Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 684 Yueshi City

The Hexi Corridor, which is now the land of Liangzhou, used to belong to the nomadic land of the Yuezhi before the rise of the Xiongnu.

Mao Dun, the hero of the Xiongnu generation, was once sent to the Yue clan as a hostage by his predecessor Shanyu Touman, his father, in order to ensure the stability of the Huns.

Later, the Xiongnu became stronger and stronger and started a war with the Yuezhi. Mao Dun took the opportunity to steal good horses and fled back to the Xiongnu.

Afterwards, Maodun succeeded Shanyu the Xiongnu, and he mobilized all his troops to attack the Yuezhi, who was defeated.

After decades of continuous attacks on the Yuezhi, the Xiongnu finally forced the once powerful Yuezhi out of the Hexi Corridor.

Most of the Yuezhi tribe migrated westward.

The remaining small number of people fled into the Han territory, and included the big Han.

At that time, Emperor Xiaowen was in power, and after consideration, the great Han placed them in the Luepan Mountain area within the Great Wall, where the water and grass are lush and the land is sparsely populated.

Later, Yuezhi City was built next to Luepan Mountain, where the Yuezhi descendants gathered and lived, and at the same time asked them to help the big Han guard against the Huns in the north.

To the north of Yuezhi City is the grassland.

To the west is Xiaoguan. After Xiaoguan, it leads to Tianshui in the south and Liangzhou in the west.

Yang Tiao was originally from a wealthy local family, and had always been friends with the Hu people. When he heard that the Han was attacking Longyou, he raised his clan's soldiers to respond.

At that time, Anding County was in turmoil, and officials in many places fled one after another, let alone someone to manage Yang Tiao.

So Yang Tiao hijacked the local officials, entered Yuezhi City, and guarded the city.

Later, the army of Wei Jun came to help from the Kanto, and there was panic in Yueshi City.

It's just that Wei Jun was defeated in Longyou, and even Emperor Wei, who was personally conquered by Yujia, was forced to leave Chang'an in despair.

Yang Tiao and the others were greatly encouraged.

Afterwards, the Han army occupied Xiaoguan and sent people to support it, which made Yang Tiao finally calm down.

The only thing to worry about is that during the period of Emperor Xiaowu, the Han Dynasty vigorously suppressed the Xiongnu, and Yueshi City began to gradually lose its strategic value.

This city, which was built hundreds of years ago, is now not only short in size due to lack of repairs, but also dilapidated.

In view of the fact that the city was not easy to defend and it was too far away from Xiaoguan, Zhao Guang suggested that Yang Tiao lead his army to move westward, but Yang Tiao refused.

The reason is very simple, in Yuezhi City, he is regarded as a local snake.

But if you leave your hometown, you have to obey others.

Besides, Yang Tiao believed that in order to control Anding, the Han army would definitely not give up the important place of Yuezhi.

Zhao Guang had nothing to do with Yang Tiao's stubbornness, so he had to subsidize some supplies, and at the same time made an agreement with him to echo each other, and if there was any discrepancy, he had to send someone to report it as soon as possible.

With the arrival of severe winter, the communication between Yuezhi City and Xiaoguan became more and more blocked.

Whether it was Zhao Guang from Xiaoguan or Yang Tiao from Yuezhi City, because of Wei Jun's defeat in Longyou, they all had a certain degree of contempt for Wei Jun.

Coupled with the severe cold in Anding County in winter, no one thought that Wei Jun would send troops at this time.

So not only Yang Tiao, but even Zhao Guang, in this weather, their vigilance was seriously lacking.

Before the news of Linjing's pacification came, Xia Houba had already led three thousand elite riders to a place thirty miles away from Yuezhi City.

At this time, the defenders of Yuezhi City were still ignorant of the arrival of the Wei army.

When the sentry cavalry sent by Xiahouba learned that Yuezhi City had no response to his arrival, they were overjoyed.

First, the army was ordered to dismount and rest, and at the same time not to raise fire, so as not to expose the target.

Just wait until it gets dark, and pick out another three hundred elite daredevils, and at the same time promise to lead them with great kindness and benefits.

From time to time, a school officer dissuaded him, "The general's status is precious, and the Yue family's Yang thief is just a thief. How can it be worth the risk of the general? Why don't you besiege the city first and wait for the general to lead the army before attacking the city?"

Xia Houba said, "Otherwise, the Yueshi City has been in disrepair for a long time, the city walls are small, the defenders in the city are insufficient, and there is no defense. It is the right time to break it."

Then he took the daredevils to the city of Yuezhi, and it was already the third watch.

Not only were the people in the city already asleep, but the soldiers of the Yang family clan at the top of the city were also hiding in a corner and lighting a fire to keep warm.

Xia Houba led 300 elite soldiers, picked a damaged corner of the city wall, took off his armor, put on thick woolen clothes, took the lead, dug up the ridge with sharp blades, and climbed up.

Yuezhi City was built in the early Han Dynasty. It was built with rammed earth and there were no bricks on the outside. In addition, the city wall was not high. Xia Houba quickly climbed to the top of the city and looked away at the fire.

The Wei army who quietly climbed to the top of the city attacked and killed the soldiers who were sitting by the fire warming and sleeping, and then opened the city gate.

Wei Jun, who had been waiting outside for a long time, rushed in.

At this time, the patrolling Yang family soldiers finally discovered the abnormality.


Xia Houba was still at the head of the pack, charging straight at the soldiers of the Yang family who were patrolling the city.

Prepared versus unprepared, plus the fact that the Wei army is an elite force, how could the Yang family's soldiers be able to resist?

The guards patrolling the city suffered heavy casualties after only one encounter. In the end, at the cost of none of them surviving, they finally alarmed the guards in the city.

Seeing that the defenders were alarmed, Xia Houba ordered the main force of the Wei army to enter the city as soon as possible. At the same time, he ordered people to light torches and set fires everywhere to create chaos.

For a time, the city was full of flames.

There is a Ya city in the Yueshi city, which is the place where the direct descendants of the Yang family live.

The movement in the outer city has not disturbed here for the time being, so Yang Tiao is still sleeping.

A soldier slammed on the door of his house and shouted loudly, "Zongzhang, Zongzhang, it's not good, the Wei army has entered the city!"

Yang Tiao was awakened by the concubine beside him, but he was still lying down, and said sleepily, "Wei Jun? What Wei Jun? Isn't Wei Jun far away in Xinping County?"

"Master Zong, it's true! This Wei army came out of nowhere, and the city gate was lost for some reason. Now the city is in chaos. Zong Zong, please get up quickly!"

Hearing the words of the guards outside the door, Yang Tiao woke up with a start, dressed in a hurry under the service of his concubine, and opened the door.

"What's going on? Where are the people guarding the city tonight?"

The soldier said anxiously, "It's gone, it's all gone, the city is in a mess now, it's all Wei Jun! Zong Zhang, what should we do?"

Yang Tiao heard the words of the soldiers, and then noticed that the shouts of killing outside were constantly approaching here.

Not far away, the fire illuminated the night sky, and it was unknown whether it was the burning house or the torch held by Wei Jun.

Under the light of the candles, one can clearly see the blood on Yang Tiao's face fade away quickly.

It's not that he has never imagined the scene of Wei Jun's soldiers approaching the city.

But what he envisioned was to discover the enemy early, notify Xiaoguan's Han army in time, and defend the city vigorously.

Worst of all, even if the Yueshi City is not well defended, they can calmly lead the tribe back to Xiaoguan before the Wei army arrives.

It's not the situation in front of me that even Wei Jun doesn't know where he came from or when he entered the city.

"How many more can we muster?"

Yang Tiao came to his senses very quickly, he forcibly suppressed the panic in his heart, and asked the soldiers in a sharp voice.

"Hui Zongchang, except for those guarding Yacheng, there is no way to contact the guards outside."

"That is to say, there are only a hundred people?"

Yang Tiao dared to lead troops against Wei, so naturally he would not be useless. After a short period of panic, he quickly made a decision.

He said decisively, "Hurry up and gather all the clansmen in Yacheng, pack up your things, and obey my orders at any time."

Then he turned around and went back to the house, and ordered the concubine Ji in the house to help put on the armor, and then, carrying the sword, went to join the clansmen in Yacheng.

Walking along the way, when encountering servants who were running around and screaming, they stabbed to death with a sword, and at the same time kept shouting, "Hurry up and gather in the open space in the middle of Yacheng!"

In the center of Yacheng, the soldiers have long been guarding the Yang family's descendants, young and old, waiting in the open space.

Yang Tiao didn't explain to them either, and directly asked the generals guarding Yacheng, "Where did the Wei thieves come from?"

"Returning to Zongchang, the people in the south are the most blazing, and there are shouts and killings from all over the world, but there is no movement in the north."

"Okay, let's go north immediately."

Yang Tiao didn't miss it for a moment, and said decisively.

"Zong Zhang, what if there is an ambush in the north?"

Elder Zong asked hesitantly.

"Wei bandits attack the city at night, how can they be fully prepared?" Yang Tiao retorted, "Go quickly! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the soldiers to open the way ahead and led the people out of the city in a panic.

A woman held Yang Tiao by the corner of his clothes, "Ah Lang, Shiro hasn't come here yet, I don't know where..."

Yang Tiao turned his head and said angrily, "How can one person tire the whole family? Whoever doesn't come, that is life and death!"

After all, he repeatedly urged everyone to quicken their pace.

There are nearly a hundred people in the direct line of the Yang family, and now only a dozen people have gathered, so more than one Shiro didn't come?

But Yang Tiao has no time to wait.

In the dark night, some people couldn't keep up with the team, stumbled, and didn't know where they were. At first, they were afraid of Wei Bing, so they only dared to call in a low voice.

When I got to the back and heard that there was no response to myself, I felt anxious, so I couldn't care about anything, and shouted loudly.

Although Xia Houba successfully entered the city, but because he was not familiar with the main roads in the city, he could only lead his people all the way to the center of the city.

At the same time, he also ordered the soldiers to throw torches incessantly, causing confusion and increasing the momentum.

Along the way, soldiers from the Yang family continued to appear, some were broken up, and some tried to resist, all of which were killed by Xia Houba.

When he rushed to the gate of Yacheng with his people, he saw that the gate was wide open, the lights inside were brightly lit, people flashed past from time to time, there was no guard on Yacheng, it seemed very chaotic.

Xiahouba was overjoyed, the guards of the Yueshi city were really mobs!

Immediately shouted, "Tie Yang, take your life!"

Unexpectedly, after he rushed to Yacheng and was searched by people, he learned through interrogation that Yang Tiao had already escaped from the north gate.

Xia Houba was in a hurry, and hurriedly sent people to chase him.

It's just that Yuezhi City was originally designated in the former Han Dynasty for the Hu people who came to surrender, and the surrounding area was a place for grazing. After Yang Tiao entered the city, he was able to collect a lot of horses.

At this time the horses helped him a lot.

Some of the Yang family did not know how to ride a horse or were left behind. They fell into the city and were captured by the Wei army.

Under pressure, Xia Houba learned that Yang Tiao left the city with his cronies and clansmen, and rode westward on horseback.

Cao Zhen, who was leading the army at the back, was very happy to learn that Xiahouba attacked Yuezhi City at night.

He said to Xia Houba who came to greet him, "General Zhengxi (Xia Houyuan) had five hundred in three days, and one thousand in six days, and he walked in the middle of the pass with a tiger. You led the army to rush to the Yue clan and easily defeated the Yang bandits, which is quite like your father's legacy. "

Xia Houba received Cao Zhen's praise, instead of being happy, he had a look of shame on his face, "It's really the last general's fault that he couldn't capture and kill Bandit Yang in this battle."

"Tie Yang is just a thieves, he fled as soon as he escaped, and it didn't hurt the overall situation. What I like is that Zhong Quan has the style of a general. It seems that Wei will have another general."

Cao Zhen didn't care about Yang Tiao's escape, but praised Xia Houba greatly.

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