Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 662 Reunion

"Why is Wenxuan here?"

Li Yi sighed just now, only to hear a question from someone next to him.

"Oh, so it's Yang Changshi."

Li Yi turned around to look, and quickly saluted.

Yang Yi smiled and nodded slightly, looking in a very good mood.

Xiang Lang originally served as the commander of the army, but now he voluntarily resigned, so Yang Yi, who followed in the army, was promoted from joining the army to become the commander of the army, which can be regarded as taking over Xiang Lang's position.

In the past few days, Yang Yi, who has never taken the initiative to get close to others, unexpectedly greeted Li Yi, a newcomer, at this time, which surprised Li Yi a little.

"Yi was going to send some official documents to the prime minister. I didn't expect to meet Chang Shi here."

Li Yi knew that Yang Yi was careless, and he had just entered the prime minister's residence, so he didn't want to offend this person, so he replied respectfully.

"It seems to be a coincidence, the prime minister happened to ask me for something, so let's go together."

Yang Yi is very satisfied with Li Yi's attitude.

Yang Yi is narrow by nature, yet talented. Although the relationship with his colleagues has not yet reached a bad level, not many people are willing to get too close to him, let alone invite Li Yi and other juniors to accompany him.

"Yi is a latecomer, how dare you go with Changshi? Changshi will go first, and Yi will follow."

Li Yi said quickly.

Yang Yi nodded, she was not polite, and walked ahead on her own.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the door of the Prime Minister's Chamber of Commerce, Wei Yan, the former military adviser, happened to walk towards him.

Yang Yi and Wei Yan looked at each other, both of them didn't give each other a good face, and they both groaned angrily.

Wei Yan subconsciously pressed his hands to his waist, as if drawing his sword.

Yang Yi's expression changed, and he took a step back, only to realize that Wei Yan didn't have a sword at all.

Seeing Yang Yi's action, Wei Yan showed a mocking look on his face, and walked directly into the meeting hall.

Yang Yi inadvertently took a step behind, which made his face suddenly gloomy. He looked at Wei Yan's back with hatred in his eyes.

Li Yi stood behind with his eyes lowered, as if he didn't see anything.

Only after Yang Yi also entered the room to meet the ceremony, Li Yi took the official document and sent it to the prime minister's case.

"I have something to discuss with Yang Changshi and the former military adviser. As a member of the army, Wen Xuan, you happen to be listening and gain experience."

Zhuge Liang motioned to Li Yidao.

Li Yi knew that the prime minister was training him, so he quickly agreed, "Yi complies with the prime minister's wishes."

Immediately, he stood silently at the place closest to the door.

As a member of the army who had just joined the Prime Minister's Mansion, Li Yi knew that he was not qualified to participate in the various discussions of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Now being able to attend the prime minister's discussions with others will be of great help to his future growth.

But I didn't expect the Prime Minister to see Wei Yan and Yang Yi glaring at each other, but he sighed first and said, "Xi Yide wanted to flog Cao Bao to cause Xuzhou to be lost, and Yun Changyan killed Mi Fang and died in Jingzhou. Every time the late emperor read this , sigh three times without hesitation.”

"Now Wen is brave and strategic. Duke Wei is good at planning. I can't just abandon some things and always hate them. Why can't you let go of your personal grievances to repay the country and achieve a great cause together? It's like fire and water?"

Wei Yan and Yang Yi heard the words, and seeing the displeasure on the prime minister's face, they had no choice but to restrain their emotions, but no one was willing to ask for peace.

Zhuge Liang also knew that the two had had a long-standing grievance, and it was not something he could resolve with a few words, so he had to discuss matters first.

"In the past, Gaozu was the king of Han. He conquered Guanzhong from Hanzhong, and fought against Xiangji according to the three assistants. After four years, he ruled the world. From this point of view, Hanzhong is really the place where the great Han Dynasty prospered."

"Now that the Northern Expedition has won a great victory, it is based on Longyou and overlooks Guanzhong, and Hanzhong is the frontier. The emperor admired the heroism of the ancestors, and wanted to boost the morale of the soldiers of the Northern Expedition, so he sent Guang Luxun to Hanzhong to hold the festival and set up an altar to worship the heaven and the earth. "

"Wei Gong, you need to worry more about this matter."

Yang Yi quickly agreed, and then gave Wei Yan a provocative look.

"Speaking of the Northern Expedition, although Cao Bandit was lucky enough to be defeated this time and was able to return to Longyou, Cao Bandit now has tens of thousands of soldiers in Guanzhong, and he wants to cross Longshan to the west and Hanzhong to the south at any time."

"In addition, Liangzhou in the west is also stubborn and does not surrender, threatening Longyou from time to time, so not only should we not take it lightly at this time, but we must strengthen our defenses. Wen Chang, you have ruled Hanzhong for a long time, and you are familiar with all the dangerous passes in Hanzhong."

"I want to build more new city passes in Hanzhong to prevent Cao's thieves from entering Hanzhong from Guanzhong. You will need to worry more about this at that time."

Upon hearing this, Wei Yan gave Yang Yi a sneer look while agreeing to the promise.

After talking about these two things, the rest is some personnel transfers.

For example, Du Zhen and Liu Shen moved from Yizhou Biejia to Longyou Dudufu.

Naturally, Li Yi had heard of these two people.

After all, in the battle of Jieting, the elder brother ranked first, and the second one was Liu Yin, who insisted on defending Jieting.

As for Liu Yin, he was recommended by his elder brother, so he was able to serve in the army.

Obviously, the families in central Shu who supported the Northern Expedition finally began to reap rewards. A considerable part of the vacancies in Longyou were filled by people from central Shu.

After the discussion was over, Zhuge Liang intentionally left Li Yi behind.

"Yesterday, I transferred Li Zhong Duhu's watch from Jincheng."

Zhuge Liang looked a little tired. The victory of the Northern Expedition did not give him a better rest.

On the contrary, because of the various rewards and punishments after the war, he had to go through them himself to avoid unfair rewards and punishments.

In the past, the prime minister had to personally watch the punishment of more than 20 rods, but now a reward of more than five rods has been added, so Zhuge Liang has been even busier than before in the past two months.

The soldiers were all happy, and felt that the rewards and punishments from the court were fair, but the prime minister was tired day and night, and he was even thinner than before the Northern Expedition.

Zhuge Liang picked up an official document and handed it to Li Yi, "Just take a look."

Li Yi quickly stepped forward to take it, opened it and looked at it carefully.


After Li Yi finished reading, Zhuge Liang asked.

Li Yi said with some hesitation, "The matter of Li Zhongdu's protection, the deceased speaks lightly, and dare not speak lightly."

"To show you is to tell you."

Li Yi organized his language, and then said, "Prime Minister, Li Zhongduhu seems to be a bit indiscriminate between public and private..."

Zhuge Liang sneered when he heard Li Yi's words.

He stood up, walked back and forth, his face was a little ugly, "He is not only indiscriminate between public and private, he is simply using public equipment for his own private use!"

"Is this Jiangzhou the Dahan's Jiangzhou, or Li Yan's Jiangzhou? Huh? He was transferred back to the Jincheng Office of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and he actually asked Li Feng to deal with Jiangzhou's affairs before he was willing to return to Jincheng?"

"Knowing that the imperial court appointed Xiang Chong as the governor of Jiangzhou, where did he put the imperial court's appointment? Didn't he put himself above the imperial court?"

The more Zhuge Liang spoke, the more angry he became, and his voice became louder.

Before the Northern Expedition, he still agreed to Li Yan and let him take charge of the affairs of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and then persuaded him to return to Jiangzhou to prepare for the Northern Expedition.

But I didn't expect that when he was asked to lead the army to Hanzhong for support, he couldn't find an excuse to come.

When he was leading the army to confront the Cao thief in Longyou, he suddenly said that he would lead the army northward, which scared the emperor and the court officials who stayed behind in Jincheng into panic.

Now, according to his wish before the Northern Expedition, let him return to the prime minister's mansion of Jincheng Department, and he put forward another condition.

Not only did it make it difficult for the imperial court, but it also treated Jiangzhou as its own territory openly and aboveboard.

What does he want to do? What exactly do you want to do?

Thinking of Li Yan's actions in the past, the prime minister's anger couldn't be suppressed at all.

Li Hui, as the governor of Jiangzhou, was in the rear of Li Yan, the governor of Jiangzhou.

Even if Li Hui didn't say anything, Li Yi would naturally be able to vaguely guess the subtle relationship between the governor of Yijiang and the governor of Jiangzhou.

It's just that this kind of thing is related to the dispute between the two assistant ministers of the big man. Li Yi knew that he was not qualified to participate, so he lowered his eyes and said nothing.

The prime minister must have other orders to keep him.

Sure enough, after the Prime Minister had vented, he calmed down and said, "Wenxuan, write a letter to Feng Mingwen in Longyou, and ask him to send a letter to Li Feng."

Li Yi raised his head in surprise, he thought that the prime minister was reminding the adults through himself, but he didn't expect to write a letter to his brother.

Seeing Li Yi's bewildered expression, Zhuge Liang didn't explain too much, "Just tell him about this, and he will know what to do. Anyway, Li Feng called him brother back then."

Only then did Li Yi recall that when his elder brother was imprisoned, it was Li Feng who went to Fengzhuang to deliver the news.

In this way, Li Feng does have a friendship with his elder brother.

Immediately he nodded, "I understand, I will write a letter to my brother as soon as I get down."

When Li Yi got out, he felt mixed feelings.

The prime minister and Zhongduhu are the auxiliary ministers personally appointed by the late emperor, and they are also the two top important ministers of the Han Dynasty.

The elder brother's participation in this is enough to show the importance of his status, or how much the prime minister values ​​his elder brother.

But this kind of battle is inseparable from the danger on the battlefield. If you are not careful, you will be in danger.

Thinking like this, Li Yi wrote down what he knew and what he thought of in the letter one by one, and at the end he reminded Feng Yong emphatically to be careful.

In the end, someone called the steward of Dongfeng Express and asked him to hand over the letter to Feng Yong himself.

Feng Yong naturally didn't know that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty planned to drag him into this political struggle.

At this time, although he is not as good as the Qiang guard when the Han Dynasty was strong, he can command thousands of riders to patrol the barriers with great momentum, so as to strengthen the Han's prestige and attack the country that is not a subject.

But leading two thousand Han troops in the middle, five or six thousand Hu cavalry as wings, hounds, eagle claws, Longyou Qiang Hu, hope that they are all invincible, whether they surrender or submit, they are quite powerful.

At least in Longyou, no matter the Han people or the Qiang Hu, they all got to hear the name of the Great Han Hu Qiang Captain.

Feng Yong led the army from the foot of the mountain to the west of Longyou and turned westward, returning to Pingxiang.

It's just that when the majestic Colonel Feng saw the people who came out of Pingxiang City to greet him, he immediately said "Ouch", rolled off his horse, and ran over.


After the magnificent Guan Ji became a married woman, she became even more noble and graceful, so that those Qiang Hus only dared to look at her from a distance, but did not dare to face her directly.


The phoenix eyes were half-curved, and Zhang Xingyi, who had amber inside, was smiling sweetly, like a spring breeze blowing away the cold weather that had just turned cold.


Standing behind Guan Ji, the pretty A Mei had eyes full of joy, her eyes and face full of longing.

"Your Majesty."

Li Mu's eyes were full of water, his cheeks were condensed with fresh litchi, his willow waist was lightly bent, and he bowed to Feng Yongying.


Feng Tubie's eyes shone brightly, and he opened his arms.

Seeing that the smile on Guan Ji's face faded slightly, and then his eyes narrowed, Feng Yongdeng woke up in a start. He retracted his arms embarrassingly, and coughed dryly, "They're all here?"

This person has a problem, that is, when he is happy, he can't keep his mouth shut.

He looked behind several people again and asked, "Hey, why is there one missing?"

"Who? Who else?"

Zhang Xingyi's reaction was the quickest. When he heard this, his heart tensed up inexplicably, and he kept asking.

"Hua...uh," Feng Tubie's words were on the verge of his mouth, he caught Guan Ji's slight brow raising, and quickly bit his tongue, "Wow, didn't you tell Wei Rong to follow? What? Miss him?"

It wasn't that he had any thoughts about flower garlands, but he simply felt that it was a little strange that the extremely persistent girl from Nanzhong didn't come with his mother-in-law.

Could it be that she finally gave up?

Guan Ji's brows and eyes softened again, and she said in a gentle voice, "Follow me, at this time he should be leading people to arrange things in Pingxiang, and he is too busy to leave, does Ah Lang need to see him at this time?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Let him be busy first when he is busy."

Feng Yong quickly waved his hand, looking around, the four girls complement each other, their powerful aura can only be avoided by far, it seems that Wei Rong has a wink.

"Ah Lang has worked hard in the battle. Hot water and meals have been prepared in the city. Let's go back to the city to rest first?"

As the main wife, Guan Ji looked very virtuous at this moment.

"Okay, let's go back to the city first."

Feng Yong nodded again and again, changed from a captain protecting the Qiang to a man protecting the family, and left the soldiers alone.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Liu Hun foolishly about to follow, Zhang Ni quickly grabbed him.

"A certain person is protecting the Qiang outside, and he is Feng Hou's entourage inside, so he protects Feng Hou with him."

Liu Hun answered very honestly.

"Heh!" Zhang Yi sneered, "Where there is Mrs. Junhou, do you still need your protection? Don't be lazy, hurry up and arrange military affairs with me, it's the right thing to do."

Liu Hun was dragged away by Zhang Yi for some confusion, and looked back at the backs of Feng Yong and the others, and said unconvinced, "What does Chang Shi mean by this? It is because there are several wives here, so we need more Human protection is what it is.”

Zhang Ni pulled Liu Hun to a corner, saw no one around, and then said impatiently, "Hugh is so long-winded, Madam's martial arts are better than yours, do you need to protect her?"

When she was in Yuexuan, Madam personally led people to raid the small tribes near Qiongdu, and even Qiongdu's initial city deployment, many of which were determined by Madam herself.

If it weren't for the daughter, wouldn't the big man have another general?

Otherwise, how could he go to Yuexi as a postmaster and come to Longyou as a Qiang protector?

After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, Liu Hun asked in disbelief, "That Guan Zong who never came to take up the post is...that's..."

Zhang Yi knew that Liu Hun regarded himself as the entourage of a prince and marquis, and he would know about this sooner or later, thinking that he had to explain it to him first, so as not to make him do embarrassing things later.

She nodded immediately, "Although Madam is a woman, she is superior in military strategy and martial arts. Back then, she was known as a tiger girl, and even Sun Quan's son was not in her eyes."

Liu Hun saw that Zhang Yi's expression did not seem to be fake, so he murmured, "I said, why can't Miss Zhang become the wife of the wife? It turns out that there is already a tiger girl in Junhou's family..."

He was originally recommended by Zhang Xingyi, and this is how he is today, so he naturally turned to Zhang Xingyi.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Ni heard this, his face turned pale, and he covered his mouth, "You bastard! If you can't speak, don't speak! Do you want to kill someone?"

As Feng Junhou's confidant, who doesn't know about Zhang's second daughter?

But who dares to chew the tongue?

One is able to hang and beat them in martial arts, and the other is the queen's own sister, which one can they mess with?

This kid Liu Hun is desperate on the battlefield, he can be regarded as a fierce general, Zhang Yi also likes it very much.

But on weekdays, just seeing that he would rather be the entourage of the prince than to join the Zhang family, one can tell that he is a stubborn guy.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ni thought to himself that I have to watch him carefully these days, otherwise, if he says something he shouldn't say in front of his wife, I'm afraid everyone will have a hard time.

After all... Marquis Feng is afraid of his wife, ah, no, it should be said that the Marquis dotes on his wife very much.

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