When Li Yi mentioned that Wei Yan sent troops to Chencang, the focus was on Wei Yan, not sending troops.

Wei Yan and Li Hui had no intersection at all.

The only thing they have in common is that both were originally governors.

The Han Dynasty originally had three major governors: Wei Yan, the governor of Hanzhong, Li Yan, the governor of Jiangzhou, and Li Hui, the governor of Jiangzhou.

The prime minister of the great Han Dynasty entered Hanzhong and included Wei Yan in the prime minister's mansion.

So Wei Yan became the first person to be removed from the position of governor.

After the Northern Expedition, Li Yan, the governor of Jiangzhou, became the second.

So now, Li Hui sent a letter saying that he wanted to resign from the position of governor, which made Li Yi suddenly feel a sense of panic.

Feng Yong sat back on the chair, tapped his fingers on the table hurriedly, his eyes flickered, shook his head and said, "The situation should not be what you imagined."

His tone was very affirmative: "Nanzhong is not as good as it used to be, and the sugarcane plantation alone is enough to show its importance."

The sugarcane plantation not only plays an important role in maintaining the stability of Nanzhong and developing Nanzhong's economy, but also an important measure to transform Nanyi into a real Han people.

The Xinghan Society occupied more than half of the sugar cane plantations there, and mobilized the people of Nanzhong to plant tung trees on the mountains, and last year vigorously opened tea gardens on the hills.

The current stable situation in Nanzhong is at least credited to the Xinghan Society, and it has also objectively strengthened the rule of the big Han over there.

That's why Feng Yong has the confidence that Zhuge Lao Yao will definitely notify him in advance of any major actions that may cause turmoil in Nanzhong.

Unless the old monster Zhuge has a brain twitch, he will give up Nanzhong, a rear base that has just flourished.

Not to mention brown sugar.

In recent years, with the rise of pig farming and the spread of iron pots in Sichuan, a dish of braised pork on the table is a must for wealthy families.

After one bite, the mouth is full of oily fragrance, fat but not greasy, crisp and sweet, which is pleasant.

If the brown sugar produced in Nanzhong hadn't been forcibly sold to Soochow, it might not even be enough to supply Shu.

Moreover, even with such a small share of brown sugar sold to Soochow, the huge profits generated are enough for Zhuge Old Demon to cling to it desperately.

If Feng Yong wants to use brown sugar to open a way in the north, he will have to wait at least two or three years.

Not to mention the strategic material tung oil.

There is also tea, a sharp weapon against the barbarians in the northern grasslands.

Even that copper mine being developed.

Don't say that the prime minister of the Han Dynasty will allow Nanzhong to be in turmoil, even if anyone wants to cause turmoil or something, I'm afraid he will be killed by that stingy old demon Zhuge.

Because of Li Yi's relationship, Xinghanhui was taken care of by the Governor's Mansion in Nanzhong, and it was very convenient to do things.

There is even a close cooperative relationship between the Xinghan Society and the Tuo Jiang Dudu.

If there was no news beforehand, and Li Hui was targeted so suddenly, the turmoil caused would not be a little bit or two.

Not to mention Xinghanhui, even Li Hui is not alone.

Behind him, represented a large group of local wealthy families in Nanzhong.

For example, Cuan Xi, Li Hui's uncle, is a wealthy family in Jianning County, and is now the prefect of Xinggu County among the seven counties in Nanzhong.

The most important thing is that with the temper of the old monster Zhuge, there is no reason to deal with Li Hui like this.

So Li Yi is in the middle of the game, and if he cares about it, it will cause chaos.

Seeing Feng Yong's affirmation, Li Yi felt a little relieved.

In the past two years, the brothers of the Xinghan Society have spared no effort to push their elder brother to the top, which is not without reason.

Only when the elder brother stands taller and more stable can he help everyone block the bigger storm.

For example, this time, the elder brother told himself that his lord will not have any major problems, at least he can give himself sixty-seven points of confidence.

"Brother, Erlang is going back to Shuzhong to get married, tell me, should I also ask the Prime Minister for a leave of absence and go back to get married?"

Li Yi asked again in a low voice.

Feng Yong glanced at Li Yi, and his heart skipped a beat.

Li Yi was not completely relieved, so he planned to go back and have a look.

More importantly, what Li Yi was going to marry was a young lady from a side branch of the He family.

Thinking of this, Feng Yong nodded slowly: "Alright."

"Before you go back to Nanzhong, go to Nanxiang first to meet Li Mu. She has some things in her hand. I will ask her to give them to you. Then you can do it by the way."

Li Yi nodded knowingly.

"Yuande, come in."

Feng Yong called out again.

Xu Xun trotted in quickly.

"How much labor has the Li family's eldest family ordered?"

Feng Yong asked.

Xu Xun took out a small notebook from his pocket, dipped his fingers in saliva, and flipped through the notebook again: "Brother, they ordered five hundred."

Feng Yong sneered: "What a big appetite."

"They also know that this may be the last time, so their appetites are a bit big. But it doesn't matter, they will be grateful if they can share a hundred with them."

Xu Xun said with a smile.

"No, give them priority, just five hundred."

Feng Yong narrowed his eyes slightly, his face full of unpredictable expressions.

"You are responsible for this matter yourself, and you must send these people to the hands of the Li family."

Xu Xun was a little confused, but he didn't ask too much, and nodded immediately: "I understand."

Thinking of what Li Yi said just now, Feng Yong couldn't help asking another question: "Last time, you told me that the barbarians hidden in the deep mountains and old forests in Nanzhong are willing to come out to farm now?"

For more than a year, most of my attention has been on the north.

Nanzhong has been on the right track, so it has basically been handed over to Deng Liang and Wang Xun.

The most he can do is to look at the financial report. It's not a big deal, and he usually doesn't ask about it.

As soon as Xu Xun heard it, he immediately complained: "Isn't that right, brother, the tribe of the five captains in the past can at least help catch some barbarians who attacked the plantation."

"Now, let alone arresting them, they ran out by themselves, saying that they wanted to surrender to the big man. There are also those big tribes who say they want to learn to farm."

"Why don't everyone look at my brother eagerly now, hoping to get labor from him, because there is no other place..."

When Feng Yong heard this, his heart was really shocked, and he drank: "Okay, don't talk about it."

Thinking of the history books of later generations, it is likely that I will write down this: Feng Moumou started an inhumane dark trade and so on.

What if it is recorded in "Das Kapital" by a bearded man to prove the bloodiness of capital...

It is impossible for Feng Junhou to say that he does not respond.

Just Xu Xun's words can already prove the great changes in Nanzhong.

Feng Yong pondered for a moment, then looked at Li Yi: "Wenxuan, tell me, is it possible for the imperial court to revoke the Imperial Governor's Mansion and directly govern Nanzhong?"

Li Yi's eyes flashed, then he shook his head again: "Impossible, at least for now, I'm too anxious."

Feng Yong nodded, agreeing with this statement.

Although it has been done once with military violence, and now it is done again with economic crushing, it is still too anxious.

At least until Nanzhong's characteristic crop economy is fully formed, there will be this foundation.

And judging from the current situation, at most it can directly govern four of the seven counties: Yuexuan, Zhuti, Zangke, and Jianning.

Because these four counties are the main areas for development now.

As for the three counties of Yunnan, Xinggu, and Yongchang, they can only be regarded as semi-restricted.

"If it is said that Li Dudu really wants to resign from the position of Tuojiang Dudu, who do you think is most likely to take over?"

Feng Yong looked at Li Yi and Xu Xun.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Everything has to be a backhand.

What's more, since Li Hui has already mentioned this matter to Li Yi, it means that he probably already has some kind of plan in mind.

When Li Yi heard this, his face was slightly gloomy, but he had to seriously consider the possibility of this issue.

It was Xu Xun, whose expression changed drastically, "Dudu Li..."

He turned to look at Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't go to see Xu Xun, but said, "If elder brother is in Sichuan right now, then elder brother is the most suitable."

To be honest, looking at the whole big man, there is no more suitable candidate than elder brother.

"It's impossible for the Prime Minister to let me go to Nanzhong now. After all, Longyou is more important than Nanzhong."

Feng Yong shook his head.

"Excluding elder brother, when it comes to the candidates in Shuzhong, there are two people left, one is Zhang Yi, the prefect of Shu County, and the other is Ma Zhong, the prefect of Zangke."

Li Yi said again.

"Back in Pingnan Middle School, Erlang and Zishi served as the vanguard officers of Ma Taishou. It would be no problem if he was to succeed you as the governor of Yu Jiang."

"It's just this Zhang Yi..." Feng Yong frowned, "but I don't know what kind of person he is?"

Of course he had heard of Zhang Yi, but he had never dealt with him before.

It is only known from the history books that he was a good talent in the Shu Han period.

"Zhang Yi is loyal to his duties and quite courageous. More importantly, he strictly abides by the laws and regulations, which is deeply appreciated by the prime minister."

"And he was born in the Zhang family in the middle of Shu, which is a big family in the middle of Shu. His ancestors started from Zhang Liuhou, who helped the emperor Gaozu achieve great things, passed down to Gaozu Zhang Hao, and became an official to Sikong of the Later Han Dynasty."

Li Yi explained, "So in my younger brother's opinion, Zhang Yi is more likely to take over as the governor of Yu Jiang than Ma Taishou."

Feng Yong took a deep breath, feeling a little toothache.

A Yong Kai can climb out of Yong's teeth, not to mention that the ancestor of the Li family in central Shu was Li Guang, and now a Zhang family has emerged, and the source is actually Zhang Liang.

These aristocratic families are like old monsters. If you don't dig carefully, you don't even know what's buried under them.

"When did Zhang Yi become an official?"

This question should be asked clearly.

At least we can see the Zhang family's attitude towards Liu Bei's entry into Yizhou.

"In the nineteenth year of Jian'an, when the first emperor entered Yizhou, he recruited Zhang Yi as a secretary, and later promoted Xiaolian. In the Battle of Hanzhong, Zhang Yi followed General Zhao to defeat Cao's bandits."

Li Yi is no stranger to Zhang Yi, the representative of the Zhang family who is also a big family in Shu.

Feng Yong nodded, this is easy to handle.

"Zhang family, is there a sugarcane garden in Nanzhong?"

Feng Yong asked Xu Xun again.

"Yes. But it seems that the drive is not too big, and the progress is a little behind..."

Xu Xun said hesitantly.

All the plantations opened by the aristocratic families in Nanzhong will lag behind - unless they are personally cared for by the leader, it is possible to open a green channel.

The principle of Xinghanhui's priority applies everywhere.

The aristocratic family doesn't have a decent logistics outlet, and the transportation alone is enough for Xinghan to strangle them to death.

Want to open a logistics hall in Shu?

What about the Yunnan horse?

How about an egg without a Yunnan horse?

So the question came back again, the Xinghanhui family is the only ranch that can mass-produce Yunnan horses!

Naturally, Feng Yong would not blame the younger brothers for being too ugly.

"After you go back this time, take my souvenir to Wei Zhe (Deng Liang) in Jincheng, and ask him to take care of the Zhang family."

Feng Yong immediately made a decision.

Since Zhang Yi was the first group of Yizhou sects who took refuge in the late emperor, there was nothing to worry about.

If he is really the third governor, no matter how strict he is in enforcing the law, can he still enforce the law against his own people?

It must be to enforce the law on the heads of the Nanzhongyi people who refuse to obey the discipline!

Even if he doesn't serve as the general governor in the future, it can be regarded as a good relationship.

After discussing the matter with the two of them, Feng Yong was able to return to the backyard with peace of mind.

In the backyard, he has his own big belly woman, his own pretty concubine, and a young lady from the Zhang family who is looking at him with a half-smile.

It's just that Feng Yong didn't look at anyone. In his eyes, there was only a big belly.

Although Guan Ji was wearing loose clothes, she still couldn't hide her bulging stomach.

Feng Yong smirked, rubbed his hands together, wanted to touch that swollen belly, but flinched a little.

It was Guan Ji who took his hand and put it on it, "The fetus has started to move these days! Ah Lang feels it, maybe he can feel it."

Feng Yong lightly stroked it twice, then took his hand back: "I just came down from the battle formation, and the blood on my hand is heavy, I'm afraid it will scare the child."

"The concubine is also the daughter of a general, and Alang's strategy is unparalleled in the world. What blood is our child afraid of?"

Guan Ji didn't have this taboo, she stretched out her hand and walked back holding Feng Yong's arm.

Zhang Xingyi watched the two of them crooked in front of him, gritted his teeth sorely.

Amei's happiness is much simpler.

Since early in the morning, she has been busy, and she can't put down the number of meals she has prepared.

Seeing Feng Yong sitting there wolfing down the food, Ah Mei, who had been helping to pick up the food, was full of satisfaction on her face.

At the end of the meal, he was full, his stomach was bulging, and he competed with the big belly woman sitting next to him, so Feng Yong patted his stomach and asked people to remove the food.

"Seeing that Alang eats so deliciously, I also feel that I have an appetite."

Guan Ji turned sideways and wiped the corners of Feng Yong's mouth.

Feng Yong hiccupped contentedly, "The food at home is delicious."

"Then Li Yi came from Hanzhong under the order of the prime minister, and waited here for a long time, did he miss any major incident?"

Guan Ji asked with concern.

"Although it's a big deal, it's not really a big deal to us. If it's really a big deal, Wen Xuan went directly to Longxi to find me."

Feng Yong said in relief.

The fact that Sun Quan was preparing to proclaim himself emperor has not yet happened, so we can't talk nonsense.

Taking a step back, based on Guan Ji's current situation, if she really wanted to bring up this matter, it would be even worse if it reminded her of the Jingzhou Change and made her emotionally unstable.

"That's good." Guan Ji smiled sweetly, with a relaxed expression on her face, "Ah Lang went to Longxi to quell the chaos and fight for the country. It really worked hard."

"The concubine was not able to stay by my side, so I can only hope that Alang will have a safe journey. Now seeing Alang return, I am really overjoyed."

Feng Yong forced the expression on his face to remain unchanged, otherwise Guan Ji would see something strange.

He said indifferently, "It's just a mere barbarian, what is there to worry about, Mr. Xi? It is also hard work for Mr. Xi to handle rear affairs in Pingxiang!"

"My concubine didn't have to work hard," Guan Ji looked at Zhang Xingyi who was sitting below, "Siniang handles most of Pingxiang's affairs, but it's easy for me. Ah Lang must thank Si Niang."

Feng Yong only felt that his body was full of burrs, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

He coughed dryly: "Si Niang, thank you."

Zhang Xingyi sat there grumpily, said "hmm", and didn't look at Feng Yong, just took the fruit wine and tasted it, "I just helped my sister, but I didn't help you, you don't have to thank me .”

"Yes, yes. I thanked Si Niang on Xi Jun's behalf."

Feng Yong coughed dryly again.

Unexpectedly, this sentence annoyed Zhang Xingyi, she gritted her silver teeth secretly.

Taking advantage of Guan Ji's inattention, she gave Feng Yong a hard look.

Mrs. Feng's family is pregnant with Liujia, her body is getting heavier day by day, and she is lethargic on weekdays, how can she still be as alert as before?

Today, in order to wait for Feng Yong, I have not slept all day. Now that my body and mind are relaxed, I can't hold on anymore.

Feng Yong personally sent her into the room to rest, and came out quietly after she fell asleep.

After asking Amei where Zhang Xingyi lived, he sneaked over and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened a crack, and an arm stretched out from inside with lightning, dragging him in.

Before Feng Yong could see the inside clearly, a dangling dagger stabbed at the head.

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