Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 706 Consolation and Stability

In fact, it doesn't matter whether Sun Quan claims to be emperor or not.

Because as long as someone has a little political common sense, his heart is like a mirror: Sun Quan will become emperor sooner or later.

There are things in the world, some things are said but not done, and some things are said not to be done.

Just like Sun Quan proclaiming himself emperor, although everyone knows it in their hearts, no one will say it clearly.

Because for the big man, the most important thing is: if Sun Quan really proclaims himself emperor, how will the big man deal with himself?

If it is admitted, it will be a political disaster for the self-proclaimed orthodox big man who upholds the slogan of expelling thieves and rejuvenating the Han Dynasty.

If he does not admit it, then the big man will lose his most important ally, and he will have to face the powerful Cao thief alone, and he will also have to bear the pressure from the east at any time.

"If Guanzhong is in the hands of a big man at this time, why do I need to look at Wu Guo's face?"

Zhuge Liang, who knew that Sun Quan's proclaiming the emperor was a foregone conclusion, sighed weakly. He finally felt a little tired at this moment, who was carrying the weight of the whole country.

He could almost imagine what kind of waves would be caused in Dahan when the news of Sun Quan proclaiming himself emperor reached Dahan.

Zhuge Qiao felt the helplessness and fatigue when he saw the adult's appearance that he had never shown in front of outsiders.

Looking at the lord whose beard had already started to turn gray, Zhuge Qiao inexplicably had a thought: lord, you may be really tired.

"My lord, since the matter is irreversible, why don't you ask the opinions of other people in the court and deal with it in advance?"

Zhuge Qiao said in a low voice.

"Who dares to risk such disrespect and agree to the coexistence of two emperors after Sun Quan proclaims himself emperor?"

Zhuge Liang shook his head and smiled wryly.

Even everyone knows that it is still the best way to fight against Cao Cao with Soochow, but at this time, who dares to stand up?

Political correctness is often more important than line correctness.

"There will always be wise people. When the late emperor passed away, wasn't it also..."

Zhuge Qiao said something, and then fell silent again.

Back then, who proposed the restoration of the Han-Wu alliance?

Thinking of Feng Yong who called his brother, Zhuge Qiao felt that he was a little reckless.

If you sell anyone, you can't sell your own brother!

I was seriously ill last year, if my younger brother hadn't rescued me, I might not have survived that test.

In addition, brother is now the son-in-law of the Guan family, if he is not careful, he is afraid that the tiger girl will show his power and the Feng family's inner court will be restless.

Well, forget it, forget it, don't mention this matter, it's better not to mention it.

"One moment and another moment."

Although Zhuge Qiao only spoke half of what he said, Zhuge Liang still knew what he was going to say.

"When the first emperor was in Yong'an, he originally intended to restore the alliance with Wu. At that time, Han and Wu had already sent envoys to each other several times."

"It was only later that the late Emperor died halfway, and Sun Quan was suspicious because of His Majesty's weakness, so the matter was delayed."

"Even if Feng Yong didn't open his mouth to mention this matter, someone will bring it up in the end. Everyone in the court understands this truth."

"Therefore, the resumption of the alliance between Han and Wu at that time was not considered too much resistance, but this time is very different from that at that time."

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang paused for a moment, and then continued, "At this time, Feng Yong's status is different from the past. It is better not to let him participate in such matters."

After hearing this, Zhuge Qiao quickly said yes.

There is even a trace of displeasure in my heart: I have never enjoyed such a loving heart from an adult!

Zhuge Liang naturally didn't know what Zhuge Liangqiao was thinking, he continued: "Even if you can't escape in the end, you have to wait until the matter is clear before participating."

"Otherwise, Zhao Guang is a lesson from the past. Um, Zhao Guang? Zhao Guang..."

As Zhuge Liang spoke, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly.

Zhuge Qiao didn't dare to interrupt your lord's words, so he sat there and listened with bated breath.

It's just that Zhuge Liang seemed to fall into deep thought all of a sudden.

After a long time, Zhuge Liang came back to his senses, but suddenly told Zhuge Qiao, "Okay, you go out first, and help me find Li Yi."

The seventh year of Jianxing of the Great Han Dynasty, the eighth year of Huangwu of the Eastern Wu Dynasty, and the third year of Taihe of Cao Wei, this year is destined to be an uneasy year.

The court of the Great Han Dynasty seems to be peaceful, but the situation underneath is treacherous, and the struggle between the two auxiliary ministers left by the late emperor Liu Bei has entered a fierce battle.

Soochow was making a big splash, and many courtiers presented memorials, saying that auspiciousness appeared in many places, which was preparing for the king of Wu to proclaim himself emperor.

As for Cao Wei, after suffering major defeats on the east and west fronts, Emperor Wei first issued his own edict, and then tried his best to appease the country.

It's just that the house leaks and it rains all night.

Last year, Cao Wei not only suffered disastrous defeats in front of Shu Wu, but even the Hu people in the north were ready to move.

Tianyu, the captain of Huwuwan, sent the translator Xia She to the tribe of Ke Bineng's son-in-law Yu Zhugejian, but was killed by Yu Zhugejian.

Tian Yu was not resentful of the humiliation of the barbarians, and repeatedly wrote to send troops to crusade against Yu Zhugejian.

However, Cao Wei was doing his best to deal with the two countries of Shu and Wu at that time, and after two major defeats, he was seriously injured.

It forced Cao Rui, the then emperor of Wei, to order the frontier guards not to start the war lightly.

More importantly, the loss of Longyou made Wei Guo feel like a thorn in his back, because Guanzhong was always under the prying eyes of the opposite side.

In addition, Liangzhou was cut off from the mainland and would fall into the hands of Shu captives at any time, so Cao Wei's strategic focus had shifted from the southeast to the northwest.

Not to mention the Youzhou area, even the Yangzhou area is currently fully shrinking its defense.

Only the place in the middle of the pass is the place to use troops.

However, in the eyes of the barbarians in Youzhou, the prestigious Fuguo General Xian Yufu was transferred to Guanzhong, and brought a lot of troops with him.

This greatly reduced the pressure on Ke Bineng, who had been suppressed by Tian Yu for a long time, and continued to provoke the border areas and plunder the Wei land.

The words of Tian Yu's letter became more and more intense: it is the destiny of the Great Wei to replace the Han. However, in the Han Dynasty, all the Hu people surrendered. The Great Wei Dynasty was in great prosperity, but allowed the barbarians to slaughter the common people. Isn't this the heart of the people in Libei?

Cao Rui, the emperor of Wei, was angry with Shu and Wu outside, and had to compromise with the aristocratic family inside.

Seeing that the barbarian even bullied him now, he was very angry.

Sending officials to supervise the tribes of the Hu people was originally a rule left by Emperor Wu.

If this matter is not pursued, then what should happen if the five Huns of Bingzhou and Hu Youyang of Bingzhou who are adjacent to Youzhou follow the example and kill the officials placed by the Great Wei?

So Cao Rui sent an order to Tian Yu that if any Hu people invaded, he could attack them with all his strength.

But he managed to stay awake, and specially told Tian Yu not to cross the frontier.

Tian Yu got the order of the emperor, and first ordered the western Xianbei Putou and Xieguini departments in the Wei territory to leave the fortress to attack Yuzhu's Gejian department.

At the same time, he led the Wei army to ambush at the border.

With the backing of Ke Bineng, a master of Xianbei, Yu Zhugejian chased Putou and Xieguini to the territory of Wei, and Tian Yu defeated them.

Ke Bi Neng was furious when he learned about it, and personally led 30,000 fine cavalry to attack Macheng in Dai County of Youzhou.

Fortunately, Tian Yu was well prepared. He knew that he could not fight with a small number of soldiers, so he retreated to the south bank of the water control in advance.

When the water was controlled during the spring floods, the water level soared, and Ke Bineng was unable to cross the river, so he turned to lead the army to Shanggu County, Pang County, Dai County, and wanted to plunder Guangning County.

Yan Zhi, the prefect of Shanggu County, is Yan Rou's younger brother.

Yan Rou was captured by the Hu people since she was a child, and later became close and trusted by the Hu people. The Hu people even sent troops to help Yan Rou many times.

Although Yan Rou is dead now, his younger brother Yan Zhi is also deeply trusted by the Xianbei people.

After he heard the news, he was shocked, and rushed all night, and finally arrived before Ke Bineng's soldiers approached Guangning County, and personally entered the Hu camp to persuade Ke Bineng.

Kebi was able to see Yan Zhi, so he reluctantly agreed to retreat.

However, he angrily reprimanded Tian Yu for sowing dissension among the tribes of Xianbei over the years, causing the tribes to kill each other.

At the same time, he wrote a letter to Emperor Wei:

"Yi and Di don't know how to write, but they also know how to behave. The late school lieutenant Yan Rou once protected me from the Son of Heaven, and the Son of Heaven also made me the King of Fuyi.

When the Kingdom of Wei first came to power, I moved several times to Hudi, with a total of nearly 2,000 households. The people of Wei returned to Wei, and repeatedly presented good horses as a token of submission.

I heard that there was a shortage of horses in the Central Plains, so I personally led thousands of people and drove more than 70,000 cattle and horses to do business with the Central Plains.

Unexpectedly, Tian Yu was a vicious person by nature, he killed countless people of my clan, and made all the tribes in the grassland kill each other. Although we are backward and ignorant of etiquette and righteousness, we accept the emperor's seal and ribbon.

Tian Yu wants to force against the barbarians and Di, so I can't wait to die, not to mention I still have the hearts of the tribes in the grassland. "

Yan Zhi solemnly agreed to Ke Bineng, and promised to present the letter to the emperor.

After Ke Bineng led the army out of the Great Wall, Yan Zhi hurriedly sent someone to send the letter to Luoyang.

There are four people who cannot get around the matter of Youzhou.

One is Xian Yufu, the other is Tian Yu, and the remaining two are Yan brothers.

When Tian Yu was young, he once took refuge in Liu Bei, and returned home because of his mother's old age. Later, he was appointed as the county magistrate of Dongzhou by Gongsun Zan.

Xian Yufu was engaged by Liu Yu's subordinates.

Liu Yu advocated being gentle with the Hu people, while Gongsun Zan liked to use the Hu people to gain experience.

The two disagreed, and conflicts gradually arose, and finally Liu Yu was killed by Gongsun Zan.

Xian Yufu and his younger brother Xian Yuyin led the remnants to avenge Liu Yu. At that time, the leader of the Hu people led more than 7,000 cavalry to follow.

Because of her high prestige, Yan Rou was elected Wuhuan Sima, and summoned tens of thousands of Hu people and Han people to attack Gongsun Zan from the other side.

At the same time, Yuan Shao in the south and Gongsun Zan attacked each other all year round.

Gongsun Zan faced enemies on three sides, was defeated repeatedly, and finally committed suicide.

Although Xian Yufu and Tian Yu belonged to the opposing camp, they later became best friends.

After Gongsun Zan's defeat, although the land of Youzhou was nominally under the jurisdiction of Yuan Shao, in terms of influence, it was rarely Yufu and Yan Rou.

Xian Yufu was elected by the officials to act as the prefect, and he appointed his good friend Tian Yu as the chief historian.

At that time, all heroes were rising together, and Xian Yufu didn't know who to follow. Tian Yu persuaded him to submit to Cao Cao, and asserted that the one who would bring peace to the world must be Cao Cao, and Xian Yufu followed his words.

Later, when the Battle of Guandu broke out, Xian Yufu went to the front line from Youzhou to meet Cao Cao in person, and Yan Rou also sent envoys to see Cao Cao.

After Cao Cao unified Hebei, he reused both of them.

Tian Yujiu followed Gongsun Zan, and his attitude towards the barbarians was the same as Gongsun Zan's, that is to kill, kill, kill!

As for Xian Yufu, he was neutral, attacking those who disobeyed the big Han, and appeasing those who surrendered, so he was supported by some Hu people, but at the same time was hated by some Hu people.

As for the brothers of the Yan family, they tried their best to appease them and won the trust of the Hu people.

Even though Ke Bineng is now the most powerful force in Xianbei, he has won the support of the tribe, and at the same time other Hu leaders are also in awe of him.

But as soon as Yan Zhi came forward, he had no choice but to listen, which shows the influence of the Yan family brothers on the Hu people.

Now Yan Rou is dead, and Xian Yufu has been transferred to Guanzhong.

The opinions of Tian Yu and Yan Zhi are two extremes, so the opposition of opinions suddenly became sharp.

Although Tian Yu defeated Yuzhu's Gelian tribe this time, he also angered Ke Bi Neng and led the army to come, causing Youzhou to suffer from war.

Yan Zhi would not let go of this opportunity, he wrote this matter into a memorial and sent it to Luoyang urgently.

Cao Rui was already devastated by the two big defeats. After receiving the news of the big victory in the north, he was very happy, thinking that he could show his martial arts.

Unexpectedly, a letter from Ke Bineng was sent back to Luoyang at the same time.

After Cao Rui read the letter, which was half threatening and half persuading, he was furious.

He is young and vigorous, and now he is the emperor, how can he be threatened by the barbarians?

It's just that the two places in the southeast and northwest are more threatening than the Hu people, so he has to suppress his emotions forcibly.

He first publicized the Hu people in Youzhou to boost the morale of the officials, and at the same time concealed the letter from Ke Bineng.

However, the matter did not end there.

At this time, the governor of Youzhou was called Wang Xiong, and like Yan Zhi, he advocated appeasing the Hu people.

Since Tian Yu became the captain of Hu Karasuma, he was worried that the Hu people would merge with each other, which would gradually unify the Hu people into a large tribe and cause greater harm.

So he subdued the annexers and forced the powerful tribes to disperse. Anyone who dared to make suggestions for the Hu people tried their best to sow discord between them.

Therefore, Wang Xiong and Tian Yu's political views have always been at odds. Now they have an opportunity, and their followers take the opportunity to slander Tian Yu for disturbing the border and causing trouble for the country.

At the same time, Wang Xiong gave a memorial, pointing out that the biggest hidden danger of the Wei State at this time was the State of Shu and the State of Wu, not the Hu people in the north. Therefore, the barbarians should not be provoked at will and let them trouble the border.

Cao Rui heaved a sigh of relief when he received the memorial from Wang Xiong, governor of Youzhou, and agreed with Wang Xiong's views.

After considering the overall situation, Cao Rui took advantage of Tian Yu's excuse to defeat the barbarians, transferred him to the prefect of Runan, and promoted him to General Exterminate Yi.

Tian Yu's transfer from Youzhou can be considered to temporarily appease Ke Bineng.

The matter was full of twists and turns, but in the end, all parties gained.

Even Tian Yu, who lost Captain Hu Karasuma, was expelled from Youzhou, but he was still promoted.

I have to say that Cao Rui's move was really beautiful.

In the winter of last year, Wei first re-pacified most of the stable areas, and at the same time took back Yuezhi City from the Shu people.

Now, Tian Yu defeated the barbarians and captured a lot of them.

Such small victories were nothing in the past, but for Cao Wei, whose officials and people were in a downturn at this time, it was nothing less than a shot in the arm.

Cao Rui demonstrated his martial arts, coupled with various measures, finally stabilized the country.

He began to order the overhaul of the ancestral temple in Luoyang to welcome the four gods of Yecheng, Emperor Cao Jiagao, Emperor Tai, Emperor Wu, and Emperor Wen.

At the same time, he issued an edict when worshiping the ancestral temple:

"The ancient etiquette stipulates that when the queen has no sons, when selecting a concubine to inherit the great clan, he should inherit the orthodoxy and uphold justice, how can we take personal affection into consideration?

Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty inherited the throne of Emperor Zhao and added the title of his biological father;

Emperor Ai came to the throne as a feudal monarch, but Dong Hong and others even cited the extinct Qin State as an example to confuse the court at that time. They honored their biological father as Emperor Gong and built a sacrificial temple in the capital.

He also favored concubines and concubines of the vassal state, making her comparable to the empress dowager of Changxin Palace.

Discussing relatives and distances in the front hall of the imperial court, and standing four empress dowagers side by side at the same time in the harem, transcending status, without restraint, without blessings from humans and gods, yet blamed on the loyal and regular persuasion of Shi Dan..."

The imperial edict listed all the actions of the great man as violating the etiquette and law, emphasizing orthodoxy.

And authorize the important ministers of the country to punish those courtiers without pardon.

Cao Rui not only announced this edict to the world, but also wrote the content into a gold book, hid it in the ancestral temple, and recorded it in the national code.

This move strengthened Cao Wei's orthodoxy.

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