The self-protecting Qiang school captain set the government office in Pingxiang, and the five companies that won the quota of wool spinning workshops last year all set the locations of the workshops in Pingxiang almost at the same time.

It's just that in the plan of Captain Huqiang, all workshops must be built outside the city.

There is only one exception.

That is Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau.

Today, all the craftsmen who make high-tube waterwheels for Pingxiang are under the name of Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau. At the same time, Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau also undertakes the task of making spinning wheels and looms for the five major workshops.

Even in the tense preparations of the five major workshops, it also set industry standards for all workshops.

When the sun was about to set, Ah Mei came out of the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau. Behind her, a group of students from Nanxiang Academy saluted her in unison: "Congratulations, sir."

Amei nodded slightly.

A carriage stopped not far away, and several maidservants with knives guarded the surroundings.

Ah Mei got into the carriage, and the wheels of the carriage began to turn.

No one thought there was anything wrong.

Because Ah Mei's identity at this time is the chief engineer of Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau, a genuine chief engineer, not a maid or something like that.

Compared with Wen Shi of the engineering camp, a half-way monk like an engineer, she has a much higher gold content.

It's just that Chief Engineer Mei returned to the Qiang School Wei's office in the center of Pingxiang City, and it became the cautious concubine of Feng's family.

"I've seen the lady, I've seen Mrs. Zhang."

When Amei returned to the mansion, the first thing she did was to say hello to Madam Feng.

Guan Ji was half lying on the soft couch, beside her was Zhang Xingyi who was lying on the low table and writing and drawing with a pen.

"Come and sit."

With a gentle smile on her face, Guan Ji pointed to the soft chair that had been prepared in front of her.

"Thank you ma'am."

Ah Mei walked over and sat down with her skirt folded.

"How about the workshop?"

"Back to the lady, the Manufacturing Bureau has made a batch of rulers according to Nanxiang's standards. There are copper, wood, and tape measures, and they have all been sent to the stewards of the five workshops."

"And inform them that all cloth and wool will be measured according to these standards in the future, and they must not be changed without authorization."

When Guan Ji heard this, she nodded in satisfaction, "Remember to remind me tomorrow, when the time comes, I will formalize this rule in the name of Captain Hu Qiang."

"If you dare to change it without authorization in the future, the wool supply will be reduced, and the workshop quota will be cancelled."

Amei quickly agreed.

"Ah Lang has received news that he has already won the class. A lot of labor, cattle, sheep and horses have been captured this time, and Pingxiang will have more income by then."

"What else do you need, take this opportunity to say it."

Guan Ji was quite satisfied with this docile and obedient maid.

All kinds of data on Pingxiang were sorted out by her.

Not to mention that she is also in charge of supervising the manufacture of various appliances in the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau.

It is Alang and his right-hand man.

"The gentleman is coming back?"

Amei's face brightened when she heard this.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi, who had been immersed in writing beside him, suddenly let out a "squeak", then turned his face slightly, and squinted at Amei.

Amei blushed and lowered her head.

Guan Ji reached out to pat the back of Zhang Xingyi's head dissatisfied, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Xingyi patted the back of his head angrily, not daring to show his teeth to Guan Ji, and even had to explain: "Sister, I just remembered something."

"What is it?"

"By the way, since last year, you have taken a lot of beeswax from me. Since the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau was established, it has been even more so."

"Every bit of beeswax produced by my bee farm is taken away by you before it is warmed up."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xingyi squinted at Amei again, "Mrs. Mei, you have to explain this to me, right?"

Ah Mui glanced at Zhang Xingyi, then at Guan Ji, shrank her body, squeaked twice, but didn't speak clearly.

"Oh, you girl, what's the matter with taking some beeswax from you? It's not for nothing! Besides, Ah Mei used it at the order of Ah Lang."

Guan Ji was protecting Ah Mei, and poked Zhang Xingyi on the forehead with her finger, and said angrily, "My family is so clear!"

Hearing this, Zhang Xingyi immediately turned her head away, gritted her teeth and asked, "Sister, is it true that you said that?"

Guan Ji approached her with a smile, and hugged her, "Didn't you always call me sister? We were originally a family!"

Zhang Xingyi wanted to say angrily, "That's not what I said", but after thinking about it, he didn't dare to say it.

However, mentioning the bee farm reminded Zhang Xingyi of another matter.

She broke free from Guan Ji's arms, flipped through the documents on the low table, and frowned, "I remember that the second mother of the Xu family said that there might be a plague of locusts in Longyou this year?"

She raised her head, looked at Amei, and patted the document in her hand, "But no one seems to have noticed this in the documents sent up these days?"

"This is the time when the young locusts are unearthed and have yet to fly. From tomorrow onwards, you instruct the Secretariat to let them pay attention to this news."

Amei looked at Guan Ji, who nodded slightly.

Only then did Amei promise.

Zhang Xingyi noticed the small movements between Guan Ji and Amei, and curled his lips.

"Okay, you've been tired all day, I've asked the kitchen to prepare food for you, go down and have a good rest."

Guan Ji gestured to Amei and said.

Amei stood up, gave another salute, and then turned to go out.

After her figure disappeared, Guan Ji turned to look at Zhang Xingyi.

She lowered her head and flipped the paper over.

"What's the matter? Angry?"

Guan Ji patted her head lovingly.

Zhang Xingyi rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Sister is the wife of a junhou, dealing with the concubine in the house, how can my little sister have the right to intervene?"

"That's why I'm really angry." Guan Ji smiled, stretched out her hand, and poured her a glass of wine with her own hands, "You are just greedy!"

"Why didn't you say why I didn't ask Li Mu to help, but asked you to help? Have you ever thought about the reason?"

Guan Ji said, pushing the earcup over, "Here, drink."

Zhang Xingyi picked up the ear cup, took a sip, then narrowed his eyes, as if enjoying the taste very much.

"It's a strange thing. Normally you hate other people's drinking, but you like this fruit wine so much."

Seeing her like this, Guan Ji had a loving expression on her face again.

Zhang Xingyi smacked his lips, "I don't want people to eat ice cream, so I can only drink this to enjoy myself. Besides, this tastes sweet, but it's not intoxicating, so it's not a problem."

She hates others getting drunk, but she doesn't reject this kind of sweet fruit wine that only has a little alcohol taste.

"I'm afraid it's not the only reason?"

Guan Ji said with a pun.

Zhang Xingyi blushed, pretending not to hear.

This fruit wine was delivered by Dongfeng Express a few days ago.

I heard that it was that guy who asked people from the South Road Brewing Workshop to brew a sweet soup with a wine flavor from the fruit according to the method of brewing mead.

This kind of fruit wine is rare, and it is even more precious when it is sent from Nanzhong to Longyou.

Originally, Feng Junhou saw that his wife likes to eat sweets, so he specially asked people to brew them.

Unexpectedly, Guan Ji was pregnant, but she couldn't eat anything that smelled of alcohol.

So naturally, the little lady of the Zhang family will do it for her.

"Aren't you angry?"

Guan Ji pinched Zhang Xingyi's face.

"Little sister wasn't angry at all."

Zhang Xingyi giggled.

"It's still a lie. Looking at your appearance just now, I'm afraid you can't wait to tear up these papers."

Guan Ji clicked her lips and motioned for the documents on the table.

"No." Zhang Xingyi shook her head, she is not a woman who can't tell the difference.

Now all the affairs of Pingxiang, the affairs of the army are entrusted to Zhang Ni.

However, the matter of governing the people is handled by Hu Qiang, who is in charge of Guansuo, while the actual handler behind the scenes is himself.

Sister's doing this is already a huge concession, if she wants to make trouble again, she will not know what to do.

I did that just now, just to show my sense of existence.

Zhang Xingyi said he was not angry, so naturally he was not angry.

So her mind quickly turned to the business again, "Just now I saw that the statistics sent by the secretariat mentioned the wool supply of the workshop at the end of this year."

"What? What's the problem?"

Guan Ji asked with concern.

"The problem is serious. There is not enough wool." Zhang Xingyi shook his head and counted with his fingers, "Pingxiang will reclaim land this year, open pastures, and raise sheep at the same time."

"Now the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau and the Nanxiang side are producing looms. Also, this Northern Expedition has gained a lot of labor, and Li Mu's side is training weavers and handymen for the workshop."

"Thus, by the end of the year, the workshop will basically be able to start work. But Longyou has only experienced a war, so it would be good to resume farming in the first year."

"The wool that can be harvested this year is not much, and some will be handed over to the court. If these five workshops are divided, there will be a little less."

Seeing her serious consideration, Guan Ji couldn't help smiling.

"I didn't expect to be able to get it all at once. Let's start this year and give them some hope. Next year, and even the year after, we can gradually increase the supply of wool."

As the owner of the largest livestock ranch in the world, the landlady Guan and wife of the ranch owner know a lot about the ranch.

The cycle of raising a sheep is almost one year.

The ewes give birth to lambs at five months of pregnancy, plus three months of raising lambs, and can give birth to lambs three times in two years.

Coupled with the construction of the pasture, after two years, the current workshop scale can almost be supplied normally.

Of course, these five wool spinning workshops are not too big, and there is no way to compare with the workshops in Nanxiang.

But this is because the supply of wool is limited. After a few more years, it can be further expanded. How to expand, how to pay for food, then... we will talk about it at that time.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xingyi had other ideas.

"Sister, that guy has robbed so many sheep from other people's house this time, so he should make use of them, right? Otherwise, wouldn't it be too wasteful?"

Zhang Xingyi twisted her fingers, which was a sign of her thinking about the problem.

At the same time, there was a dangerous light in his eyes, "There is not enough wool, it is because there are not enough sheep, and there is not enough sheep, it is because there is not enough pasture."

"Now we have to cultivate, divide the pastures, and provide food to the barbarians. The money and food we spend are like flowing water. This burden is really too heavy."

"Everything is done by us, so this delays the progress. Since the few families are anxious for wool, why don't we ask them to help?"

Although Guan Ji knew that she was always good at plotting, she was a little puzzled when she heard these words.

"This wool was originally sold to them by us, not to mention that the planning of the pasture is a matter of the duty of the captain of the Qiang guard."

"If you let them intervene in this kind of thing, wouldn't you give them authority? How would they be willing to pay for wool?"

"Borrow!" Zhang Xingyi ignored Guan Ji's worries, and saw her Bai Shengsheng's little hands clap together, "Borrow them money, food, and people!"

Guan Ji thought the little girl was confused: "Which one is willing to borrow now?"

It's not her bragging, it's just relying on Alang's reputation in the aristocratic family in central Sichuan...

It doesn't mean you can't borrow, but if there are not enough benefits, who would borrow? Who dares to borrow?

Zhang Xingyi said with a smile: "As long as it's about their interests, they will naturally be willing to borrow."

"How to say?"

Seeing that she really seemed to have a solution, Guan Ji hurriedly asked.

"Sister, I think so. We have planned the pastures and divided the tribes. Then we will divide these pastures again and let each of the five families have a pasture."

"At that time, the wool produced on this pasture will be given to his family first, except for the ones that will be handed over to the court."

Guan Ji flatly refused: "No way. Caochang and those Hu tribes are already under the control of the imperial court. How can they be divided into those people?"

"Oh, sister, why don't you listen to me first!" Zhang Xingyi said coquettishly dissatisfied.

"Okay, you go first."

"Who said that these pastures and tribes belong to them? Of course, they still belong to the imperial court! It's just that the wool produced is given priority to the family that is willing to help open the pasture."

Guan Ji finally got a clue, and asked: "What do you mean? Make it clear!"

"Sister, look, the money, food, and manpower to open the pasture are very costly. If they are willing to help, the pasture can be built a day earlier."

"In this way, they will also benefit sooner. The money and food they put in can be converted into wool later. In fact, they are using the money and food collected from wool to build pastures in advance."

"Hello, hello, everyone, why would they not want to? Look at the ranch in Yuejuan, isn't there a big family involved? They can send a tent to check the money and food in and out."

"It's the same for pastures. As long as the wool produced by the pastures doesn't cover their money and food, they can buy wool from this pasture first."

After hearing this explanation, Guan Ji looked at Zhang Xingyi in amazement, this woman really has a wonderful idea!

"When the time comes, the wool produced by the pastures will vary, will it make them feel unbalanced?"

Guan Ji thought for a while and asked another question.

"Don't be afraid." Zhang Xingyi's face was full of confidence, "Let's just draw a good grassland and let them choose by themselves. Then we will see each one's ability."

"If you have a poor vision, you can't blame others for your good vision. If two families are interested in the same pasture at the same time, the one with the highest price will get it."

Guan Ji gasped when she heard this.

Young sister of the Zhang family, you really have a dark heart!

It is not enough to use other people's money and food to build their own pastures, but they still think of ways to provoke their competition and make them waste more money.

This level of black heart is almost the same as that of my own Alang!

"This is a good idea!" Madam Feng was full of praise, "You can sketch it out and have someone pass it on to A Lang to see how he decides."

"This is a great idea!"

Only then did Feng Junhou, who escorted the booty through Nan'an County's Zhibi Road, received a letter from Ping Xiang. Although it was far away, he could still say exactly the same words as his own mother-in-law.

"This is simply a pre-sale model of commercial housing!"

Feng Tubie was extremely shocked, "Little sister Zhang's mind is absolutely insane!"

In this way, the wool spinning workshop in Longyou can get on the right track at least one year in advance.

The idea of ​​selling workshop quotas was also thought of by Zhuge Old Demon.

This top person, he really is a top person in any era...

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