Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 729: The Important Weapon of the Country


What scholar?

What do I want, a scholar who can't cut people with a knife?

Feng Yong dismissed those gentle scholars.

The prosperity of Confucianism in the later Han Dynasty had good intentions.

Because Confucianism is easy to educate the people and can make the society more stable.

But after the aristocratic family gradually monopolized the inheritance of knowledge, the taste began to change.

More and more scholars are talking with their hands empty-handed, sitting and discussing the truth, meeting with pomp and glamour, and forming cliques with each other.

When this trend became more and more intense, it eventually led to the style of talking in the Jin Dynasty.


How can such worldly and dirty things contaminate my body?

Of course, it doesn't mean that all the children from aristocratic families are this kind of waste, but the style of pomp and talk is indeed led by their class.

Otherwise, the stomach will not be full, who is in the mood to brag?

I saw Feng Yong said solemnly, "Old general, even Cao thief, knows that pomp and talk will hinder state affairs, not to mention that the big man is now governed by officials in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and he is strict and simple?"

The Northern Central Plains is dominated by aristocratic families, so this kind of atmosphere is the most serious.

From Cao Cao to Cao Pi, they all ordered to dismiss this trend.

Fortunately, today's big man was founded by a group of grassroots partners.

Coupled with the practice of the old demon Zhuge, the simple and pragmatic style still occupies the mainstream.

"Whether they are soldiers from Nanxiang, or students from Nanxiang Academy, they can be officials of the people, farmers, or craftsmen. They are all contributing to the country and the people."

"What I can't do alone is to talk about things in a flashy manner without understanding affairs."

I like the atmosphere of the enemy very much, but whoever comes out of the Xinghan Society system wants to be infected with this stink problem, let me see how I beat him to death!

Speaking of this, Feng Yong pointed to the engineering battalion below who was checking the stability of the riprap vehicles, "Old general, don't underestimate these riprap vehicles."

"Yong is here to say a big word. With the advent of this kind of catapult, I am afraid that what we will face in the future is a new type of battlefield warfare."

It was this kind of catapult that Yuan Meng captured Fancheng and forced Xiangyang to surrender. The fall of the two most important front-line cities in the Southern Song Dynasty marked the official opening of the curtain of the Southern Song Dynasty's demise.

This kind of catapult is known as a miracle of weapon reform.

Because it is the cannon of the cold weapon era.

In Feng Yong's hands, it is this miracle weapon of the cold weapon era.

In other words, except for those big cities with extremely strong walls, or cities with advantageous geographical location, this kind of catapult cannot be used.

Those ordinary cities built on the traffic arteries can no longer be the biggest reliance of the defenders.

A small city is guarded for a few days, and a larger city is more than ten days. One of the city walls is bound to be smashed down.

This forced the defenders to go out of the city to fight in the field.

Who is stronger in field technology?

Zhuge's eight formations, three-piece set of cavalry.

Unless the technology of fortification takes another big leap, or the technology of defending the city has been greatly improved, or the form of war changes again.

Otherwise, the counterweight catapult will always be a nightmare for the defenders in the cold weapon era.

Like cement?

However, Feng Junhou, who has bean curd cement in his hand, said that whoever dares to use this kind of cement as the main building material for building a house will have nothing to do with the house collapse and death!

Hearing Feng Yong say such words, not to mention Wei Yan, who had always disliked him, even Zhao Yun felt that such words were a bit exaggerated.

"It seems that you really have self-knowledge and know that what you are talking about is lying."

Wei Yan couldn't help laughing, he waved his hand, "Come on! Don't talk about such big things."

"Let's finish reading your stuff quickly, I have to go back and find a way to break the two cities of Yuzhong and Jincheng."

Zhao Yun frowned slightly when he heard Wei Yan's words, and said something fair.

"The Engineering Battalion was outstanding in Longguan, Shangyu and other places last year. Even if it is not as good as what Feng Yong said, it must have something unique."

Feng Yong sneered, too lazy to answer Wei Yan's words.

He never took it for granted that he could forcibly change the thinking of these veterans by saying a word.

Facts speak louder than words.

Soon there were three more catapults underneath, making a total of five.

Seeing that Xia Xia was already on standby, Feng Yong asked Zhao Yun: "Where does the old general want to fight?"

"How far is the arrow tower?"

Zhao Yun pointed to the arrow towers erected in front of the city wall.

Feng Yong flipped through the book and replied: "The closest one is 150 steps, and the farthest is 200 steps."

This is designed according to the actual distance when attacking the camp.

Of course, if the two armies were at a stalemate, they would dig a trench outside the camp to avoid being suddenly rushed under the camp.

The crossbowmen guarding the arrow tower are condescending and can shoot arrows very conveniently.

If one side can't defend by using the terrain, the attacking side can also build arrow towers in front of the opponent's camp to suppress the enemy's activities in the camp.

This is the most common commanding height.

"Just try them first."

Zhao Yun said.

The order was quickly passed on.

Ranging, aiming, adjusting the counterweight and lever length of the riprap...

After the Northern Expedition, the engineering battalion, which was put into actual combat, quickly improved the catapult vehicle in response to various problems that had occurred on the battlefield.

The advantage of the counterweight catapult is that due to the use of constant counterweights, rather than dragging cables involved in each other, the force is almost the same every time.

If the weight of the stone bullets is well controlled, the spread of the shells' falling points can be reduced, so as to repeatedly hit a relatively fixed target and improve the attack efficiency.

And all these data can be obtained through continuous testing.

Therefore, all kinds of commonly used data in the captain's manual of each riprap vehicle are relatively complete.

There was no need to try again, a stone whizzed past a corner of the arrow tower quickly, and then the second stone hit right on, smashing a pillar of the arrow tower.

The most important thing is not this.

The important thing is that even if you sit on it, you can still hear the sharp whistling sound.

When the stone fell to the ground, there was another rumbling sound.

Surprised, Zhao Yun was a little hesitant. Just hearing the voice, he knew that the catapult was extremely powerful.

A dozen or so stones flew out one after another, and the arrow tower quickly collapsed.

When Zhao Yun saw all this, he finally couldn't help but stood up and looked into the distance.

Generally speaking, the throwing car is usually used with dozens or hundreds of units to have enough power - because the accuracy is too low.

Obviously, the catapult vehicle Feng Yong had was not only powerful, but also extremely accurate.

"Try two hundred steps."

Zhao Yun said impatiently.

Two hundred steps is the distance of a strong crossbow. If such accuracy can be achieved within two hundred steps, at least when the two armies confront each other, the enemy army will not be able to stay safely in the camp.

The firepower continued to cover forward.

When the farthest arrow tower also fell, Zhao Yun clapped his hands violently, his face lit up with joy.

He turned his head and said to Feng Yong: "That alone is enough to be called a sharp weapon in the army!"

Although Wei Yan didn't speak, he couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face.

An ordinary catapult can cast so far with a stone weighing more than ten kilograms.

But the power is definitely not enough, and it requires a lot of manpower to pull the rope at the same time, and the accuracy is too poor, which is very troublesome.

As it is now, it is not only powerful, but also easier and more convenient to operate than before.

Zhao Yun pointed to the city wall ahead again, and asked, "How far is it?"

"Three hundred steps."

"Okay, keep hitting it!"

Zhao Yun ordered happily.

"Old general, if you want to smash the city wall, these catapult vehicles may not be powerful enough, at least there will be hundreds of them, and bigger vehicles are needed."

Feng Yong explained.

"There are bigger ones?"

Zhao Yun turned his head, a strange light burst out of his eyes, and his gray beard was shaking slightly, showing his master's excitement.

He looked at the catapult cart below with some disbelief.

The catapult that must be placed on the base is already one size larger than the common catapult, but there are even bigger ones?

After receiving Feng Yong's affirmative answer, Zhao Yun laughed loudly, and pointed to the city wall, "Quick, quick, hit it twice before we talk!"

Then he narrowed his eyes again, "There seems to be a white circle on the city wall?"

"Well, that's right. That's the point they usually use to try and aim."

There was a slight embarrassment on Feng Yong's face.

"Okay, just hit that spot."

Zhao Yun nodded, "You smash it first, and I'll look at it later. Whether this thing can pose a threat to the city wall is my own judgment."

Three hundred paces away, if it can still be so accurate, as long as it lands in the same place for several days or even tens of days, coupled with the power of such a throwing car, it is really possible to break the city wall.

The catapult truck below began to increase the lever and counterweight to the maximum, and even the stones weighed one hundred catties (han catties).

With the sound of wind and thunder, the huge stone smashed near the white circle, rumbling like thunder in the sky.

Zhao Yun set up a pergola and saw a cloud of smoke rising from the city wall.

Immediately afterwards, stones fell one after another, and they all landed in the same general position.

"Excellent! Excellent!" Zhao Yun praised again and again, "Every city wall is thin at the top and thick at the bottom. When a car crashes into a car, it may only hit the city gate."

"Now if this catapult can really break through the weak part of the upper city wall, and then use a ladder to enter through the collapsed opening, the city will be broken easily!"

On a sunny day, the thunder rumbled continuously, Zhao Yunji was very happy, he ordered Feng Yong to stop the projectile, and then got off the high platform.

First, he went to the underside of the incomplete arrow tower, looked at the arrow tower with only half of it left, and then looked at the stones scattered not far away, deep into the soil.

He even bent down and tried to move it, then he stood up straight and laughed loudly: "Okay, okay!"

Everyone behind him laughed in unison.

Seeing Zhao Yun walking towards the city wall, Feng Yong quickly persuaded him, "Old General, this wall has been smashed before, so be careful."

Zhao Yun waved his hand, "I can trust the work of the Nanxiang engineering team."

Feng Yong: ...

Standing under the tall city wall, Zhao Yun saw scattered stones falling at the base of the city wall.

He raised his head again and looked at the big white circle, with a word written inside: demolition.

The word "demolition" and its surroundings have many traces of being smashed, and there are even two shallow pits, and small cracks can be seen faintly.

Seeing that everyone looked up at the word "demolition", Feng Tubie followed slowly, "Old General, it's a bit dangerous here, let's get out of here first..."

Zhao Yun ignored him, and after a long while, he suddenly sighed, "I have been fighting all my life, and I thought I was familiar with fighting, but I didn't expect that my vision is not as good as that of a junior."

Although it was a sigh, the tone was full of joy.

On the other hand, Wei Yan's face became a little ugly - the slap in the face came too fast, and it didn't feel good.

Zhao Yun pointed to the word "demolition" and asked, "I see this city wall, has it ever been repaired?"

Feng Yong looked at the top, always feeling a little unsafe, hearing the words and quickly replied: "Exactly."

"It was smashed down by the catapult truck of your engineering battalion, right?"


Zhao Yun nodded in satisfaction, turned around, and looked at Feng Yong with great admiration: "How many catapults were used and how long did it take?"

"Uh..." Feng Yong was speechless for a while, and quickly flipped through the notebook that Amei had handed him earlier.

Sure enough, after turning a few pages, I saw the record inside: "One hundred units were shared, the longest one was twelve days, and the shortest one was no more than seven days."

When he saw that there was a note at the bottom, he quickly added, "Old General, this wall is built according to the standard of ordinary city walls. But those that are specially reinforced have not been tested yet."

The city walls of the Han Dynasty were far less mature than later generations, and were basically built with clay.

The difference lies in the thickness of the city wall and the firmness of the rammed city wall.

It is quite special, that is, very few cities will have some bricks.

So now most cities can only be younger brothers in front of counterweight catapults!

"That's enough!" Zhao Yun waved his hand proudly, "I've never heard of anyone who can break a city by throwing a cart, and now you are the first one. The rumors about Longguan and Shangyu are true!"

While everyone was admiring the traces of the raging catapults, Jiang Wei secretly touched the city wall, then went to the side to check the thickness of the city wall, and confirmed that it was a real city wall.

Thinking of old general Zhao's exclamation just now, and seeing Zhang Yi, Ju Fu, Huo Yi and others in the Wei's mansion who guarded the Qiang school, all of them looked calm.

He finally couldn't help looking at Feng Yong with horrified eyes.

Feng Junhou trained his army well, and he used his soldiers well. In addition, the tigers and wolves under his command, the soldiers worked hard.

If it is combined with the potential to attack the city without breaking it, who would dare to stop it if he is not a famous general in the world?

Under repeated praise, Zhao Yun directly took Feng Yong's hand and asked him to walk side by side with him, back to the side of the catapult.

The soldiers did not have any instructions for the next step, they all lined up in a straight line.

If it was another time, Zhao Yun would have to look at these soldiers again.

But at this moment, his gaze has long been attracted by the catapult.

He circled around the car like a child seeing a favorite toy, touching it here and there, then looked up again, gestured at the height, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

"Such a sharp weapon should be paired with this class of soldiers and craftsmen." Zhao Yun nodded, "If it is an ordinary soldier and craftsman, can it be done?"

Feng Yong shook his head: "It can't be done. Even if this car is dismantled and other craftsmen make it according to the shape, the power will be reduced, and there are rules for how to operate this car."

"The power of the same car in the hands of the engineering battalion is quite different from that in the hands of other people."

The production and operation of the counterweight riprap vehicle requires certain basic knowledge of mathematics, physics, and geometry.

Ordinary craftsmen can indeed make a rough counterweight catapult with the prototype of the catapult, but they certainly don't know why they do it.

How could Feng Yong let this kind of thing wander outside completely?

As for the hair stone operation, it is more complicated.

Soldiers who are only writing parameters, who are literate, can do arithmetic, and can understand the terminology of the manual... 100% can only come from the engineering battalion.

"This thing is the most important weapon of the country!" Zhao Yun patted the catapult, and then looked at the soldiers, "The battalion led by Feng Junhou is really a strong army!"

When the soldiers heard the words of General Han Zhengxi, their faces were about to glow.

As for Wei Yan, his expression was much brighter.

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