Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 712 The Demeanor of That Sword

"Array, prepare to meet the enemy!"

Feng Yong drew his handsome sword and shouted loudly, "General Ju has led his troops to surround them from behind. As long as we hold out for half an hour, none of them will be able to escape!"

"Victory! Victory!"

When I saw the fireworks before, I couldn't believe that the reinforcements had arrived, but now that the coach personally acknowledged it, they all shouted.

Still a vision from heaven?

Do you think I am illiterate like you?

Feng Yong remembered the conversation with Han Qiu just now, and couldn't help laughing again.

He felt that he should award himself a statuette.

As a self-cultivated actor, I, who should cooperate with you in the performance, did not pretend to ignore it, but took the story you made up as a fact.

Anyway, I wouldn't believe a single word the enemy said.

The whistle sounded, and the defensive formation, which was originally focused on the north, began to turn to the south.

In conjunction with the whistle, there was also the sound of bull horns on the opposite side.

The Xianbei Jingqi, who had been motionless, began to run slightly.

Han Qiu sat firmly in the army, and said to the leader of the begging army, "You must capture the opponent's camp before tomorrow morning. Except for that Feng Langjun, everyone else can be killed."

"If you can't attack before dawn tomorrow, then your entire army is in danger of being wiped out."

Qi Fubu thumped his chest hard: "Please rest assured, sir!"

After the leader left, the wolf slave asked: "Master, there are more than 2,000 Qianghu people, and they have been besieging for a long time, but they have no way to break through the camp."

"It's just over an hour before the sunset. Judging from the performance of the soldiers on the opposite side last night, they are all elite soldiers who can fight at night. Are these thousand Xianbei Hu'ers really breaking the camp?"

Han Qiu smiled lightly and explained: "Wolf slave, the opposite side is already a tired teacher. From morning till now, they don't even have a chance to raise their flames."

"Now they must be thirsty, hungry and tired. I deliberately talked to Feng Langjun just to let them relax."

"If a person has a spirit of heart, he will be able to hold on. But once he relaxes, this spirit will be vented. If you want to raise it again, even if you have the heart, it will be powerless."

"We are now waiting for work with ease, how can we be invincible?"

Hearing this, the wolf slave suddenly realized, "It turns out that the master's invitation to Feng Langjun to talk to him is actually a strategy."

Han Qiu smiled triumphantly.

The impact of Xianbei Jingqi is quite different from the previous Qianghu.

The weapons of the Qianghu rebels are uneven, and the worst ones even have wooden weapons.

The Xianbei Jingqi is a unified iron weapon. It seems that when they came from Liangzhou, Cao Wei gave them assistance.

Even his own trilogy is considered semi-heavy infantry in this era, with strong bows and crossbows, refined iron weapons, and the greatest possible protective armor.

But facing the tight formation of Xianbei Jingqi, he still felt pressure.

It was only the second wave of charge, and the hastily repaired perimeter of the camp was declared broken.

Feng Yong's expression remained unchanged, and he stood motionless at the highest point of the camp.

Zhang Muzhi beside him kept looking around, as if he was looking for his own reinforcements.

The arrow feathers shot by the Xianbei cavalry on both wings of the camp had begun to fall not far from the center of the camp.

Seeing the opposite side being compressed into the last ditch again, Han Qiu smiled.

Unexpectedly, the eagle archer standing behind him suddenly called out, "Master, look!"


Han Qiu followed the direction pointed by the eagle's hand, but saw nothing.

He knew that the eagle shooter's eyes were very sharp, and he could always see places that others couldn't see in advance, so he immediately asked, "What's there?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a black shadow appearing on the left side of the battlefield.

The shadow quickly expanded.

"It's the cavalry!"

The eagle shooter looked far away, and quickly explained to Han Qiu, "It seems to be the Qianghu who left earlier."

The eagle shooter couldn't see clearly, but Feng Yong, who was holding a binoculars, could see clearly: Liu Hun had brought his own cavalry to drive the rebels fleeing north.

It seemed that he wanted to escort the rebels past the west side of the battlefield.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yong's mouth, and he motioned to Zhang Muzhi, "Set off the fireworks to show our position, let Liu Hun pay attention, and don't let the defeated army rush over to our camp."

Zhang Muzhi promised loudly, and excitedly took out the fireworks he had prepared a long time ago, took out the firecrackers and lit them.

The "chichi" fuse burned to the end, and there was no sound...

It's dumb.

Zhang Muzhi was so anxious that he was sweating profusely.

Fortunately, the staff officer next to him quickly clicked on it again.

This time, Han Qiu saw a scene that he would never forget in his life.

A firework shot up from Feng Yong's camp, and then exploded a spark in the sky above the camp.

He stared blankly, opened his mouth wide, and could no longer maintain his previous calm attitude.

"Master, above Feng Langjun's camp, there seems to be a vision from the sky..."

The wolf slave said in a panic.

"Shuzi bullied me!"

Han Qiu's face turned red all of a sudden, and he slapped the wolf slave violently.

Thinking of Feng Yong's expression of bewilderment and uncertainty when the two sides were talking, and then the expression of being shaken by the vision from the sky, Han Qiu felt his chest tight and flustered.

Then he remembered that he had used a vision from the sky to scare Feng Yong, and the whole person was furious, cursing repeatedly: "Zhuzi! Shuzi is cunning!"

With those two strange sparks in the air, one before the other, Han Chou had already understood: Feng Yong is using himself as a bait to encircle and annihilate all his troops!

From hunter to prey, the change of identity was so fast that Han Qiu gritted his teeth.

The wolf slave was stunned. He still doesn't understand what happened.

Liu Hun, who saw the warning fireworks, quickly ordered Huo Yi to take a thousand new-style cavalry to go around to protect Feng Junhou.

He personally led the people and continued to chase the remaining defeated rebels unhurriedly.

Prairie wolves have a way of hunting by constantly putting pressure on their prey to drive them toward their intended destination, while exhausting them along the way.

The new-style cavalry could easily follow behind these rebels, while the servants kept roaring, flickering from left to right, constantly harassing from both wings.

The rebels kept falling behind and being put on the ropes.

The servants of Longyou Hu people who were conscripted said that the hemp rope produced in Nanxiang is really useful!

"Master, there are also behind!"

The archer exclaimed again.

Han Qiu hurriedly looked back, only to see a group of pawns appearing behind them, with flags flying high, indicating their identity as the Han army.

"Impossible, how is it possible!"

Han Qiu stared into his blood-red eyes and murmured, "The secret letter carried by the courier sent between them clearly stated that it would arrive tomorrow."

"Master, the situation is not right, we will send you away first."

The wolf slave anxiously persuaded.

"Go? Where are you going?"

Han Qiu came back to his senses, and said with a ferocious face, "All the beards in the north have been driven back, and the road to the west has been cut off. Are you going to go east?"

If you want to go back to Liangzhou, you must either go north or west.

At this time, the Han army appeared in these two directions, which means that they have been prepared for a long time.

To the south is the high mountain that is difficult to climb, and the only way to go is to the east.

The east is the territory of the Han people. What is the difference between going east and going to throw yourself into a trap?

"Master, there are pawns in the rear, and we are elite cavalry. If we don't let people rush over with all their strength, they may not be able to stop them!"

The wolf slave suggested.

"I heard that Feng Yong's pawns have a battalion of evil spirits. Anyone who dares to block them will be chopped to pieces and eaten."

Han Qiu's expression was extremely gloomy, "Wei's famous general, Zhang Yun, also held his halberd in front of his pawns. Now that they have given way to the pawns, how do you know it's not a trap?"

The Xianbei leader ran over with a pale face: "Mr. Han, we are surrounded!"

"I know." Han Qiu's eyes were burning red with anger.

He looked at the leader, gritted his teeth, and said, "The only way now is to let all the troops rush up and break through the camp on the opposite side before the reinforcements on the other side have time to surround them."

"In the opposite camp, there is a senior official of the Han people. As long as you catch him, the Han army will not dare to touch us!"

Han Qiu pointed forward, "Otherwise, we will all die here. You only have one last chance, go!"

The Xianbei leader ran away in a panic again.

Han Qiu looked at the wolf slave and the eagle shooter, with a look of madness on his face: "Wolf slave and eagle slave, you two, follow!"

Feng Yong, who observed the enemy's situation with a telescope, noticed Hu Qi's abnormality.

Not only did the back road being cut off did not cause them to be defeated, but they all gathered together abnormally.

He quickly guessed the other party's intentions: the trapped beast is still fighting, what's the matter with humans?

"Don't be afraid, the reinforcements have arrived, this is the last charge of the bandits! Hold on, hold on and we will win!"

Even Zhang Muzhi was sent down to do encouragement work for the parts ahead.

The reinforcements from the north had begun to split into two, and one of the cavalry was heading towards this side, so the opponent had only one last chance.

They no longer cared about the casualties, and rushed over continuously.

Although the trilogy is protected by iron armor, the iron armor cannot offset the impact of the horse.

A section of the ditch has been filled with dead horses and dead horses. Hu Qi jumped over and rushed into the camp with his horsepower.

The part shouted, and four or five long spears provoked the knights together.

There was a man in front who didn't have time to back away, and was hit by a horse, spit out a big mouthful of blood, the bones in his body were broken, and he fell to the ground.

Hu Qi charged regardless of casualties, and finally made the camp a little chaotic.

Their goal is very clear, that is to rush to Feng Yong desperately.

But it's futile.

The trilogy members risked their lives to keep them at the periphery.

The two sides were red-eyed.

Feng Yong stood firmly, he gritted his teeth, his eyes fixed on the fierce fight less than thirty steps ahead.

At this time, a loud roar suddenly sounded from the side.

Feng Yong subconsciously turned his head to look.

I saw an extremely tall thief holding a long mace and sweeping towards him.

The three or four people standing in front of him were all shaken backwards.

Even Feng Yong could clearly see that the weapon in Bu Qu's hand was swept into the air.

The thief roared again, held up the mace and pushed hard, and the steps that tried to stop him from moving forward were pushed away again.

The thief strode forward, only less than twenty steps away from Feng Yong.

Feng Yong's expression finally changed, and he asked in a low voice, "Who is this?"

In the chaos caused by the wolf slaves, the Condor Archer who had been following behind finally found his chance.

He quickly drew the bow and drew the arrow, and with a bang, the arrow feathers shot towards Feng Yong like lightning.

Feng Yong suddenly felt the hairs on his body stand on end, and at the same time, a wave of fear seized him tightly.

Before he could react, he was shot in the chest by arrow feathers.

The powerful impact pushed Feng Yongzhen back two steps, he only felt that his eyes were dark, he couldn't lift his throat in one breath, and his body was limp and about to fall down.

As the world was spinning, he gritted his teeth, and with the sliver of reason he still had, relying on his feeling, he staggered and leaned against the flagpole of the handsome flag behind him to prevent himself from falling down.

It took a while for the dizzy feeling to disappear, and after he recovered, he touched the place where the arrow hit with lingering fear.

My chest hurts badly, and it's a little hard to breathe.

It feels like the bones in my chest are splitting.

Looking down, an arrow feather fell under his feet.

He raised his eyes to look in the direction of the arrow feather, and saw that the eagle shooter seemed to have a look of surprise in his eyes, and another arrow was set up in his hand.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared from the side of the Condor Archer, and Feng Yong could even catch a very bright sword light.

Where the sword light passed, the Condor Archer suddenly covered his neck with his hand, shook his body, and fell down.

The black shadow killed the eagle shooter, and stabbed the tall thief from behind again without changing his castration.

Everything happened so fast that the wolf slave had no idea what was happening behind him.

He is doing his best to cover for the Condor, so that the Condor can find the right time to make a shot.

It wasn't until a short section of the sword tip pierced through his left chest that he felt that the strength in his body seemed to be drained all of a sudden.

Soi Ying attacked the two of them consecutively with his hands up and down, all with one blow.

With the last ounce of strength, the thief swept the mace back and swept away...

The black shadow seemed to have anticipated the opponent's move, and rolled back without even pulling out his sword.

Feng Yong panted, watching this scene on the battlefield, a little dumbfounded.

Seeing that the black shadow seemed to disappear into the chaos, he quickly reached into his arms, trying to take out the binoculars, only to realize that his arms were empty.

The 500,000-watt telescope fell far ahead and broke in two.

It turned out that when he was shot by the eagle archer just now, he accidentally threw the telescope out.

After thinking about this, Feng Tubie felt his chest hurt even more.

Hu Qi's desperate charge finally created a chance for the thief to rush to Feng Yong's side, which was easily resolved by Sombra.

They have no chance.

Feng Yong didn't care about the reinforcements who started to fight back against Hu Qi, he was still looking around, trying to find that black shadow.

Those two swords were so amazing that he felt dazzled.

Over the years, the martial arts he has seen are all for fighting on the battlefield, killing the most enemies in the fastest way.

It doesn't matter whether you die or not, the important thing is to let the enemy lose combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

Even in the martial arts practiced by Guan Ji, who is a woman, the moves are open and closed.

On the other hand, the black shadow just now was more like an assassination method.

Fast, accurate, ruthless, pay attention to one hit must win.

It's just that Feng Yong didn't see that black shadow reappear until the battlefield was cleaned up.

"I've seen the prince!"

Ju Fu, Liu Hun and Huo Yi all heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Feng Yong standing under the commander's flag safe and sound.

Feng Yong waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to be too polite, and then said: "Liu Hun, come here."

Liu Hun was a little confused, so he stepped forward.

Feng Yong stretched out his arms and put them around his shoulders before he dared to take a step forward and took a long breath: "It hurts me to death, help me go to the tent to have a rest."

Liu Hun was Feng Yong's long-term follower at first. Although he is now a Marquis, how can the Guannei Marquis be as big as Liehou?

So Feng Yong asked him to help him without any pressure.

He just supported himself with one breath, and he had to lean half on the flagpole so that he could not fall down.

Although the inner lining is covered with high-quality fine chain mail, the arrow feathers used by the archers are long and heavy, and Feng Yong feels that the chain mail is likely to be pierced in half.

"Your Majesty is injured?"

When several people heard Feng Yong's words, their faces changed.

"I was shot with an arrow, but it didn't penetrate the armor, so it doesn't matter."

Feng Yong explained, and asked as he walked, "Have you caught the thief?"

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