"Your Majesty is in a hurry?"

Looking at Feng Yong's appearance, Han Qiu became more determined, "I still have something to ask."

I want you to die as soon as possible!

Feng Yong took a deep breath, "I don't know if there is anything else, sir?"

"I, a member of the Han family, will not work for Liu Han in life, and will not be buried in Liu Han's place when he dies."

"I know that I have no chance of surviving, and I only hope that after death, the lord can let someone burn my body to gather ashes and help me pack my clothes."

"Someone once brought more than a hundred people from Dingxiang, and now dozens of people are still in the hands of the lord."

"If you can pick a few people out of them, send my relics back to Dingxiang, and prevent some relics from falling into the Han land."

"Even under the ground spring, a certain person is still grateful."

Han Qiu stood up and bowed solemnly to Feng Yong.

"Count people? Is ten people enough?"

Feng Junhou, who is rich and powerful, quickly calculated in his heart, one one gets one, two one gets three.

Ten people are worth 1,000 min, which is a bit expensive and feels a bit painful.

"That's enough!" Han Qiu said happily, "Thank you, Lord, in advance."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. Whether the master can return to his body after death depends on what the master said."

As long as what you say is worthwhile, money or not, ah, no, I mean, it doesn't matter whether you thank me or not.

Of course, if you dare to lie to me, I heard that the ashes are good for fertilizing fields?

Anyway, farming is being resumed in Pingxiang now.

Feng Junhou thought it was fair.

Hearing Feng Yong's words, Han Qiu didn't hide any more: "Hao Zhao is going to die soon."

"Hao Zhao?" Feng Yong was taken aback, he couldn't react, or he couldn't believe it, "That Hao Zhao from Liangzhou?"

"There seems to be only one Hao Zhao that Junhou can remember, right?"

Han Qiu said.

Indeed, there is only one. In the original history, the old monster Zhuge was burned into a rage, and the old man Wei almost vomited blood last year.

Feng Yong raised his head and tried hard to recall, when did Hao Zhao die in the original history?

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't remember when Hao Zhao died.

I only remember that he should have died of a serious illness, and it was after the second Northern Expedition.

The second Northern Expedition in history was after the Battle of Shiting, exactly in December last year.

It's just that after this "after", how long is it?

But there is no specific time.

"How can you be so sure, sir?"

Feng Yong showed doubts on his face, and asked Han Qiu.

"Because XX came from Liangzhou, and it happened that Hao Zhao was seriously ill, and XX personally treated him."

Han Qiu smiled lightly, "If the Lord has the means to inquire about the news of Liangzhou, he will know that Xu Miao, the governor of Liangzhou last year, once sought out famous doctors."

Hearing Han Qiu say that Hao Zhao was seriously ill, Feng Yong already believed half a dozen points in his heart: Yes, it is similar to what was recorded in history.

"Hao Zhao's disease is actually a disease of intestinal ulcers, and at the same time, the fire qi attacks the heart. The stagnant qi has accumulated in the chest for a long time. Only by recuperating slowly can he recover."

"At that time, a certain person only suppressed his condition temporarily, and used ginseng to boost his vitality. As long as he finished taking the medicine that a certain person left for him, his condition would recur, and his life would not be long!"

"At the same time, ginseng is something that gets angry with the old man. I'm afraid he will vomit blood and die at that time. Therefore, I dare to assert that Hao Zhao will definitely not survive this April."

Hearing this, Feng Yong felt his chest beating violently.

Hao Zhao guarded Hexi, Liangzhou for more than ten years, and won the hearts of the Han and Hu people in Hexi, and his prestige was very high.

Moreover, he was able to command the army well, and he put down the rebellion in Liangzhou many times.

Although he was defeated by the tiger infantry army led by Old Demon Zhuge himself last year, when he was besieging Xiangwu City, Old Demon Zhuge had heard of Hao Zhao's reputation in Hexi, and he attached great importance to him.

If he dies, Liangzhou will lose a pillar.

So this information is very important.

"Your Majesty, Xu Miao, the governor of Liangzhou, is a literary official. He is quite good at governing the people, but in military affairs, he is far inferior to his ability to govern the people. Only by looking up to Hao Zhao can he command the generals of Liangzhou."

"Liangzhou was shaken last year, and people's hearts were not stable. If Hao Zhao went there again, there would be no people with enough prestige in the land of Hexi. It is the right time to drive troops west."

Seeing the change in Feng Yong's expression, Han Qiu quickly mustered his tongue and tried his best to persuade him.

It's just that Feng Langjun, who has the special skill of "smart words and seduction", is naturally immune to similar skills, so how can Han Qiu be able to persuade him with a few words?

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

This Han Qiu hated the big man so much, how could he think about the big man?

With his current appearance, he was either telling lies or had other plans.

It doesn't matter if you tell a lie, whether Hao Zhao Siyue will die, as long as you find a way, you can always find out.

And according to the historical trajectory, Hao Zhao is indeed very likely to die of illness.

Taking a step back, the big man's next step is definitely to take Liangzhou into his hands. Even if Hao Zhao is alive, he can't stop the big man's pace.

The only difference is whether it is more difficult or easier.

The only thing to worry about is if Han Qiu has other plans.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong hesitated, feeling that his IQ was not enough.

So I might need a Chi Concubine....

"Capturing Liangzhou is a great thing for the big man. Why is your husband so abnormal and enthusiastic?"

Feng Yong finally couldn't help asking.

"Junhou, I only agreed to tell you about Liangzhou, and I guarantee that it is true. As for why I am so enthusiastic, if I say to repay Junhou for helping me solve my doubts, will Junhou believe it?"

Han Qiu seemed to have expected Feng Yong to ask such a question a long time ago, and his eyes were full of teasing.

I believe you a ghost, you are a very bad old man!

Otherwise, give him the top ten tortures of the Manchu banquet first?

Feng Yong thought together, and he glanced at Han Qiu eagerly.

Just remembering that the old guy was so calm before he died, torture may not be able to pry his mouth open.

What's more, Han Long also took Jia Yi's words to persuade Emperor Han Wen to persuade himself that if he was punished, it would be breaking his promise.

Finally, I thought of my notoriety in Nanzhong, the little reputation I had accumulated in the mouth of the ranger with great difficulty, if I really want to go back on my word, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep this reputation.

So Feng Yong calmed down again, and he looked at Han Qiu without showing any weakness: "Of course I believe what you say, sir."

I can't figure it out, could it be that Zhuge Old Demon can't figure it out too?

If the old monster Zhuge eats such a large piece of fat in Liangzhou, it is impossible to make him look dead, but it will fatten him up.

Judging by the IQ of this old guy, it is impossible to compare with the prime minister.

Feng Tubie figured this out, and became happy again: Do you know someone above me?

On the contrary, it was Han Qiu who saw Feng Yong's calm expression, he didn't suspect that what he said was a lie, he seemed to be very sure, which surprised him.

"Your Majesty really has a beautiful heart, no wonder he can occupy a high position at such a young age."

My becoming a prince has nothing to do with my heart.

Feng Yongcai doesn't care about his flattery, do you think you won't have to die if you praise me like that? Think beautifully!

"There is one more thing, I want to ask my husband. The bald-haired department made an agreement with me to fight against the rebels. But in the end, it was silent. I don't know what the husband did to them?"

Feng Yong asked a question.

It would be a pity if he lost the goodwill he had cultivated with great difficulty, and he was a rare thug.

A few days ago, I also gave half a catty of tea leaves and three jars of spirits to Bald Hair Tianli...

Isn't this a loss?

"It's nothing. When the bald-haired and lonely tribe was still on the grassland, I helped many people in the bald-haired tribe to see a doctor, and I have some connections with them."

"When I came here this time, I went to talk about the past, and reminded them what kind of situation they would face if they defeated the Huahan Hu people alone."

Han Qiu looked at Feng Yong with a smile on his face, "That's why I suggest that they invite the Han army to come and attack the barbarians in Fanghan together."

Feng Yong's expression changed.

"Then what?"

"They thought what I said made sense."

"So when you led the beggars to cross the Daxia River, they promised you not to inform me?"

"That's not true, but I have an elder I have known for a long time in the bald hair department. I saved his life back then. He just told me the whereabouts of the messenger sent by the bald hair department."

"You intercepted the messenger from the Ministry of Baldness?"

"Otherwise, won't the lord know my whereabouts?"

Hearing this, Feng Yong breathed a sigh of relief.

If the bald hair department doesn't even want to notify me of the news, even though I can't bear it, I have to kill him.

"I once let the bald hair stand in Daxia County, but now it's been a long time, it seems that it was your hands and feet?"

Feng Yong confirmed it with Han Qiu again.

"He was summoned to Daxia County by the Marquis, and he was attacked and injured on the way. The Hu people don't have much scheming, I'm afraid many people will think it was the Marquis."

Han Chou's tone was very concerned, "I'm afraid that Junhou will have to spend a lot of effort to explain it clearly to them."

When Feng Yong heard this, he stood up abruptly and glared at Han Qiu, "Did you blame me?"

This old man really does whatever he wants.

Saving Hao Zhao only saved half of it, and then sold the news to himself.

He borrowed troops from Liangzhou, and sold Liangzhou backhandedly.

Remind the baldness department to pay attention to safety, and think of ways to trap the baldness department halfway.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong was horrified, he couldn't tell, this old guy was also digging a hole, and was about to bury himself!

So you can't follow his rhythm.

Feng Yong took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions: "Sir, do you have a clear conscience for acting like this?"

When Han Qiu heard this, he laughed loudly: "Back then, Liu Bangyi and the Han family were ashamed?"

"Someone has also inquired about Junhou. I heard that Junhou has the name of ghost king in Nanyi. He feeds on flesh and blood. His reputation can stop children from crying at night."

"In Shuzhong, it is known as Xiaowenhe, offering poison to plot the wealth of wealthy families in Shuzhong, and those who jump into the city and river are like autumn leaves leaving trees."

"After coming to Longyou, Qianghu all called Feng Langjun, but because of Junhou's scheme against the bald-haired tribe, I already knew what would happen to Longyou Qianghu..."

Feng Yong was furious, "Shut up! Old man, do you think I dare not kill you?"

Slander, this is the biggest slander!

Han Qiu shook his head while sighing, and stood up, "Your Majesty can play with the world in the palm of your hand, you can slaughter a city with a word, and annihilate a family with a word, you are worthy of learning from the ancient master."

"I really don't complain about my defeat at the hands of the lord. I heard the truth in the morning, and I will die in the evening. It is not in vain to have the lord to solve my doubts today."

"If the prince has nothing to ask, then I will leave first."

Feng Yong said with a gloomy face, "Then I won't see Mr. off."

After a while, Huo Yi came in: "Your Majesty, the leader of the thief has committed suicide with his sword."

"Have you checked what he left behind?"

Feng Yong's face was calm and his eyes were deep. The anger he had just had when he talked with Han Qiu had long since disappeared without a trace.

"I've checked it, and it's all common clothes, nothing special."

Feng Yong nodded, "That's good, cremate the body, and then pick out ten of his followers from the prisoners of war, and give them the things."

Not curing Hao Zhao, but at the same time passing the news to himself, plus increasing Han Long's favor, these things add up to a thousand coins.

The next day, Feng Yong led the army to Daxia County and joined forces with Chen Shi who was guarding there.

At this point, the spring campaign launched by the Han Dynasty against the Hu rebels in Longxi came to an end.

With Didao as the center, Daxia County in the west and Guguan in the north, these three points formed an important support, opening up the southern passage from Longxi to Liangzhou.

From Nan'an County to Yuzhong, Liangzhou, and from Didao to Jincheng, the north and south roads are like the two fangs of a big man, ready to attack Liangzhou at any time.

Yuzhong and Jincheng are Liangzhou's two most important strongholds on the east side of the Yellow River, and now they are finally exposed to the soldiers of the big Han at the same time.

As the temperature continues to rise, the ice and snow melt, and the Daxia River flowing through Daxia County has risen.

Accompanied by Chen Shi, Ju Fu, etc., Feng Yong patrolled along the east bank of the Daxia River.

"Are you really going to withdraw your troops? At this time, the Qianghu in Fanghan has become a frightened bird. If we continue to go west, we may not be able to pass through the Huanghan River."

Chen Shi looked to the west with some reluctance.

Feng Yong sighed and shook his head, "The time has not yet come. Without General Zhao in the north to put pressure on the Cao bandits in Liangzhou, we would have to face enemies on both sides."

In the beginning, it was here, and there was movement from Cao Wei in the east of Longshan, so Dongfeng Express had to give priority to transporting grain to the Longyou Dudufu.

Therefore, the army guarding the Qiang school lieutenant who entered Longxi to raid had no plan to temporarily increase additional food and grass expenditures.

Not only has no additional expenditure been increased, but it is also ready to reap the war dividend.

Group after group of prisoners of war were tied with hemp rope and began to be escorted to the east.

At the same time, after rewarding the soldiers, there were still tens of thousands of cattle, sheep and horses left, which were also sent to Pingxiang.

"It's cheap for the balding department."

Feng Yong looked at the herds of cattle, sheep and horses with regret in his eyes.

It is said that there are more than 100,000 livestock harvested by the Bald Hair Department.

He actually only drank tail soup, which made Feng Junhou feel a bit disadvantaged.

"Junhou, speaking of the bald department, how should we deal with it?"

Chen Shi pretended not to see Feng Junhou's financial obsession, and asked solemnly.

"Don't worry about them." Feng Yong sneered, "If they come to look for you, you can let them look for me in Pingxiang."

I have already expressed enough goodwill to the bald people, if they don't know what to do and want to make progress, sooner or later the Sajia will let you know what the power of the ghost king is.

Don't worry about whether I know what happened in the bald hair department, it's true that you didn't keep your promises.

So you have to take the initiative to explain and be sincere, otherwise the leader, ah, no, is the king of ghosts.

Could it be that the ghost king took the initiative to find you to understand the situation? Does the leader lose face?

"Chen Taishou, your task is to guard Di Dao closely, and at the same time use Daxia County as the boundary to block the Qiang Hu in the west. Whatever the Bald Hair Department asks for, it will not respond."


"For the guards of Didao, Daxia City, and Guguan, what suggestions does Taishou Chen have?"

Although this battle was mainly contributed by the subordinate army of the Huqiang school lieutenant, after all, Chen Shi was the real governor of Longxi, so I still had to ask his opinion.

"Hui Junhou, Didao used to be the county government of Longxi, so if someone wants to relocate the county government to Didao, it can also strengthen the defense against Didao."

"As for Guguan, it is Didao's gateway to defend Liangzhou. A certain person wants to recommend Ma Yong, the governor of Longxi. He is quite courageous and can be ordered to guard it."

When Feng Yong heard that Chen Shiyu was guarding Di Dao himself, he admired this great general who, although not very talented, was dedicated to his duties.

"Chen Taishou personally guards Di Dao, I don't have any worries. As for that Ma Yong, is he the one who assisted You Chu to force General Wei to retreat?"

Chen Shi hurriedly replied: "Hui Junhou, that's right. He was originally from Xiangwu, Longxi. After knowing the righteousness and returning to the great Han, he did everything with all his heart. That's why a certain person is willing to recommend him."

Feng Yong nodded, "Since Taishou Chen said so, he must have no problem. What about Daxia County?"

"For the guard of Daxia County, a certain person wants to borrow someone from the prince."


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