Chang'an Temporary Palace.

Cao Rui was standing at the gate of the palace with his men, and when he saw the servants trotting over with them, he quickly went up to greet him, and asked anxiously, "Is Old General Zhang all right?"

"Your Majesty, Old General Zhang has been in a coma."

The servant hurriedly said to Cao Rui.

Cao Rui's eyes fell on the soft couch with gauze curtains behind him, and he stepped forward to take a look, and a stench rushed towards him.

Zhang Yun was lying inside with his eyes closed tightly. He was already skinny and shaped like a skeleton. The white sackcloth wrapped around his knees oozes pus and exudes a rancid smell.

The calf was extremely swollen, black and shiny, as if it would burst open at the slightest touch.

Cao Rui quickly put down the gauze curtain, covered his mouth, and felt his stomach tumbling.

The personal servant hurriedly shouted, "Quick, quickly carry it in!"

The guard quickly carried the soft couch to the prepared room ahead.

Cao Rui suppressed his nausea, turned his head and shouted, "Doctor!"

Several medical workers in the palace hurried over.

"Hurry up and treat Old General Zhang, he must be cured!"

Cao Rui ordered sharply.

No one noticed that his hands were shaking slightly.

Back in the palace where government affairs are usually handled, Cao Rui's face was still a little pale.

Longguan fell, Wei Zhen was defeated and killed, Cao Zhen lost his army and lost his general, Zhang Yun couldn't afford to be seriously injured...

In less than three months, a series of bad news dealt a blow to the originally high-spirited young emperor.

The self-confidence built up by defeating Sun Quan is now gone.

"Come here, Xuan Zhong Shu Ling Sun Zi, Zhong Shu Supervisor Liu Fang."

Cao Ruiqiang calmed down and ordered.

The predecessor of Zhongshu was the secretary. After Cao Pi became emperor, he changed the secretary to Zhongshu, and set up Zhongshu Ling and Zhongshu Supervisor.

Although the name has changed, the authority has not changed, and even the authority has increased. It is the key department that holds secrets, the most important eyes and ears of Emperor Wei.

At the same time, Zhongshuling and Zhongshujian were also the most trusted people of Emperor Wei.

Sun Zi and Liu Fang were summoned, and hurriedly entered the hall to meet, "My minister, Sun Zi (Liu Fang), sees Your Majesty."

"You two lovers don't need to be too polite, and sit down first."

Cao Rui let the two sit down, and then said, "The two lovers must also know that General Zhang was seriously injured and unconscious, and was just sent back to Chang'an today by his cronies."

"The situation in Longyou is now rotten and difficult to deal with. I can't sleep day and night, but I can't do anything. Now the important ministers of the court are far away in Luoyang. There are only two of them. They are my confidantes, and they are not far away."

Speaking of this, Cao Rui looked at Sun Zi again, with a look of shame on his face, "Sun Aiqing, you once told me that the land of Hanzhong is a heavenly prison, and you must have 150,000 to 60,000 elite soldiers to attack Shu."

"I also persuaded me to stick to the dangerous pass and not to go south easily. It is a golden sentence. I regret not listening to you. There is a matter of losing the military capital and defeating the army. Now I know I was wrong. I hope you don't mind it. "

When Sun Zi heard this, Fu Di even said he didn't dare, "The Shu captives are fierce and cunning. They took advantage of Wei's unpreparedness and got away with it for a while. Your Majesty doesn't have to blame himself."

Cao Rui sighed, "But now that the Shu captives are peeping through Longguan, I'm really worried, so what can I do?"

Sun Zi replied, "Your Majesty, now the only way to enter Guanzhong from Hanzhong is Chencang. There is a general guarding it personally, so you don't have to worry about it. And when you enter Guanzhong from Longyou, you have to pass through Qian County."

"It can be said that Qian County is a more important place than Longguan. Therefore, General Zhang led his elite troops to cross the Longshan trail, and still left 20,000 troops to garrison Qian County."

"What we have to do now is to take advantage of the fact that the Shu captives in Longyou are not stable and have no time to look east, and send good generals and heavy troops to guard Si County as soon as possible and repair the city wall. As long as Si County is not lost, the Shu captives in Longyou will not be able to enter Guanzhong. "

When Cao Rui heard this, he showed a very unwilling expression on his face, "So, wouldn't it mean that Longyou was handed over to the Shu captives?"

"Your Majesty, the Kwantung reinforcements that have reached Chang'an are no more than 60,000, and the total number of troops in the Kwantung CCP is just over 100,000. In addition to garrisoning Chencang and Qian counties, they also need to garrison large troops in Xinbei County to guard against the Northwest. Tranquility."

"In this way, the 100,000 troops in Guanzhong have more than enough defense, but not enough aggressiveness. If there are more defeats, Guanzhong may no longer be owned by Wei. Now that the army has been defeated and morale is low, it needs to rest. Can fight again."

"In Yichen's opinion, Your Majesty might as well be patient and wait for the arrival of the Hebei army, and then make plans."

Sun Zi said sincerely.

Hearing these words, Cao Rui felt even more regretful.

If he hadn't been too greedy for merit and rushed to march into Wudu, leading to the defeat of the army, he should have been able to start counterattacking Longyou at this time.

Unexpectedly, one step was wrong, every step was wrong.

But even if there is not enough troops to attack Longyou now, it should be possible to send a large army to quell the peaceful people, right?

If Anding County is in hand, even if Longguan is gone, at least they can attack Longyou by detour from Anding County.

Wei is strong and Shu is weak, and the Shu captives may not be able to persevere under the stalemate of the army.

Thinking of this, Cao Rui asked again, "What about Anding County? Even if we have nothing to do with the Shu captives in Longyou, can Anding County send a large army first?"

This time, before Sun Zi could open his mouth, Liu Fang reminded, "Your Majesty, the army must also pay attention to the food and grass. Now the Guanzhong government has not much food in stock, hardly enough to support the army for a month."

"If the army goes on another expedition, people will eat horses and chew, and waste more money. Therefore, I ask Your Majesty to order and urge Luoyang to deliver food and grass as soon as possible. In case there is no food available when the reinforcements from Hebei come."

"What did you say? Insufficient food and grass?" Cao Rui, who was planning to win the round, suddenly got up as if a pot of cold water had been poured on his head.

"How can there be insufficient food and grass? There has been no war in Guanzhong for nearly ten years, and the soil and water are fertile. Ten years of food storage, isn't it enough for the army for three months?"

Liu Fang remained silent.

Cao Rui had already been disturbed by the successive bad news these days, but now he heard that Guanzhong was short of food and grass, and immediately became furious, "Liu Fang, tell me, why is there a shortage of food and grass?"

Even in the Central Plains, a few years ago, the late emperor launched a military campaign, which could not stop the price of grain from getting lower and lower. That's why Sima Zhi proposed to restore the five baht coin.

Not to mention that there has been no war in Guanzhong for a long time, how could there be no food?

"Returning to Your Majesty, in the past, all matters in Guanzhong were decided by General Anxi. How can I know the details?"

Liu Fang had no choice but to reply.

"General Anxi?"

Cao Rui was taken aback.

Isn't that his uncle Xia Houmao?

Xia Houmao had a good relationship with the first emperor, and married Princess Qinghe, the eldest daughter of Emperor Wu, with a very important status.

When Cao Rui heard Liu Fang's words, he immediately understood. How could it be that he didn't know the details? Obviously dare not say.

After figuring this out, Cao Rui became even more angry.

"Come on, let Xiahou..."

Cao Rui was impulsive, and wanted to tell Xia Houmao to come and confront him, but when he saw the two people below, he stopped talking suddenly.

If Xia Houmao made such a mistake before changing his personal conquest, Cao Rui would not have any scruples even if he killed him.

It's just that his purpose of this trip was to increase his prestige, but now he lost his land and lost his teacher. When he returns to Luoyang in the future, he is afraid that he will be underestimated by the officials.

In this case, it is the time when the support of the royal clan is needed.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to forcefully suppress his anger and nodded, "I know about this, and I will ask General Anxi what is going on."

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