Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 738: Gone

Probably God saw that Zhang Hua once followed his brother Zhang Gong to fight the rebellion in Liangzhou, and he made a contribution.

So after he lost the chance to rescue Yuzhong by one day, he was given another hope.

Just when he was hit by the opponent's calculation and almost lost his confidence, his nephew appeared.

Zhang led the last soldiers in Jincheng and appeared behind the Han army, forming a front and rear flanking attack with him.

The cavalry of the Wei army who followed the left wing and continued to look for opportunities passed the news to Zhang Hua as quickly as possible.

Zhang Hua was ecstatic, drew his sword and shouted: "Reorganize the army! Reorganize the army!"

The appearance of reinforcements greatly boosted the morale of the Wei army.

Although there was no communication between the two sides, Shi Zhangjiu, the mayor of Jincheng who led the army, was even more talented than his uncle Zhang Hua.

He led the army to the battlefield, saw the stalemate ahead, and led the cavalry to the rear of the Han army without hesitation.

Generally speaking, being attacked from the rear by someone can be regarded as a disaster.

But it's a pity that a certain gentleman who was born as a local turtle and always wanted to be sure of nine points knows what a battlefield reserve team is.

So he has been holding Jiang Wei and the mobile reserve team of the Tiger Army tightly in his hands, and will never use them lightly until the last moment.

So the cavalry of the Wei army who came from the rear of the Han army did not take advantage of it, but bumped into the tiger infantry trained by the prime minister of the Han army.

If the Modao team is an iron wall, then the Tiger Infantry Army is a huge sponge, absorbing the powerful impact of the cavalry army and then digesting it.

Feng Yong watched the tiger infantry in the rear turn slowly, making the first wave of Jincheng reinforcements' charge invisible, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He wiped off his cold sweat: Damn, I will finally know the power of the flying dragon riding on the face, even the traversers can't afford it!

Zhang Yuan ran back sweating profusely, "Shan Zhang, we found out. There are about 3,000 Cao thieves in the rear, and there are no more than 4,000 at most."

"Okay!" Feng Yong nodded, "Go to the Tiger Army again and pass the news to General Jiang."


Zhang Yuan saluted, turned around and ran away again.

Whether it's three thousand or four thousand, Feng Yong can rest assured against the Tiger Army led by Jiang Wei.

On the contrary, Jiang Wei himself felt a lot of pressure.

Because this is the first time he leads the army alone, and at the same time he is fighting against the cavalry with infantry.

When he saw Cao thief launching a charge, his whole body tensed up, and he ordered loudly: "Raise the white flag!"

The army array representing the direction of Jingmen slowly rotated following the commander's flag.

It wasn't until the first wave of the Wei cavalry's charge was successfully repelled that Jiang Wei's heart in his throat fell back to its original position.

He was refreshed, surprised and confident, and quickly began to order the change of flags and drums.

The sounds of fighting and drums from the rear reached Zhang Yi's ears, making him feel a little anxious: listening to this movement, I'm afraid that the worst expected situation has already appeared.

It's just that he couldn't take care of the battlefield, and the cavalry of the Wei army who had crossed the water again was wandering around, so he had to force himself to focus on the front of the battle.

At the same time, I was thinking in my heart: I only hope that General Jiang can really take on important tasks as Junhou thinks.

But at this time, the most stressful person was not Jiang Wei, but Jufu who was defending the river.

Compared with yesterday, the antlers and ditches in front of the Wudang camp, which took half a day and a night to re-clear, have been completely destroyed in less than an hour.

Bandit Cao seems to be going crazy now, and is constantly rushing over from the opposite side, not giving Wudangying a chance to breathe.

So Gou Fu had no choice but to go into battle with a sword himself, killing several thieves in a row, and then he led the men to fill the gap opened by Cao thieves.

"here we go again!"

"A thief who can't be killed! Let's see how the adults teach you!"

Sweat flowed into his eyes, and Ju Fu had no choice but to stare wide-eyed: "Follow me!"

Wei Jun, who led the charge, was dressed in iron armor and looked at least like a military lord.

He was holding a knife, followed by dozens of Wei Jun, rushing towards the gap that could be repaired.

At this time, an iron arrow suddenly shot out diagonally, and hit the unprotected neck of the Wei Junjunhou, directly piercing his neck.

The military marquis staggered a few steps following inertia, and fell to the ground clutching his hands.

Gou Fu, who was about to fight, twitched his eyes and looked in the direction of the arrow. He saw a few figures shaking in the rear right, and they were aiming with a heavy crossbow with a slightly strange shape.

"night Hunter?"

Ju Fu's face beamed with joy.

The Dark Night Camp is the elite soldiers selected and trained by the prince himself.

Although there are not many people, each one is selected from hundreds of people, and everyone has unique skills.

The night hunters of the Night Battalion are crossbowmen, and their special heavy crossbow is their most obvious symbol.

Although there are only a dozen or so of them, for Jufu, their abilities can at least reduce the pressure on a phalanx.

Sure enough, when Wei Jun wanted to rush in the direction that was almost breached today, their leaders always fell down for no apparent reason.

The sun gradually rose to the mid-heaven, and countless people from both sides of the Han and Wei Dynasties fell down. Even the river water began to be dyed red, and the blood flowed north along the river and poured into the big river.

It was only under the attack of the Wei army back and forth that the Han army finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The sound of Ming Jin came, and the Han army kept retreating, retreating into the simple camp.

Seeing all this, Zhang Hua laughed loudly, raised his sword and shouted: "Walk over the water! Cross the water! The Shu captives have no way to stop us!"

Wei Jun cheered loudly.

"Your Majesty, we are clearly able to defend, why should we retreat to the camp?"

Zhang Ni's whole body was already drenched with sweat, he hurried up to the highest point in the center of the camp, his face anxious, "If this happens, I'm afraid Cao thief will escape!"

"Boqi, don't panic."

Feng Yong stood on the high platform, watching Wei Jun on the other side entering the water one after another, with a calm face.

He handed the binoculars to Zhang Ni, and pointed him in a direction: "Look over there."

Zhang Ni held up the binoculars and looked in the direction Feng Yong pointed, only to see a red tide rushing towards this side.

"It's our army!"

Zhang Ni suddenly put down the binoculars, his face showed ecstasy, and he looked at Feng Yong in disbelief.

Feng Yong also showed a smile on his face, and let out a long sigh of relief, "Wei Yan finally did not disappoint me."

"I asked the soldiers to retreat to the camp, just to let them rest for a while and replenish some food. I will only attack when the army arrives."

"There is a way to go all out, then decline again, and exhaust three times. Bandit Cao saw us get out of the way and was in a hurry to cross the water. His spirit has already weakened. When the army arrives, the morale will be exhausted."

Speaking of this, Feng Yong showed another sneer on his face, "Jincheng's reinforcements rushed to this point, and they did not spare any horsepower. In addition, they rushed forward in a hurry, trying to rescue Cao's bandits on the east bank."

"Under the continuous raids and battles in this hot weather, even if the horses can stand up, are the soldiers of their Wei State made of iron?"

It is nearly fifty miles from Jincheng to here.

Judging from the time when Jincheng's reinforcements appeared, this cavalry army must have been on their way.

You have traveled fifty miles, and you have been fighting with the Tiger Army for so long in this scorching weather, I don't believe that you still have the strength to run back to Jincheng safely.

When Zhang Ni heard this, he was startled: "Your Majesty wants to keep everyone?"

Feng Yong smiled slightly: "Isn't that good? Keep all these Cao thieves behind, and we can take the Golden City without bloodshed, so as to prevent the soldiers from attacking the city with blood."

"If the city wall is smashed, shouldn't it be rebuilt? At that time, the prime minister will most likely ask the Qiang Xiaowei's mansion to pay for it."

When Feng Junhou said this, a look of heartache appeared on his face, "How much did it cost me to build a Pingxiang City?"

When Zhang Ni heard that "the Golden City was captured without bloodshed", he was in admiration of the king's strategy.

Unexpectedly, when I heard the second half, I almost choked on my breath.

Think about it, after recapturing Longyou last year, the big man has been investing money and food in Longyou.

Only the Huqiang School Wei's Mansion will receive a batch of wool in the beginning of spring today.

Then Junhou drove back tens of thousands of animals from Longyou.

In the end, the Xianbei Hu people sent another 30,000 livestock in exchange for wool and grain—anyway, there are rumors somewhere that the price of wool and grain seems a bit high?

After these actions, even the people in Longyou Dudu's Mansion knew that the soldiers in Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion had meat to eat every day.

Zhang Ni thought for a while, if he was the prime minister, at worst Jincheng would be brought under the rule of Hu Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

Anyway, everyone knows that Feng Langjun is good at planning and fighting, and the tiger and wolf men under his command are just right to guard the golden city? At that time, you will not be responsible for building the city?

Where does the money and food for building the city come from?

It must be that there are 50,000 to 60,000 livestock on hand, and at the same time there are more than a dozen pastures under the control, and the Huqiang Xiaowei's Mansion of the five wool spinning workshops paid this money!

From this point of view, Junhou... really still has foresight.

Feng Junhou in the camp was calculating his money and food, but Zhang Hua, who was wading through the water, felt a sense of ominousness.

"General, general, it's not good!"

A little school came from behind in a panic, and even because he ran too fast and couldn't exert his strength in the water, the school fell in the water all of a sudden, flopped twice, and didn't stand up.

"Help him up quickly!" Zhang Hua hurriedly ordered, and at the same time asked anxiously, "What happened?"

Xiaoxiao, who was supported by his guards, turned pale: "General, the Han army, the Han army is catching up!"

Xiaoxiao's words made Zhang Hua fall into an ice cave.

The water flow, which was obviously cool, seemed to suddenly become extremely cold.

Zhang Hua's lips were trembling, and he didn't even want to believe Xiaoxiao's words: "Impossible! The Han army is attacking Yuzhong, and they didn't catch up at all!"

Is this Wei Yan sick? Is it sick?

I deliberately stayed at the dangerous place of Shanguan for one night, while you are busy attacking Yuzhong.

I left Shanguan, you catch up?

Could it be that you took down Yuzhong in just half a day?

Impossible, impossible!

In desperation, he obtained infinite hope, and then fell into the abyss from the infinite hope, with ups and downs, Zhang Hua couldn't bear the feeling of being played by others.

Coupled with the scorching sun, he only felt that his chest was extremely heavy, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

This is still the case for the commander-in-chief, let alone the soldiers underneath?

"The Shu army is coming from behind!"

Wei Jun, who had not yet crossed the water, was terrified. From the previous morale like a rainbow, it suddenly collapsed like a mountain.

Do not suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

The Han army in front had already moved out of the way, and someone in the same robe had already reached the other side, so why should I stay here?

Without being chased away by the Han army behind, the Wei army jumped into the water scrambling to be the first. Many people trampled on each other, and some even fell into the water and were trampled into the water by the fellow robes behind, unable to get up again.

The chaos that followed quickly spread to the West Bank.

At this time, Shi Zhangjiu, the mayor of Jincheng who led the army to push the Han army back to the camp, was setting up defenses on the west side of the Han army camp to prevent the Han army from fighting trapped beasts.

At the same time, he was about to send someone to contact the clan uncle when he heard a loud commotion from the direction of the river bank.

"what happened?"

Zhang didn't know what happened ahead for a while, so he asked loudly.

Before he could figure out the situation, when he crossed the water from the east bank, the Wei army defending the east side of the camp had already begun to waver.

"The army of Shu is chasing from behind!"

Wei Jun, who hurried ashore behind him, shouted in panic.

The Han army, who thought they had been forced back to the camp and did not dare to come out, suddenly drummed loudly and shot a burst of dense arrow feathers from the camp.

At the same time, the gate of the village opened wide, and the Han army who had recovered some of their physical strength rushed out again.

The Wei army guarding in front of the village was shaken because of the chaos in the rear, but Zhang Hua vomited blood and fainted, and there was no one to command for a while.

After being attacked by the Han army, and no one came to support him later, he collapsed without resisting a few times.

Some were even forced back into the river, drowning dozens of people.

The army led by Zhang Hua finally became completely confused.

"Steady! Don't panic!"

The soldiers Zhang sent out to try to maintain order were swept away by the surging rout.

The chaos was completely out of control.

"Quick, go find the prefect!"

Although Zhang Ji didn't fully understand what happened, but he was caught off guard, so he could only strictly guard his own formation, and at the same time, he didn't forget to ask people to find Zhang Hua.

Seeing Wei Jun coming from the east bank suddenly become extremely chaotic, Zhang was at a loss.

who are you? What are you doing?

What about attacking the Han army as agreed?

Zhang Jiu's eyeballs started to turn red with anxiety.

Hearing the sound of killing from the front again, his eyes turned from red with anger to despair: "I wish I could get into your mother!"

The situation took a turn for the worse, so Zhang couldn't accept this fact all at once.

"General, listen to those defeated soldiers shouting, saying that the Han army behind is catching up!"

The personal guard who finally inquired about the news ran back to report in a panic.

Looking at the broken soldiers running around all over the mountains and plains, Zhang smiled miserably, "The success falls short, Jincheng no longer belongs to the Great Wei! Liangzhou, it's over!"

He drew his sword in his hand, slashed at the stone angrily, and sparks flew everywhere: "Xu Miao, he is just a civilian official, he only knows how to govern the people but not military affairs!"

"Yuzhong Jincheng is the gateway to Liangzhou, and Xiping is no more than Liangzhou's arm. Losing Xiping, Liangzhou can still be rescued. Losing Jincheng, how can Liangzhou be safe?"

"General, let's retreat!"

The guard urged.

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw?"

Zhang pointed at the chaotic battlefield with his sword, "If we turn around and look back, do you believe that those routs can break up our formation?"

"Besides, even if we can go back, how can we defend Jincheng?"

Hearing what Zhang just said, all the generals and schools around were in mourning.

Zhang Taishou took away most of Jincheng's troops, and now they are being driven away by the Han army like pigs and dogs.

The reinforcements they brought out this time are already the last foundation of Jincheng, and now they can't advance or retreat.

Gone, all gone.

The commander-in-chief does not need to worry about chasing the rout soldiers himself, he has his own subordinates to deal with them. Wei Yan rode a horse and entered the camp "treading".

At a glance, I saw a person standing on the highest point of the camp, holding an oil umbrella to shade the sun, standing there alone, looking aloof and independent.

He drove his horse down, looked up at Feng Yong above, and didn't speak.

Feng Yong, who was wearing a thin Confucian shirt, looked down at him, "I thought you wouldn't come!"

It was too hot, and Feng Junhou, who was wearing iron armor, was almost suffocated to death. Once the Wei army was defeated and it was determined that there was no danger, a certain soil turtle immediately changed into a cool light shirt.

Wei Yan, who didn't understand the situation, saw that Feng Yong was so calm and breezy, with a rather Confucian demeanor, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but he was slightly taken aback in his heart.

This boy Feng, under the attack of Cao thief, can still look like this, he really has the style of a general.

Recalling that the prime minister is also a feather fan, has a four-wheeled cart in and out, and has always looked calm and calm, Wei Yan can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Come here to see if you're dead, maybe I can catch up with you to collect the body."

Hehe, Feng Yong was not angry, and suddenly asked a question: "Is the engineering battalion easy to use?"

Although he doesn't like this kid, Wei Yan has to admit: "It's good for attacking the city."

"So you want me to die and want to inherit my engineering battalion?"

Feng Yong sneered.

Zhang Yuan, who was standing below to listen to orders at any time, suddenly lowered his head and bit his tongue to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

The son inherits from the father, that is called inheritance.

Shan Zhang is planning to be the adult of Old General Wei?

It's just that Wei Yan is a rough old man, how could he know the viciousness of Feng Langjun's tongue?

He frowned, feeling that this was not a good word, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He knew that this son's tongue was as sharp as a knife, and few people could compete with him.

Moreover, the identities of the two are different from those in the past, so he can no longer overwhelm others with power at this time.

Seeing Feng Yong standing peacefully on a high place to enjoy the cool air, looking so uncomfortable, Wei Yan snorted and didn't reply.

Directly turned the horse's head, walked to the outside of the camp, and left his territory.

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