the side of the road, followed Zhang Xi's instructions and abandoned his horse up the mountain. When he got to the middle of the mountain, he made sure that no one was following him. Only then did they have the opportunity to take off all the armor on their bodies.

Everyone was busy chasing the defeated army, and Zhang Yun and others deliberately penetrated into the forest, so naturally no one would notice them, so these cronies thought they had a plan.

But they didn't expect that their previous opponent was a stingy and extremely vengeful turkey, now that he has turned himself into the master, how can he easily let his enemy go?

It's good that they didn't go up the mountain alone, they were mixed among the disorderly army, so naturally they couldn't tell, and now they were climbing the mountain alone, and they were still unloading their armor halfway up the mountain.

The people down the mountain couldn't see them, but Feng Yong, who was standing on the high platform and searching for them with a telescope, saw them all at once.

When Zhang He was leading the charge, Feng Yong had already spotted him with his binoculars. Although the faces of the few people he saw now, although they couldn't see their faces clearly, judging by the appearance of the armor, there was a high probability that they were Zhang He.

So Feng Yong was shocked on the spot: Are you a professional mountain climber? This set again?

"Wang Han, Wang Han!"

Feng Yong put down the binoculars and kept yelling.

It's a pity that Feng Yong's first drumbeat has already caused the entire army to rush out, only his cronies Buqu stood by his side to protect his safety.

Wang Han didn't know where he had gone with his people for a long time, how could he still be called?

"Does the general have something to tell you?"

I could only hear someone answering from under the high platform.

Feng Yong looked up and saw a young general looking up at him.

Behind the young general, leaning on a tall spear, it is much taller than him.

Who is it not Liu Hun?

"How are you here?"

Feng Yong asked strangely.

Liu Hun had a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face, "The villain has been ordered by Miss Zhang to pay more attention to protecting the general's safety. Now that everyone is away, if there are remnants of bandits coming over, wouldn't the general be in danger? So the villain deliberately Stay here."

Feng Yong's heart warmed, and then he sighed, it was the most difficult thing to bear the grace of a beauty.

It's just that it's not the time when children are in love. Feng Yong pointed to the mountain in the east and said, "Did you see that mountain? That bandit chief, Zhang Xi, most likely abandoned his horse and climbed the mountain and fled. You Quickly take a few people and go to chase."

Feng Yong looked around and shouted again, "Where is the Night Hunter?"

Sure enough, someone appeared from the shadows around him.

"You follow General Liu, bring the hounds, and chase after him quickly."

Feng Yong said hurriedly.

The leaders of the Dark Night Battalion showed hesitation on their faces. They were ordered by General Wang to protect General Feng's safety here. How could they leave easily?

"What are you afraid of?"

As the creator of the Dark Night Camp and the first instructor, Feng Yong yelled loudly, "Now that even Zhang Yun has fled, how can there be any bandit Cao who dares to come here?"

"I still have Buqu's personal guards here," he said, pointing to the front again, "There are already reinforcements coming ahead, so you don't need to worry here, go quickly!"

For a big man, a character like Zhang Xi can be killed one second earlier, so don't wait until the next second.

The leader of the Night Hunter looked ahead and saw a group of people rushing towards him. He saluted immediately, led the hunting dog, and followed Liu Hun towards the mountain. During this time, there were a few barks of dogs Voice.

After Feng Yong finished his orders, he hurriedly stood up again and continued to watch.

But seeing that several people halfway up the mountain had already taken off all their armor and were about to continue running up the mountain.

Feng Yong was very anxious, and secretly thought that this old thief really had a way of climbing and escaping, no wonder he was able to escape back to Nanzheng by climbing the mountain under Zhang Fei's nose.

But now I can't do anything, so I can only watch the few people climb higher and higher.

Feng Yong was so anxious that he jumped up and down. Looking left and right, he saw the big horn next to him, and ran over quickly, moved the position of the big horn, and pointed it at the mountain.

Damn, I can't catch you, so I'm going to shoot you to death: "Hey! Cao thief Zhang He, the world says you are a famous general in Hebei, and a good talent for the country."

"However, ten years ago you abandoned your horse and climbed the mountain to escape in Brazil County. Ten years later, you have not made any progress, and you plan to climb the mountain to escape? It's a good thing that a man is shrouded in horse leather on the battlefield!"

"A person like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death, insults the name of a general! Why don't you change his name to General Mountain Climbing to rectify his name?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone nearby, whether it was a tiger body or a dolphin body, was shocked!

Almost at the same time, everyone came up with the same idea: "This Feng Langjun (general) has such a vicious tongue!"

Zhang Yun, a veteran in the battlefield, has fought all his life. If he was given the reputation of a "mountain-climbing general" because he escaped by climbing the mountain twice, I'm afraid it would be more satisfying to kill him with one sword.

Especially Jiang Wei, who led the army to check whether Feng Yong was safe, almost fell off the horse on the spot. He supported the horse's neck tremblingly, and looked at the high platform with complicated eyes.

Every time I see this person, I get a little more understanding of the words "Feng Langjun is clever, cruel and ruthless." It seems that when dealing with this person in the future, I have to be very careful and cautious. Never offend him.

Fortunately, Zhang Xi had already run away, and there were shouts everywhere down the mountain, so he didn't hear it at all.

If he heard it, he would turn around and fight Feng Tubie desperately.

Panting with difficulty, he and his cronies climbed over the top of the mountain, and then continued to walk down the mountain. Finally, they saw the direction and prepared to turn south, trying to find a way to Linwei.

His trip has already failed, and now the only one who can save Longyou from defeat is the General.

So he had to go back to Linwei first and inquire about the news from Chencang. If the general succeeded in cutting off the Shu captives' food road, then he would stick to Linwei and Shangyu, and then try to wait for the general's arrival.

Thinking that he was almost able to reverse the situation in Longyou, and finally turned into this kind of situation.

Zhang He involuntarily looked behind him again, and sighed invisibly.

To be honest, even at this time, Zhang Yun was still extremely unwilling to accept this failure.

The coach on the opposite side is obviously a mediocre person, and the soldiers he leads are still a group of rookies on the battlefield. Facing the elite soldiers of the Great Wei, it is reasonable to be defeated at the touch of a touch.

However, they had long knives and heavy crossbows that they had never seen in their hands, which caused great damage to their side.

That's all, the key is why the soldiers who have just entered the battlefield have such a fierceness that they would rather die than surrender?

Zhang Yun really couldn't figure it out. He had fought all his life and had seen countless soldiers.

But the soldiers who are new to the battlefield are basically virtuous, and they are qualified if they can charge behind the old soldiers.

But the soldiers he met today were beyond his range of knowledge.

Obviously, several times, the defense line of the opposite formation has been breached, and for ordinary recruits, it will be a matter of time before they collapse.

But the strange new army on the opposite side didn't even need to order from the commander-in-chief, but was able to organize a counterattack on its own, and it was necessary to re-establish the defense line with the pile of lives.

Where the hell did this shit come from?

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