Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 668 I have a plan

Liu Hun was a Hun, but there was a reason why he was accepted as a disciple by Han Long.

As the little prince of the Huns, he claimed to be the grandson of Qubei after he claimed to be the general of the Han Dynasty. This status did not reduce his points in the territory of the Han Dynasty.

On the contrary, as a Hun who admires the big man, takes the initiative to learn Chinese, learns Chinese characters, and follows the etiquette of the Han family, he will receive more special attention.

Because this kind of behavior not only satisfies the psychology of the Han people, but also gives the Han people a sense of accomplishment of successful education.

This kind of ethos, in fact, still has to be traced back to Emperor Xiaowu.

Emperor Xiaowu was once surrendered by Hunxie and Xiutu of the Huns, and his Prince Xiutu, Jin Ridun, was placed in the Huangmen Office to raise horses. Later, he was favored by Emperor Xiaowu and gradually became an important minister.

When Emperor Xiaowu was seriously ill, Jin Ridun followed Huo Guang to accept Gu's order and became the auxiliary minister.

He is loyal, his descendants are famous for his loyalty and filial piety, and he has survived for seven generations. He can be regarded as the most successful typical figure of Hu people's naturalization.

It has to be said that Kim Il-dun's success has set a very good example for the latecomers.

Liu Hun's grandfather went to Bei and was ordered to escort the emperor of the Han Dynasty to leave Chang'an. He originally wanted to take such a path.

It's a pity that what he met was an old thief Cao who was extremely wary of Hu people.

Not to mention that he failed to get a good position, the Xiongnu Chanyu Huchuquan came to the court later, and was detained in Yecheng by Cao. Instead, he sent Qubei, the right sage king, to Pingyang to monitor the five Huns.

This is simply putting Qubei on the fire grill.

After Qubei's death, his headquarters Tiefu Division immediately fell apart, and his son Liu Gaosheng led the remaining clansmen to hide in a corner of Bingzhou to survive.

The clan has already declined, and Liu Hun is not the eldest son of Liu Gaosheng, so he cannot inherit that poor family business, and he also looks down on him.

So he took advantage of the little relationship left by his grandfather to wander in the Central Plains to see if he had a chance to find a way out.

Therefore, the title of Little Prince of the Huns is not considered fake, but if it is said to have any gold content, it is impossible, and the water content is about the same.

The Cao family is not honest, You Xian Wang went to humble to make a contribution, but they were all used like rags and thrown away. What is a little prince with water content?

So Liu Hun didn't find a way out, but found a master, and that was Han Long.

Finally, I followed Han Long from Hebei to Hanzhong.

Anyway, in the eyes of the three generations of Liu Hun, what Cao thief did is not considered human affairs.

Grandfather finally saved him from going to Bei. Although he never expected to be able to sit in the position of assistant minister like Jin Ridun, at least he should be granted an official position that future generations can think of, right?

Unexpectedly, the old thief Cao came to coerce the emperor to order the princes, the emperor of the Han Dynasty became a bird in a cage, and Qubei was sent to the north as a shield.

After finally waiting for the old thief Cao to die, Cao Pi who came up was even more ruthless, and directly usurped the position of the emperor of the Han family.

The emperor has changed his surname, who dares to mention the achievements of the previous dynasty?

So Liu Hun, the grandson who came to Hanzhong, wondered, Emperor Ji Han, he is also surnamed Liu, I heard that he is still from the same family as the emperor Liu who lost the throne?

Why don't I learn from my father and continue to serve the emperor of the Liu family, maybe I can find a way out?

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is that Liu Hun's master, Han Long, appreciates the loyalty of Liu Qubei and Liu Hun very much.

After all, as a ranger, loyalty and righteousness come first.

So Han Long also told Liu Hun some secrets in the division.

For example, Han Long, Han, has a great connection with the two founding heroes of the former Han Dynasty. The most surprising thing is that they even have the same name, Han Xin.

One is Han Xin, Marquis of Huaiyin.

One is Han Xin, the king of princes with different surnames. In order to distinguish it from the former, it is generally called Han Wangxin.

Although these two people had the same name and both made great contributions to Emperor Gaozu's unification of the world, they had no connection at the very beginning.

The reason why the two Koreas finally secretly merged into one is entirely because of one person.

This person is also the founding hero of the former Han Dynasty, and his name is Chen Xi.

These distant mysteries have long been annihilated in the long river of hundreds of years, and are unknown to the world.

But in this world, there are always some people who have been passed down from generation to generation, guarding those mysteries that have been kept for hundreds or even thousands of years.

The identities of these people are known as the people in the mountain gate, or the hidden masters.

Yellow Turban Warriors, who were originally passed down by alchemists, appeared in front of the world on a large scale for the first time during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Naturally, Liu Hun also heard about it from his master Han Long.

It is heard that there are some masters from the mountain gate involved in this matter.

Seeing the mountain woman in the arena, Liu Hun looked at the high platform in the distance, his eyes flickered, and his doubts became stronger.

The overwhelming aura of the mountain woman made no one dare to step forward easily.

"Liu Zhengeng, what do you think this is good for?"

Liu Hun hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, "Your Majesty often says that you don't lose if you lose. I'm afraid we're not sure about this battle, but we can't admit defeat so easily, let me go on the field and try."

To be honest, when Liu Hun went up in the first game, he was the conductor in the second game, and he went up again in the third game, which was a bit unruly.

So someone volunteered, "Liu Zong, it's better for us to go up this time."

Liu Hun shook his head, "I'm very familiar with it, so let me do it. I'm a barbarian, even if I lose, others won't make too much of a joke."

After speaking, Liu Hun pushed aside the crowd and walked into the arena.

"This Liu Hun is confident."

Zhang Xingyi on the stage saw Liu Hun come out, and said in surprise.

"It's not that he's confident, it's just that he doesn't want to admit defeat easily."

Although Liu Hun was recommended to him by Zhang Xingyi, he knew Liu Hun better than Zhang Xingyi.

"Although this person doesn't look very old, he may be a knight-errant. He is not lacking in courage. The most rare thing is that he is quite courageous and assertive. He is just a bit stubborn."

Hearing Feng Yong's comment, Zhang Xingyi said angrily, "It sounded like you were praising others, but with this last sentence, I don't know whether you are praising or hurting others."

The two people below had already started to fight each other, they could only hear shouts and shouts, Liu Hun was moving around, but he was not thrown down by the mountain woman all of a sudden.

"Of course it's a compliment. If he uses his temperament in the right place, it's called persistence.

Feng Yong also looked down with some appreciation in his eyes.

Guan Ji conceded defeat in the first round, it was because she had already dug a hole in the next two rounds and waited for someone to jump into it, and it might not be her trick of arrogance.

Later also proved her ability.

The winner is blameless.

But if Liu Hun concedes in the third game where there is no way to retreat, then the nature is completely different.

The loser can't argue.

So even if he knew he couldn't win, he had to grit his teeth and play.

At this moment, Guan Ji walked up to the high platform, sat down beside Feng Yong, and said softly, "Ah Lang, why don't we just stop this fight?"

Feng Yong knew what she meant, and shook his head immediately, "The army is no better than outsiders. Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. It cannot be said that for the sake of harmony, we should save each other's face."

"I don't care about others, but the soldiers I lead must not have this kind of ethos."

When Feng Yong said this, although his eyes fell off the court, his voice was a little distant.

"Only if you dare to face up to your own shortcomings, even if you are your own enemy, you must work hard to learn from each other's strengths, so that you can continue to forge ahead and make further progress."

"So this time, just hit them hard, make them lose face, and wake up."

A strong army must have indomitable resilience.

There is no army in the world that does not lose battles, at least Feng Yong never thought that his army could always win battles.

If they can't even stand this little setback, then there's no need for him to take them forward.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Xingyi, Li Mu and the others only felt that Feng Yong was doing things fairly, but Guan Ji and Zhang Ni were shocked.

During the Northern Expedition, the most talked about battle was the battle of Jieting.

Now in the territory of the Han Dynasty, there are legends that Feng Junhou led the army and fought back and forth on the Longshan Mountain of "Nine Backs of Qiban, I don't know how high it is", first taking Longguan and then fighting Jieting.

What is the remnant of Huaiyinhou's last battle, what is the training of soldiers well, and the soldiers are all elites, etc.

Among them, the most famous one is the sentence Feng Yong shouted to the soldiers.

"My big banner is erected here, and I will not retreat half a step. When the bandits come, I will lift up this three-foot sword and die with the bandits. Since the Northern Expedition, I have never heard of a general who died in the army. If there is, please come Feng Yongshi!"

The flag does not back down, I am willing to raise a three-foot sword, and die for the country and myself.

Soldiers march forward without hesitation, and die without hesitation.

With such a commander leading such soldiers, who would dare to despise him? Even the prime minister of Han Dynasty was quite satisfied.

Don't you see that many of Feng Yong's troops are not the same as the Han military system, but the prime minister didn't mention it at all.

It's just that people never expected that Feng Yong was the first to express his dissatisfaction with his soldiers in public, and even deliberately wanted to embarrass them.

But only Feng Yong is qualified to point fingers at them like this.

Otherwise, even Zhang Ni, who personally trained the Modao team, could only remain silent. At the same time, he thought in his heart: It is rare in the world for a monarch to be so strict with his soldiers.

At this time, the contestants in the audience had already decided the winner.

Although Liu Hun has courage, but in front of the huge mountain woman who specializes in close combat, Liu Hun, who has no weapons in his hand, can only be overturned to the ground repeatedly.

This time, no one booed. After all, facing a Roshan who couldn't tell the difference between male and female, everyone would feel a lot of pressure.

After Zhang Ni announced the result, Feng Yong stood up, walked to the front of the high platform, and stood there quietly with an extremely stern expression.

Then a female guard brought up a huge horn.

Obviously, after passing this competition, Bu Qu was even deprived of the qualification to play a trumpet.

Waiting for everyone to calm down, Feng Junhou pointed down like a sculpture, and suddenly cursed, "Trash! Let's see how I deal with you in two days!"

Feng Yong's voice, if you really want to let go of it, it is not low at all, and the curse words are amplified by the loudspeaker, buzzing like a thunderstorm.

The scolding made all the members bow their heads, wishing they could find a crack in the ground and get in.

On the contrary, Liu Hun looked at the direction Roshan left, his eyes flickering.

Feng Yong from above pointed to the soldiers who came to watch the fun, "You are the same! In the beginning, were you the ones who booed others? Hmm? If you have the ability, you can go on stage and try?"

As a result, the soldiers who had just come to watch the fun fell from the sky, and they were also scolded.

In the end, the well-behaved Qiang Hu also failed to escape, "And you, I do not keep idlers in the army of Captain Qiang, if you want to join, you'd better show your real skills!"

If the tribe can become the source of soldiers in the Qiang Guard's army, it will naturally receive the best treatment, and tax exemption is the most basic.

If he can make a contribution, or be valued by Feng Junhou, as long as he is a little bit inclined in the aspect of wool and wool, it will be enough for the clan to eat well.

Not to mention such rare things as tea and sugar.

The Qianghu leaders who can come to watch are basically tribal leaders recognized by the Huqiang captain. Now that they think of the pile of meat, they all take a breath.

What kind of warriors are qualified in this Huqiang school lieutenant army?

Feng Junhou was on the high platform, spraying foam from the mouth until his mouth was dry, then he stopped, turned around and left angrily.

Thousands of people were left alone in the arena, not daring to move.

It's just that no one thought that at night, Feng Xiaowei personally brewed a cup of honey and put it on the table.

Then he tiptoed over to Guan Zong who was sitting in front of the dresser combing his hair and said obsequiously, "Xi Jun, drink the honey water before going to bed?"

How can there be that majestic appearance in the daytime?

Guan Ji let out a "hmm", put down the comb, walked to the table, and drank the warm honey water that was right on the table.

Captain Feng followed again, put his hands on Guan Ji's shoulders, and began to help massage, "Xijun really worked hard today."

"It's not really hard work, but it's just a directing game, and the concubine didn't do it herself at the time."

Guan Ji only felt that the strength of her hands on her shoulders was just right, which made her relax involuntarily.

"Why don't you say that Xijun is powerful? Then Liu Hun can be considered a brave general. I didn't expect Xijun to defeat him before he did it himself."

Feng Yong leaned forward and said, "Xijun's army formation today looks very unusual."

"This is...well, please press Alang's hand here."

Guan Ji gestured.

"is it here?"


"What did you want to say just now?"

"I want to say, this is taught by my aunt."

When Feng Yong heard this, he was overjoyed, and his thoughts were as expected, "Then what is the name of this army formation?"

"Alang, use more force in this position."


Feng Yong hastened to massage vigorously.

"This army formation is called the Eight Formation Diagram."

Guan Ji narrowed her eyes comfortably, and replied casually.

Feng Tubie was almost overjoyed, but stopped with his hands, "I didn't expect that the prime minister's wife would know the eight formations and teach them to Xijun?"

"What's the point? When the prime minister deduced the eight formations, my aunt also helped a lot. Why didn't Alang press it?"

Guan Ji seemed to enjoy Feng Yong's massage.

Huang Yueying is awesome! (Breaking sound)

"Okay, okay, press, press!" Feng Yong continued to exert force on his hands, leaned his head closer, and asked in a low voice, "Then, have you mastered the eight diagrams?"

"How can it be that easy? The more soldiers there are in the eight formations, the more complicated the military orders will be. I have learned a little bit now, and can command at most two thousand people to practice this formation."

"No amount of it is enough. Once the command is not enough, the circulation in the formation will not work well, but it will not be beautiful."

So I said at the beginning, when in Longxi, the Zhuge old demon commanded tens of thousands of people to form an eight formation map, so what is the operating ability of sixteen threads?

"You can learn if you can't command!" Feng Yong sat next to Guan Ji and encouraged him, "Now there are ten thousand Qiang captains, and Xijun is in charge of protecting Qiang, just use them to practice."

After thinking about it, Lao Tzu led ten thousand people to form an eight formation map. There were two husband and wife in the formation, one of them was a puppet, just watch it, and the other was the actual commander.

What Zhang He Guo Huai, I will be afraid of you?

Guan Ji glanced at Feng Yong, suddenly couldn't help laughing "puchi", and then leaned forward and back happily, "I said why is Alang so abnormal tonight, so I want my concubine to teach you about military formation?"

After laughing for a while, Guan Ji took Feng Yong's hand.

"Since Alang has something to ask, just say it out, why do you need to talk in such a corner? You and I are a husband and wife, what else can't we say?"

Feng Yong gave a "tsk" and said disdainfully, "What are you teaching? I still need Xijun to teach me? The prime minister also wanted to teach me at the beginning, but I didn't learn it."

"Being able to have the prime minister teach the art of war in person is a good thing that many people can't ask for. Why doesn't Alang learn it?"

Guan Ji had a look of regret on her face.

Feng Yong sighed, and said quietly, "The eight formations are too complicated, I can't learn them!"

"Pfft! Hahaha..."

"Don't laugh! I won't be polite if you laugh again!"

Feng Junhou became angry from embarrassment, "I have something to discuss with Xijun."

"Okay, my concubine doesn't laugh, Alang, please tell me."

"I have a winter training plan."

"What plan?"

Guan Ji stroked her chest, then raised her head to look at the serious Feng Yong, she couldn't hold back a smile on her face, and finally lay down on the table with a twitch of laughter.

"It's against you!"

"A-Lang, A-Lang, I know I was wrong! Oh, take it easy..."

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