Farmer of Shu Han

Chapter 743 Is this okay?

After mid-August in Longyou, the heat can already be felt to subside.

In the weapons testing ground of the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau, Ah Mei stood in front of a three-foot-high shelf.

She looked left and right, and even bent down to carefully check the fit of each joint of the shelf.

There are more than a dozen students around, and everyone is holding a pen and paper to write down the defects that Mr. Mei may point out at any time.

Amei nodded after checking, "Yes, let someone install the crossbow."

After hearing this, the students quickly put down their pens and papers, and a few strong students brought over a giant crossbow not far away.

This giant crossbow is not only bigger than all the crossbows in the army, but also has a weird style.

The crossbow arm is five feet long, and the crossbow is even more exaggerated, more than ten feet long.

The crossbow string is thick, and the person who made the giant crossbow seems to think that the strength is not enough, so he added an extra thick string to the crossbow.

Just to lift this giant crossbow requires six strong students.

The students put the giant crossbow on the stand and fixed it at the same time.

Then a winch was attached to the end of the frame, with pull hooks wrapped around it.

After the installation was completed, Amei stretched out her hand, and a student handed a notebook to her.

She opened the book, and it recorded the materials and dimensions of the various components of this giant crossbow.

After checking and confirming that it was correct, Amei ordered: "Okay, let's start."

The students quickly dispersed.

Several soldiers in the army who were specially selected began to turn the winch according to the students' instructions.

The pull hook gradually tightened, pulling the bowstring backward, and then the body of the crossbow creaked and creaked.

Even if it is an empty string, you can feel the great power of this bed crossbow just by listening to the sound.

The thick bowstring slides through the trigger, and the warriors in the army, who are famous for their strength, have to use their strength to continue to pull the string hook over.

"Quick, buckle it up."

Ah Mei was kept far away, and some students directed people to hang the crossbow string on the trigger.

"Bring up the arrow!"

A thick arrow, or should be called a lance, four feet long, was lifted into the arrow slot of the great crossbow.

"Sir, it's ready."

Amei nodded: "Let it go."

The strongman in the army got permission, and took a hammer to hit the tooth machine hard.

There was only a dull "peng" sound, and the short spear flew forward at a certain angle, as fast as lightning, and hit the city wall 300 steps ahead.

A cloud of dust flew up from the city wall.

The arrow was bounced off, fell to the ground, and bounced up again until it landed again, kicking up a cloud of dust again.

Amy frowned.

The effect is still far from ideal.

A crossbow that can't shoot through the city wall is a hot chicken.

This is what the male gentleman said to her when he taught her the general principle of the giant crossbow.

She remembers it well.

So she has only one goal in making the crossbow: to shoot through the city wall.

"Go to number two."

she ordered decisively.

Compared with the No. 1 crossbow, the No. 2 crossbow seems to be the same at first glance.

But the model and material of the bowstring, and even the craftsmanship are different from the No. 1 bowstring.

The effect of the No. 2 crossbow is better, and it can barely shoot the javelin into the city wall.

Soon a soldier stepped forward, stretched out his hand and pushed down slightly, and the javelin was easily broken out.

So Amei drew a cross on the paper that marked the various parameters of No. 2.

The students also sighed.

As the backbone or future backbone of the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau, they naturally knew about the bed crossbow in front of them.

It is said that this kind of bed crossbow existed in the pre-Qin period.

It's just that things are too bulky, and the production is too complicated.

For many reasons, such as inconvenient use in the military, it is rarely used now.

It was not until the Hanyang Manufacturing Bureau was entrusted by the head of the mountain to improve this kind of crossbow, so Mr. Mei led the people to start making this kind of crossbow.

It's just that this kind of improvement has not been done before, and everyone can only explore bit by bit.

These two types of bed crossbows are far from the imagined data.

A Mei, a talented woman, couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

There is no complete framework for the material, system, and manufacturing process of the giant crossbow.

The principle structure diagram given by the male gentleman also involves a lot of knowledge, some of which I have just touched on.

Ah Mui once again felt powerless: her knowledge was still far from enough.

She flipped through the paper at the back. Although there were still a few models that hadn't been tested, based on the actual test results of the first two, she could already calculate their approximate power.

She walked back to the high platform of the test site and sat down, waved her hand, and ordered: "The rest of you come and make records."

Although I have already guessed the final result, but this kind of thing can't be rushed, I can only do it step by step, let my students lay some foundation and accumulate experience.

The test results of the third giant crossbow were similar to Amei's imagination, and it was still far from meeting the requirements.

The students were preparing for the fourth model test, when there was a rush of hooves at the entrance of the test site.

In the proving grounds, except for authorized circumstances, horses are not allowed to ride at will, let alone gallop inside.

The sound of horseshoes attracted many people to look at the source of the sound.

"Hu Qiang School Lieutenant's Mansion Urgent Report!"

A female knight was carrying a red flag on her back, and she said urgently, "Mrs. Mei, please return home quickly!"

Amei recognized that this was the female guard of the mansion, her expression changed, she got up abruptly, and rushed to meet her: "Is the Lord and Madam all right?"

No matter what happens in the house, as long as there is nothing wrong with the male and female monarchs, everything will be fine.

Before the horse came to a complete stop, the female guard turned over and dismounted vigorously, showing her superb riding skills.

She ran to Amei and handed over a token.

Then he leaned close to Amei's ear and said a word quickly in a voice that could only be heard by her.

"Quick, quick, get ready for the car!"

After hearing what the female guard said, Amei hurriedly gave orders loudly.

Soon a maidservant with a knife came over, protecting Amei and rushing towards the entrance of the testing ground.

Ah Mui hurriedly left without leaving any instructions, which made the students feel a little overwhelmed.

"what should we do?"

Hearing the "Emergency Report from the Lieutenant's Mansion of Hu Qiang School" just now, anyone would feel worried.

Because Huqiang Xiaowei's mansion, to a certain extent, represents the head of the mountain.

Shanzhang, is there anything wrong?

All the students felt a little uneasy.

"There is no movement in the barracks next door, so it's probably not an urgent matter..."

An older senior brother stood up and just said a word.

All I could hear was the shrill flute and whistle from the next door, piercing through the sky.

And not just one, but one after another.

This shows that this is a collection of all the soldiers in the camp.

Sure enough, after a while, bursts of shouting, counting, and even the sound of a neat and loud queue came here very clearly.

The students all looked at the brother who stood up and spoke in unison.

This senior brother wanted to slap himself.

"Well, pack everything up and be careful not to leave these materials behind."

"Especially Mr. Mei's books, don't throw them away."

Someone was ordered to pack up all the materials and books left by Amei.

These books had incomprehensible words such as "Solid Geometry", "Plane Analytical Geometry", and "Physics" written on their covers, and they were carefully put away.

At this time, the Huqiang School Captain's Mansion in the city has already been strictly guarded by maidservants with knives.

Because Feng Junhou went on an expedition and took away most of the guards, the peripheral troops were insufficient.

So the military camp outside the city received a military order and selected a group of soldiers from Nanxiang to enter the city to guard the Qiang Xiaowei's mansion.

A blank area has been drawn around the Huqiang Captain's mansion, and no one is allowed to approach without reason.

Amei's car drove into the mansion, and before the carriage stopped, she jumped off and ran towards a small courtyard.

The pampering and pampering in the past few years did not make her lose the vitality she had cultivated in Nanzhong in the past.

Around the small courtyard that was specially cleaned up for Guan Ji to use as a delivery room is the most heavily guarded place in the Huqiang Captain's Mansion.

Zhang Xingyi was sitting in the yard, staring straight at the delivery room with the door closed.

Amei ran into the small courtyard, and before she had time to salute her, she ran to the door of the delivery room: "Is the lady okay?"

Guan Ji's voice came from inside: "Nothing, it's not time yet."

Hearing the serene and steady voice of the female gentleman, Ah Mui breathed a sigh of relief.

She turned around and blessed Zhang Xingyi who was sitting there, "I have seen Miss Zhang."

Zhang Xingyi let out an "um" in his nose, which was regarded as a response.

Her eyes were still fixed on the door of the delivery room, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Faint voices came from inside.

The content is nothing more than the words of the female medical worker comforting Guan Ji, and Guan Ji's chuckle from time to time, it seems that she is well prepared psychologically.

At least Guan Ji wasn't too nervous after being explained by the female medical worker.

Ah Mei stood at the door, heard the voice inside, and at the same time she felt relieved, she realized that she was dripping with sweat.

She saluted Zhang Xingyi again, ran out of the yard again, and went back to her place to take a shower.

Even the hair was loosened and washed carefully.

After washing her body clean, she returned to the small courtyard where the lady was waiting to give birth.

This time, there was already a humming sound in the delivery room.

Then there were the encouraging voices of the female medical staff, and the constant instructions for what to bring.

The delivery room was suddenly opened, and the maid serving inside came out with a basin, and went in with hot water after a while.

The female medical worker's voice became louder and louder.

Amei stood by the door, grabbing the corner of her clothes, she felt that she was starting to sweat again.

The voice of the lady screaming became louder and louder. Standing by the door, Amei felt her ears were buzzing.

Zhang Xingyi stood up suddenly, and rushed to the door of the delivery room with an anxious face.

Amei subconsciously wanted to block the door.

Fortunately, Zhang Xingyi had no intention of rushing in.

She stood at the door, listened intently, then turned and stomped back and forth.

At the beginning, she just bit her lower lip tightly, but as Guan Ji's voice inside became more heart-rending, Zhang Xingyi's little face also turned pale.

She muttered to herself, seemingly unaware of what she was muttering.

On the contrary, when Amei passed by her, she could occasionally hear words such as "It's absolutely fine", "He killed a thousand knives", "Where is the person?" and so on.

Now in this mansion, apart from Guan Ji, Zhang Xingyi has the greatest power.

It was she who used Guan Ji's authority to make her own decisions by mobilizing the soldiers and horses of the Huqiang Captain's Mansion and cleaning up the irrelevant people around the mansion.

The one who killed a thousand swords was not here at this time.

In order to avoid suspicion, she had to use this method to express her attitude.

Zhang Xingyi glanced at Amei who was standing at the door.

Feeling Zhang Xingyi's gaze, Amei lowered her head slightly, but her attitude of guarding the door did not give in at all.

It was beginning to darken.

The people in the yard were all focused on the delivery room, and didn't pay attention to the passage of time at all.

Guan Ji's voice had changed from the loud and clear voice to a little hoarse.

She really didn't expect that giving birth to a child would be more painful than being injured back then.


"Ma'am use your strength!"

"Ah, ah..."

In the delivery room, Guan Ji's hands were tightly grasping the edge of the bed, her forehead was covered with sweat.

The female medical worker fed her a bowl of ginseng soup, which made her regain some strength.

"A Lang!" Guan Ji screamed, "Feng Mingwen!"

Zhang Xingyi's heart began to sink when he heard the shouting inside.

It's over, sister's consciousness, could it be that she has started to get confused?

I heard that my sister also started calling the emperor's brother-in-law at the last moment.

There are quite a lot of mosquitoes in autumn, and grass to repel mosquitoes was burned in the small courtyard.

Thick candles were lit, illuminating the delivery room like daylight.

Looking at the swaying figures inside, Zhang Xingyi couldn't help but tiptoed and lay down on the window lattice, trying to see what was going on inside.

"Feng Yong!"

Guan Ji shouted again.

At this time, Amei suddenly responded: "Female gentleman, male gentleman has sent you a message."


The tiger girl let out a loud cry, piercing her heart.

Zhang Xingyi suddenly looked at Amei.

The news that comes from the front will pass through him.

Why doesn't she know what Feng Mingwen sent to sister?

Hearing Ah Mei open her mouth, she said: "The tiger roars in the valley, the wind rises, and the dragon leaps over the clouds."

When the tiger girl heard it, her spirits lifted, and she yelled vigorously.

Just at this moment, the night wind blew past, making Zhang Xingyi tremble.

This roar of the tiger is quite appropriate...

Amei read down slowly: "Same voice is good for correspondence, same breath seeks each other."

This sentence is also good, quite the meaning of husband and wife.

Guan Ji took a deep breath: "Ah..."

"My relationship with my son is like a shadow chasing a body. Eat together with the roots and ears, and drink together with the cup."

This is the meaning of husband and wife sharing joys and sorrows.

Guan Ji remembered that she went to Hanzhong with the one who suffered a thousand knives, and shared Nanxiang with nothing, a sweet smile of memory appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Then tears flowed out: "Ah, ah..."

"Clothing with double silk and silk, and sleeping together with seamless clothes. Living in the wish to sit on the knees, and fulfilling the wish hand in hand."

After reading these two sentences, not to mention Guan Ji, even Zhang Xingyi's face turned red, so frightened that she almost couldn't help covering her face and running away.

How can such a private affair between a man and a woman be said like this?

Zhang Xingyi couldn't help but "bah" in her heart: Shameless!

"I don't move when I'm quiet, I don't stay when I swim. Birds with the same heart are like this flounder."

This sentence is a good sentence, just remembering that I was suffering such great pain, but the one who suffered thousands of knives led the army to go out.

Guan Ji was finally furious, and yelled, "Liar!"

Then she felt a sudden lightness under her body, and the female delivery worker picked up the baby and patted it gently.


There was a loud baby cry.

That's okay too?

Zhang Xingyi opened his mouth wide and looked at Amei blankly.

Amei wiped the sweat from her forehead.

"It's a girl..."

The voice of the female medical worker sounded.


When Zhang Xingyi heard this, the look on his face became a little weird.

The baby in my sister's womb has attracted the attention of many people.

I don't know how many people wished that the Feng family's first child would be a boy.

Now my sister has given birth to a girl...things seem to be getting interesting.

The door of the delivery room was opened, Zhang Xingyi calmed down and was about to enter.

Unexpectedly, there was another cry from inside.

"Quick! Close the door!"


Zhang Xingyi was caught off guard and almost hit the door.

"what happened?"

"There is one more, ma'am, keep pushing..."

Hearing the hurried voice inside, Zhang Xingyi's eyes widened in disbelief: "What?"

"What about poetry?"

Guan Hunu hissed like a tiger roaring inside.

Ah Mei finally woke up from her stupor, she opened her mouth, but for a moment she couldn't recall what she was reading just now.

It was Zhang Xingyi who reacted quickly and quickly reminded, "Flounder!"

Amei glanced at Zhang Xingyi gratefully, and quickly said: "Love is broken, but glue is not strong."

Zhang Xingyi was sour when he heard it.

"I hope there will be no difference in length, and they will become one body."


Tiger Girl cursed again.


"It's a young gentleman."

Zhang Xingyi was dumbfounded, and lost his voice: "This is so evil..."

She only said three words, then stopped suddenly, and said in a stammer, "Is this okay? Both children?"

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